Gu Chen does not hate this kind of person, because you will be very comfortable talking to him, but you can't make friends with such people, because they only have interests in their hearts.

Gu Chen looked at the other party and the smiling face of the man, and suddenly had no desire to look down, drinking a small wine alone, looking at the various situations in this dark place, it was a special taste.

"Brother Gu?"

Suddenly his name sounded in his ears, and he looked back.

"Brother Spirit! Why are you here? Suddenly asked with a smile.

The person who came was the Huangpu Ling who had a two-sided relationship with Gu Chen.

"Hey, hey! Naturally, it's time to have fun! It's just that I didn't expect to meet Brother Gu here! Huangpu Ling also seemed to be self-cooked, sat down directly, directly opened a bottle of wine and drank.

"Oh? Brother Ling is really interested, but he has a wife at home but comes here? Gu Chen quipped after glancing at it.

He couldn't see through this person, but now he had a faint guess in his heart.

If his expectations were correct, this Huangpu Ling should also be from the hidden family, and he was much more powerful than the Pei family he saw in Yangcheng.

"Ahem! Brother Gu said and smiled! Huangpu

Ling suddenly choked when he heard this, and looked at Gu Chen with some resentment.

"By the way, I didn't expect Brother Gu to be so big, but he hid it from me for a long time!"

Seeing that Gu Chen did not speak, he suddenly thought of something, and immediately quipped.


Gu Chen was more sure of his guess in his heart.

"It's not interesting for Brother Gu to say this, the chairman of Longteng Group, why am I so familiar!"

Huangpu Ling looked proud that I knew your identity, looked at Gu Chen and said with a smile.

"When did I hide it!" Gu Chen said lightly after glancing at it.


Huangpu Ling was stunned when he heard this, and then remembered the previous picture, and his face suddenly darkened.

What Gu Chen said was the truth, he really didn't hide it, but he didn't know it.

"Forget it! Do not say!

Then Huangpu Ling waved his hand, not wanting to dwell on this issue anymore.

"Then what is the identity of Brother Ling?" Gu Chen suddenly asked.

"Me? Naturally, he is an ordinary person, and he can't compare to Brother Gu! Huangpu Ling said without caring at all.

"If even the heirs of the Huangpu family of the Yin family are ordinary people, then aren't they all ordinary people in this world?" Gu Chen looked at Huangpu Ling and said meaningfully.

Suddenly frightened Huangpu Ling, and suddenly looked at Gu Chen in shock.

"Brother Gu said and smiled!"

Gu Chen smiled and did not speak.

Huangpu Ling knew that Gu Chen knew.

"I didn't expect Brother Gu to see it, and I didn't hide it, I come from the Guanzhong Huangpu family."

Hearing the other party's admission, the color in Gu Chen's eyes flashed.

"Hehe, it seems that Brother Gu is much more mysterious than I thought!" Then Huangpu Ling smiled.

"I wonder if Brother Gu is interested in cooperating with me?"

Then he changed the topic and looked at Gu Chen and asked.

Gu Chen knew his identity, he thought that Gu Chen had officially told him, where did he know that Gu Chen had deceived him, if he knew this result, he would probably vomit blood.

But it is precisely because of this that he wants to cooperate with the other party, because this secret is generally top secret and unofficial personnel generally do not know, after all, their hidden family has always been suppressed by the authorities.

He wanted to use Gu Chen's identity to cooperate with the other party.

"How to cooperate?"

Gu Chen was stunned, a little curious.

After all, it can be called that the strength of the hidden family is very strong, how can they cooperate with him?


Huangpu Ling looked at Gu Chen and spit out two words.

"What minerals?"

Gu Chen was stunned, you must know that this basically belongs to the state, unless you have a great relationship is possible to mine.

"Gold mine!"

Huangpu Ling smiled.

"It's still a large vein that has never been discovered!"

As if afraid that Gu Chen would refuse, he exposed another news.

Gu Chen looked at the other party very unexpectedly.

"Oh? This should be a huge profit, right? Brother Ling and I have only met three times in total, why do you and I seek to cooperate with me? Gu Chen asked suspiciously.

"Of course there is a reason!"

Huangpu Ling looked at Gu Chen very unexpectedly, no wonder this person was young and young and had such achievements.

"This matter is actually completely possible for our Huangpu family to develop by ourselves! But there is a problem! That is, the consent of the state is required! Huangpu Ling looked at Gu Chen and said.

There was exciting music in Gu Chen's ears, but he was thinking about the other party's words in his heart.

He didn't understand what the other party meant.

"Presumably Brother Gu also knows that our hidden family has always been jealous of the official, so it will definitely not authorize us, so we need a heavyweight to cooperate with us and find the country's endorsement!" Huangpu Ling saw that Gu Chen did not speak, and he continued to explain.

Gu Chen suddenly realized, it turned out to be this reason!

"But I guess with your status, you should not be inferior to this kind of person!" Gu Chen suddenly asked.

"That's right! But the benefits of the gold mine discovered this time are too great, I'm afraid those people won't be able to carry their backs," Huangpu Ling nodded when he heard this, and then said.

"Oh? Are you not afraid that I will not be able to carry my back?

Gu Chen raised his eyebrows and looked at the other party.

"Haha! Brother Gu said and smiled, I think if even Brother Gu can't carry it, then no one in the country can carry it! Huangpu Lingwen said with a laugh when he heard this.

"I'll consider this matter!"

Gu Chen thought about it when he heard this, and did not give an answer in the first time.

"No problem!"

Of course, Huangpu Ling does not expect Gu Chen and you to be able to agree at the first time.

Then the two touched.

"In that case, let's talk later! I'll go first!

Then Huangpu Ling said a word and left.


Gu Chen nodded.

This matter is not in a hurry for him, after all, with his wealth, this gold mine is not so important to him.

He wanted to go to Academician Chen first to learn from the scriptures.

Then Gan Le and Hamandan returned to the pedestal with an excited look, but they each brought a female companion with them.

Gu Chen, who was watching, nodded repeatedly, and then he proposed to leave.

This proposal immediately made the two agree one after another, Gu Chen naturally knew what the other party was thinking, and he didn't bother to care.

Go straight ahead.

Walking on the road, the city at this time has basically fallen into a quiet state, except for the bustling area, only a few cars pass through the other streets, his shadow is pulled by the street lamp extremely long and extremely long, the breeze blows on his face, making him look up comfortably at the bright moon in the sky.

Today may be his luck, not only can he see the bright moon, but also the twinkling stars.

He wanted to call Academician Chen, but he saw the time at 12:35 a.m., smiled and gave up, after all, this time still does not disturb people's dreams.

He then waited on the side of the road for a while and stopped a taxi.

"Master! Tomson Yipin! "

After speaking, I don't plan to speak.

The taxi driver is a man who is close to fifty years old, very ordinary, and at this time he is still outside to solicit customers, basically for the family.

His eyelids jumped when he heard Gu Chen's words, after all, this name is so famous that basically everyone has heard it in Huahai.

Could it be that he pulled the rich?

But it doesn't look like it! So the taxi driver was guessing and drove for about an hour to reach the destination.

Looking at the place that was yearning and envious, he came back to his senses.

If you don't have this place in your birth, then you can't have it in this life.

This is not chicken soup, this is reality, and he has lived most of his life to understand this truth for a long time.

"Sir, it's here!" He stopped on the side of the road, woke up Gu Chen, and said softly.


Gu Chen suddenly sobered up.

"Thank you Master! How much! "

One hundred and seventy-five yuan!" The master said with a smile.

This order is almost worth his income for one night.

Gu Chen did not doubt it, and walked down after scanning the code directly.

The moment he closed the door, he smiled and thanked the master again: "Thank you, master!"

"It's okay!"

The master waved his hand to indicate that it was okay.

He watched Gu Chen walk in under the respectful gaze of the security guard at the door, and only then came back to his senses, it turned out that he had really pulled the local tyrant.

Then he shook his head and started the car again, ready to welcome the next guest.

Rest does not exist for him, and if you want to live in a super city like Huahai, you have to work hard.

When Gu Chen arrived home, except for a lamp in the living room, the rest of the people slept.

Gu Chen walked back to his room slowly.

After taking a shower, I turned my head and went to sleep.

One night without a word.

Gu Chen, who was refreshed again, sat at the dining table and ate the breakfast left by Gu's mother.

I called Academician Chen.

The bell is switched on after a few seconds.

"Hey, Mr. Gu."

A long-lost voice came from the mobile phone, and Gu Chen felt a little kind.

"Haha, Academician Chen hasn't seen you for a long time!" Gu Chen greeted with a smile.

"Ahem, Mr. Gu, what happened to you this time?"

Academician Chen did not eat Gu Chen's set, he now found out, every time Gu Chen called himself, he wanted to solve something for him himself, but the superior asked him to communicate with Gu Chen, so he couldn't refuse.

Gu Chen's tone suddenly froze: "Academician Chen said and smiled." He

was also a little embarrassed.

Academician Chen smiled and did not speak.

Seeing this, Gu Chen cleared his throat.

"Academician Chen really didn't want to ask you this time, he just wanted to ask you something!" Gu Chen said with a smile.

"Mr. Gu, please say!"

Academician Chen was a little curious, but he didn't expect that this time he really didn't find himself to wipe his ass.

"Academician Chen should know about the Whampoa family!"

As soon as the words fell, Academician Chen was stunned, and the cup in his hand to catch water stopped.

He didn't expect that this Mr. Gu actually knew about the Whampoa family, it seems that this Mr. Gu is much more mysterious than he thought.

After thinking carefully about organizing the language, I was ready to speak.

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