"That's right! At that time, I just got off the plane and the other party came over, which shows that the news of China Eastern Airlines in China is simply very sensitive! Gu Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and he said thoughtfully.

"With the full help of the East, the development of remote will develop faster! The joint blockade of three links and one access is a joke!

He Fan was immediately very excited when he said this.

"But don't be careless, how to say that they are also old-timers in the industry!" Gu Chenwan smiled and then said.

"Don't worry! Mr. Gu. He Fan nodded when he heard this.

"Come with me tomorrow to the cooperation contract signing ceremony!"

"Okay, Mr. Gu!"

He Fan nodded with a smile when he heard this.

Then he went down and went to work.

Gu Chen took care of the company's affairs, looking at the pile of documents on the right, all of which had to be signed by themselves to execute, and he couldn't help but show a headache.

How do you feel that you are getting busier and busier now!

Time passed, and the documents on the right hand side slowly decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He didn't even eat lunch, and finally signed his name and company seal on the last document at three o'clock in the afternoon.

An assistant was called.

"President Gu, do you have any orders?" The assistant asked respectfully.

"Send these documents to the ministries!" Gu Chen pointed to the processed documents and said.


When the assistant heard this, he quickly picked up the documents on the table and sent them to various departments.

After the assistant left, Gu Chen got up and stretched, stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, looked into the distance, and at the same time moved his sedentary body, and suddenly the bones everywhere in the body crackled.


Gu Chen showed a look of enjoyment on his face.

At this time, the door of his office was directly opened.

Gu Chen frowned when he heard this, which one dared to enter so rashly, but his eyebrows suddenly stretched after seeing the person coming.

"Gu Chen, I haven't seen you for a long time! If I hadn't heard my aunt say that you came back, I wouldn't have known!

Suddenly, a series of eager English came out.

"Haha! Hamandan long time no see! Gu Chen and Hamandan said with a smile after hugging for a while.

"Why don't you tell me when you go to the United States!" Hamandan complained.

That resentful look was like a resentful woman abandoned by Gu Chen.

"I'm going to inspect official business, and I'm not specifically going to play, what do I tell you to do!" Gu Chen said after glancing at it.

"What about you! What do you think? Still fit here?

"It's like heaven!"

Hamandan suddenly changed his appearance and said with great emotion.

"That's, most of our Chinese cuisine is gathered here!" Gu Chen said with a smile.

"It's just that I'm just too boring!" Hamandan then complained.

"Let's take you to play tonight!"

Gu Chen thought about it, he hadn't relaxed for a long time, plus maybe he hadn't seen Gan Le for a long time, so he proposed.

"Really?" Hamandan was pleasantly surprised.

"Of course! I'll call you a friend! Maybe you'll become good friends! Gu Chen said with a smile.

He remembered his previous hobbies and interests of Ganle and Hamandan.

Love cars, love to visit nightclubs, isn't this the same smell?

"That's great!" Hamandan said excitedly.

No way, he is too bored and lonely, in a foreign country, he really has no friends except Gu Chen, and there is no one to communicate with except Gu's mother from time to time.

But he can also speak a little Mandarin.

Then the two bragged and chatted in the office, waiting for the time to leave work together.

However, he also called Gu's mother halfway through and did not go home to eat.

At five o'clock, clocking in on time, he took Hamandan to the parking lot.

"By the way, what car are you driving?" Gu Chen suddenly asked.

"Bugatti! What's wrong!

Hamandan said as he took out the key and shook it.

"Hey, when did you buy it?"

"The other day! Tens of millions spent! But not as good as that car of yours! Hamandan suddenly said enviously.

That kind of car is no longer something that money can measure, it is synonymous with status, and money cannot buy it.


Gu Chen ignored his envy and sighed very emotionally, tens of millions were like a few dollars in the mouth of this Middle Eastern prince.

If he knew that he had obtained another Sibel, one of the top ten famous cars, would he be envious to death!

But he didn't say.

"Okay, just talk to me if you want to talk to me in the future!" Gu Chen looked at his envy that turned into substantial envy and said.

Although he also likes cars, but he doesn't like Hamandan so much, besides, the purpose of his top ten famous cars is not to fill a cup, cough may have a small idea, but that doesn't matter, what he wants is to complete the tasks and rewards given by Taobao.


Hamandan suddenly felt that happiness came so quickly, he was not ready!

"Thank you Gu Chen! You are my best friend! When you go to my country, I must introduce my sister to you!

Hamandan looked at Gu Chen excitedly and said.

"Ahem! Forget it!

Gu Chen glanced at Hamandan's figure, and immediately quickly refused.

Are you trying to take revenge?

Although Hamandan is okay, his figure is indeed like a big bear, five big and three thick.

"Gu Chen, you're welcome! I'm sure my father will agree!

Hamandan also thought that Gu Chen was afraid that his father would not agree, and quickly explained.

"No thanks! I have a girlfriend! Gu Chen righteously refused.

"Alright! What a shame!

Hamandan had a pitiful look on his face.

If Gu Chen became his brother-in-law, wouldn't he be able to ask his sister to take that supercar as a dowry, and then let Gu Chen give it to him.

It's a pity.

"It's no shame, I love my girlfriend so much!" Gu Chen shook his head and said with a smile.

Then he didn't plan to drive either, and went straight to Hamandan's car.

At this time, many executives and employees also came to the parking lot.

"President Gu!"

Greet warmly one by one.

"Well, stay safe!" Gu Chen also nodded back.

At this time, Chu Xinyi also stepped on high heels and walked over.

Hamandan was stunned to see Gu Chen and greeted him.

"Gu Chen's girlfriend is her?" He looked at Chu Xinyi with a sudden surprise, and then thought sourly.

No wonder people resisted their sister very much just now.

He looked at Chu Xinyi's appearance, and his heart was also dead.

Sister! It's not that the brother doesn't help you! It's people who defeat you!

"I'm getting together with a few friends tonight, so I won't go home with you, you go back first!" Gu Chen handed the key to Chu Xinyi and said with a smile.


Chu Xinyi glanced at Hamandan and nodded immediately: "Go home early!" "

Apparently she knew Hamandan's identity.


Gu Chen nodded gently and touched the other party's hair.

Then Chu Xinyi nodded to Hamandan and said hello and left directly.

"How? My girlfriend looks good! Gu Chen looked at Hamandan and said proudly.

"I didn't expect you to find such a good-looking girlfriend! It's really not fair! Hamandan let out a single dog roar and said enviously.

Although he is a royal family, there is no shortage of women, but his marriage cannot be the master, and it is generally a political marriage.

To gain must be giving, this is the only constant truth.

"Let's go!"

Gu Chen smiled, did not talk nonsense, and walked directly to Bugatti's co-pilot.

In the past, the position where women sat was sat was now sat by Gu Chen.

The unique engine sound of sports cars instantly echoed in the underground garage, attracting everyone's attention.

It seems that the only supercar who can open the company is the boss of their bag, so they have given way to a passage.

Watching the handsome supercar drive past them, they found the co-pilot's boss.

It disappeared from sight in an instant.

Inside the car, Gu Chen directly called Gan Le.

"Hey, Funko! What have you been doing lately? "

At this time, inside the office in hundreds of high-rise buildings in Financial Street.

A young man in a suit is on official business.

It looks like a domineering president in a novel.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang.

Frowning and opening it, it instantly stretched out, and his cold cheeks also showed a smile and excitement.

"Brother Dust? When did you get back? Obviously

, he also knew that Gu Chen had gone to the United States before.

"Haha, it's been a few days since I came back, I just came back from the office in Yangcheng."

Gu Chen also showed a sincere smile when facing his old friend.

"Where is it? Is it free to come out for two drinks?

"Free! Must be available! Hearing

this, Gan Le was overjoyed, directly pushed away the document in front of him, and stood up directly.

"Haha! Yes! Junhao Night Market here! Gu

Chen smiled when he heard this.

This is where they used to go often.

"Good! Come right away!

Gan Le directly grabbed the coat behind the chair and hurried to the underground parking lot!

"Don't worry, we've just left, maybe we'll arrive after you finish ordering!" Gu Chen said with a smile when he heard Gan Le's rapid breathing.

This kid is still in such a hurry to do things.

"It's okay! Maybe I'm stuck in the road too!

Gan Le replied with a smile.

Then he hung up the phone after agreeing on a location.

An hour later, Gu Chen had stopped steadily in front of Junhao Night Market, and Gan Le had not yet arrived.

You must know that it usually takes only half an hour for him to get to his location here, but Gu Chen's company needs more than an hour to get from here.

Sure enough, Ganle's previous joke came true, and he was stuck in the road.

It's rush hour, and it's not surprising that Financial Street is even more prosperous.

After Gu Chen also made a call, he planned to go in and sit first.

Junhao Night Market is a very famous night food high-end restaurant in Huahai, with an average minimum consumption of 10,000 per person, which limits most ordinary people, but it is still very popular.

After all, you can't imagine Huahai's rich people.

In addition, the taste here is absolutely unspeakable, clean, delicious once became a local specialty.

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