"The cooperation with China Eastern Airlines will be handled by you and Manager Hou!" Gu Chen ordered He Fan.


He Fan nodded when he heard this.

Then Gu Chen went back to the office.

Suddenly, a message came from his mobile phone.

He opened it and saw that it was sent by Huangpu Ling last night.

"I wonder if Brother Gu has thought about it?"

Seeing this, Gu Chen smiled slightly, it seems that the other party can't wait.

After thinking about it, he began to reply: "Cooperation is okay, but I want to take half of the shares!" At

this time, in a luxurious suite, a young man with a weak spirit was staring intently at the mobile phone, and suddenly the mobile phone vibrate, and he suddenly gasped.

"This... Too greedy, right?

At this time, the handsome and pale face was very complicated, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

However, thinking of the instructions of his father and others, he still held back the bloody heart and forced the smile of typing.

"No problem! So be it! Brother Gu, let's meet and talk! Gu

Chen's side, seeing that the other party agreed, immediately showed a knowing smile, he knew that the other party would definitely not refuse.


The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and his fingertips quickly clicked on his mobile phone.

Finally, I was ready to rush to the meeting.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, a certain afternoon tea house, in a quiet private room.

The two young men looked at each other and sat down.

"Brother Gu, you are really ruthless!" After seeing Gu Chen, Huangpu Ling complained pompously.

"Brother Huangpu is serious, you must know that the above is strictly guarding against you, and I have taken a great risk in this matter." Gu Chen shook his head and explained.

Huangpu Ling immediately retorted when he heard this; "Even so, Brother Gu still shouts too much! After all, this is a gift of wealth for nothing!

"In that case, then why doesn't Brother Huangpu develop it himself!" Gu Chen leaned back and asked lazily.


suddenly left Huangpu Ling speechless.

"So ah! It took me a lot of effort. Gu Chen continued.

"Five is five percent, but Brother Gu must ensure that he can mine safely!"

Huangpu Ling thought about it and agreed, although his heart was dripping blood, but there was no way, but he still said solemnly.

"Naturally! I can guarantee this! Gu Chen nodded and assured.

"But I don't know where the veins are?"

"Brother Gu rest assured, this vein is not in a special area, you can rest assured!"

Huangpu Ling knew Gu Chen's worry, gave a reassuring look, and said with a smile.

"Okay! Then no problem! Gu

Chen was completely relieved when he heard it, and his mood was also very happy.

After all, what could be more comfortable than having someone send you money!

Subsequently, the two discussed a lot about cooperation, but about the location of the vein, Huangpu Ling was rigorous and did not reveal news at all, which made Gu Chen a little regretful.

It seems that the other party will not say without signing the contract.

Regarding the cooperation between the two sides, the two forces jointly create a company, each accounting for half of the shares, but Gu Chen does not participate in all the affairs of the company, he will share it equally, and if there is any damage to his interests, he can directly intervene.

Gu Chen had no objection to this, after all, there were enough affairs under him.

After that, they each leave, only waiting for the other party to create the company before signing the contract.

At this time, it was almost time to leave work, and he did not plan to go to work, and after thinking about it, he planned to go back.

This place is still relatively close to Tomson Yipin, so Gu Chen quickly arrived near the community.

Suddenly, he found that the figure in front of him was somewhat familiar.

Walking closer, I was a little surprised, isn't this star Han Yumian?

Seeing that the other party seemed to have just returned from shopping, Gu Chen was a little puzzled.

"Shouldn't celebrities be very busy? Why is she so idle?

Gu Chen was a little curious.

What's more, it's still a big star like Han Yumian.

It seems that Gu Chen's eyes are too keen, the other party suddenly looked over, and the soul-catching eyes suddenly looked over, and ordinary people could not resist this kind of gaze.

Han Yumian was still in a happy mood at this time, since she was hidden in the snow, she had more time to do what she wanted, which she had never had before, so she would go outside for a good stroll these days.

Today is the same, the weather is good, lukewarm, especially suitable for outings and outings, so she dressed up in disguise and played comfortably for a day.

At this time, when she was about to go back, she suddenly found a sharp gaze looking at her, so she frowned, looked over, and was immediately very surprised.

It is not someone else who is Gu Chen.

Gu Chen saw that the other party found him, a little embarrassed, nodded to the other party and left directly.

Han Yumian was stunned for a moment, he just said hello to me?

It made her a little incredible, after all, in her heart, this Gu Chen was a big person! How can you remember yourself?

Although her star status is also very powerful in the eyes of ordinary people, this kind of big man is just a drama in the eyes of this kind of big man.

Suddenly, she remembered an aunt she knew before, and she smiled, because she had gained a long-lost relationship from that aunt in the past few days, which she had not felt before.

I remembered the one who said that he would ask her son to help him, and said that her son was also a big man, and I don't know how that big man was better than this big man?

Suddenly she smiled, and couldn't help shaking her head feeling that she really dared to think, knowing that this Gu Chen was a real big man.

And she can understand what her aunt said, after all, in the eyes of any mother, her son is always the best.

Then he didn't think so much, and walked towards the community.

Now she is enjoying this kind of life, and gradually she is no longer so attached to the entertainment industry.

Just thinking of the contract she signed darkened again, this matter is like a crow for her, very uncomfortable.

Gu Chen's mood is still very good, after all, if you pick up hundreds of billions for nothing today, everyone will be excited.

So he worked every day while waiting for news from Whampoa Ling.

Two days later, Huangpu Ling's phone called.

Gu Chen picked up with a smile at this time.

"Hello? Brother Whampoa, can it be considered finished now? Gu Chen asked easily.

"Brother Gu, something has happened!"

Unexpectedly, a bad voice came from the other end of the phone, which made Gu Chen's smile stiffen.

"What's wrong?"

"Brother Gu, because the time dragged on for too long, the news of the vein was known by another hidden family, and now the other party also wants to take a bite!"


Gu Chen's eyebrows suddenly frowned when he heard this, and he blurted out.

After all, this is a rush for him.

"Brother Gu, where are you now, it's not convenient for Fang to come over! This matter is troublesome!

Huangpu Ling's tired voice came out.

"Where?" Gu Chen asked.

"Lingbei Province!"

The other party was silent for a while, then spoke.

Gu Chen's eyes flickered, it seemed that the large gold mine was there!

"Wait for me!"

Then Gu Chen directly called the assistant to notify the airport.

Go straight to Lingbei.

Now Gu Chen cooperates with China Eastern Airlines, so he can arrange the airport to serve him at any time.

A few hours later, the plane arrived at Lingbei Airport.

Huangpu Ling came to pick up the plane with a haggard face, which startled Gu Chen.

"What's going on with you? How do you make it look like this? Gu Chen glanced at Huangpu Ling and asked in surprise.

I saw that his eyes were swollen, his face was sickly white, his beard was not shaved, his hair was oily, and the whole person seemed to have fled.

"Alas, haven't I been preparing to go into the mountains for exploration these two days? The conditions in the mountains are naturally very arduous, and with the mixing of the Ye family, I am worried to death! There is really no way to call you! Huangpu

Ling's pale face smiled, it was simply uglier than a ghost.

"What's going on?" Gu Chen frowned when he heard this and asked.

"Let's get in the car first! This matter will not be clear for a while, and I will tell you when I get to the hotel! Huangpu Ling looked at his body and said with some disgust.

Gu Chen nodded and agreed.

So the group went straight to the Lingbei Hotel.

He didn't expect that the bun man before had this perseverance to personally go into the mountains to explore, which made him a little impressed.

After waiting for the other party to clean up properly, the two sat on the comfortable sofa, and Huangpu Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lean! Lao Tzu really had a brain twitch, and he would personally explore.

Huangpu Ling suddenly scolded himself.

"Talk about it!"

Gu Chen also nodded, although he didn't know why the other party had changed so much, he still asked.

After Huangpu Ling took a sip of tea, he transformed into a way of being.

It turned out that after meeting and separating from him, he let the family start the company, and he took the exploration experts to step on the spot, and after a day of investigation, he finally determined the opening point.

Just after making the mark, he found another team of centaurs, which was the local hidden family Ye family.

It is also the largest family in Lingbei, although the strength is not as strong as the Huangpu family, but in the three-acre land in Lingbei, people are the head snakes.

Therefore, the other party also found this vein and immediately became excited, directly alarming Ye Ran, the head of the Ye family, and after their detection, they found that this was a gold mine with huge reserves, so they were short of breath.

Although it was discovered first by the Whampoa family, the mountain still belongs to the official.

So they started to think crookedly, but the other party is the Whampoa family that makes them very jealous, so they want to share a piece of the pie, on the contrary, with their power in Lingbei, it is a big deal to directly grab the land with the other party and mine it themselves, but this will offend a thousand-year-old family, which they do not want to see.

Therefore, he sent people to contact him and wanted to cooperate, Huangpu Ling naturally did not want to, but the meaning of the words in the words was that if he did not cooperate, he would directly rely on the means, and he had no way to call Gu Chen.

"So you want me to come forward and contract this land?" After listening, Gu Chen thought about it and asked.

"Hmm! That's right! Here, our Huangpu family is really not comparable to the Ye family! Huangpu Ling nodded when he heard this, and said seriously.

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