When Han Yumian heard this, he quickly explained, "No! Auntie, I didn't mean that! She

actually liked this aunt very much and felt the warmth she had before.

"Then in that case, you will be my goddaughter in the future!"

Gu's mother directly clapped and decided.


Han Yumian suddenly looked at Aunt Xue at a loss.

And after this period of understanding and understanding, Aunt Xue found that this Wang sister really likes sleep, and her identity is not an ordinary person, maybe she can also help sleep.

"Sleep, even Sister Wang said so, I see that you are quite satisfied, so agree to come down!" Aunt Xue also followed suit.

Han Yumian heard that Aunt Xue also agreed, and after thinking about it, he agreed.

In fact, she was also happy in her heart, and she never had the luxury of feeling this long-lost family affection one day.


Han Yumian suddenly sounded like a thin mosquito, and after screaming embarrassedly, he lowered his head.

The whole person is as seductive and enchanting as a hibiscus that has just come out of the water.


Mother Gu frowned when she heard this, and answered sweetly, enjoying it very much.

"Congratulations, I have more people close to me after sleeping! Congratulations to Sister Wang for having an additional confidant daughter!

Aunt Xue was also very happy on the side, feeling relieved for Han Yumian.

"Haha, rejoice together!"

Gu's mother smiled so happily that her mouth couldn't close.

Then the few people got closer.

Gu Chen, who was far away, didn't know that he had an extra godsister.

The plane quickly streaked across the sky, leaving a long white mark that crossed the air.

Finally arrived at Huahai Airport.

"Lawyer Lin, how is it? Not bad! After getting off the plane, Gu Chen asked with a smile.

"Good! Where is the plane, it's just like in a five-star hotel, if it weren't for the blue sky and white clouds outside, I wouldn't know this was on the plane! Lawyer Lin looked back when he heard this and sighed.

"Have the opportunity to sit again in the future!"

Gu Chen patted the other party's shoulder and said.

Let the assistant on the side recall the previous scene, extremely shameful.

"Let's go! Go directly to Cloud City! Walking outside, Gu Chen directly entered the luxury car that came to pick up the airport and ordered.

Lawyer Lin took another car and went home.

On the way, he opened his mobile phone and found that his mother had called him, he looked at the time, it was on the plane, he did not receive it.

When I wanted to call back, I saw a text message from him, telling him to go home early today and have something to say.

He was stunned, what was the matter?

Immediately dialed back.

After connecting, I found that there were various shouts and shouts from the opposite side, and there was Gu's mother's happy haggling.

Ling Gu Chen was stunned, and before he could speak, Gu's mother shouted that he told him to go home early, and hung up the phone.

"U-turn, go back, not going today!" Gu Chen felt inexplicable, and then ordered the driver.

Then the car turned at the intersection ahead.

Gu Chen thought about it and replied a text message to Xia Ning, meaning that there was something today, and he couldn't come, so he told them to wait, or try it carefully, and hung up the phone in Xia Ning's resentful voice.

At this time, not only Gu Chen, but also Xu Shishi and Chu Xinyi also received a notice from Gu's mother, everyone went back tonight, she had something to announce.

Gu Chen naturally came back for the first time, but at this time, Gu's mother had not yet returned, and according to his guess, he should be buying vegetables.

He really couldn't understand why Gu's mother still liked to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables in person, and fight with those grandpas and aunts, you come and go, just quarrel for a few cents.

Then he took a shower directly, then changed into house clothes, and played with his mobile phone in the living room.

I don't know how long it took, but there was a noise at the gate.

Gu Chen guessed that it should be his mother's return, but when he heard his mother's hearty conversation, he frowned, guessing that it was his mother's friend.

But what made him curious was that his mother seemed to have never brought a friend back before, maybe she had, but he didn't know, but it also made him very curious.

Then he turned his head and was stunned.

"It's you!"

At this time, Han Yumian was also the first to come in, and she returned home under the strong invitation of Gu's mother before, and said that she would take her to introduce her family tonight, and she naturally couldn't help Gu's mother and could only be pulled by her.

She only knew that her godmother lived in Block A, but she didn't expect it to be this household, which shocked her at first, and at the same time she was full of curiosity about her godmother's son, her godbrother who she had never met.

It's just that she didn't expect that when she saw the real person, it made her even more shocked, and unbelievable and thick incredulous.

"Little dust! I tell you, I just recognized a goddaughter today. Gu Mu in the back naturally did not see the expressions of the two, but said in an extremely comfortable mood.


Hearing that the mobile phone in Gu Chen's hand fell, what did he just hear? A pair of big eyes widened.

"Little dust! Come on, this is the daughter I just recognized, and it's also your sister, you guys get to know each other!

Gu's mother was even more excited, and before anyone arrived, the voice came first.

"Sleep, come here, I'll introduce you! This is my son, Gu Chen, and your brother! Then Gu's mother finally appeared, pulled Han Yumian to sit down and introduced.

Then she finally realized that there was something wrong with the expressions of the two before.

"Mom, what's going on?" Gu Chen, who finally came to his senses, suddenly lowered his forehead and asked with a smile.

"What's going on! Your mother and I recognize a goddaughter! You don't know yet! Her identity is not an ordinary person! After Gu Mu glared at her when she heard this, she said with a smile.

"Ah... Aunt! At this time, Han Yumian also woke up from the shock, and suddenly shouted in a low voice.

"What an aunt! Call Godmother! Gu Mu's face suddenly turned pale and she said calculatedly.

When Han Yumian heard this, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Gu Chen carefully, and found that Gu Chen was looking at her expressionlessly, and immediately lowered his head directly in fright, like a frightened little rabbit.

"You don't have to worry about him!" Gu Mu suddenly glared at Gu Chen, and then said forcefully.

Ling Gu Chen touched his nose, he didn't seem to have done anything just now, right? He was inexplicably glared at.

But looking at Han Yumian was still a little embarrassed, he felt that he couldn't be silent, otherwise his mother would talk about him again.

"Miss Han, meet again!"

Gu Chen greeted with a smile.

"Gu... Hello Mr. Gu! Han Yumian's body trembled when he heard this, and he whispered back.

She never thought that she would meet this famous big man in this situation, and she didn't expect that Aunt Wang's son was him.

"Xiao Chen, you guys... Know?

This time it was Gu's mother's turn to be surprised, looked at the two, and then looked at Gu Chen and asked.

"Hmm! Seen it a few times! Gu Chen nodded.

Then he roughly explained the situation, and there was nothing to say, that is, the two had met less than three times in total, and they did not speak more than five sentences.

"Such a coincidence!"

Gu's mother was also stunned when she heard this, and then she was overjoyed, since her son knew it, it would be better.

"That's just right! From now on, sleep is your sister! Gu Mu directly decided.

"Eh? Mother...... This..."

Gu Chen didn't expect his mother to be so crisp and a little dumbfounded.

"Aunt Wang, or... Forget it? Han Yumian on the side heard Gu Chen say this, and she also persuaded.

In the end, she was quick-minded, knowing that this Mr. Gu's identity was not ordinary, how could she take advantage so easily.

"What amount?" It's me who takes my daughter, not you!

Gu's mother didn't care about Gu Chen at all, and directly took Han Yumian's hand and said gently: "Forget about him, don't say such things in the future, your godmother is your closest person!" When

she was outside before, Aunt Xue said about Han Yumian's life, which made her pity and love Han Yumian even more.

"It's not! Mom, I mean dad knows? Seeing that Gu's mother misunderstood herself, Gu Chen suddenly explained with a smile.

"Let's talk about this when he comes back!" Mother Gu said directly and forcefully when she heard this.

Gu Chen stopped talking when he heard this, and in his opinion, his father probably didn't have a trace of status, so he naturally agreed very much.

After all, this was his mother's recognition of his daughter, and it wasn't him, and he had nothing to refuse, plus his mother liked her very much, which made him a little strange, although it didn't affect him.

"In that case, Miss Han might as well agree! My mom wanted a daughter a long time ago! Gu Chen then said.

Han Yumian was also very happy in his heart when he heard this, not Gu Chen's identity power outside, but his identity as Aunt Wang's son.

"What Miss Han, how ugly it sounds, it will be called sleep in the future!" Mother Gu said unwillingly.

Han Yumian blushed a little when she heard this, after all, her maiden name was going to be called by a man, which made her a little embarrassed.

"Han... Sleep, how did you meet?

When Gu Chen was about to call his name, he found Gu Mu's sharp eyes and quickly changed his tone and asked curiously.

Although he didn't care about this, he still wanted to ask, afraid that his mother would be deceived.

"Speaking of which, you still have to thank Sleep, if it weren't for her, I guess I would still be in the hospital now!" Mother Gu hurriedly said when she heard this.

"Huh? What's going on? Hearing

this, Gu Chen was stunned for a moment, and then his momentum changed.

"What are you doing with such a big movement?"

Gu's mother said, and then said about knowing Han Yumian.

After listening to it, Gu Chen glanced at Han Yumian very gratefully.

But he misunderstood.

"Mom, why don't you tell me?" Then Gu Chen complained.

If it weren't for this opportunity, it is estimated that he would never have known.

"What is there to say, and it's not a big deal!"

Gu's mother didn't care at all, if it weren't for Han Yumian brushing the favorability here in Gu Chen, she wouldn't have said it to death.

"Yu Mian, thank you for this!"

The so-called one birth and two ripeness, when he called again, Gu Chen was already much smoother, and looked at Han Yumian and immediately thanked him.

"It's okay! This is as it should be! Han Yumian hurriedly replied.

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