In the afternoon, the two walked around the street and went to many places where couples went to check in, and the unpleasantness of the morning was quickly forgotten.

However, a phone call broke the mood of the two.

"President Gu, just a few police officers took Zhu Xian away!"

A voice came out on the other end of the phone.

"Who was taken away?"

Gu Chen was stunned when he heard this, and took it away to call me for what?

"It's Zhu Xian, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Security in the morning!"

"It's him!"

Gu Chen instantly remembered.

Immediately he understood that all this was coming at him.

"Any idea what the reason for taking away is?" Gu Chen raised his eyebrows and asked.

He already had a guess in his heart.

"The officer said he had received a report for assaulting someone!"

Sure enough, hearing this, Gu Chen must have done it by the clown in the morning.

I haven't looked for you yet, but you found me first!"

"I'll arrange a lawyer to fish him out on this matter!" Gu Chen ordered directly.

Since he also inherited a law firm, he also knew about some laws, and at most he would apologize for this matter, and he did not need to be detained.

People went in for themselves, so of course they had to keep him.


Then Gu Chen hung up the phone.

"What's wrong?" Chu Xinyi didn't hear it clearly, but saw that Gu Chen's face was a little bad, so he asked with concern.

"That clown actually arrested the security guard of the group in the morning!" Gu Chen said flatly.

"Huh? How did Pei Yu arrest the security guard? Chu

Xinyi couldn't help but smile when she heard this, and then had some doubts.

"I guess his uncle doesn't want to offend Grandview Group! Just want to find a scapegoat! Warn us!

Gu Chen immediately guessed Uncle Pei Yu's thoughts.

"So what are you going to do?"

Chu Xinyi understood as soon as she heard it.

"This matter naturally won't be so calculated," Gu Chen rubbed his broken hair and said with a smile.

Then the two never put this episode in their eyes again and continued to shop.

Originally, this matter was just an extremely small matter, countless cases would occur every day, and because of the intervention of a provincial boss, things naturally became not simple.

On the other hand, there are heavyweight enterprises pressing the formation, which causes things to freeze.

Originally, according to Uncle Pei Yu's idea, he arrested the security guard and locked him up for a few days, gave his nephew a blow, and warned Grandview Group by the way, this matter is over.

Most companies should also choose to settle the matter, at most give some compensation to the security guard afterwards.

However, Gu Chen directly handed over to the lawyer for follow-up, resulting in this matter can only be done according to the rules.

However, the party was not here, and the police did not know the specific situation, plus the evidence provided here, and finally after fining a little money, Zhu Xian could only be released.

"Uncle, now Grandview Group doesn't put you in his eyes!"

Pei Yu on the side was fanning the flames.

He is desperate for his uncle to find trouble with Grandview Group.

"How unreasonable!"

Uncle naturally had a haze in his heart, and since he rose to this position last year, no one had been able to disobey his orders.

He naturally has a great dislike in his heart, if the ordinary company dares to do this, he would have already signaled to the following to strictly investigate, unless your foundation is very clean.

Otherwise, what awaits you is a steady stream of fines.

But Grandview Group is not an ordinary group, and besides, he heard that Grandview Group has a close relationship with a certain leader, which is what makes him fearful.

No one wants to make a big enemy for no reason.

"Uncle, I know you're worried, but our Pei family is not vegetarian either! Spread out, doesn't it mean that our Pei family is afraid of others? Pei Yu continued to fan the flames on the side.

Although he is the next generation heir of the Pei family, his status is not as high as Pei Yu's uncle now.

The Pei family, a large family on the southwest border for hundreds of years, is generally little known, mainly in the jade jewelry business, and its volume is much larger than that of Grandview Group.

Uncle Pei Yu also had an ugly face when he heard this, they naturally valued face more than anyone, originally he wanted to forget it, but now when he heard his nephew say this, he reacted, yes, although his nephew was a little pushy, but he also said it very reasonably.

The face of the Pei family cannot be lost!

Then he directly opened his mobile phone and instructed some of the following departments to find Grandview Group.

Pei Yu on the side was very proud, hum! Grandview Group! See what you do!

The people below received the call and immediately cried bitterly, this is a chore!

Grandview Group: This is a big group! They can check it if they want, but now they have no choice but to bite the bullet.

Return to hotel in the evening.

He repeatedly refused to go to Chu Xinyi's house to rest because he still had things to do.

In an instant, he had even greater hatred for Pei Yu, because of him, he lost the opportunity to go further with Chu Xinyi.

"Give me all the information about that Pei Yu in the morning, as well as some of his erroneous information!" I don't believe in this kind of goods, there will be no previous convictions!

Gu Chen ordered the assistant in the hotel.


The assistant only agreed when he heard this.

"Good! Speed me up! You can call all the relationships I have on hand!

"Understood! Mr. Gu! Then

the assistant left.

After Gu Chen washed up, he made a phone call with Chu Xinyi and quickly fell asleep.

The next day, he went directly to China Auto Group.

"Mr. Gu, welcome to inspect!"

Mei Jiale suddenly said to Gu Chen with a smile on her face and a very doglegged face.


Gu Chen also nodded, and then he walked in.

"How's the car selling? What's next?

Gu Chen asked while inspecting.

"Mr. Gu, now our cars have been sold all over the country, and agents in various places have urged us to hurry up."

When Mei Jiale heard Gu Chen's question, a smile immediately appeared on her face, and she introduced with confidence on her face.

"And car after-sales, also keep up with the pace, has opened branches all over the country, but now the cars sold, there are almost no huge problems, most of the small problems are not elegant!"

"Well, good! But this piece can't be relaxed!

Gu Chen was very satisfied when he heard this, but he still encouraged.

"Mr. Gu, please rest assured!"

As Gu Chen's number one big dogleg, he naturally wanted to follow Gu Chen closely.

"How many cars can be produced in a day now!" Gu Chen walked around the production workshop again and continued to ask.

"Mr. Gu, this is also what I want to report to you, before we produced 10,000 vehicles a day, but now it is not enough, so I added another twenty production lines, and now I can produce 30,000 cars a day!"

Mei Jiale quickly said when she heard this.


Gu Chen nodded when he heard this.

Later, he went to the research plant and chatted with Liang Lao and others for a lot before returning to the office.

After taking a look, I found that China Automobile Group is now developing steadily and is very satisfied.

Then his mobile phone suddenly rang.

Found is Xinyi.

"Hello? What's wrong? Gu Chen asked with a smile.

"Gu Chen, the group has been investigated!"

Chu Xinyi said anxiously.

"Huh? What's wrong? Gu Chen frowned and asked.

"I don't know what happened today, several departments suddenly raided and inspected, so that the internal office of the group could not be done."

"Have you had it before?"

"Nope! Even if there is, the other party will call in advance, or just check it routinely and leave, but now suddenly doing this, it should be someone ... It's Pei Yu! Chu

Xinyi shook her head when she heard this, and then thought of something and suddenly said with an ugly face.

When Gu Chen heard this, he felt that it was also him.

"Let them check first! I'd rather see what they can find!

Gu Chen said directly, and he planned to go directly to the group.

An hour later, Gu Chen stopped at Grandview Group and found dozens of cars from different departments parked outside, which caused many spectators and some reporters.

Suddenly his face sank, this kind of engagement will greatly damage the reputation of Grandview Group, after all, people will not pay attention to whether it is a competitor to do the ghost, they will only think about what Grandview Group has done to cause such a big investigation?

Then he took the lead and walked inside.

"This gentleman, you can't go in here now!"

An inspector directly stopped Gu Chen.

"I am the Chairman of Grandview Group! Is there a right to go in! Gu Chen said lightly.

Immediately, the inspector's face changed, and his face turned pale and he took a few steps back.

Gu Chen didn't bother to pay attention to such a small person and dropped the price.

All the way to Chu Xinyi's office, I saw several heads of the department's investigation sitting inside.

After seeing Gu Chen, it was a little strange.

"I wonder what crime Grandview Group has committed? Can you make such a big move? Gu Chen asked calmly after glancing at it.

Several responsible persons suddenly felt a huge momentum pressing, greater than their superiors.

"This is..."

suddenly they couldn't sit still, frowning and asking.

"Oh? Investigate my company here and don't know who I am? Gu Chen sneered.


Several people's faces suddenly changed when they heard this, they didn't expect that the bosses of the other party were coming, and they retreated with some weakness, after all, there are big people worth hundreds of billions in front of them, not they can compare.

"This is Gu Chen, the chairman of our Grandview Group!" At this time, Chu Xinyi opened his mouth and introduced.

"President Gu, I'm really sorry!" Several people greeted each other when they heard this.

"I wonder what you came from? What is the evidence? Gu Chen asked.

"This..." "

Mr. Gu, we received an order from our superiors that someone... Someone reported your company..." Several

people in charge were a little sweaty.

Seeing a few people like this, Gu Chen suddenly sneered, and he was very sure that Pei Yu was a ghost.

"In that case! Then I have to ask the leaders of Yangcheng how they treat big taxpayers? Gu

Chen's heart moved at this time and he had an idea.

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