At the same time, he was very curious about the company artist Han Yumian, I don't know why suddenly that Jiang Shao was very concerned about her, since she had Jiang Shao, a big backer, why didn't she show it before, but only revealed it now, making the company change blood!

He even learned the lesson of this time, and he will never be so oppressed in the future, after all, no one knows what backers the artists below have.

The outside world now thinks that he sent Yang Tianhao in order to fight for power, naïve! Amusing!

"I'll call Yu Mian back now!"

Yang Xue didn't know that all this was because of Han Yumian, and thought that the company's leaders were fighting for power, and the newly appointed leader would do this for Han Yumian in order to appease the panic within the company, and she naturally had to seize this opportunity.

"No need to be in such a hurry!" Hua Tianyu hurriedly persuaded.

Then he said a lot of good things before sending Yang Xue away, and he was completely relieved.

At this time, Yang Xue left the company very excitedly, and she had to quickly tell Han Yumian the news.


"Rain sleep? You haven't gotten up yet? Hearing the other party's confused voice, Yang Xue was stunned and asked puzzled.

You must know that it is almost noon now, but Han Yumian has never woken up so late!

"Hmm! I played too late at my godmother's house last night!

At this time, Han Yumian rubbed his eyes, got up and leaned on the bed, a trace of spring light appeared, if this scene was seen, I don't know what kind of excitement would become.

It is a pity that no one is destined to endure.

"Sleep, let me tell you, something big happened this time! You rolled over! Yang Xue didn't think much when she heard this, and then she said excitedly.

"What's wrong?" Han Yumian asked softly.

In her heart, Aunt Xue was rarely so excited.

"Yang Tianhao was taken away! Now Huayi has changed blood!

Yang Xue said incoherently: "Now Huayi is in the hands of a person named Hua Tianyu, and the group led by Yang Tianhao has all been arrested by the police. "


Hearing this, Han Yu suddenly woke up.

You must know that all of this she is facing is because of Yang Tianhao, the chairman of Huayi, and now she is naturally very shocked when she suddenly hears that the enemy has entered.

"It's true! I saw it with my own eyes! And the new chairman is called Hua Tianyu, he seems to be very concerned about you, said that Yang Tianhao will give you the greatest compensation for you, you no longer have to worry about sky-high compensation, and he also said that the company's resources will be tilted towards you in the future.

Yang Xue said with an excited breath.

Hearing this, Han Yumian was also stunned, and at the same time there was an unreal feeling in her heart, and the most important shackles that pressed on her suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, she was not like Yang Xue in her heart, but had some guesses.

"Sleep, don't worry! I know your worries, afraid that Hua Dong is the new Yang Tianhao, rest assured that I have carefully observed that Hua Tianyu is not like that kind of person, don't worry! I guess he must be new to the company, and to calm the mood within the company, I found you as a representative.

"So we were lucky this time!"

Yang Xue chirped.

I thought I guessed the truth.

"Hmm! So shall I come over now?

Han Yumian was more and more sure of her guess at this time, but she did not tell Aunt Xue.

"Hmm! Of course! Since people give us face like this, we can't be too arrogant! Aunt Snow instructed.

"Okay! I'll come right away! Han Yumian nodded and said.

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the company!"

He then hung up.

Han Yumian's face was very complicated, and after thinking about it, she sent a message to Gu Chen.

"Thank you!"

Then he pursed his mouth and kept staring at the phone screen.

This is last night, at the request of Gu's mother, several people exchanged contact information, and even added friends.

"It's okay!"

After a few seconds, Gu Chen replied.

Seeing this, Han Yumian smiled, it was really him, and it would only be him.

The whole person radiates a kind of happiness that spreads from the bottom of his heart, making the whole room more beautiful, just like the three spring are full of joy.

At this time, Gu Chen stood on a tall building looking down at the distance, and after the mobile phone rang, he found that it was his sister Han Yumian who added yesterday, and when he saw that the other party Hui Qianlanxin guessed that it was his help, he shook his head and replied directly.

Unexpectedly, that Jiang Shao was quite attentive, it seemed that he owed a personal favor, but he didn't care.

"Thank you Jiang Shao for your help!"

"I can't stop Mr. Gu for this matter!"

Although Jiang Shao was so hairy, he was very comfortable in his heart, and he knew that Mr. Gu had put this matter in his heart and accepted his feelings.

Gu Chen shook his head, none of these family children were simple goods.

Immediately, he did not pay attention and directly dealt with official business.

At this time, Huayi has many vacant positions, which naturally makes many people's eyes hot.

And its artists are very curious about the new leader, and they have guessed what this person should say.

After all, once the Son of Heaven and a courtier, now Yang Tianhao's era has passed, no matter what relationship they have with Yang Tianhao, the transaction has all come to naught at this moment.

Now is the era of Hua Tianyu, and they naturally have to re-establish a good relationship.

Therefore, all the artists are even more eighteen martial arts methods, want to be valued, and then the company's resources are tilted towards them.

After all, in the entertainment industry, there are so many resources, you don't have them if you don't fight.

But they were all disappointed, no matter what you say, no matter how you hint at the artists who entered, it was useless, Hua Tianyu treated them equally, which made them very discouraged, knowing that this was not something Yang Tianhao could compare.

But it's better for them.

After all, fairness is the best way.

At this time, Han Yumian was also belated.

"Oh, my ancestors! Why are you here! You must know that during this time, many people have already gone in to see Hua Dong, you are so slow, if Hua Dong suddenly regrets it, then we are not finished! "

Seeing Han Yumian so unhurried, Yang Xue is really bubbling in a hurry, it is really that the emperor is not in a hurry, and the eunuchs are in a hurry.

"Aunt Xue, what's the hurry! If that's the case, it's useless for us to go in early! Seeing

Aunt Xue like this, Han Yumian suddenly had a mischievous feeling, which was very interesting, and she was not in a hurry to tell Aunt Xue the truth.


Hearing this, Yang Xue also carefully looked at Han Yumian, and the more she looked at it, the more strange her expression became.

"What's wrong? Do I have flowers on my face?

Han Yumian was a little embarrassed by Aunt Xue's stare, and touched her pretty face.

"It's not! How do I feel like you've changed as a person! The whole person's temperament is a little different! It feels like a spring breeze all of a sudden!

Yang Xue was very curious when she heard this.



Yang Xue affirmed: "It seems that being accepted as a daughter by Sister Wang yesterday has changed a lot to you!" "

For Gu's mother to accept her as a goddaughter, she is completely relieved.

"But that's a good change!"

Han Yumian is a little clear about his changes.

"Let's go! Let's meet your new boss first! Then

Aunt Xue didn't get entangled and led the way ahead.

Walking into Huayi Mansion, many people looked over very curiously, obviously familiar with this person, the man saw Han Yumian with a stunning feeling, and the woman was very jealous of her appearance.

Although he is accustomed to seeing handsome men and beautiful women in the entertainment industry, Han Yumian gives people an unforgettable feeling.

"Knock knock!"

Yang Xue came to the office that had been avoided in the past and knocked.

"Please come in!"

Han Yumian obviously heard a sound of breath.

Now she also has a family backer, and now she doesn't feel as confused, uneasy and sensitive as before.

Striding in.

Calmly looked at Hua Tianyu.

And Hua Tianyu also saw Han Yumian, for this he has seen several times on the Internet, and now he has a stunning feeling when he sees the real person.

"Hua Dong, this is Han Yumian!" Yang Xue hurriedly introduced.

"Hua Dong is good!" Han Yumian nodded when he heard this, and said flatly.

This tone made Yang Xue anxious, how could he feel that Han Yumian didn't pay attention to it at all now!

"Miss Han Yumian is really naturally beautiful! What a blessing for me! Hua Tianyu sighed.

He didn't dare to pose for music.

This scene also made Yang Xue dumbfounded, after all, how could this not match what she thought!

Even if this Hua Dong was to appease the company, there was no need to treat Han Yu like this, so she now felt that her brain was a little inadequate.

"Thank you Hua Dong for the compliment!" Han Yumian shook his head and said very calmly.

"It's a fact! I also know something about what Miss Han did before, which is really sorry, so here, I would like to express my sincere apologies to Miss Han on behalf of Huayi! As for the mental damage fee caused to Miss Han, the lost work fee and other expenses, I will compensate according to the contract! Seeing

Han Yumian so sure that the other party's identity was not simple, Hua Tianyuan quickly assured.

Subsequently, he took out a document in Yang Xue's shocked gaze!

"This is a new contract, Miss Han, please take a look!" It is also compensation for Miss Han!

Han Yumian's surprised gaze was placed in front of the two.

After Han Yumian read it, a different color flashed in his eyes, and then he handed it to Yang Xue, who was the boss with his mouth open, enough to stuff the buns.

It's really that this contract is too surprised, and it is too good for Han Yumian, it's just a joke.

"Hua Dong, this..." Yang Xue stammered as she looked at Hua Tianyu.

"Manager Yang, this is all true, this is after the study of the board of directors, for the compensation for the grievances Miss Han has received in the past year!" If Miss Han wants to go, she can leave at any time, but here I still want to keep it, Huayi's next resources will be fully inclined to Miss Han!

Hua Tianyu explained with a smile.

"Hmm! I'll think about it! Han

Yumian naturally knew why the other party was so good to him, everything was because of that person!

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