This can become a fuse, and the relevant departments directly order the arrest after seeing it.

So the group went straight to Pei Yu's home.

A luxurious boutique suite, at this time, the door was surrounded by heavily armed police officers, and one of the leaders directly rang the doorbell.

A young man came over in a happy mood.


Opening a door, a small square mouth was revealed, and when he saw that it was someone he didn't know, he asked suspiciously.

"Hello, I am a property owner, investigate the user's line situation, is it convenient to open the door?" The person in charge showed the most kind expression and said slightly.

"Come in!"

The young man in the house did not suspect when he heard this, and directly opened the security door and gave way to a sideways position.


As the door opened, the kind person in charge directly turned into a fierce hunter and rushed directly up, a grappling hand directly held down the stunned young man, and the others also rushed in directly, checking that there was no danger in the room before breathing a sigh of relief.

"Who are you? What do you want to do? At this time, the young man also reacted and struggled.

"Pei Yu?"

The person in charge looked at the young man at this time and asked.

"What do you want to do? Do you know what this is doing? Pei Yu's face was flustered when he heard this, and he asked fiercely.

"Take away!"

After the person in charge determined the target, he didn't talk nonsense, waved his hand directly, and the two police officers behind him directly escorted Pei Yu away.

"Team Fang, I checked it, there is nothing!"

One of the officers inspected the entire house and came to the person in charge to report.


The person in charge nodded, and then left in unison without causing a single movement.

"Why are you arresting me? I want to complain about you! In

the car, Pei Yu was still struggling.

But no one paid attention to him, which made him very scared and angry.

"I tell you, my uncle is Pei Wen! You even arrested me privately, I must complain to you!"

"Pei Yu, no matter who your uncle is, no one can save you this time!"

One of the young police officers immediately said justly and sternly when he heard this.

"What happened to me? What evidence do you have? I tell you this is naked slander! Pei Yu was a little panicked when he heard this, but he immediately retorted when he thought of something.

The young police officer did not bother to think about anything with him, and simply kept silent.

The car streaked through the bustling traffic and drove towards the headquarters of the Yangcheng Law Enforcement Department.

At this time, there was a financial center, a high-rise building on a square.

"President Gu, our people have already seen Pei Yu being taken away!" In one of the offices, a young assistant reported.


Gu Chen nodded when he heard this, indicating that he understood.

He was not at all curious about this result, after all, this is the information provided to him by Academician Chen, according to this information, it may not be judged for life, but ten years and eight years is not a big problem.

"President Gu, in fact, I investigated the matter about Pei Yu, many of them had no evidence, and they came out after a few months of detention at most."

The assistant was a little eager to say something after that, and seeing that Gu Chen was in a good mood, he still said his inner worries.

"Don't worry! He can't get out this time! Gu Chen glanced at the assistant and said very easily.

Seeing Gu Chen like this, the assistant nodded and understood, President Gu must have other means that he didn't know.

At this time, not only Gu Chen got the news, but Chief Wan and Pei Wen also knew.

"What? Received a report and has already brought Pei Yu back?

At this time, Chief Wan's office was very surprised when he heard the secretary's report.

"Yes! The police received an anonymous report, and the evidence was very conclusive, so they took direct action to bring people over. The secretary nodded.

"Okay, I know, since that's the case, let's act according to the law!" Chief Wan thought thoughtfully and said directly.

He thought of Gu Chen's figure in his mind. Will it be him?


The secretary went out.

Another office not far away.

"Minister Pei, not long ago, the police station brought your nephew back." A middle-aged man reported.

"What? What does Yang Hu want to do! Pei Wen suddenly frowned when he heard this, and asked with a dark face.

"It is said that I received an anonymous report, and the evidence is conclusive." The secretary looked at Pei Wen cautiously and said.


Pei Wen's face instantly changed when he heard this.

"Find out who reported it?"


The secretary shook his head when he heard this.

Pei Wen was in a hurry.

To know that this is not good news, if there is no evidence, it is possible to fish people out based on his identity and the influence of the Pei family, but now it is difficult.

After all, we are now a society under the rule of law, and everything is done according to the rules and systems.

Suddenly, the thick eyebrows were tightly wrinkled together.

The most important thing is that there is a person who secretly hides by their side, waiting to give them a fatal blow, which is what makes him most dignified.

If it were usual, their Pei family could have fished it out at a cost.

However, he is not an ordinary person after all, and if he thinks about it carefully, he has the object of suspicion.

"Grandview Group!"

Suddenly, the name of a force appeared in his mind, and it became clearer and clearer.

During this time, only this force had contradictions and frictions with them.

"This is trouble!"

After thinking about it, I suddenly felt very tricky.

This was no longer something he could easily solve, so he took out his mobile phone and dialed the phone of his eldest brother, Pei Yuan, the contemporary helmsman of the Pei family.

"Hello? What's wrong? "

Big brother, it's trouble!" Pei Wen said.

"What's wrong?"

Hearing this, Pei Wen told what happened during this time.

"Now Xiaoyu should have been reported by Grandview Group!"

After Pei Wen finished reporting, the phone fell silent.

"So we should be on par with Grandview Group now?"

After a long time, Pei Yuan's voice came out.

"It should be! This matter is something I didn't think through, big brother!

Pei Wen nodded when he heard this, a little apologetic.

It was originally a very small matter, but he made such a situation, and his only nephew could be imprisoned.

"! Peiwen! How old are you! Still accompany that villain to do stupid things! Pei Yuan suddenly hated iron and said without steel.

Although this second brother of his has some means, it is far from enough, otherwise how could he be one of the bottom eight permanent members of Guangzhou Province with the power of their Pei family.

"Big brother, how to rescue Xiao Yu now!"

Pei Wen did not refute when he heard this.


Pei Yuan suddenly didn't know what to say when he heard this.

In his opinion, the previous family calling him into politics may have been a huge mistake.

"Now in this situation, people have confirmed the evidence, just waiting for us to go up!" Are you going to drag the Pei family into the abyss? Pei Yuan roared.

"This... Doesn't that care about Xiaoyu?

"it! Even if the rebel son did not go in, I would let him in, what a good son of mine, who set up such a big enemy for me. If he had known about this scene, he should have been killed! Pei Yuan said angrily.

Pei Wen: "..." Pei

Yuan lost his temper for a long time before slowly relieved.

"Don't meddle in this matter anymore! I'll come in person! "

Hmm! I know!

Then Pei Wen hung up the phone.

He didn't expect that this incident would cause such a big movement, and he regretted listening to that kid for a while.

Look out the window and say no more.

"What? Moving company? "

To Huahai?"

"What happened? Why did you suddenly decide to move companies? Since

Chu Xinyi issued the notice, the employees of the headquarters of Grandview Group have been talking about it.

There were expectations, concerns, doubts, panic, and rejection, and all kinds of emotions quickly spread throughout the group.

It wasn't until various perfect relocation notices came out that everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Do not force, do not hide, everyone is free to choose, after all, a branch will also be established in Yangcheng.

However, most of the people agreed, after all, the treatment and benefits will be improved after going, and there is no difference from in Yangcheng.

Of course, there are also some local ones who stay, after all, it is close to home, and Gu Chen does not force it, and directly agrees.

Therefore, Gu Chen thought about it and asked everyone to get ready and go to Huahai in batches, so as to maintain the normal operation of the group.

The first to go was the marketing department, watching the car driving to the airport, Gu Chen had a lot of things, and did not pay too much attention to Pei Yu, let alone know that Pei Yu's own father also arrived in Yangcheng.

An observation post, a visiting room.

A small room was split in two from the middle, separated by welded steel glass.

On one side was a young man with a haggard face and a flustered expression, it was Pei Yu, who had thought that he would come in this time just to go through a process, and he would come out as soon as before.

But the fact is that when he came in, he was taken directly to the interrogation room.

Remembering the words of the law enforcement officers before, he was scared.


The two interrogators looked at and asked.

"Why are you arresting me! I want to see a lawyer! "

He was not cooperative at first, even arrogant.

"Pei Yu! I'm telling you! You can't escape this time! You are suspected of smuggling firearms and other contraband A series of mistakes, the evidence has been conclusive, you better honestly explain! Maybe there will be less judgment!

Suddenly, this cold voice spread throughout his brain, causing him to break his defense in an instant.

Until now he has not reacted.

But he was not stupid either, and did not admit it, he knew that the family would definitely find a way to save him, so he kept silent.

Until now.

He looked at the two familiar faces on the opposite side, Pei Yuan and Pei Wen.

"Dad, you must save me! I don't want to go to jail! "

He was like a drowning man meeting something, holding on tightly.

"Rebel! How did I tell you! Don't leave no one in your family's sights! When

Pei Yuan saw his son's expression, a sour look flashed in his eyes, but he did not show it, and said coldly directly to Pei Yu.

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