"According to my investigation, the Jiang family with the most shares is the imperial capital! It is also with this that Huayi can stand firm as one of the four giants in the music world!

The assistant pushed his glasses and said.

"Jiang family!"

Gu Chen also frowned when he heard this, which was a bit troublesome! Sure enough, those families will not let go of such a profitable industry.

The Jiang family had only dealt with the other party two days ago, and he knew that the current heir of the Jiang family was not a simple person.

Such a large amount of money to say give up and give up, this courage is definitely not what ordinary people can do.

However, he didn't want to trouble Academician Chen all the time about this matter, so he called Huangpu Ling in Lingbei.

"Hey, Mr. Gu! How free to call me! Suddenly

, the hearty phone on the other end of the phone came.

"Don't talk nonsense, help me send me that Jiang Shao's phone~!" Gu Chen scolded and said slowly.

"Eh? What do you want his phone for? Huangpu Ling asked very puzzled.

"Something to find him!"

"I don't either, I'll help you ask the Ye family!"


Gu Chen nodded, "By the way, how are you doing over there?"

"Ok! Everything is according to plan! Results are expected within three days! Huangpu Ling nodded when he heard this.

"Then I'll sit and wait to collect the money!" Gu Chen said with a smile.

"Haha! Rest assured!

Then Huangpu Ling hung up the phone.

After Gu Chen ate breakfast, he went directly to the company.

Not long after sitting down, a text message came over.

Gu Chen did not hesitate and dialed directly.

It didn't take two seconds to be connected.


"Is it Jiang Baisheng Jiang Shao?"

Gu Chen heard an extremely young voice.

"Huh? You are?

At this time, far away in a clubhouse in the imperial capital, a young man with a restrained aura was suddenly a little surprised.

"I'm Gu Chen!"

Gu Chen directly said his name.

"Mr. Gu of the Longteng Group?"

The young man suddenly sat up straight from his lazy sitting position, and his voice was raised a little.

"Yes, it's me!"

When Gu Chen heard the other party's name, he knew that the other party really knew himself.

"I wonder what Mr. Gu is looking for me?"

Hearing Gu Chen's admission, Jiang Shao was suddenly puzzled, and asked a little puzzled.

"I heard that Jiang Shao is the behind-the-scenes shareholder of Huayi?"

"Hmm! Not bad!

"This time, I am looking for Jiang Shao because I want to find Jiang Shao to ask for someone!" Gu Chen went straight to the point.

"Mr. Gu, please say?"

Jiang Shao's eyebrows jumped when he heard this, he didn't expect that this Mr. Gu would actually find someone in the circle, but he wouldn't say anything.

"Han Yumian! Now it's my sister! I wonder if Jiang Shao can release people? Gu Chen asked.

Jiang Shao was stunned after hearing this, he didn't expect Gu Chen to ask for this person.

As for what sister Gu Chen said in his mouth, he didn't believe it at all, everyone understood.

"Naturally, no problem! It's just that I didn't expect that I still have Mr. Gu's sister under my banner! Jiang Shao said directly.

He naturally wanted to give Gu Chen a face.

"Thank you Jiang for the less!"

As soon as Gu Chen heard it, he knew that this Jiang Shao did not know about Han Yumian, and it should be done by the leadership of Huayi.

"Little things."

Jiang Shao was in a good mood at this time, he didn't expect that he could still rely on this to make this Mr. Gu owe his favor, which was a surprise for him.

This also let him know that this Mr. Gu may like insiders, which made his heart move.

Maybe he can use this mouth to hook up with Mr. Gu.

He then called Huayi's current chairman directly.

"Jiang Shao?"

"Hmm! It's me!

Jiang Shao sat on the luxurious and comfortable sofa and replied in a good mood.

"I wonder what's going on with you?"

In a luxuriously decorated office, a fairly handsome middle-aged man asked respectfully.

Although he is a top figure in the entertainment industry, in front of the person on the other end of the phone, he is a dog.

"Is Huayi an artist named Han Yumian?" Jiang Shao asked lightly.


The middle-aged man was stunned in his heart, he didn't expect that one of his stars would actually spread to this person, could it be...

Thinking of this, he panicked in his heart, and the cold sweat on his head broke out one by one.


Hearing that the other side did not speak for a long time, Jiang Shao mentioned it in a tone.

"Jiang... Jiang Shao, I don't know what you are looking for this artist? The middle-aged man's face turned pale with fright at this time, and he said in a trembling tone.

"How? Is there something going on with this artist?

Jiang Shao also noticed something wrong at this time, and his tone suddenly became cold, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Jiang Shao, this..." Hearing

that the other party was still so procrastinating, the uneasiness in his heart became even stronger.

"Yang Tianhao, I'll tell you! You better pray that this entertainer is okay! Otherwise I can't spare you!

Jiang Shao said directly and hung up the phone.

And the middle-aged man, Yang Tianhao, the chairman of Huayi, heard the beep from the mobile phone, and suddenly the whole person softened, slipped under the table, full of despair.

And Jiang Shao also directly found the spy arranged by himself in Huayizhong, and the whole person was dumbfounded after listening to it.

No wonder why that Mr. Gu looked for himself, it turned out to be like this, and suddenly he felt a little hot.

Then he suddenly became angry.

"Damn it! Yang Tianhao! Dare to spoil me for good! Suddenly

, he scolded all the management of Huayi.

For these companies, he generally does not care about things, and is only responsible for collecting money.

Then he called directly and went out, and only after a few direct orders did he breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there is still room for turning around in this matter.

After that, he called Gu Chen back.

"Hello? Mr. Gu, I'm very sorry! As soon as

he spoke, he apologized!

"Please rest assured, Mr. Gu! I will definitely give Miss Han Yumian an explanation for this matter!" Hearing

this, Gu Chen knew that the other party should have known the news.

"Jiang Shao is polite!" Gu Chen said indifferently.

In the end, Jiang Shao repeatedly assured that he would definitely give Han Yumian an explanation, so he hung up the phone.

At this time in the Huayi headquarters, Yang Tianhao, the chairman who was full of gloom about the future, sat on the ground at this time.

Suddenly, the office door was opened.

Walk in and several inspectors.

"Hello Mr. Yang Tianhao! We are from the inspection team! Now I have received a report that you have been punished for a variety of crimes such as abusing your power for personal gain, forcing Liang to become a prostitute, and forcing and threatening to have sex with others, please go back and be investigated!

After seeing Yang Tianhao, the leader immediately said righteously.

Yang Tianhao's heart suddenly died, and he did not resist, allowing the two iron-faced and selfless inspectors to take it away.

Everyone in Huayi was very surprised to see their chairman being taken away, and then took away several managers, which directly caused panic.

Just when everyone didn't know what to do, several middle-aged men suddenly walked in, and directly announced with Huayi's equity qualification certificate.

"Hello everyone, I am Hua Tianyu, I will serve as the new chairman of Huayi in the future, I hope to be able to work happily with you in the future, and I hope that everyone can take this as a warning, don't use power for personal gain like my previous term!" Harm the interests of the company!

The middle-aged man at the head said directly loudly.

Quickly took over the company's big and small affairs, but the entertainment industry has no secrets is not just talk.

This matter was directly and quickly spread.

It caused a big earthquake in the entertainment industry.

After all, the chairman of one of the four giants of the music industry has fallen under the horse, and for a while many people are at their own peril, afraid that they will be next.

Finally, the new chairman Hua Tianyu stopped Yang Xue.

She was a little uneasy and followed to the office.

She looked at the familiar decoration, the familiar location, but there was a strange person on the seat, and she couldn't help but feel a little emotion in her heart.

"Agent Yang, please sit! Don't worry, I just wanted to ask you a few questions! Hua Tianyu said kindly after sitting down.

"Hua Dong, do you have something going on?"

Yang Xue was a little apprehensive, not understanding why she was so kind to her.

"I want to ask if Miss Han Yumian is still under your hands now?" Hua Tianyu tried to make the most kind tone and expression and asked.

There was no way, the task that Jiang Shao gave him was to do his best to make Han Yumian have no resentment against Huayi, but he had heard about Huayi's attitude towards people before he came, which made it very difficult for him!

"Uh-huh, in!"

Yang Xue nodded when she heard this, hearing this, she was full of resentment towards Huayi.

After all, Han Yumian has created great value for the company, but now he is treated like this, and anyone will be resentful.

"Agent Yang, don't get excited, don't worry, I'm not Yang Tianhao, I know what he did." Hua Tianyu hurriedly dissuaded.

"Regarding what he did to Han Yumian, don't worry, I will cancel it all for him, and from now on, restore all the rights and interests of Miss Han Yumian, and the company will compensate her as much as possible for the many grievances she has suffered."

"If Miss Han Yumian is still dissatisfied, the company will tilt all resources towards her next!" Hua Tianyu continued.

Hua Tianyu did not go around in circles, let alone have any careful calculations.

This kind of thing is completely unnecessary, the one above has spoken, from the tone, has said everything.

After listening, Yang Xue was stunned, she never expected that the other party would say this to her.

For a while, she was really happy from heaven, who knew that she was worried about death during this time, after all, such a large amount of sky-high compensation on her head made her breathless.

"Hua Dong, Yu Mian is now facing sky-high liquidated damages, this..." Then

she suppressed her excitement and said carefully.

"Agent Yang rest assured that this matter was not Miss Han Yumian's fault, everything was Yang Tianhao's fault, so the company will come forward to solve this matter, and will also compensate Miss Han Yumian for the losses suffered in the past year."

Hua Tianyu assured.


"Naturally! I wonder when Miss Han Yumian will come back?

Hua Tianyu nodded, and then asked tentatively.

He saw that the agent seemed to be very excited, so wouldn't the possibility of this matter being solved perfectly improved greatly, which was great good news for him, otherwise he would follow in the footsteps of his predecessor.

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