This is the best place for rich people and Internet celebrities to check in.

That's right, Junhao Night Market is a night market that combines hot pot and skewers, and the owner is also a rich second generation of food, so the business here is generally very good, plus there are few troubles.

Now that summer is approaching, the weather is getting warmer and skewers are becoming the first choice.

Tonight's store is very hot, although the store is very large, but it is always full, and you have to wait for a vacant seat if you want to eat.

However, Gu Chen is obviously not among them.

"Hello gentlemen! Do you have an appointment?

At this time, a sharp-eyed waiter came to Gu Chen's side and asked enthusiastically.


Gu Chen took out a black and white card from his wallet, which was beautifully made and very high-end.

Handing it to the waiter, the waiter's face immediately changed, more enthusiastic and respectful, obviously knowing this card.

"Two gentlemen here, please!" Then he returned his hands respectfully to Gu Chen and said respectfully.

"Hmm! Are there still private rooms? Gu Chen asked.

"Yes, sir!" The waiter replied.

Then he took Gu Chen and the two to a private room on the second floor.

It is much quieter than the lobby on the first floor, and it is much higher than the first floor, whether it is decoration or decoration.

This box is not big, but it is full of artistic conception.

"I wonder what the two gentlemen need?"

Then the waiter handed the menu in his hand to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen didn't talk nonsense, and directly ordered the signature hot pot above, and what barbecue was the same.

The waiter who watched was envious.

He knows the price of this, and this meal is less than a hundred thousand.

"Okay, let's go so much first!" Gu Chen closed the menu, returned it to the other party, and said.

"Okay! Please wait! Then the

waiter left the box.

"The stuff in this place is very delicious, you'll find out later!" Gu Chen said to Hamandan with a smile.


Hamandan was looking forward to it when he heard this.

After a while, Gan Le naturally arrived.

"Brother Dust!"

As soon as Gan Le came in, he smiled and shouted Gu Chen, there was respect, admiration, happiness, and joy.

"Hmm! Not bad! More spirits again! Gu Chen smiled and patted the other party's shoulder! Exclaimed.

"Hey, hey!"

Gan Le was very happy to hear Gu Chen's praise, just like a kindergarten child hearing the teacher's praise.

"Okay, sit! Introduce you to a friend! Gu Chen first sat down, and then said.

At this time, Gan Le saw Hamandan and was stunned, obviously a foreigner.

"This is Hamandan, a prince in the Middle East," Gu Chen said directly.


Gan Le was stunned when he heard this, good guy, now Brother Chen is so bullish that even the prince can make friends.

"Hello, I'm Ganle! Brother Dust's friend! So he said in surprise to Hamandan.

But the other party did not react.

"You have to speak English!"

Gu Chen explained.

"Hamandan, his name is Gan Le, he is a friend of mine!"

Then he introduced Hamandan.

He cherished his friends very much, after all, as his status improved, now those classmates saw him more restrained and uneasy, which made him very bored.

"Hello! My friend, you can call me Hamandan!

Hamandan also followed the customs and shook hands with Gan Le.

Then the things that Gu Chen ordered also began to come up.

It was all over the place, of course, not so fast, but who called this a private room!

Privileges are everywhere.

Then a few people began to eat and chat, and sure enough, the two of them quickly became a pair of fox friends because of similar hobbies.

"By the way, how is the company now?"

Then hearing the two of them talking more and more outrageously, Gu Chen interrupted and asked.

"It's okay, it was quite a headache at first, but slowly it was smooth!"

Gan Le heard Gu Chen's question and explained with a smile.

"Good! What about your dad? It's okay now! Then

Gu Chen was very satisfied, and he was still very concerned about this second generation who was pulled back by himself.

"Oh he! Now running all over the world, it's just comfortable to die! "

When it comes to Gan Yuan, Gan Le is obsessed, and he is naturally dissatisfied with Lao Zikeng's son.

"Haha! It seems that Mr. Gan really plans to retire early! Gu Chen said with a smile when he heard this.

Thinking that when he first met each other, he was only the first time to get that Taobao, and now, he has become the richest man in the country, and his fate is really unpredictable.

Huatian Hotel has now become a famous five-star chain hotel in China.

"yes! Now I know that this position is not very easy either! When Gan Le thought of this period of time, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Of course, but if there's anything, remember to tell me."

Gu Chen nodded, now his affairs have also become busy, and those comfortable days in the past are gone!

"Brother Dust, don't worry! I naturally won't be polite about something, but in Huahai, they all know my relationship with you, so no one deliberately targeted me, and I still stained your light! Gan Le nodded when he heard this, and smiled.

"That's good!"

So the three of them ate lively.

When night falls, the neon lights of the city are also colorful, and the crowds on the streets are even more.

After a few people finished eating, they walked out, and in two hours, the three of them ate a total of nearly 130,000, which is really the life of a rich person that we can't imagine.

The identities of several people are not simple, and no one in this area of more than 100,000 has paid attention to it, especially Gu Chen, and now how much money he has in his bank account, he himself does not know.

Anyway, money is really uninteresting to him now, and he doesn't care at all.

"Brother Dust, where to go now?" Outside the door, Gan Le asked Gu Chen.

Because of Hamandan, the communication of several people is in English.

"Naturally, continue to hi pi!" Hamandan said directly.

When Gu Chen heard this, he was about to agree.

"Mr. Gan?"

A voice came from behind them.

A few people heard the sound and looked, and several young people walked over.

"Mr. Wang?"

Gan Le was suddenly surprised, and then said: "Such a coincidence, you guys are also eating here?"

"yes! I didn't expect to meet Mr. Gan. At the head was the young man, Mr. Wang, who explained with a smile.

Then looked at Gu Chen and the two, nodding their heads.

Gu Chen naturally nodded back.

"In that case, then I won't disturb President Wang!"

Gan Le nodded and planned to leave.

"I just heard Mr. Gan say that he is going to play, why not go together? I want to have more people and be a little more lively! Mr. Wang said quickly.

Gu Chen could see that this king should always be willing to be happy.


Gan Le frowned when he heard this, if it was under normal circumstances, he would naturally agree, after all, although the other party asked for him, but people are not vegetarian, he naturally does not want to offend the other party too much, but now there is Gu Chen next to him.

So he couldn't help but look at Gu Chen.

This time it was Mr. Wang's turn to be surprised, he thought that Gu Chen was just a friend of Ganle, but it obviously didn't look like this.

So he looked over again.

"I can!"

Gu Chen also did not intend to expose his identity.

"Then since that's the case, let's go together!"

Gan Le understood what Gu Chen meant, and he agreed after thinking carefully for a moment.

On the road.

"Brother Chen, that guy's name is Wang Sijun, his family is real estate, because of your relationship, he begged for my head, but I can't help."

Gan Le explained to Gu Chen.

"Oh? What's up?

"It's that he wants to take a piece of land from the president of the Huahai Chamber of Commerce, but people don't want to sell it to him at all, but because of your relationship with Brother Chen, President Zhou and I are very close, and they have always taken care of me, and they have been begged for me by that kid who knows about it."

Gan Le then told it all.

"This way! I know! Gu

Chen nodded when he heard this, and suddenly realized.

Then a group of people slaughtered the nearest bar.

Directly opened a big platform, several people first took a sip of wine together, and then began to play separately, Hamandan guy was even more like a fish, as soon as he came in, he disappeared next to Gu Chen.

And Gan Le was the same, directly mixed into the bungee platform in front.

At this time, only Gu Chen and Wang Sijun were left in the entire Taiwan bar.

"This brother, why don't you go play?"

Wang Sijun sat next to Gu Chen with the wine bottle, and asked with a smile after drinking with Gu Chen.

"Why didn't Mr. Wang go!"

Gu Chen did not reveal his name, smiled, and asked rhetorically.

"Haha, naturally I see that my brother is a little lonely here." Wang Sijun said.

He had been observing Gu Chen before, and found that Gu Chen's status was much higher than that of Gan Le.

Before I heard that it was surnamed Chu, I had been thinking about the famous Chu family in Huahai City, and only one family was taller than the Gan family, that is, the Taiyu Chu family.

I heard that the princess of the Chu family is still Mr. Gu's confidant! Could it be this Chu family?

But this generation of the Chu family seems to have only one Chu Xinyi! So Wang Sijun's mind was puzzled.

For a moment, he couldn't guess Gu Chen's identity, but he was also very polite.

That's where he's smart.

"Mr. Wang doesn't have to be like this." Gu Chen shook his head and said indifferently.

He thought it was very boring, so he might as well go home and talk to his girlfriend!

I wonder when he started disliking bars? I think he was a regular visitor here!

Gu Chen sighed and thought.

Maybe it was when his family went bankrupt, or maybe he went through so much and became mature.

Wang Sijun didn't say anything when he heard this, and after taking a sip of wine, he suddenly saw an acquaintance, and immediately apologized to Gu Chen and walked towards the acquaintance.

He seems to be a courtesan of life, and he can quickly talk to anyone.

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