Gu Chen looked through the rearview mirror in the car, although he couldn't see it clearly, he vaguely felt that this car friend who met her Pingshui was very good-looking.

"I don't know if I love or not, I only know that there are three hundred on the spitting cart!"

The words of the taxi brother instantly made the solemn atmosphere of the scene disappear without a trace.

After listening to it, Gu Chen couldn't help but feel that this driver's eldest brother was quite fashionable, and he actually knew about Internet jokes.

After a few seconds, the young lady in the back seat probably did not expect this taxi brother to answer like this. After a pause of sadness, he continued; "Isn't it two hundred?"

"Now that the price of love has increased, didn't I also increase the price?"

The humorous voice of the taxi brother suddenly made Gu Chen laugh.


" "Haha!"

Gu Chen didn't expect the two to be so funny.

And Gu Chen also saw the young lady in the back seat through the rearview mirror and smiled.


Gu Chen then quickly apologized, after all, it was already very bad to laugh in front of people, not to mention that people were still in love.

"Hey little girl, I see that you are not too old, life has just begun, and it is not worth it for these loves."

Then the taxi brother turned on the appearance of an emotional master, and Gu Chen nodded again and again.

It seems that this taxi brother is also a person with a story.

Time passed like this, Gu Chen looked behind from time to time, and found that the young lady in the back seat was in a much better mood at this time, and he had to admire this big brother.

In the end, he didn't know that he had arrived at his home, and if it weren't for the taxi brother reminding him, he wouldn't have known.

"It's here, handsome!"

Taxi brother reminded.

"How much?"

"Thirty! Just along the way, just collect less! "Good


Then Gu Chen scanned the code and got out of the car.

The little lady in the back seat nodded and got out of the car and walked away.

The young lady in the back seat only saw Gu Chen's appearance at this time, and she was stunned.

She didn't expect this little brother to be so good-looking, and then her pretty face turned red.

Because she thought of what she was in the car before, she was actually seen by this handsome little brother.

It's really social death.

"Girl, I'll just say it! You always meet something better in this world! Just like this handsome guy, you should just go directly to WeChat! The

taxi brother continued.

Gu Chen didn't know all this, he went home and took a shower and slept directly.

Early the next morning, in a huge bedroom, Gu Chen was dreaming.

At this time, the mobile phone placed on the bedside table rings a pleasant ringtone.


"Hey! Little dust, are you still sleeping? Is today a break? The

voice on the other end of the phone immediately sobered Gu Chen up.

"Ahem, Mom, is that you? Yes, today I rest!

"Well, I thought you weren't feeling well!"

"No, Mom, you don't know that I'm in good health."

"That's good?! But you also called last night's money? Where did you get so much money? Don't you tell me or your company's bonus?

Suddenly, before Gu Chen could breathe a sigh of relief, a hurried voice came from the other end of the phone.


Gu Chen was stunned when he heard this, and he knew that it was probably difficult to fool this time.

"Actually, I started a company, because my company has a lot of market potential, so many people want to buy shares, so I sold a little bit of shares yesterday."

Then Gu Chen rubbed his eyes.


Obviously, the other end of the phone does not believe it, Gu's mother does not understand at all, what shares can be sold for 10 million?

"Really mom! I can show you the company contract! Knowing

that Gu's mother didn't believe it, Gu Chen quickly found the picture taken yesterday and sent it to Gu's mother.

After that, Gu Chen heard two gasping sounds on the other end of the phone.

Apparently the shock was not light.

"How? Mom, I didn't lie to you!

"Good! My little dust is really powerful! Mother

Gu directly believed it.

"That is!"

Gu Chen got up at this time to make a phone call while washing, and chatted with his family.

It's just that at this time, Gu Chen was putting water and didn't hear the laughter coming from the phone.

"Since your company is bankrupt, don't think about anything else, enjoy the blessing with peace of mind!"

"But..." "

But what? Do you still want to drag your son into the water?


"Okay! That's it!

At this time, the conversation between Gu's father and Gu's mother, Gu Chen did not hear it.

After a few more conversations, he hung up the phone.

After getting ready for breakfast, I went out and drove yesterday's car back

to the other side.

In a small rental house, a woman with a delicate face is lying on the bed, making a phone call.

"Xiaoyan, what's the big deal? Isn't it just a breakup? Afraid that you won't find it based on your appearance? Don't think so much, I just got the news here. Sheraton Grand Hotel underground parking lot, parked a global limited edition sports car, just this news not many anchors know, you can just go to a live broadcast, can attract a wave of popularity! I

saw an anxious voice on the other end of the phone.


The woman named Xiaoyan showed a hint of curiosity on her pale face.

If Gu Chen was here, he would definitely know her, it was the woman who carpooled with her last night.

The woman's name is Yan Qing, an outdoor anchor on the tigerfish platform, and the other end of the phone is from the same union as her, and has a good relationship with her.

"Of course! This is what a fan of mine told me in a private message! If it weren't for your popularity this month, I would have wanted to go by myself!

"Ahem, Yin Yin, or hello, I'm not welcome this time!" Pay your salary at the end of the month and invite you to dinner! Yan Qing immediately took the lead.

"That's good, then that's the first way!"

"Hmm! Thank you!

"Who told me to spread your sister!"

Then the two chatted for a couple of words and hung up.

The smile on Yan Qing's face was retracted, but he quickly recovered, no way, he had to eat!

She quickly dressed up and headed towards the sports car location.

During the ride, she directly turned on the live broadcast.

"Welcome to my live room! Today I will show you a benefit!

Yan Qing said sweetly to the live camera as usual.

"Today's anchor is so special, special and good-looking!"

"Wow! Why is it so early to stream today?

"What benefits? Could it be... JPG (Bad laughs!)

"After so many days, the anchor finally figured it out? ...... JPG (Looking forward to it!) "

Upstairs is not normal... But...... I like it! "

For a time, the number of people in the live broadcast room rose and various barrages appeared.

Yan Qing who saw it pretended to be angry.

"What do you think? Am I Yanqing such a person? "

She knew that she came to the live broadcast room to see her face.

Before, several local tycoons had thrown a lot of money and wanted to invite her to dinner.

But I know what this means all these years, so Yan Qing didn't expect to refuse directly.

In the end, the eldest brother in the live broadcast room knew that Yan Qing was not that kind of person, so he left one after another.

However, this made netizens feel that the anchor was very special, so there were many more iron fans.

"This time I got news that a limited supercar was parked in the underground parking lot of the Sheraton Grand Hotel!"

Then he spit out the truth.

"Isn't it! Really fake?

"Go quickly, go quickly! Let's take a closer look, too! "

Why is the anchor so well-informed today?"

A barrage streaked through the live broadcast room, instantly arousing everyone's interest.

After that, Yan Qing kept chatting with water friends and went to her destination.

An hour later, arrive at the Sheraton Hotel.

Just as she was about to go to the parking lot, suddenly a young man came next to her, very handsome.

But why does she feel very familiar?

The person who came was Gu Chen, and he naturally found Yan Qing, but he didn't recognize it, after all, the light last night was very dark.

Gu Chen couldn't help but take a few more looks, and the beauty was eye-catching everywhere.

In particular, the beauty still holds a selfie stick in her hand, and she is the anchor at a glance.

Gu Chen, who had been in contact with before, naturally stayed away from the anchor.

I plan to stay away.

Yan Qing naturally didn't know Gu Chen's thoughts.

At this time, she saw Gu Chen's back, and a thunderbolt flashed in her mind, and she instantly remembered.

"It's him!"

The handsome guy who carpooled with her last night.

Since her lens is external, naturally it also captured Gu Chen's back.

So her live broadcast room suddenly boiled.

"Wow! Catch a wild little brother!

"The back looks very handsome!"

"Sister Qing Qing, strongly go up and provoke that little brother!"

"Ten Thousand Blood Book! Ask the anchor to pick up the little brother in front!

Suddenly, the color women, rotten women, and house girls who had been diving in the anchor room all appeared to speak.

There are also several rocket gifts that appear in the live broadcast room.

Yan Qing looked at it, and there was no way but to respond to the request of fans.

She does outdoor live broadcasting, and for the live broadcast effect, she has picked up many passers-by, and she has long been familiar with the road.

It's just that Gu Chen seems to know about her embarrassment yesterday, which made her face blush slightly.

"Little brother Little brother, hello! I'm a streamer, can I interview you? Trotting

over to catch up with Gu Chen, he asked generously.

His expression was slightly nervous.

Gu Chen looked at it, and saw a flush on the pure and beautiful face, which should have been brought by running just now.

However, he didn't want to interview again, he couldn't help frowning, and when he was about to refuse, he saw the other party's pleading eyes, and his heart suddenly softened.


After all, it's just a show of hands to yourself.

"Thank you!"

Basic courtesy qualities, can not be less.

"My name is Yan Qing, and I am a small anchor on the Tigerfish platform!"

Yan Qing suddenly breathed like a lan, and the aroma gradually penetrated into the bridge of Gu Chen's nose.

Then he pointed the live broadcast camera at Gu Chen.

In an instant, a handsome young face appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Shhh! So handsome!

"Wow! Sure enough, the back is good-looking, and the look is also very good-looking.

"It won't be a script, will it! Chance to meet a random little brother is this kind of little brother? "

The blind guess anchor is already drooling!"

"Upstairs the truth is out! Ha ha!

"Could it be that the little brother also went to the sports car?" Sure enough, good-looking boys love sports cars!

"Little brother also went to see the sports car?"

Seeing that Gu Chen did not recognize himself, Yan Qing suddenly felt at ease, but another inexplicable emotion appeared.

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