"Big brother!"

Pei Wen pulled Pei Yuan down and shouted softly.

"You tell me this matter verbatim from beginning to end, don't hide it from me!" Pei Yuan glared at this villain and said directly.

Pei Yu opened his mouth, shrunk his neck and looked at his father fearfully, and then did not dare to hide it, and said the first thing.

Pei Wen's eyes widened after listening to it, and Pei Yu looked at his uncle with some embarrassment.

And where did Pei Yuan not know that this villain definitely did not tell the truth to Pei Wen at the beginning.

After listening to the last, several people were silent for a long time.

"Big brother! Although Xiaoyu lied to me at that time, it seems that Grandview Group is too arrogant now! Pei Wen said to Pei Yuan after listening.

Although it was a little different from what he knew before, Gu Chen directly slapped his nephew and made him very dissatisfied.

"Hmph! It's all you used to! Pei Yuan snorted coldly and said directly.

His face is also not good-looking, although it is not right for his son, but directly hitting his son in the face is equivalent to hitting the face of the Pei family.

"You give me a good reflection!"

Then Pei Yuan walked out directly.

After walking out of the observation post, Pei Yuan said to the butler next to the car;

"Go to the headquarters of Grandview Group!"

"Yes!" The butler answered directly.

"Big brother, what now?"

Pei Wen in the back chased out.

"Meet the boss of Grandview Group! Although the other party is not simple, we are not afraid of things.

Then Pei Yuan got into the car directly.

The car didn't care about Pei Wen and left directly.

After all, Pei Wen's identity is not simple now, and the two should not get too close.

Grandview Group headquarters.

"President Gu, there is a man outside who claims to be Pei Yuan of the Pei family, Pei Yu's father, he said that he wants to see you!" At this time, the assistant came over and asked Gu Chen.


Gu Chen's eyes flashed, remembering that this person in the information was not simple, and he actually came in person.

"Take him to the reception room!" Gu Chen thought about it and said.


The assistant went down.

Gu Chen stopped what he was doing and walked directly to the reception room.

Below, Pei Yuan saw the Grandview Group, which occupies an extremely wide area, and also sighed; "It is worthy of being a large group of hundreds of billions, and the funds are strong!"

At this time, the assistant came down.

"Mr. Pei Yuan, Mr. Pei?"

"I am!"

"Please follow me, our chairman is waiting for you above!" The assistant turned sideways and said to Pei Yuan.

"Thank you!"

Pei Yuan naturally made great strides.

In the elevator.

"I heard that your chairman is very young?" Pei Yuan asked.

Since Grandview Group was acquired by Gu Chen, he has been hidden in the dark and invisible to the world.

"Mr. Pei will know when he sees it later!"

The assistant did not answer.

Pei Yuan smiled and was not angry.

Then several people walked to the reception room.

Seeing that many places were empty halfway, Pei Yuan had some doubts in his heart, but he didn't ask, because he knew that the other party wouldn't say anything.

"It's arrived! Please! The assistant said directly.

Pei Yuan also walked in directly without politeness, and what came into view was a wall cabinet full of various things, including books, souvenirs, and some things he didn't know.

Through the wall cabinet, a business suite appeared in front of him.

An extremely young man was looking down at his mobile phone, and when he wanted to speak to remind him, Gu Chen directly raised his head, and in an instant his brain was as if he was struck by the door, and he was directly stunned on the spot.

"Presumably, this is Mr. Pei Yuanpei, the head of the Pei family!" After Gu Chen glanced at him lightly, he invited him to sit down and said.

Pei Yuan suddenly sobered up from the shock, and when he heard Gu Chen's words break his identity, his pupils contracted instantly, and now he finally determined Gu Chen's identity.

"Gu... Mr. Gu? He shouted a little stammering.

"Oh? You know me?

Gu Chen looked at the other party with a slight surprise.

"I've heard some things about Mr. Gu!" Pei Yuan suddenly showed a smile and said.

Gu Chen also stopped entangled, motioned for him to sit down and asked, "I wonder what Mr. Pei is looking for me?"

"I'm here to apologize to Mr. Gu!" Pei Yuan apologized seriously.

Originally, he came over to persuade the other party to turn his work into a jade, but he instantly recognized Gu Chen.

Their Pei family has a history of hundreds of years, and the news channels are naturally very extensive and well-informed.

For this legendary figure who rose very quickly, he naturally heard about it.

In just half a year, he has become the most influential big person in China, and their circle naturally knows it.

Although their Pei family was in a quiet corner, they also knew that this young man was not something he could afford to offend.


Now it was Gu Chen's turn to be puzzled, he thought that this hidden family was coming to trouble him!

"The dog offended Mr. Gu before, and I also asked Mr. Gu that there are a large number of people who can raise their noble hands, as for compensation, my Pei family will not let Mr. Gu down!" Pei Yuan also had no temper at this time, and directly whispered.

After all, now that people have great righteousness, the relationship is still harder than him, and if he is still iron, he cannot become the head of the family.

"Haha, Mr. Pei said and smiled, I Gu Chen is a person who lacks money?"

After Gu Chen laughed loudly, his tone also became cold.

"No, no, no! I didn't mean that! Pei Yuan was startled and quickly waved his hand.

"If Mr. Pei is here for this matter, then he can leave!" Trouble me three times and twice! Really when I am a bully? When Gu Chen said this, his tone paused, his eyes glanced at Pei Yuan, and he said lightly: "Actually, I also want to see the demeanor of the hidden family!"

"Mr. Gu, this is a misunderstanding! I beg your pardon!

Pei Yuan knew what Gu Chen meant, and he scolded his son and younger brother in his heart, and the eighteenth generation of ancestors greeted him again.

But he forgot that it was also his own ancestors.

He didn't dare to be angry in the slightest, because he knew that Gu Chen's background was definitely not something that a border family could offend.

The hidden family is naturally also graded.

A century-old family, a thousand-year-old family.

Time represents heritage and financial resources.

Their Pei family has only inherited more than two hundred years, plus it is located in the southwest, naturally it is not comparable to the big family in the hinterland of the Central Plains.

"I wonder what Mr. Gu has to ask to let go of my Pei family?" Seeing that Gu Chen was unmoved, Pei Yuan gritted his teeth and whispered.

At this time, he had already given up his son, although he was reluctant, but it was worth it for the Pei family.

Now with the progress of the times, the life of these families is not good, if before, where does he need to be afraid of the dust and the like.

"People involved in this!"

Although Gu Chen didn't know why the other party was so afraid of himself, he still said his own requirements.

It is naturally impossible to let Pei Yu go, and that Pei Wen is the same.

"Can Mr. Gu let my second brother go?"

He was stunned when he heard Gu Chen's words, he didn't expect this Mr. Gu to be so ruthless, not only his son, but even the official representative of their Pei family had to step down.

Gu Chen shook his head.

For that Pei Wen, who favored power for personal gain, he had no good impression at all.

Pei Yuan's face was very ugly, on the one hand, he wanted to leave directly, but the only remaining sanity made him immobile.

After all, he didn't dare to gamble with the future of their Pei family!

Gu Chen watched the other party's face keep changing, and he was not in a hurry, and looked at the other party very leisurely.


A good word directly exhausted Pei Yuan's spirit.

He didn't know how he got out of the Grandview Group, and this whole face was very bad, which startled the butler.

"President Pei, are you all right?"

"It's okay! What about Pei Wen! Call him to see me!

After speaking, Pei Yuan stopped speaking.

Anyway, in the end, I don't know the result of the conversation between the two, and a major earthquake directly occurred in the entire officialdom of Guangzhou Province.

Pei Wen, one of the eight permanent members, directly took a back seat in advance, and it took only one day to go from a high-ranking position to a middle-aged man who no one cared about, which naturally shocked many people in the officialdom.

The rest is someone else's game, after all, this is a key position! Which force does not want to get this position.

However, it has nothing to do with the Pei family, the two returned to their hometown in Nanning City overnight, as for Pei Yu, they were naturally sentenced to ten years!

The whole good year will be spent in prison.

It has nothing to do with Gu Chen, because he is finally ready to evacuate Yangcheng, and a major earthquake occurred in the business world.

With the move of the headquarters of Grandview Group, one of the top ten shopping malls in China, from Yangcheng, the news instantly spread throughout Guangzhou Province, and caused a heated discussion in China.

The official of Huahai City naturally raised both hands in favor and expressed a warm welcome.

However, the official of Yangcheng is uncomfortable.

No matter how they kept it, they couldn't stop Gu Chen's determination.

This means that they have lost a big taxpayer, and their performance will also leave a stain.

During the administration, the departure of the companies under his control is also a question about its own capabilities.

Some even want to issue an executive order to prevent them from leaving.

However, after Gu Chen's sentence "I no longer trust the local government", there is no reason.

Chief Wan naturally knew the inside story, and the situation was complicated, he didn't expect that young man to be so powerful, he could let Pei Wen step down, and he moved out of here directly with great strength.

As Gu Chen got on the plane, he also drew a perfect end to this matter.

Gu Chen, who returned to Huahai, was not relaxed, but more busy, after all, it was not a simple matter for such a large group to relocate, and there were too many things he needed to do.

Fortunately, it is still very convenient in Huahai, and it is directly green under the various documents to be done by the authorities.

But the happiest is Gu's mother, because Chu Xinyi is back.

The home is also much livelier at night.

After a few busy days, Gu Chen finally handled most of the important things, and the rest was naturally done by the assistant, which made him relieved.

At this time, he was sitting in his luxurious office on the ninety-fifth floor, and his mobile phone rang directly.

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