"No problem! Miss Han can think as she pleases! Give me an answer whenever you want! Hua Tianyu hurriedly assured.

Just kidding, now this is an aunt! Where did he offend.

He had already mistaken Han Yumian for Jiang Shao's Jinwu Zangjiao.

Then Han Yumian pulled the shocked Yang Xue out of the office.

Back in her office, Yang Xue didn't react.

"Sleep, what the hell is going on? How can Hua Dong be so good to you! No! This is no longer good, this is simply that you seem to be the princess of Huayi! Could it be that Hua Dong also took a fancy to you?

"Aunt Xue, what do you want?"

Han Yumian suddenly shouted angrily.

"Sleep, do you know something? Tell me the truth!

At this time, Yang Xue didn't seem surprised at all when she saw Han Yumian, and she also reacted and hurriedly asked.

"Hee-hee, I thought Aunt Xue would take you a long time to find out!"

"Huh? Do you really know? Say it!

"Aunt Xue knows, didn't I recognize my godmother last night?" Han Yumian said gently.

"Huh? Could it be Sister Wang? Sister Wang's son is really so powerful? Can it even affect the entertainment industry?

Yang Xue was stunned when she heard this.

"Uh-huh! It's godmother! Han Yumian nodded.

"Wow! What exactly is Sister Wang's son identity? It can actually make Huayi change the chairman! At this time, Yang Xue also figured it out, and suddenly sighed in shock.

At the same time, she also understood that it was no wonder that Hua Dong had such an attitude towards Han Yumian, it turned out that she was like a clown before!

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but glare at Han Yumian, this nizi must have known for a long time and didn't tell herself, making herself such a big ugly.

"Hee-hee, Aunt Xue would never have guessed,"


"Aunt Xue has seen it!"


Hearing this, Yang Xue was stunned, remembering the people he had seen, and still had the ability to replace the chairman of Huayi, it was really incompetent.

"Gu Chen!"

"What! It's him! Hearing

Han Yumian's words, Yang Xue stood up in shock, she really couldn't connect this big man.

"Sister Wang's son turned out to be that Mr. Gu?"

After a few minutes, Yang Xue still asked with a shocked expression.

The voice is even more incredulous.

Before I saw Sister Wang living in that community, I thought that his son was just a rich man, maybe he had some status and influence, but he didn't expect that he would be so rich and influential.

"yes! Yesterday, when I entered the door and saw Brother Gu, I was just as shocked!

Han Yumian also smiled and sighed when he remembered yesterday's events.

"Huh? Brother? Could it be that Mr. Gu really recognizes you? Yang Xue reacted when she heard Han Yumian's words and asked in surprise.


Han Yumian nodded with a smile.


When Yang Xue heard this, she immediately exclaimed happily.

"Aunt Xue, what are you doing?"

Han Yumian couldn't help but glance at Aunt Xue.

"Sleep, I'm so happy, that Mr. Gu has become your brother, you can also go sideways in the entertainment industry in the future, no one dares to force you anymore!"

Yang Xue cried with joy.

"Aunt Xue, thank you!"

Han Yumian also deeply realized when he heard this, in this circle of fame and fortune, without a relationship background, you will be eaten without bones.

She felt very lucky to have Aunt Xue protect her from the beginning.

"No, now I can completely rest assured!"

Yang Xue shook her head and then proposed; "But you can ask Mr. Gu about this!"

Han Yumian also made sense when he heard it, and then edited this matter for a long time and sent it to Gu Chen.

And Gu Chen, who was dealing with official business, naturally did not find it.

The two waited for a long time and did not see Gu Chen reply to the news.

"Mr. Gu should be busy, after all, big people like him have a lot of things." It seemed that he was afraid that Han Yumian would think too much, Yang Xue quickly explained.

"I know!"

Han Yumian nodded to show that he knew.

Then the two looked up information about Gu Chen on the Internet.

A day passed in a flash.

After handling official business, Gu Chen also stopped the pen in his hand, stood up and stretched.

After a few activities, he opened his mobile phone, and suddenly found that Han Yumian had sent a message in the afternoon, so he opened it and looked at it.

It turned out to be asking for your own opinion.

After thinking about it, he replied: "You can do whatever you want, according to your wishes, just be happy!" He

also investigated Han Yumian's background today, and found that she had spent in misery since she was a child, no wonder his mother would love Han Yumian so much, he was also a little moved, after all, since he was a child, he did not become radical but healed countless people, making him also give birth to an inexplicable emotion.

Then he planned to go home with Chu Xinyi.

And in Huayi's Han Yumian suddenly vibrated her mobile phone, she opened it for the first time, it turned out that Gu Chen replied.

When I opened it, I was stunned, Yang Xue also saw this, and immediately patted Han Yumian.

"Sleep, it seems that Mr. Gu is sincere with you!"

"I know!" Han Yumian was also very happy.

"That's right! Aunt Xue, I'll go to my godmother's for dinner in the evening.

"Let's go!"

Yang Xue said with a smile after glancing at it.


The next day, Gu Chen went to Yunshi early in the morning to investigate.

After all, he should have gone a long time ago, and was delayed for two days.

When he saw Xia Ning, Gu Chen was a little embarrassed, but he promised to come over immediately.

"Ahem, Mr. Xia, where is the finished product?"

Gu Chen sat in the office and looked at Xia Ning with some embarrassment.

Xia Ning directly ordered the employees to bring the finished products, and even asked several employees with good figures to wear clothes as models.

After Gu Chen saw it, he saw that the style was very good, which made his eyes shine, whether it was a men's or a women's model, it could be refreshing.

"Mr. Gu, we developed two kinds of spring and summer according to your requirements, and then carried out secondary creation according to this year's popular style, combined with the current color."

"It also investigated the age group with the largest sales and the most dense buying population today, and found that contemporary college students and high school students are the closest groups of buyers, and there are also 25 to 30-year-olds who have a lot of buying desire and purchasing power."

"Of course, girls have a lot more shopping ability than boys, so our designs are all designed around these age groups."

Seeing Gu Chen nodding in affirmation, Xia Ning suddenly raised his swan-like arrogance, revealing his snow-white neck.

"Good! These are fine! However, the choice of styles is still a bit single!

Gu Chen nodded again and again after listening.


Xia Ning looked at Gu Chen directly when he heard this.

"As you said, since girls' purchasing power is stronger than boys, why don't you seize this advantage to expand your results!" Gu Chen said.

"I think girls seem to have more styles! Just like now, why do boys have more styles than girls! From my perspective as a boy, I can tell you that although we boys also like some handsome clothes, they are far less picky than you girls, as long as they are not very dirty, and the rest are comfortable and comfortable and durable! I think our fabrics meet this requirement perfectly. Hearing

this, Xia Ning's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Just like these models, as a boy, I will also have the desire to buy after seeing it, so your design department is pretty good!"

"As for girls, I don't know much, but I think you girls wear beautiful clothes not only to like them, but also to make the opposite sex make a praise voice! So from this point of view, only these styles developed by your design department are okay, what about the rest?

"Some conservative, President Xia, it's all the twenty-first century now, and now the minds are very open, these are not very good!"

Gu Chen saw Xia Ning thoughtful, and continued to say slowly.

Hearing this, Xia Ning was originally a little happy, but when he heard the back, his face was a little bad.

These were all researched by her, and suddenly Gu Chen said that she was conservative, and suddenly her good-looking Danfeng eyes stared at Gu Chen.

However, in Gu Chen's eyes, not only is it not lethal, but it is somewhat cute.

"President Gu, you are an old rogue, what's wrong with the twenty-first century? It must be stipulated that girls should wear something to show their navels and thighs! Xia Ning retorted.

At the same time, he looked at Gu Chen with great contempt.

Suddenly Gu Chen was a little embarrassed, after all, there are still many employees watching here!

"What kind of rogue, President Xia pays attention to your words, I just talk about your design style from the perspective of a boy, and give you advice!" Gu Chen quickly explained.

Otherwise, if it is passed on, won't it damage his wise image?


Xia Ning snorted and stopped refuting, obviously Gu Chen's words made sense.

"However, there is no need to give up these models, just change it a little!" Gu Chen then continued.

"President Gu, in fact, there are still a few more, but President Xia directly vetoed it!"

At this time, a man on the side suddenly spoke;

Immediately, everyone looked over.

"You are?" Gu Chen asked curiously.

"President Gu, I am the deputy director of the design department and a team leader, Fang Qi." Hearing Gu Chen's question, Fang Qi suddenly came to his senses and introduced excitedly.

This is a good opportunity for the boss to know himself!

"Team Leader Fang!"

At this time, Xia Ning called Fang Qi.

"What's going on?" Gu Chen suddenly asked.

Seeing Gu Chen like this, Xia Ning immediately glared at Fang Qi and stopped speaking.

Fang Qi was overjoyed when he saw this, and quickly said: "Our design department has designed dozens of women's styles before, but they were all vetoed by President Xia, but we all agree that those dozens of models are very good, but President Xia vetoed it as too explicit." "

Huh? In that case, show me the design manuscript! Gu Chen said directly when he heard this.


In the end, Fang Qi suddenly came to the spirit, and then ordered one of his designers to get the manuscript.

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