"Ahem, Brother Huangpu, you also think too highly of me, I'm here for the first time, what can I do?" Gu Chen shrugged when he heard this and said.

"Brother Gu, this is not interesting! My contract is ready! When

Huangpu Ling heard Gu Chen say this, he immediately took out a contract from the bag next to him and looked at Gu Chen with some resentment.

Gu Chen took it and looked at it again, and the picture suddenly turned.

"Huh? Although I didn't come to Lingbei, I can still give it a try! Gu Chen smiled and put down the contract in his hand and said.

Everything is good to say after signing the contract, but if it is not signed, then I'm sorry.

"Brother Gu is really... Let's finish the contract as soon as possible! The corner of Huangpu Ling's mouth twitched suddenly, and then he quickly said.

He can be regarded as having discovered that this Gu brother is the master who does not see rabbits and does not spread wilderness!

"Good to say, good to say!"

Gu Chen naturally nodded, for this Ye family, neither of them mentioned it, Gu Chen was not in his eyes, and Huangpu Ling saw Gu Chen directly take it and no longer cared.

So Huangpu Ling was ready to sign the ceremony, while Gu Chen ordered the assistant to call his personal lawyer over.

Gu Chen's personal lawyer has always been the same Lin lawyer before, I am afraid that even he himself did not expect that his current reputation in China is no less than his teacher Bai Yansong.

All this is thanks to Gu Chen, and now Gu Chen's identity is not famous in China.

More people also know the name of Lawyer Talin, and Gu Chen's personal lawyer's golden signboard is better than everything.

Time is fleeting, and the day passes quickly.

Lawyer Lin also flew over by plane early in the morning.

"President Gu!"

Greeted Gu Chen with a smile.

Compared with others, he and Gu Chen knew each other very early, so the relationship between the two was quite good.

"Hmm! Good work!

Gu Chen nodded, looked at Lawyer Lin, who was a little in bad spirits, and greeted with a smile.

"It's okay! Just be a tourist! I haven't been to Lingbei either! I heard that the scenery here is very good! Where

did Lawyer Lin dare to ask for it, he waved his hand again and again, and then made a joke.

"Good! Lawyer Lin can stay a few more days! Gu Chen also nodded when he heard this, and replied with a smile.

Just as the two exchanged pleasantries, Huangpu Ling also walked in with a few people.

"Brother Gu, let's start!"


Subsequently, the two signed a series of contracts under the witness of lawyers from both sides.

The company's equity transfer, interest disputes, cooperative relations, etc. were written into the contract, and the two signed and pledged after confirming that they were completed.

"Mr. Gu, may we cooperate happily!"

After Huangpu Ling saw that both of them had signed the contract, his hanging heart finally relaxed.

After all, after he told Gu Chen this position, he was in a state of apprehension in his heart.

I was afraid that Gu Chen would directly kick him out and go it alone.

Fortunately, this Gu brother is still of good character, otherwise such a large profit is really enough to cause the father and son to turn against each other, brother Xiao Wall.

"Hmm! Happy cooperation!

Gu Chen stretched out his hand and said after the two shook it.

"I wonder when Brother Gu plans to make a move?" Then Huangpu Ling asked.

After all, now that the Whampoa family is in full operation, machines, experts, and various equipment related to minerals have all gathered here in Lingbei.

Now the losses of not starting work in a day are as high as hundreds of thousands!

Of course he was anxious.

All this is from their Huangpu family, and Gu Chen just solves various problems on the official face for them, occupying half of the shares.

"Don't worry! Just these two days! Gu Chen assured.

"That's good!"

Huangpu Ling heard this and let go of his heart.

Just then his cell phone rang again.

When he took a look at it, his face suddenly sank.

"Hey, Uncle Ye!" But quickly reacted, breathed a sigh of relief, and said lightly.

"Huangpu Xian nephew! What do you think? How well did you think about it?

"Uncle Ye, I'm sorry, I already have a partner."


Hearing this, there was a moment of doubt on the other end of the phone.

"Haha! Huangpu Xian nephew or don't joke, I think, in this area of Lingbei, who else is more suitable than our Ye family?

"And the virtuous nephew should also know about the official suppression of us, so the pressure above does not know if the virtuous nephew has a good relationship, do you want me to help?"

"No thanks! I found it all! This matter will not bother Uncle Ye!

Huangpu Ling refused without hesitation.

After that, the other end of the phone fell silent.

"Can the virtuous nephew think about it?"

Suddenly, there was a deep threat.

"Naturally, I think very clearly! Don't bother Uncle Ye!

Then Huangpu Ling hung up the phone directly, looked at Gu Chen and showed a hint of apology: "It's from the Ye family!" Now it is estimated that they will also act.

"Don't worry!" Gu Chen knew his concerns and said directly.

"Good! Case?! All this will be left to Brother Gu! I went to the company! Huangpu Ling said directly.

The company founded by the two is called Huangcheng Mineral Co., Ltd.

Meanwhile, on the other side, inside a deep compound in Lingbei.

A middle-aged man trembled.

"Good! Whampoa home! Since you don't agree! Then you won't get a gram of gold this time! Gloomy gritted teeth.

He is the big man in Lingbei, Ye Ran, as the contemporary head of the Ye family, he is naturally different from ordinary people, the Lingbei Ye family

, since the end of the Ming Dynasty, has been rooted here for hundreds of years, and has long been operating like an iron barrel, placed in ancient times is the princes on the side of the former residence.

After thinking about it, he turned to a contact named Jiang Shao and hit it directly.

"Hey, is it Jiang Shao?" Ye Ran said flatteringly.

"Huh? Something?

A puzzled voice came out.

"Jiang Shao, I found a large gold mine here!" Ye Ran said.

He was also a little heartache, but the thought of Huangpu Ling's voice was suppressed.

It's all your fault!


Jiang Shao was stunned when he heard this.

Then Ye Ran said the matter completely.

This Jiang Shao is not an ordinary person, the big family of the imperial capital, one of the big young people in the Four Nine Cities, the leader of the third generation of the Jiang family, and his status is very noble.

It was far from what their Ye family could compare.

At this time, a resolute man who was far away in the imperial capital was thinking about this when he heard this.

It is true that a gold mine is a great fortune for him, but at his level, no amount of money means much.

He was thinking about the gains and losses of this matter, the Huangpu family, he knew far more than the Ye family, and the heritage of this thousand-year family was far from what outsiders could imagine.

However, as the third-generation leader of the Jiang family, he has nothing to fear.

"So be it! I'll come over right away and talk to you! Everyone is still angry and rich!

Jiang Shao said.

Ye Ran was immediately dumbfounded, he didn't expect the other party to say this.

Just as he was about to say something, Jiang Shao continued: "Mr. Ye, the strength of the thousand-year-old family is much more powerful than you think, I advise you not to make the relationship stiff!"

Ye Ran was shocked in his heart when he heard this, and then said with a bitter smile: "Jiang Shao, it's not that I don't want to, but the Huangpu family really wants to swallow it alone!"

"Don't worry! With me out of the horse, they should give me a face! Jiang Shao smiled confidently when he heard this, and said domineeringly.

"But the Whampoa family also found someone, I..."

Jiang Shao interrupted directly.

Ye Ran stopped talking when he heard this.

"I'll come right away!"

Jiang Shao hung up the phone after speaking.

"Goldmine!" He muttered in a low voice.

That's an insanely rich fortune!

If it weren't for his strong willpower, I am afraid that he would also fall into greedy desire.

Then he sent a message directly and went straight to the airport.

Gu Chen on this side naturally didn't know that the Ye family directly told the news of the gold mine in order not to let the Huangpu family get the gold mine.

At this time, after waiting for everyone to go out, he directly dialed Academician Chen's phone.

No way, he only knew the phone number of Academician Chen alone.

"Academician Chen!"

Gu Chen shouted with a smile.

"Mr. Gu, please say!"

Academician Chen went straight to the point, and even polite words were dispensed with.

Then Gu Chen said the matter.

And Academician Chen had already received the approval from above and directly agreed; "Mr. Gu, please wait a moment, I will ask someone from the Lingbei Land Management Bureau to contact you!"

"Thank you, Academician Chen!"

Gu Chen was overjoyed, he didn't expect things to go so smoothly.

He still didn't figure it out until he hung up the phone.

"When did Academician Chen talk so well?" Gu Chen muttered.

Sure enough, he didn't wait long when an unfamiliar phone call came in.

"Is it Mr. Gu Chen?"

"Yes, I'm Gu Chen!" Gu Chen admitted.

"Hello Mr. Gu, I am from the Lingbei Land Resources Management Bureau, I don't know where Mr. Gu wants to rent!" I will definitely cooperate fully! "

Hmm! Thanks a lot! I want to know about..."

Gu Chen said the name of the place that Huangpu Ling had told him before.

"Mr. Gu, please rest assured! Just send the relevant information here, and we can handle it immediately!

"Good! I called my assistant to handle it! Gu Chen said with a smile.


Gu Chen saw the call record, but he didn't expect this matter to be very simple.

"That's it?"

He thought it was very troublesome!

Then he instructed his assistant to go for a run.

By the way, he told Huangpu Ling about this, so Huangpu Ling was shocked for a long time.

He didn't expect this person to be so close to the official.

It's only been so long! He hasn't been gone for an hour! That's it???

Then he was even more excited, which meant that the last mountain of gold mining had disappeared, and then he went down with great energy and issued orders.

Just wait for the mining rights to be obtained, and act immediately, without wasting a trace of time.

After all, time is money!

But now there is nothing to do with Gu Chen, so he called Lawyer Shanglin to start wandering around Lingbei together.

Various traces have been left everywhere in Lingbei.

At this time, Lingbei Airport also ushered in a mysterious big man.

A resolute man in his twenties and thirties slowly stepped off the plane.

Ye Ran had been waiting for a long time.

"Jiang Shao!"

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