"What car?"

Gu Chen was stunned.

At this moment, he did not know the movement caused by his car.

"You don't know?"

This time, it was Yan Qing's turn to be stunned.

"What should I know?"

"A limited edition Aston Martin ONE-77 supercar is parked in the parking lot of the Grand Himala Hotel!" Yan Qing reacted and explained with a smile.

Hearing the anchor's words, a different color flashed in Gu Chen's eyes.

It turned out to see my car!

For a long time, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Little brother, what are you going to the parking lot for?" Yan Qing asked strangely.

"Get the car?" Why else would I go to the parking lot? Gu Chen glanced at it and replied faintly.

Gu Chen's words immediately made Yan Qing a little embarrassed, after all, this question was really a bit degrading.

Going to the parking lot is not to pick up the car or what?

In order to hide his embarrassment, Yan Qing's bright eyes turned and changed the topic; "Little brother has a car at such a young age?"

Immediately reacted, did she remember that Gu Chen took a taxi from here last night?

If you have a car, why take a taxi?

"Didn't you take a taxi last night?" How not to drive? Yan

Qing was impulsive in his heart, and directly asked the doubts in his heart.

"Huh? How do you know?

At this time, Gu Chen stopped and asked Yan Qing curiously.


Yan Qing's face suddenly turned red when she heard this, and she didn't know how to answer for a while.

After all, his performance last night was too humiliating.

"What's the situation?"

"Look at the little brother's expression seems to be real? Could it be..." "

Could it be that the anchor has been following people before?"

"What a big melon?"

"I've anticipated tomorrow's hot search. A certain anchor covets beauty and stalks and stalks?

Suddenly, the netizens in the live broadcast room exploded, and countless divers spoke enthusiastically.

For a while, her live broadcast room was extremely popular!

"You won't be the one who got drunk last night..."

Gu Chen reacted at this time, no wonder he felt a little familiar, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yan Qing.

"It's me-"

Yan Qing's face suddenly turned red, and he directly interrupted Gu Chen's words.


Gu Chen couldn't help but take a few more glances and connect the lovelorn girl who drunkenly asked the taxi master last night.

Just laugh out loud.

"Last night? Drunk? Forgive me for thinking crookedly!

"You're not alone!"

"It's over! I didn't expect that even the anchor was..." The

barrage in the live broadcast room was like a locust crossing the border, densely packed, and they were shocked.

"Oops! Where do you want to go, last night I was drunk and happened to meet this little brother to carpool with, so I just happened to meet. Yan

Qing also found that he was still live broadcasting at this time, and immediately reacted and explained.

If she really let the fans continue to talk, then she really can't tell.

At this time, there was a little less barrage, which made her relieved and quickly change the topic.

"Little brother, you still haven't answered?"

However, she was still embarrassed when she looked at the dust.

"I drank last night too!"

"So it is!"

"I didn't expect that the little brother is not only handsome, but also has three views! Love love, love!

"Sisters! Pull the knife!

"Come on, come on! Guess what car the little brother is driving? Gu

Chen's words made countless fans for a while.

"Buick? Chevrolet? Touareg? Wuling Hongguang? Nowadays? Volkswagen? Bmw? Benz? Audi? "


Yan Qing saw the speech on the barrage and made her laugh successfully!

"Wuling Hongguang? You're here to be funny, right? And

most of the live broadcast rooms are listed Wuling Hongguang.

Instantly made the entire live broadcast room crooked.

It is worthy of being a famous divine car.

"I guess it's the Touareg?"

Yan Qing himself joined the quiz with great interest.

She didn't think that the little brother in front would open Wuling Hongguang.

At present, the largest number of cars are owned by Buick and Volkswagen, and the Touareg is a newly emerging brand, which is affordable and pays attention to the people, and the safety performance is also very reliable.

Then the two walked into the parking lot one after the other.

"It's time! Take you to see the visual feast up close! Yan Qing said excitedly.

At this time, her live broadcast room was as popular as hundreds of thousands, and she was naturally attracted by her title.

This year, the aroma of wine is more afraid of the deep alley, how can it attract the audience without a good gimmick?

The title of her live broadcast is called [Coordinates Huahai! Take you to see the limited edition luxury sports cars! Let you experience a feast for the eyes! 】It

is worthy of being a famous five-star hotel in Huahai, and there is no shortage of luxury cars in the parking lot.

Suddenly, the bend in front was full of people, and there were four security guards inside maintaining order.

They were all specially transferred by the lobby manager.

After all, they have surprised tens of millions of top sports cars in their hotel, and if something happens, they will have a headache.

"Don't squeeze everyone! Only photos are allowed! No touching! "

Four security guards maintained order, but I didn't expect that this owner was really willful and parked the sports car here?

This is not a private parking lot, what if it is scratched?

However, they are also very amazing and envious, and they did not expect that one day they would be able to see this luxury car up close.

At this time, a group of people surrounded, took photos and checked in, and posted in the circle of friends can also be filled with cups, right?

The two walked through the crowd excitedly.

It is a sports car full of technology.

Silver paint, streamlined body.

Jet tail, titanium alloy four central exhaust pipes.

Bright lights fell overhead in the parking lot, coating it with a faint glow.

It's so beautiful, the live broadcast room is instantly boiling!

“666! The anchor sincerely does not lie to me! What a limited edition sports car! "

Cool hanging day! This is where men belong! "

Aston Martin ONE-77, limited to 77 worldwide! The original price is more than 40 million! It was sold in China for more than 50 million! And it is priceless and marketable! I didn't expect that one day I would be able to see it with my own eyes! No more to say! Rockets on offer!

"Conscientious anchor, a rocket, go up and touch it, tell me how it feels?"

Suddenly, the popularity of Yan Qing's live broadcast room rose sharply, and soon reached four and five hundred thousand! And it continues to rise.

All kinds of gifts are flying all over the screen, and several rockets that were rare in the past have also appeared!

"Wow! First time receiving so many gifts!

Yan Qing was stunned, she didn't expect to be able to cause such heat.

The excitement in my heart can be imagined.

Gu Chen on the side just smiled and did not speak.

Qing Qing also reacted quickly, blushing.

Later, for the live broadcast effect, she continued to talk to Gu Chen; "Little brother, how's it going? This car is your boy's dream!

"Ok! It's a little better to drive than a normal car! Gu Chen's face remained unchanged, and he responded faintly.

"Eh?" Yan Qing didn't know what to say, and continued with a blank look: "Say it as if you drove it!" The

two talked for a few minutes, all the way around the sports car.

Ling Yanqing was very satisfied.

Looking at the luxury car in front of him, Yan Qing wanted to go up and touch it, but he didn't dare, for fear that he would accidentally touch it and couldn't afford it, with a hesitant face, Gu Chen next to him shook his head and smiled.

I was about to step forward, but I was stopped.

"Oops! Didn't you say it? Only allowed to see or not touch, this is tens of millions of luxury cars, don't break it!

One of the security guards reminded Gu Chen.

Hearing the words of the security guard, the surrounding crowd subconsciously took a few steps back, looked at the sports car from a distance, and was shocked.

They thought there were millions more of them! I didn't expect to ask for tens of millions, and if they broke a little, they couldn't afford to go bankrupt.

However, I am also very curious about which Shenhao can afford this car, even in Huahai, this sports car is also top-notch!

"Yes, yes! Little brother! Don't break it!

At this time, Yan Qing also hurriedly came over and pulled Gu Chen, in her opinion, it was normal for Gu Chen to see this sports car and was excited, compared to which boy saw it and was not moved.

"By the way, little brother, where is your car parked? Didn't you pick up the car? Walk around! Let's see where the little brother's car goes?

Then, in order to persuade Gu Chen, Yan Qing quickly changed the topic.

And Gu Chen originally didn't want to put a cup, but seeing this, he couldn't pretend.

"Aren't you watching all the time?"

Gu Chen smiled, and then took out the key and pressed it gently.


Suddenly, a crisp sound of the car engine sounded instantly, and the lights suddenly lit up, emitting a strange light.

Frightened all the people present and retreated one after another.

"The car door is open?"

"Could it be that the owner of the car is here?"

In front of everyone, the doors on both sides slowly rise like butterfly wings, and the luxurious decoration inside can be seen.

Countless people's eyes straightened.

"You you you... I..."

Yan Qing was suddenly stunned, pointed to the sports car, and looked at Gu Chen incredulously, incoherent for a while.

The same is true in the live broadcast room, like a violent stone falling into the water.



First, there are question marks all over the screen.

"It turns out that Shenhao has always been by our side!"

"This little brother is also too low-key!"

"Groove! I seriously doubt that this is the script!

"No wonder the little brother was calm and indifferent the whole time, it turned out to be his own car?"

"I thought I was the only one who found out!"

"Now Shenhao is so good at playing?"

Countless barrages followed, one after another.

Yan Qing didn't come to his senses for a long time.

For an ordinary person like her, this car is her luxury for a lifetime!

If she can become popular and become a pillar of the platform in the future, it will be another matter.

"Do you want to step forward and touch it?"

At this time, Gu Chen asked to the stupid Yan Qing next to him.

"It can... May I?

Yan Qing bit her full lower lip, not yet reacting from the shock.

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