"Of course!"

Gu Chen nodded and went straight forward, this time the security guard did not stop him, but looked at Gu Chen with a cautious face.

"It's over! The anchor has fallen and is about to become Shenhao's plaything! "

The next plot can be guessed by deep netizens in the live broadcast room.

Get in the car, drag racing, eat. Hotel. Open the house, all in one go.

This is the unpretentious means of the rich man.

Yan Qing walked in front of the silver supercar and touched it in the envious eyes of everyone.

A gold-swallowing behemoth that feels cold to the touch, soft and silky, and has no emotion.

After seeing Yan Qing touch, Gu Chen also walked into the car.

Comfortable leather seats. It fits perfectly into the curve of the owner's back and allows people to blend in with the body.

The luxurious central control design is all made with cutting-edge technology.

Gee...... Comfortable!

If watches and wallets are a man's romance, then a supercar is a man's dream!

On the co-pilot, a file bag was placed, which contained all the formalities of the car.

Ignoring cause and effect, the mutated Taobao can rationalize all the irrationality.

As for driving techniques? As a former rich second generation, not being able to drive a sports car is the biggest joke.

At this time, Yan Qing, who touched the watch, was still intoxicated by the wonderful feeling

and thought in his heart: "What if I wait for the little brother to call me to the car?" Am I on or not? "

It's extremely tangled, although it won't happen if she goes up, but she's in the live broadcast!"

But a little unwilling, this may be the closest chance in her life to sit on a supercar!

The red pretty face was full of entanglement.

However, Gu Chen had already helped her make a decision.

Directly closed the car door.


Instantly brought Yanqing back to his senses!

"Huh? What's going on? Looking

at the closed car door, I was stunned.

"He closed the car door?"

"Hey? Isn't the script right?

"Can't this Shenhao look down on our anchor?"

"Could it be that this Shenhao is a straight man of steel?"

"666, Shenhao only sees cars, and women will affect the speed of sports cars!"

Whether it is the live broadcast room or the scene, they are confused by Gu Chen's operation!

No one expected that he would directly leave the anchor who came with him aside.

It is even more insulting Gu Chen's stormy heavenly things, such an expensive sports car, such a beautiful young lady, she does not cherish it at all.

Touch it, it's really just touching!

Is this the legendary Xiu'er?

Yan Qing was also stunned at this time.

Who am I?

Where am I?

What am I going to do?

She even seriously doubted her appearance.

You must know that there are many people chasing her outside, and there is even no shortage of some bigwigs who have invited her to dinner and offered to raise her at a high price!

For a moment she was in self-doubt, was there something wrong with her charm?

All this has nothing to do with Gu Chen in the car.

After he adapted to the environment, he rolled down the window and nodded to Yan Qing who was stunned next to him.

He kicked the accelerator open.


The roar of the engine unique to the supercar erupted, making the surrounding group of people consciously give way.

They don't even dare to touch porcelain, after all, they are afraid of scratching, and the medical expenses paid by others will not be enough for others to repair it.

The air flow at the rear of the car rushes, and the friction between the wheels and the ground kicks off puffs of smoke.

In an instant, it was like a galloping cheetah, running wildly on the road.

After a few seconds, it disappeared from everyone's eyes.

After paying the parking fee, he walked away under the envious and respectful gaze of the big brother who charged.

The unique sound of sports cars made pedestrians on both sides of the road pay attention, and Gu Chen's front and rear had a vacuum of tens of meters, and other cars were hiding far away.

There were even some female drivers, and the men next to them were terrified, and directly told them to pull over.

Gu Chen in the car recalled the expression of the beautiful anchor, and suddenly became happy.

"I'm so sorry! I still have something, it's not that I'm incomprehensible!

"Let's invite you to dinner next time we meet!"

Gu Chen secretly said in his heart.

Today he also has to go to the company to deal with the merger, as well as about Chu Xinyi's position.

Plus he has an inexplicable affection for Chu Xinyi, he really doesn't want to provoke feelings!

As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the sports car was like a sword out of its sheath and flew towards Taiyu Group.

Everyone in the parking lot saw that the sports car had left, and there was no excitement, and soon dispersed.

It's just that before leaving, everyone glanced at Yan Qing with a pitiful expression.

Ling Yanqing's face turned red, and under the jokes of all the water friends in the live broadcast room, she also left this sad place.

But she didn't blame Gu Chen, after all, people had just met her, and they weren't so familiar, so the ghost would invite her to sit.

Even she had to thank him, this live broadcast was an unprecedented success, the highest popularity reached more than three million, that is, when Gu Chen said his identity, the gifts did not stop.

It has skyrocketed her popularity dozens of times, and she has more than 500,000 fans.

The only thing that made her regret was that such a handsome and rich little brother, she didn't even ask for contact information.

Next to the Taiyu Group Building.

At this time, the two men looked at the building and were talking.

The older man looked at the younger man and said apprehensively; "Xiaoding! Is that classmate of yours reliable? Don't make a joke then?

"Don't worry, manager! My classmate is my best buddy, and his family is rich! Getting to know a supervisor isn't easy!

The young man patted his chest and said.

It was Ding Rui, who was drinking with Gu Chen last night, and the other person was the manager of their company's purchasing department.

"Didn't I hear you before?"

The manager was still a little unconvinced.

After all, Taiyu is a large group, far from being comparable to their company.

"I only met him yesterday, and I only listened to him yesterday!"

"Okay! I hope your classmate didn't lie to you, the company's raw materials can't hold up, if you can do it this time, you will have made a great achievement!

"Don't worry! Manger!

Then the two walked towards the Taiyu Mansion.

"Who are the two gentlemen looking for?"

In the hall, the lady at the front desk looked at Ding Rui and the two with a smile.

"Hello! Are we looking for Qin Weiqin, the director of the material department? Ding Rui said with a smile.

His heart is also slightly nervous, and the confidence of the small company makes him a little weak in the face of large groups.

"Supervisor Qin?"

The lady at the front desk nodded when she heard this, and then directly dialed the group's internal special number.

The landline beeps twice and then is connected.

"Hello, this is the front desk of the group, I have two guests here to find Supervisor Qin?"

After a few seconds, she laughed and hung up.

"Hello, Director Qin will send someone over immediately, the two of you can wait in the waiting area over there!"

The young lady at the front desk looked at the nervous two, smiled professionally, and then pointed towards the two of them.

"Oh? Good good! Thank you! Thank you! When

Ding Rui heard this, he was stunned, and then said with a smile.

He and the manager sat on the guest sofa opposite.

"It seems that your classmate didn't lie to you! You didn't even report your name, and people came to see you! At this time, the manager also put his mind down.

"Of course!"

Ding Rui was also a little surprised, but he was very happy.

Not long after, I saw a young man in overalls walking over and facing Ding Rui and the two; "Was that your call?"

Ding Rui quickly stood up and nodded.

"Which of you two is Mr. Ding Redding?"

"Me!" Ding Rui was slightly stunned.

"Hello Mr. Ding, I was sent by our supervisor Qin Wei, and our supervisor couldn't get out, so he instructed me to make amends for you, and arranged for me to receive the two!"

The young man smiled slightly.

As soon as these words came out, Ding Rui and the manager were instantly stunned.

Neither of them expected this to be the result.

"It's okay, it's okay! We took the liberty to interrupt!

Then the manager reacted and hurriedly waved his hand.

Just kidding, what is the status of the people, although I don't know why people are so polite, but the two dare not be presumptuous.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

The same is true of Ding Rui.

He couldn't figure out all this, and he could only owe it to Gu Chen.

It seems that Gu Chen is more powerful than he thought.

"The two don't have to be like this, the supervisor has ordered, the two gentlemen can directly raise what they need help with, as long as it doesn't violate the interests of the group!" The young man said with a smile.

However, he learned from Director Qin that this was ordered by the new chairman of their group.

Then Ding Rui and the others said their request to come here.

After speaking, he looked at the young man with apprehension.

"Don't worry! I don't know how much do you need? As soon as the contract is signed, we can arrange the delivery immediately. The

young man had a worthless expression.

This is no problem for him at all.

Not to mention that it was ordered by the chairman.

Then the manager still couldn't believe it, so simple to solve?

Then he shook his head, if he had solved it earlier, he wouldn't have to run before and after.

After he consulted the company's CEO, he told him that he could act as a sole agent in the matter.

So he ran with the young man and worked for most of the hour to complete the contract.

As long as the manager takes it back and stamps their company's official seal, it will take effect.

Walk out of the hall.

"Manager Liu, Mr. Ding, then I wish us a happy cooperation!" The youth also seemed very happy.

He is happy not to promote the completion of this order, but as long as he does this thing beautifully, then it will leave a good impression in the eyes of the chairman.

"Team leader Li, happy cooperation, thank you this time!" The manager is also in a good mood.

He knew that all this was because of the classmate in Ding Rui's mouth.

Then the young man sent the two to the intersection, and was about to say goodbye.

A loud roar of cars came.

Instantly attracted everyone's attention and looked at it from afar.

A handsome sports car came slowly.

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