When I opened it, it was He Fan, the general manager of the remote group, who called.

"Hello? Manager He. He asked directly and easily.

"Mr. Gu, I have a phone call called Mr. Hou Yuan here, he said that he has seen you and wants to talk to you!"

He Fan's respectful voice came over.

"Hou Yuan?"

Gu Chen was stunned.

"Yes! Mr. Gu, you don't know? Hearing

Gu Chen's doubtful voice, He Fan's face changed.

Immediately regarded Hou Yuan as a liar.

Gu Chen thought about it and suddenly realized, he had a little impression that he was stopped at the airport just after returning to China.

"Hmm! I did see it, what's wrong? Gu Chen said immediately.

"Eh? He called me before and said he wanted to meet you! He Fan was stunned when he heard this, and then asked.



"Good! Then tell him to come over tomorrow!

Gu Chen thought about it and agreed.

"Yes! I'll tell him right away!

He Fan waited for Mr. Gu to hang up the phone, and then slowly put down the phone.

He sat in the office of his general manager in Block B, hung up the phone respectfully, and then called Hou Yuan.

Gu Chen's level is too high, Hou Yuan can't get a phone, he can only call himself.

"Hey, is it Mr. Hou Yuan?"

"I'm Hou Yuan, how is Manager He?"

"Hmm! Mr. Gu said that there is an hour to go tomorrow morning, and you will see to do it yourself!

Although He Fang was a little curious about what the other party was looking for Gu, he didn't ask more.

"Huh? Good! Thank you, Manager He, Manager He! Maybe we'll see each other often soon! Hou

Yuan was very happy when he heard this, and sold a pass to He Fan.

Leaving a look of inexplicable He Fan.

Gu Chen naturally did not pay attention to this matter, although China Eastern Airlines is very strong, but this cooperation is dispensable for him.

Grandview Group moved to Huahai to facilitate it to go home with Chu Xinyi every day.

And Gu's mother had prepared a sumptuous dinner early.

"Mom, it seems that I can eat so many dishes when Xinyi comes back!" Gu Chen quipped.

"Hmph! Can you compare with Xinyi? After

glancing at it, Gu Mu stabbed him directly in the heart.

"Eh!" Gu Chen's face was black.

And Chu Xinyi was a little blushing, and her heart was very excited.

"Thank you Auntie!" Very sweetly, he served a bowl of rice to Gu's mother.

"No thanks!"

Gu's mother looked at how Chu Xinyi looked and was satisfied.

I couldn't help but think of another prosperous face, Han Yumian.

In the past few days, I have become more and more familiar with her, and I know some of her situation, and I feel very sorry for her.

I also know why the other party rests at home every day as a star.

She even patted her chest directly and promised to solve it for her.

"Don't worry! Sleep, I will definitely ask my son to solve it for you! My son is a big man!

However, she looked at Chu Xinyi but was embarrassed, after all, asking her son to help another woman would cause a huge misunderstanding, and saying that it was not good would also affect the relationship between Gu Chen and Chu Xinyi.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Gu Chen saw that his mother was a little wrong, so he asked with a smile.


Gu Mu shook her head and did not say.


Gu Chen looked at it and said no more.

After dinner, Gu's mother continued to go downstairs to square dance, thinking by the way about how to help Han Yumian without affecting the relationship between the two.

Gu Chen and Chu Xinyi went to Chu Xinyi's house warmly.

But Gu Chen came back after midnight.

Nothing was said overnight, and the weather today was very clear and the sky was cloudless.

Gu Chen went to the company with Chu Xinyi after eating breakfast.

When they arrived in the new district, the two separated.

Gu Chen went directly to the office of Block A.

After a while, He Fan came to Gu Chen, he seemed to be here for the first time, looking left and right, very curious.


Gu Chen looked at it a little speechlessly.

"Hey, hey! Mr. Gu, there is no way to see you for the first time! He

Fan's cheeks, which were in his forties, suddenly piled up with layers of flesh marks.

"When will that Hou Yuan come?" Gu Chen asked.

"President Gu, he has already set off!" He Fan reported.

"By the way, I heard that you are developing remotely very rapidly now!" Gu Chen motioned for the other party to sit down, and then talked with a smile.

"Stained with the light of President Gu!" He Fan immediately said very modestly when he heard this.

But the smile on his face betrayed him.

"Do you know why that Hou Yuan is looking for me?" Gu Chen shook his head and said.

He feels that several of his general managers like to pat themselves on the.

I don't know where to start?

Although he felt very comfortable, this atmosphere was unacceptable.

He Fan suddenly looked at Gu Chen curiously.

"That's right, it's because the remote development is very good now, so people have come to the door to cooperate!" Gu Chen nodded and confirmed.

"Huh?" He Fan was stunned when he heard this, and then he was overjoyed, and then he was depressed.

"Then why didn't he talk to me personally?"

"What about this? I don't know! Gu Chen thought about it and shook his head.

Subsequently, He Fan reported many affairs of the remote group to Gu Chen.

At this time, He Fan's mobile phone rang.

He saw that it was Hou Yuan who called.

"President Gu, the other party should be here!"

Immediately connected under Gu Chen's signal.

"Hey, Mr. Hou."

"Manager He, I have arrived at the new district, where are you?"

"I'm here in Block A, and someone will bring you up when you go to Block A." He Fan said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll be right now!"

Then Hou Yuan hung up the phone and walked towards Block A.

"Hello, I'm Hou Yuan, I'm looking for President Gu!" Came to the front desk and asked with a smile at the front desk.

"Hello, Mr. Gu has ordered, please take this elevator to the ninety-fifth floor."

The front desk suddenly smiled when he heard this, walked out of the counter, took Hou Yuan to a special elevator, and said.

"Okay! Thank you! Then

Hou Yuan took the elevator directly.

Not long after, Hou Yuan came to Gu Chen's office under the guidance of the staff.

"I'm sorry to keep Mr. Gu waiting for a long time!"

As soon as he arrived, Hou Yuan began to apologize.

"Haha, it's okay. Mr. Hou, please sit down!

Gu Chen waved his hand and ordered the assistant to pour a cup of tea.

"Hello Manager He!"

"Mr. Hou, you are also good!"

He Fan and the two also said hello.

"I don't know what Mr. Hou said about cooperation before, what's going on?" Gu Chen asked.

"That's right, Mr. Gu, I am the general manager of China Eastern Airlines Group, and I want to cooperate deeply with the remote group on behalf of China Eastern Airlines!"

When Hou Yuan heard this, he became serious.

"Oh? What is a cooperative law?

"In fact, it is to cooperate with the remote group, rather than to cooperate with Mr. Gu."

"Huh? Work with me? Gu

Chen was interested.

"Yes! We all know Mr. Gu, now the most successful entrepreneur going abroad!

"Now the trend of internationalization is getting faster and faster, and we China Eastern Airlines have reached the end of development, so if we want to continue to develop, we can only go abroad, but in the international community, it has hit a wall one after another!" Can't compare to Mr. Gu! Hou Yuan smiled bitterly and sighed....

"Where, where! Just luck!

Gu Chen said a few polite words.

"And at this time, Mr. Gu came out of nowhere, gave the senior management of the group a chance, and sent me to cooperate with Mr. Gu."

"I don't know how to cooperate?"

"As we all know, Mr. Gu first cooperated with Bosch in Europe, then with the royal family in the Middle East, and then with Qualcomm in the Americas a few days ago, so we want to use Mr. Gu's partner influence to expand our business."

Hou Yuan looked at Gu Chen with great admiration and said.

"So what's the benefit to me? This is very good for you, but it doesn't seem to be much good for me! Gu Chen couldn't deny it, and said flatly.

He was not impressed by Hou Yuan's appreciation.

"In China, China Eastern Airlines can carry out in-depth cooperation with remote groups to help remote express develop faster!" Hou Yuan said quickly.

"Not enough! This comparison is not fair to me at all!

Gu Chen shook his head.

Hou Yuan's face was also red, he knew that this was quite unfair to Gu Chen.

"What else can Mr. Gu ask!" Finally, he said with a sincere face.

After all, this opportunity is very important to them.

Gu Chen did not speak, leaning on the seat and thinking quietly.

Hou Yuan, on the other hand, was very anxious in his heart, but he had to look at Gu Chen with his eyes open.

And He Fan is very comfortable sitting on the side drinking tea, no wonder the other party does not look for himself, it turns out that people do not look at themselves at all.

"First, fully cooperate with the development of Remote Group in China." Gu Chen thought for a while and stretched out a finger.

"No problem! We China Eastern Airlines can't speak internationally, but at home, it's a big deal! Hou Yuan was overjoyed when he heard this, and directly assured.

"Second, all my companies must be prioritized in your airline in the future." Gu Chen continued.

Hou Yuan nodded directly in agreement after thinking for a second in his heart.

"No problem! I can call the shots on this!

"Good! Since that's the case, that's fine!

Gu Chen also smiled at this time.

After all, for him, the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages, plus in the international community, of course, he also wants domestic enterprises to go international.

What's wrong with pulling each other?

"Thank you Mr. Gu! Thank you Mr. Gu! Hou

Yuan was overjoyed when he heard Gu Chen's words.

He didn't expect this Mr. Gu to be so easy to talk to, and he was full of good feelings for Gu Chen.

"Win-win!" Gu Chen said with a smile.

"Mr. Gu, the above are waiting for my news, I won't bother you first!" Hou Yuan then got up and said excitedly.


Gu Chen nodded, shook hands with the other party, and then watched the other party leave.

"Mr. Gu, it turns out that the other party is from China Eastern Airlines?"

Then He Fan slowly spoke, with some emotion.

When the domestic giants will also find their bosses, looking at Gu Chen with great admiration and respect.

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