"Mr. Gu should know that in our land, it has passed down nearly five thousand years of civilization and history!" Academician Chen sighed with emotion.

Gu Chen nodded silently.

"So this long history naturally gave rise to many forces, large and small, or countries, or religions, or families, or gangs, or organizations, which are intertwined and form dense lines of relationship."

"Some may have disappeared in the long river of history, but some have indeed been passed down completely, and they have begun to call the wind and rain in the world, but since our rise, we have begun to suppress them, so that they have slowly disappeared in the eyes of the world, forming the title of the hidden family."

"Among them, the Whampoa family is impressively listed, and it is also one of the top families!"

Academician Chen said.

Gu Chen's eyes flickered, sure enough, the officials knew, and they were still suppressing.

Then he said a lot about this kind of thing, after all, with Gu Chen's current identity, there is no problem in knowing this.

"By the way, since Mr. Gu knows the Huangpu family, he should also know that the Pei family last time was also a hidden family, but the strength of the Pei family is relatively weak. However, there is also a Pei family in the Central Plains, and the power of this Pei family is not comparable to the Pei family in the southwest! This is a family that has been passed down for thousands of years!

Academician Chen reminded that the abilities of these hidden families are enormous.

"Don't worry! I know! Gu Chen nodded and replied.

He knew that Academician Chen meant to remind him not to regard the Yin family as so weak, after all, even the state had to suppress it.

"Is there anything else going on with Mr. Gu?"

Academician Chen didn't say more after reminding him, according to the information he had, this Mr. Gu's ability can be compared to a family!

"Good! This time I called to ask if I could cooperate with the other party. Gu Chen asked.

"Huh? Could it be that they were looking for Mr. Gu?

Academician Chen was stunned, he thought that Mr. Gu had provoked the Whampoa family again!

"I've seen it a few times!" Gu Chen said with a smile.

"As far as I know, many enterprises in China have cooperated with these hidden families, and there are also in-depth cooperation, but the policy is not supported!" Academician Chen thought about it when he heard this, and said.

"This way!"

Gu Chen understood, although he did not object, but he did not support it.

"Well, don't bother Academician Chen! Thank you today! Treat you to dinner another day!

Then Gu Chen hung up the phone.

"This kid!"

Hearing the beeping sound on the mobile phone, Academician Chen scolded with a smile, and then his face changed for a while, and he had to quickly report this matter to the above.

However, the answer given above is that everything supports Mr. Gu.

And Gu Chen, who knew the result, also quickly finished breakfast and went to the company.

Today he will also meet the chairman of China Eastern Airlines Group!

At the same time, Huangpu Ling was also talking to his home on the phone.

He was in an upscale hotel room, playing video, and on the other side was a quaint ancestral home lobby decorated with modern machines.

Although they are a hidden family, they keep up with the times, and some technologies are more advanced than the market.

Especially a family like them that has been passed down for thousands of years naturally has the ability to know the times.

At this time, several solemn and majestic middle-aged men were talking to Huangpu Ling on the video.

"Are you saying you know Gu Chen? Gu Chen of Longteng Group? At this time, the middle-aged man in the middle asked with a frown.

He is the head of this generation of Whampoa family, Whampoa Chuan, and the father of Whampoa Ling.

"Uh-huh! Actually, I knew it for a long time, but I didn't recognize it at the time! Speaking

of this, Huangpu Ling still has a trace of embarrassment.

Several middle-aged men in the video looked at each other.

They had long wanted to find this famous Gu Chen, but they didn't know him, and they didn't know how to know him, so they gave up Gu Chen's candidate.

Now that they suddenly heard that the people in the family actually knew this Gu Chen, how could they not be surprised.

Then he listened to the process of Huangpu Ling's understanding, and suddenly felt that the son of the head of the family was not generally lucky, and he was able to meet three times in a row, knowing that they couldn't see it if they wanted to.

"In that case! Then you can communicate with him well, what resources are needed and the family will support you! Finally, Huangpu Chuan clapped.

After all, Gu Chen's current status is too high, he can be called the first person in China! They also want to get along with him and spread their business all over the world!

"No problem! But I'm afraid he won't agree! Huangpu Ling nodded when he heard this, but he couldn't help it.

"Don't worry! Since that Mr. Gu did not reject you at the first time, it means that there is still hope, after all, for him this time is to pick up money, and still pick up tens of billions for nothing! Huangpuchuan analyzed.

"Well, I see!"

Then Huangpu Ling said that he knew and hung up the phone.

"Patriarch, Young Master Ling is really a great fortune!"

"I see! The rise of our Whampoa family is promising!

"Ancestor bless!"

Suddenly, several clan elders began to sigh.

"Haha! All this is Ling'er's personal encounter! "

Huangpuchuan is naturally very happy.

After all, which father doesn't want to hear other people say good things about his son, and which doesn't want to hope for his son to become a dragon?

Huangpu Ling, who hung up the phone, did not expect at this time that because he knew Gu Chen, he could mobilize all the resources of the family now, which is the right to be the head of the family!

In other words, now he is already a quasi-family master, but he knows how terrifying the accumulation of the Whampoa family for more than a thousand years is, and this feeling is a step to the sky for him!

It's like dreaming.


He lay on the bed and laughed.

On the other hand, as soon as Gu Chen arrived at the company, he waited for Hou Yuan's call, saying that their chairman was already on his way.

For this Gu Chen, he was naturally very solemn, and he planned to go down to greet him.

Judging from the data, the chairman of the Eastern Airlines Group turned out to be a veteran, who also participated in the Vietnam War and was a real hero.

After inheriting the family business, he has achieved the position of China Eastern Airlines, the first of the four major civil aviation in China.

Gu Chen naturally admires this kind of character, not to mention that the other party's background is the military, and he is now on a honeymoon with the military!

Just with this Gu Chen, he will not end the shelf.

Half an hour later, a black commercial car with a red flag slowly stopped under the square.

Hou Yuan was the first to come down, and then a man in his sixties came down from the back seat, he was not tall, but he was extremely strong, the whole person stood there, straight as a sword, and in Gu Chen's eyes, the unyielding will stood in front.

Gu Chen knew that this was Liu Chuanyong, chairman of China Eastern Airlines Group.

"Senior Liu, hello!"

Gu Chen greeted him as soon as possible and greeted with a smile.

"Haha, Mr. Gu is good! I didn't expect that the old man could let Mr. Gu come down in person, what a face! Liu Chuanyong said boldly.

"Senior Liu is polite."

Gu Chen shook his head, and then turned sideways: "Welcome Senior Liu to come and inspect, please!"

"Haha! Good! Then the old man brazenly visited Mr. Gu's company!

Then he invited to go with Gu Chen, although he didn't know why this famous Gu Chen was so polite to him, but he wouldn't be too polite.

Then Gu Chen took Liu Chuanyong to visit several floors casually.

"Mr. Gu's employees have a very good mental outlook, worthy of being a big company!"

Liu Chuanyong sighed after reading it; "The environment here is also very good! It seems that Mr. Gu did not pay much attention when repairing this building!


This Gu Chen admitted.

The group then went to the building's top conference room.

"Mr. Gu is really the dragon and phoenix among people! It is worthy of being a person who has gone abroad! The old man admires! Liu Chuanyong said with a smile after sitting down.

"Wherever, you have to learn from the old-timers!" Gu Chen said modestly.

"Not humble or arrogant, it seems that General Zhou didn't see the wrong person!" Liu Chuanyong said with a smile.

Seeing Gu Chen showing a puzzled expression.

He explained relaxedly: "I went to meet my old superior when I came, and his evaluation of Mr. Gu was also very high!" "

Gu Chen was stunned when he heard this, General Zhou? He didn't have any impression?

"Mr. Gu don't have to wonder, although General Zhou has not met Mr. Gu, he is very concerned about Mr. Gu, I think, you will have the opportunity to meet in the future!" Liu Chuanyong continued to explain.

"This way!" Gu Chen nodded when he heard this.

Then the two chatted like home, chatting for more than an hour.

Gu Chen did not have the slightest impatience, and listened very interestingly to Liu Chuanyong's affairs when he was in the army.

The last time came to noon.

"Look at me, I can't stop talking about it, but it's disturbing Mr. Gu's time!"

"Where, where! Senior Liu said and laughed! Boy, I really yearn for it! Gu Chen shook his head.

He was telling the truth, and now he has much greater spiritual pursuits than material pursuits, after all, there are almost no more things in the world that he can't afford.

"Haha! If I were a few dozen years younger, I would definitely worship Mr. Gu!

Liu Chuanyong immediately laughed heartily, and he could naturally hear Gu Chen's true and false.

Subsequently, the two did not mention anything about cooperation, and everything seemed to fall into place.

The two are naturally like mirrors.

Finally, Gu Chen invited the other party to eat a large pot of rice in the company cafeteria and then left.

"You can find me for anything in the future!" Before leaving, Liu Chuanyong said more seriously.

"Good! I'll be bothered then! Gu Chen nodded and replied.

Watch each other drift away.

He Fan on the side couldn't help it.

"President Gu, that contract..."

"Don't worry! All as requested yesterday!

Gu Chenwan smiled.

"How can you be sure if you haven't even seen it?"

He Fan was still puzzled.

"Haha! Lao He, you don't understand this!

Gu Chen smiled and did not explain.

After all, a person like He Fan, who has worked hard in the business world all his life, naturally does not understand the qualities of a soldier.

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