"Come, congratulations on recognizing a daughter today!"

At this time, Gu's mother took out a bottle of red wine that looked very precious from Gu Chen's wine cellar, poured a glass for everyone, raised the glass and said with a smile.

"Good! Congratulations to the aunt (aunt) for recognizing a good daughter! Chu Xinyi and Xu Shishi said very enthusiastically.

Gu Chen was stunned, what is the situation?


At this time, Gu's mother saw Gu Chen stunned in place, and suddenly snorted gently, which frightened Gu Chen with a stirring spirit.

I don't know where my mother learned it.

"Come, I wish my mother finally got her wish after more than twenty years and had another daughter!" Gu Chen quickly picked up the wine glass and said with a smile.

"Thank you godmother! Thank you Sister Xinyi, thank you Shishi, thank you Gu... Brother. Seeing

this scene, Han Yumian was very moved in her heart, this scene she had only seen in others before, and now she could do it herself, and she was the first to take a breath.

After a while, the feelings of several people became more and more profound, except for Gu Chen.

Several people from cosmetics to clothing, from news to gossip, simply chatted and hated each other, leaving Gu Chen alone to clean up the situation.

He couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Huh! Woman! It's just that weird! Until

Gu Chen was cleaned up, several people still chatted hotly.

An entertainment gossip, a business secret, originally a secret that others are not in a hurry, has now become the talk of several people.

In the end, Gu Chen didn't care about them, and after a few words, he went back to his room.

He didn't care about the remaining few people, after all, he had a lot of rooms, not to mention that Chu Xinyi and Han Yumian also had houses here.

Back in the room, Gu Chen went to take a shower again, after all, there will definitely be a smell of eating and washing dishes before, he is a little clean, after washing out, he lies on the bed and thinks quietly.

From this period of time, Han Yumian's impression in his heart has changed greatly, and at the same time, he also found that his mother really liked it, so he gradually accepted it.

Thinking of what happened before, he directly took out his mobile phone and called the assistant.

At this time, in a high-end community, a room full of mood, a pair of men and women hugged together, among which the woman was very shy, a man was about to kiss the monkey when the mobile phone suddenly rang, startling the two.

"Xu Yan, your phone!"

Then the woman directly pushed the man away and quickly sorted out her messy clothes, but her face was flushed.

The man named Xu Yan was very angry and wanted to smash his mobile phone.

"I'm special—" When

he picked up his phone and was about to greet the other party, his voice suddenly got stuck in his throat.

"President Gu!"

Suddenly, his face changed with lightning speed, as if it was not him who was angry before.

"Hmm! What is Assistant Xu doing?

Gu Chen heard that something was wrong, so he asked more.

"It's okay! Just eating! The

corner of Assistant Xu's mouth twitched when he heard this, and he casually made an excuse.

"Is there something wrong with President Gu?" He quickly changed the subject.

"Hmm! There's something for you to do right away! Gu Chen nodded when he heard this and said.

Assistant Xu's face was shocked when he heard this, and he replied seriously: "President Gu, please say!" After

all, as Gu Chen's assistant, he naturally has to be online twenty-four hours a day.

"No big deal! It is to ask you to investigate the individual, Han Yumian of the entertainment industry! I want all her information! Gu Chen ordered directly.


The assistant was stunned, wasn't this the one I saw before?

He remembered things in Hollywood in the United States, as far as he knew, Mr. Gu never seemed to pay attention to the entertainment industry! But he thought of the other party's appearance, which is not inferior to the boss lady!

"Mr. Gu, please rest assured! I'll investigate right away! Immediately reacted and directly assured.

He understood the potential meaning of Gu Chen, Jin Wu Zangjiao, and he promised to give Gu Zong the clarity of the investigation.

"Hmm! That's it!

Then Gu Chen hung up the phone.

If Gu Chen knew what he was thinking, he would definitely kick him directly.

You understand a der!

Then Assistant Xu didn't want to do this kind of thing, so he said directly to the woman and left the room.

After all, he felt that he had discovered a big secret, which made him very excited.

You must know that this Gu has always been clean! It seems that he has never seen President Gu ask him to investigate women, or star-like beauties.

So it's even more exciting than himself.

"Hey! Is it Little Five! Hurry up and get down to business!

Assistant Xu's figure gradually faded away, and a slight voice came from afar.

Then Gu Chen took a direct rest, after all, today's exercise is a bit large.

In the morning, he also climbed the mountain in Lingbei, and in the evening, he arrived at Huahai.

As spring has passed more than halfway, the recovery of all things is coming to an end.

In the early morning, there was a hint of rain outside, and a faint cloud was also shrouded in the sky.

Gu Chen quickly ended his morning run.

Originally, his plan today was to go to Yunshi to inspect, but he had to solve Han Yumian's trouble, although he didn't know, but seeing that sad expression, he could guess one or two, it was nothing more than a little trick in the entertainment industry.

Before he didn't care about these at all, after all, it didn't have any effect on him, so he didn't care, but now it's different, his sister has been bullied, and he naturally wants to come out as an older brother.

So he didn't wait for the morning, took a shower directly, and went straight out.

At this time, Assistant Xu was waiting for Gu Chen outside the community early.

"President Gu!"

"Hmm! Let's go for breakfast first! Gu Chen nodded, and when he saw what the assistant wanted to say, he interrupted.


Half an hour later, a very famous breakfast place.

Gu Chen drank the porridge slowly.

"Say it!"

He had no doubt that the assistant did not find it, and if he did not find it, the assistant was incompetent!

After all, with his identity, it is not a problem to check a star, or to check an entertainment company.

In recent years, these companies do not know what virtues they have, and they are guaranteed to check one by one.

"Han Yumian, selected by Huayi Entertainment four years ago, after a year of trainees, he directly became famous overnight with a song of smoke and rain, with an angelic voice, peerless face and high-quality singles, and Huayi's big hit, directly popular all over the country."

"Then opened her legendary road, major music awards have been won all over again, that year's music scene was directly ruled by her, the second year into film and television, with several big IPs in the film and television industry to gain a foothold, directly became a film and television song three-star star."

Then in the touting of everyone, she was even known as the future queen of heaven! However, he suddenly disappeared in the third year, without a little news, which shocked the entire entertainment industry, and people who did not know the inside story were even more regretful, and those who knew shook their heads and said nothing.

"The entertainment industry is naturally a generation of new people for old people, and you can basically announce it without exposure for a month, let alone a year." The assistant gushed.

Gu Chen's brows furrowed, and he was a little surprised in his heart, he didn't expect that a woman who looked very weak would be so famous.

"Is it hidden by someone?" Thinking that there was no news last year, Gu Chen guessed.


The assistant swallowed the bun in his mouth and nodded: "Not only was it hidden by the snow, but it was directly blocked!"

He stopped here, Gu Chen's sharp gaze swept over, and he quickly smiled.

"There are two factors for long-term development in the entertainment industry, one is the work, the work that can be remembered by the audience, and the other is exposure, these two factors determine the life and death of a star."

"And Miss Han Yumian is not bad at the beginning, but the latter is very bad!" Assistant Xu said with regret.

"Didn't you take on a lot of big productions in the second year?"

Gu Chen heard this and asked.

He doesn't pay attention to the entertainment industry, so naturally he doesn't know the routine.

"President Gu, this is actually consuming Miss Han Yumian's popularity! The big productions that Miss Han Yumian picked up are all bad movies, which are very corrupt to passers-by and will overconsume fans!

"Actually, I think this is all decided by Miss Han Yumian's owner, Huayi, Han Yumian knows this result, but she has no way but to accept it, otherwise what awaits her is a sky-high contract and imprisonment."

The assistant shook his head and explained.

Gu Chen nodded when he heard this, and motioned for the other party to continue.

"Now Huayi is even more excessive, not only banning Miss Han Yumian, but also forcing her into a corner."

"Huayi has already made enough money on Miss Han Yumian before, and has also signed a large number of sky-high endorsements for her, but since Miss Han Yumian has not appeared for a year, those endorsers are ready to sue Miss Han Yumian that she has breached the contract and ask her to compensate for sky-high compensation!"

The assistant looked at Gu Chen and said.

Then he waited for Gu Chen to speak.

After Gu Chen listened, he understood, no wonder why Gu's mother asked him to help yesterday! It turned out that Na Niko's situation was very bad.

"How long until Yu Mian and Huayi's contract arrives?" After Gu Chen took a sip of porridge, he looked at the assistant and asked.

However, the assistant was surprised by Gu Chen's title at this time.

"I knew it wasn't easy! I didn't expect that President Gu really had a not simple relationship with that Miss Han, and she was so close.

Gu Chen looked at the assistant who lost his mind, frowned, and touched the other party.

"Ah! Mr. Gu, don't worry, I won't talk nonsense! The assistant was stunned and quickly assured.


Gu Chen looked at him suspiciously.


The assistant quickly came back to his senses, suddenly a little embarrassed, and seeing that President Gu did not understand, he was instantly relieved.

"Miss Han Yumian and Huayi signed the shortest contract, eight years, and now there are four more years!"

Then he recalled President Gu's previous question and explained.

"What is Huayi's background?" Gu Chen said.

"Huayi's shares are very complex, and the current chairman has less than one percent of the shares."

"According to my investigation, the Jiang family with the most shares is the imperial capital! It is also with this that Huayi can stand firm as one of the four giants in the music world! "

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