"This... Mr. Gu said seriously, we also received a call, it was definitely not aimed at Mr. Gu, but also asked Mr. Gu to stop being angry! At this time, the person in charge of the anti-corruption bureau hurriedly said.

In his heart, he has already scolded his superiors as dogs, and he knows that this errand is not easy to handle, this is not to pit himself!

"Team Li, after the inspection, there is no problem!" At this time, a member of the team came to report.

"Team Zhang! No problem!

"Team Wang, there is no problem!"

At this time, several other team members also reported one after another.

It made their faces change.

"I think I'll ask your leaders about this!"

Gu Chen sneered, and then took out his mobile phone and flipped directly to an encrypted number.

This is the number one in Yangcheng, and it is also the number exchanged with him when the Shenzhou Automobile Group was established before.

"Hey, Chief Wan!"

At this time, an ordinary office building not far away, although extremely ordinary, no one dared to ignore it.

At this time, I was in a well-lit office on the first and third floors.

A man with a national character face, about forty years old, was dealing with official business when suddenly his personal mobile phone rang.

After seeing the remarks, he was stunned, obviously very surprised by this call.

But he connected quickly.

"Hey, Mr. Gu! What a rarity! Said with a smile.

Obviously, his impression of Gu Chen was very deep.

"I'm really sorry to disturb Chief Wan!" Gu Chen also said with a smile.

However, the several responsible persons on the opposite side were uncomfortable, although they didn't know who Gu Chen called, but with their toes, they could think of it, would it be a simple person who could call the chief? Can it be treated like this by hundreds of billions of bosses, will it be an ordinary person?

But now they can't stop it, they can only watch Gu Chen speak.

"Oh? I wonder what happened to Mr. Gu? "

Chief Wan naturally understands, what is the matter with this Mr. Gu looking for himself?

"I would like to ask Chief Wan, whether the law enforcement department in Yangcheng can investigate a company without evidence and have a great impact on it!" I would like to ask Chief Wan.

Gu Chen asked directly, and several responsible persons were dead in their faces!

"Huh? Did something happen to Mr. Gu? At this time, Chief Wan was stunned, and then asked solemnly.

Then Gu Chen said what happened before.

"So I want to ask Chief Wan to give me justice!"

After speaking, he waited for Chief Wan to answer.

And Chief Wan was stunned, he didn't expect that Grandview Group, one of the large groups in Yangcheng, was also this Mr. Gu's!

At such a young age, he sat on hundreds of billions of assets, which he did not expect.

"Mr. Gu, please rest assured! I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter! Mr. Gu will never be disappointed! Then he reacted and quickly assured.

Joke, if this matter is not handled well, their official image of Yangcheng will stink.

"Then trouble Chief Wan to explain to me!"

Gu Chen was waiting for this sentence.

He then hung up.

"President Gu, this matter..." Seeing

Gu Chen hang up the phone, several responsible persons suddenly wanted to say something, but were directly interrupted by Gu Chen.

"All right! No need to tell me about this anymore!

Gu Chen waved his hand and left here directly with Chu Xinyi.

Several people looked at each other, and they all saw the word 'finished' in their respective eyes.

Sure enough, they each received a call from their superiors at the same time.

"Li Cheng, I now order you to close the team immediately, and from now on, you have been suspended."


Then several people hung up the phone in dismay.


Then a group of people came in an imposing manner and walked dead silent, because they all knew that it was illegal for them to go to the police this time.

"President Gu, General Manager Chu has already left!"

That's when an executive came to report.

"Hmm! I know, let's work hard!

Gu Chen ordered.

At this time, Chu Xinyi had already seen from her mobile phone that someone reported that their Grandview Group headquarters was being investigated by official joint law enforcement personnel.

"This incident has caused a lot of damage to our image!" Then gave the mobile phone to Gu Chen and said.

"It's okay, I'll ask Chief Wan to help me clarify it later."

After reading it, Gu Chen found that this report was quite pertinent.

"Who did you call just now?" Chu Xinyi heard Gu Chen and asked very curiously.

"The number one in Yangcheng! Chief Wan? No way? You didn't know for so long? Gu Chen suddenly asked exaggeratedly.

"It's him!"

Chu Xinyi rolled her eyes at Gu Chen and continued to ask, "How did you know him?"

"I met China Auto Group last time!"

Gu Chen replied with a smile.

Chu Xinyi nodded when she heard this, indicating that she understood.

"By the way, this time I just took this opportunity to move the group to Huahai! This time, I look at Yangcheng, who dares to stop it! Suddenly looked at the sad Chu Xinyi and said with a smile.

When Chu Xinyi heard this, he saw that Gu Chen was not joking, and suddenly became serious.

"You're not kidding?"

"Naturally not! I couldn't find an excuse yet! This time just right! Gu Chen said with great certainty.

"But many locals of Grandview Group, they are not expected to go to Huahai, and some high-level people do not want to go to Huahai!"

Chu Xinyi naturally wanted to return to Huahai to work in her heart, but moving the company was not a simple matter.

"Don't worry! I know, after moving to the head office, Yangcheng can still be regarded as an important branch! This solves the local staff affairs very well.

"Besides, I have investigated the management, and many of them are not locals, and there are even a few Huahai locals!" Moving to Huahai did not have much impact on them, and then adjust the welfare problem, which was naturally solved.

Gu Chen talked, looking like a pearl in his hand.

"This way!"

Hearing Gu Chen say this, she had no reason to refuse, after all, Gu Chen had thought it out at a glance.

"Then move! This time the official of Yangcheng really can't do it! Chu

Xinyi also agreed.

After all, Gu Chen's original intention in this matter was to stay with herself, which made her very moved.

If it is placed in ancient times, it is definitely the Lord who loves beauty and does not love rivers and mountains.

"Okay! Wait a minute, you will notify the management for a meeting, talk to them first, ask their demands! Gu Chen said directly.

On the new side, he still has a few empty residential buildings.

"Okay! I will arrange this as soon as possible!

Then the two discussed a lot, and Chu Xinyi went down to arrange it.

She believes that many people should follow the group, after all, the welfare treatment of the 100 billion group is generally not bad, and Gu Chen is still very generous, and he has raised many benefits since he took office.

After only Gu Chen was left in the entire office, his face sank, after all, he has been troubled by the other party in the past few days, and he has not fought back, this is not his style.

"Hey, how's the data collection?" Gu Chen asked directly while calling.

"President Gu, Pei Yu's information has only been found, but I have found a lot about his crime!"

The assistant naturally knew what was happening, so he said directly.

"Huh? What's going on with the data? Gu Chen was stunned and asked a little puzzled.

"President Gu, the Pei family is a little difficult! I have already passed the information to you, you can see for yourself! The assistant reported.

"Hmm! Keep investigating!

Gu Chen nodded and said a word before hanging up the phone.

Open the computer, log in to QQ, and an email will pop up immediately.

Click on it and see what the assistant means.

Pei Yu, ethnic Han, male, 25 years old this year, from Nanning, Guangzhou Province.

His father was a local commoner, and the rest were extremely ordinary.

Gu Chen knew at a glance that the information was fake, but the results of the investigation showed that it was very normal, and it was really not simple.

Then he saw his uncle, Pei Wen, one of the eight standing committee members of Guangzhou Province, the others were very normal, and Pei Yu was a nephew.

Since the assistant could not find out, he directly called Academician Chen.

"Help me investigate someone, I can't find it here!"

The two have long been very familiar, and Gu Chen does not talk nonsense and directly opens the door.

"Eh? Mr. Gu, this..."

"Don't worry, you won't violate the rules!" Gu Chen knew what he was going to say and said directly.

Speaking of this, what else could Academician Chen say, and directly agreed to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen didn't wait long before he received an email from Academician Chen.

After reading it, Academician Chen really did not disappoint him.

The Pei family, one of the big families in the southwest, is engaged in the jade industry and jewelry industry, but it is unknown and very low-key, but its strength is strong, both in terms of influence and financial resources.

Pei Yu, the son of the contemporary Pei family patriarch and the next heir of the Pei family, acted very arrogantly, starting from a young age....

"This is the Hidden Family!" After reading the information, Gu Chen sighed.

"But even if you are a hidden family! Offend me Gu Chen, I also have to let you peel the skin! Gu Chen sneered.

At the same time, Pei Wen, that is, Pei Yu's uncle, received news at this time that Chief Wan intervened in this matter, which made him a little ugly.

"The person behind Grandview Group is him!" Pei Wen furrowed his eyebrows and muttered.

Although he is also one of the eight standing committee members, he is a little worse than the status of Chief Wan.

After all, people are still in charge of the provincial capital Yangcheng, and their status is much greater than him wherever they go.

"Forget it! Anyway, he also took a breath, just give him a face!

Then Pei Wen thought about it, and gave up the confrontation with the other party.

After all, the two did not have any contradictions before, because this little thing could not be a big enemy.

And Chief Wan also knew that this matter was Pei Wen's order at this time, and he was suddenly embarrassed, after all, the people were local, and he was a foreigner.

Gu Chen naturally didn't know the thoughts of the two, so he directly sent the investigation information to the discipline inspection department.

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