She still had some trepidation in her heart.

"What should be, Xiao Chen, sleep saved me, should you have some thanks?" Gu's mother looked at Gu Chen and said directly.

The corner of Gu Chen's mouth twitched, and he naturally understood what his mother meant.

"Sleep, so be it! I don't know how to thank you for a while, so I'll promise you a condition! After

thinking about it, Gu Chen felt that his mother was very reasonable, no matter what, people just saved his mother, and as a son of man, he naturally had to express something.

"No need, no need, I didn't save my godmother for this!" Han Yumian became even more nervous when he heard this, and quickly refused.

"What's not to be used! To use! Gu's mother interrupted suddenly.

That's what she was waiting for.

"Sleep, since Xiao Chen said to promise you a condition, then you should quickly tell that matter!" Then he quickly asked Han Yumian.


Gu Chen also came back at this time, his mother did this for this before! Suddenly looked towards Han Yumian very curiously.

I don't know what happened to the other party, but he thought that when he was in the United States before, her agent seemed to have begged him specifically, could it be related to this?

Han Yumian was also very moved when she heard this, after all, she knew Gu Chen's identity, it was very easy to solve this matter, as long as she opened her mouth, it was estimated that she could solve it, but she thought about it and refused.

"No thanks! Godmother! I didn't save you for anything, and if I really agreed, wouldn't it mean that I had some intention to deliberately approach you! Han Yumian directly refused.

Although she is a woman, she is soft on the outside and rigid on the inside, and she is very assertive, which is probably caused by her life under the fence when she was a child.

Gu's mother was anxious when she heard this, although Han Yumian's words were very touched in her heart, but she knew this woman's current problem, and she didn't want to interfere with her son at will, so she wanted to take this opportunity to solve it.

"You silly girl, what do you say!"

Gu Chen on the side didn't say anything when he heard this, and his evaluation of Han Yumian in his heart was much higher.

However, when he saw his mother's expression, he knew that he could no longer be silent.

"Ahem! It's okay! Since you don't need it, then my promise is still valid, and you can find me whenever you want to redeem it. Gu Chen said.

Han Yumian continued to shake his head, and Gu's mother was even more embarrassed.

Then she set her eyes on her son, ready to exercise her mother's power, but before she could speak, she heard her son Gu Chen continue.

"But since you don't mention it, as my mother's daughter and my sister, I can help you do something!" It's my first gift as an older brother! Gu Chen still said with a smile.

Gu's mother was stunned when she heard this, yes! Why didn't I think of it!

And Han Yumian was shocked in her heart, her big pupils looked directly at Gu Chen, she found that she couldn't understand this young but high-ranking big man, and now she became her nominal brother, this encounter made her very dreamy, like a dream bubble.

There was an inexplicable emotion growing madly in her heart, and she didn't notice it at all.

At this moment, another noise came from the gate.

"It should be Xinyi and Shishi back!" At this time, Gu's mother was overjoyed and guessed with a smile.

Seeing Han Yu's puzzled expression, Gu's mother explained: "Xinyi is your brother's girlfriend, Shishi is my niece, Xiaochen's cousin, and your cousin!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a voice came from outside.


A crisp sound like a copper bell came out.

"Alas! Poetry is coming!

Gu Mu replied with a smile.


Shishi appeared in the living room at this time, and suddenly shouted loudly after seeing Gu Chen.

But before the words fell, he saw a beautiful figure.

His heart was stunned, and then he panicked, and when he was about to stop Chu Xinyi from coming over, it was too late.

At this time, Chu Xinyi also walked in, and when she saw the frozen Shishi, her face was stunned with a smile.

"Shishi, why don't you-"

She followed Shishi's gaze, and immediately saw Han Yumian who was sitting, and also quieted down.

Her heart suddenly burst out, very uneasy, Gu's mother was still holding the other party's hand, and suddenly a thought came out, and her face became more and more pale.

"Xinyi is here! Sit down! Mother Gu naturally saw that something was wrong with Xinyi and quickly said.

She didn't want to misunderstand her extremely satisfied daughter-in-law.

Then Gu Chen pulled Chu Xinyi to sit next to him, and after listening to Gu's mother's words, her face showed a hint of redness.

Apparently embarrassed by this misunderstanding.

"That's the way it is! Xinyi! Calling you over today is to get acquainted, don't make any misunderstandings at that time! Seeing Chu Xinyi's expression, Gu's mother quickly said.

Fortunately, she had the foresight, otherwise she would really be sorry for her son!


However, Chu Xinyi quickly reacted, looking at Han Yumian's skin, she couldn't help but show a look of envy, and then stretched out Qianqianyu's hand.

"Hello!" Han Yumian looked at Chu Xinyi and was also amazed.

How could there be such a beautiful person, no wonder Gu Chen fell so early!

At this time, her impression of Gu Chen has changed greatly, after all, such a young big man has a girlfriend and has still met his parents, and he is likely to go to the palace of marriage, which is very rare or even none.

After all, she is used to seeing these in the entertainment industry, and she can't control herself with a little fame, let alone Gu Chen.

"Sleep sister! Hello hello hello! I'm Xu Shishi, you can call me Shishi! I love your songs! Xu Shishi showed the eyes of a little fan girl and was very enthusiastic.

"Thank you!" Han Yumian whispered a little embarrassed.

"This traitor!"

Chu Xinyi looked at this scene with some taste in her heart, and scolded Shishi.

However, she is also full of curiosity about Han Yumian, after all, this is also a star she prefers.

"Auntie, how did you meet?" Poetry is another gossip that can't help it.

After all, the idol appeared in front of her, or her sister, and her flaming gossip heart instantly grew wildly.

Chu Xinyi also looked over very curiously.

Then Gu's mother said again.

After speaking, the two of them had some good feelings for Han Yumian.

"Ahem, Mom, it's almost seven o'clock! How about we go out to dinner? Seeing

that several people were chatting very happily, without paying attention to the time at all, Gu Chen touched his stomach a few times, and couldn't help but interrupt.


Suddenly, four pairs of eyes stared at each other.

Then Gu's mother said: "If something goes out, just do it at home!"

Then Gu's mother got up directly and went to the kitchen, she had already bought the dishes and planned to make them as soon as she came back, but she didn't expect her son to be at home, just kept chatting, and forgot the time.

"Aunt! Let me help you!

Xu Shishi looked between Gu Chen and the three, and then smiled mysteriously and followed her to the kitchen.

"I'll help too!"

Han Yumian felt that the atmosphere was a little wrong, and immediately said something and fled here.

Only Gu Chen and Chu Xinyi remained.

The two did not speak, and Chu Xinyi looked at Gu Chen so straightly.

"Ahem, what are you doing looking at me all the time?"

Gu Chen touched his nose and asked a little embarrassed.

Chu Xinyi still didn't speak.

"Actually, I just knew, originally I was going to go to Yun City, but I was directly called back by my mother, but I didn't expect to have more sisters directly!" Gu Chen gradually came back to his senses and quickly explained.

Chu Xinyi saw that Gu Chen's appearance did not look like a fake, and suddenly smiled.

"I'm going to help too!"

After speaking, he left the confused Gu Chen and went to the kitchen.


Gu Chen shook his head, not knowing what Xinyi meant, and then opened the fruit they brought when they came, and ate it directly no matter what, filling his stomach.

Listening to the lively laughter coming from the kitchen, Gu Chen looked at the TV without squinting.

The so-called three women in one play, let alone four!

He couldn't afford to mess with it, but fortunately the kitchen was very large, otherwise there would be no room for a few people.

Not long after, a figure walked out and sat directly beside Gu Chen.

Gu Chen didn't react after taking a look.

"Brother, it seems that your Yanfu will not be shallow in the future!" Xu Shishi suddenly said with a smile.

Gu Chen's eyes stared at the TV and ignored Shishi.

"I didn't expect my aunt to know Sister Mianmian! That's my favorite star! Xu Shishi continued.

Gu Chen glanced at it, how come you have only known each other for so long? Just sleep sister sleep sister screaming?

"But you can't be sorry Sister Xinyi!" Finally, Xu Shishi looked at Gu Chen and said seriously.

"Little brat! I still want you to say! Hurry up and find a boyfriend! Be careful that no one wants it later! Gu Chen said with great contempt when he heard this.

"I..." Xu Shishi's face suddenly became very ugly, and she ran back to the kitchen after glaring directly at Gu Chen.

She was also worried! Seeing such an excellent person as her brother Gu Chen, she would unconsciously compare it with other men, and tragically, none of them were compared with Gu Chen.

Therefore, her vision is also getting higher and higher, and no one can enter her eyes at all.

Finally, with the combined efforts of the four people, a hearty dinner was finally made.

Gu Chen looked at the dark night outside the window and couldn't help but sigh: "Is this a night snack?"

"That's all you do! Don't hurry up and get the dishes and chopsticks yet! Gu Mu glared directly at Gu Chen and said directly.

Gu Chen looked at the colorful and fragrant meals on the table and said nothing more, and quickly took five pairs of bowls and chopsticks.


Gu Chen clamped the Kung Pao chicken in front of him, put it in his mouth, his eyes lit up, and he praised.

"Brother, that's what I did! It's delicious! Shishi said with a smile.

"Good!" Gu Chen did not hesitate to appreciate.

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