Jiang Shao plans to leave directly, after all, Mr. Gu is here, it is useless for him to continue here, it seems that this wealth is destined to be lost!

Ye Ran continued to stand in place, his face fickle and fickle, he didn't expect that Mr. Gu couldn't even provoke Jiang Shao.

"That Huangpu Ling doesn't know what kind of luck he has taken, but he can cooperate with him!"

For a while, Ye Ran's heart was very unwilling, after all, this was a wealth that made him tremble! He was even more jealous that Huangpu Ling actually knew Gu Chen.

"Master, what should I do now?"

Seeing that Ye Ran had not moved, the disciple of the Ye family next to him couldn't help but ask.

"Go! That vein is not what we found anyway! Ye Ran gritted his teeth and said.

Then he turned around and got into the car as well.

And Gu Chen only learned about this from Huangpu Ling's mouth in the end.

"Jiang family!"

Gu Chen muttered and didn't say anything more.

This is also the reason why he is not willing to go to the imperial capital, the imperial capital is deep!

Although I don't know why the other party knows me, I don't have to explain myself.

"Okay, I know!"

He then hung up.

At this time, he was at a point of view in the north of Lingbei, listening to the locals saying that this was the place where Xu Guangda would kill the enemy in the Ming Dynasty.

I don't know if it's true or not, Gu Chen has been listening to the guide chattering, so he feels bored, walks to another place, and finds that this is a stone tablet eroded by time, and most of the contents inside are incomplete, and it is difficult to recognize each other.

After a few glances, I felt no interest.

Just as he was about to go to the next attraction, his phone rang again.

Open it and see, it's Xia Ning!

"Hey, is there something going on with Mr. Xia?" Gu Chen asked.

"Yes! Mr. Gu, we have developed nearly ten styles, I wonder if you have time to come and take a look?

Xia Ning was delighted, and the voice of anticipation came out.

"What? So fast? Gu

Chen was stunned when he heard this, he calculated the time, at most in the past ten days, he has studied so much?

"Of course! Our efficiency is fast! Xia Ning naturally heard Gu Chen's surprise, and immediately said very proudly.

"Okay! I'm not in Huahai right now, but I'll be back soon!

Gu Chen thought about it, he had seen almost the same in the past two days, and he should go back.


Xia Ning was a little disappointed when he heard that Gu Chen was in the field, but he quickly adjusted.

Gu Chen, who hung up the phone, looked at Assistant Lawyer Lin and the others looking at him.

"Okay! I have something to go back to, but can you continue? Gu Chen said with a smile.

"Forget it, I've seen almost the same in the past few days, and the firm also has many cases for me to handle, so let's go back together!" I have long heard that President Gu changed a luxury plane, how can I experience it this time! Lawyer Lin shook his head after thinking about it and joked.

"Haha! I promise not to disappoint Lawyer Lin!

Gu Chen laughed when he heard this.

Then several people returned the same way, and before getting on the plane, he also called Huangpu Ling to return to Huahai.

High in the air.

"When you go back, you will arrange a financial team to go over!" Gu Chen ordered to the assistant.


The assistant nodded in understanding.

Then Gu Chen returned to his private cabin.

At this time, Huahai Tomson is in a luxurious room in Building B.

"Sleep, a few more advertisers stopped the contract and asked you to compensate! It seems that the Huayi gang is not going to let you go! At this time, Aunt Xue said angrily.

"I guessed it a long time ago! Their means are nothing more than these few! Han Yumian suddenly laughed and said with great disdain.

"But what about this sky-high reparation?"

Hearing this, Han Yumian was also silent, although Huayi did it very ugly, it was very effective.

"Hmph! Those vampires really have no conscience, you have made a lot of money for them in the past few years, but I didn't expect to let you go in the end! Aunt Xue said very unhappily.

"Forget it, Aunt Xue, the entertainment industry is like this, don't you know after staying for so many years?" Han Yumian said with a wry smile.


Aunt Xue sighed deeply when she heard this.

"How much money do you still have in your hands now? Let's get together and see if we can get it together? Then Aunt Xue said unwillingly.

"Aunt Xue, I didn't pay attention to it before, it should be set by Huayi, I calculated that they asked me to receive nearly ten endorsements in total, each of which is a sky-high contract!" So don't waste your efforts, you can't lose the two of us if you sell us! Han Yumian shook his head and said desperately.

Aunt Xue's mouth opened and she did not speak.

She should have been firm and wouldn't let her into this circle!

It's a pity it's too late to say anything.

The two remained silent when suddenly the door of her house rang.

Aunt Ling Xue was stunned, and then she was very vigilant.

You must know that Han Yumian has no friends, plus her special status, no one knows her house number.

"Aunt Xue, don't be nervous, it should be Aunt Wang here!" Han Yumian explained after seeing Aunt Xue's nervous look and laughing.

"What? Aunt Wang? Who is she? Why haven't I heard you mention it before?

Aunt Xue was even more puzzled when she heard this.

She had known Han Yumian for so long, and she had never heard of Han Yumian and Aunt Wang.

"Don't worry! Aunt Wang also lives here, I'll explain it to you later!

After Han Yumian said a word, he stepped forward to open the door.

"Auntie, why are you here?"

Sure enough, after opening the door, it was her familiar Aunt Wang, who asked with a smile.

"Alas, isn't this boring at home? I'm going to talk to you! Didn't expect you to be really at home! Aunt Wang said with a kind smile.

"Auntie, please come in!" Then Han Yumian turned sideways when he heard this, and said with a smile.

"Uh-huh, why didn't you go out today?" Aunt Wang asked as she changed her shoes very skillfully.

It is not the first time to come back when you look at the familiar road.

After entering, I saw a woman in the living room and was stunned.

"Sleep, do you still have guests at home?"

Han Yumian closed the door at this time and walked in.

"Aunt Wang, this is my agent Aunt Xue, and my mother's former good friend!" Introduced to Aunt Wang with a smile.

"That's right!"

When Aunt Wang heard this, she suddenly realized.

"Aunt Xue, this is an aunt I knew in the community before, and she was very good to me!" Then he introduced him to Aunt Xue.

"Hello! Trouble you before you sleep!

When Aunt Xue heard this, she smiled and took the lead in extending her hand to say hello.

After all, as a deep-funded broker, there is naturally nothing to say about communication skills.

"What's the trouble, if it wasn't for sleep to save me before, my old woman wouldn't know where it was!" Besides, I love sleeping! When Aunt Wang heard this, she looked at Han Yumian with a smile and said.

That's right, Aunt Wang is Gu's mother.

"Oh?" Aunt Xue looked at Han Yumian very curiously.

Then Han Yumian told Aunt Xue about the previous matter.

Aunt Xue understood that this was the case!

Then several people chatted, and the atmosphere was very lively.

"That's right! Sleep, I see that you seem to have been at home lately, I remember that you public figures are generally very busy, right? Especially sleep, you are a big star! Finally, Gu's mother suddenly asked puzzled.

The scene cooled down in an instant, and seeing Han Yumian and Aunt Xue silent, Gu's mother also knew that something was wrong.

Han Yumian was silent, but Aunt Xue looked at Han Yumian, and suddenly her heart moved, since this sister Wang lives here, then the identity must not be simple, maybe it can help?

"Alas! Sister Wang is like this. Then Aunt Xue explained the general situation of the matter.

Gu's mother is a little older than Aunt Xue, so Aunt Xue is called her sister.

Han Yumian did not stop it, because she knew that there was little hope for this, after all, she had never seen Aunt Wang's son in this period of time.

"What! This Huayi is also too hateful!

Sure enough, after listening to it, Gu's mother was immediately furious, filled with righteous indignation.

For Huayi's such a shameful bullying of Han Yumian, she immediately couldn't bear it and scolded directly.

"Don't worry! I must ask my son to help you vent your anger!

Sure enough, under Aunt Xue's expectation, Gu's mother directly took out her mobile phone and prepared to call her son to help.

As for whether his son could solve it, she had no doubt.

"Hello, the phone you called is not in the service area for the time being, please dial again later, Shaorui..."

Suddenly a voice came out, which made Gu's mother a little embarrassed.

Han Yumian shook his head and still didn't have any expectations.

And Aunt Xue twitched the corner of her mouth.

"This, cough cough what should happen to my son, wait for me to fight again, sleep you can rest assured, I will definitely give you this evil breath!" Seeing the gazes of the two, Gu Mu quickly assured.

I scolded Gu Chen in my heart, and I couldn't get through to the phone if something happened.

And Gu Chen, who was far away in the air, suddenly sneezed a few times.

"Mr. Gu, are you cold?"

At this time, Lili, the flight attendant on the side, asked with concern.


Gu Chen shook his head.

Could it be that someone is scolding me?

"Auntie, it's okay, I still don't need to trouble you about this matter! Thank you for your concern! Han Yumian shook his head and said very happily.

"Nope! I must help you in this matter! Gu's mother directly refused.

Suddenly, she rolled her eyes.

"Or do I recognize you as a goddaughter?"

As soon as the words fell, the two were immediately stunned.

"That's right! Sleep, you see that the aunt is not bad, right? And the aunt has only one son and has always wanted a daughter. The

more Gu's mother said, the more excited she became, and the more she felt that this was okay.

She has been thinking about this question for the past few days, how to let Gu Chen help her without misunderstanding Chu Xinyi, and today she finally thought of it.

"Eh? Auntie, this..." Han

Yumian was dumbfounded.

"How? Can't you look at my aunt and me? Seeing the other party's refusal, Gu's mother turned pale and pretended to be angry.

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