Gu Chen came to Xia Ning and saw that she was not very interested.

"President Xia, what's going on?" Asked in a low voice.

Xia Ning shook her head and said nothing.

Seeing this, Gu Chen thought about it and directly called Fang Qi aside.

"Team Leader Fang, what's going on? You explain to me in detail! I remember that President Xia is not such a domineering person! Gu Chen asked directly.

"President Gu, in fact, this is the case!" Fang Qi suddenly explained with a wry smile.

However, he saw that the relationship between the boss and President Xia was not ordinary, and if he was misunderstood by President Gu and fired him directly, it would be too wronged.

After listening to it, Gu Chen suddenly realized.

It turns out that all this is because of the dispute over design concepts, Fang Qi and Xia Ning are still brothers and sisters, the two worshiped different masters when they worshiped the master, and although the masters of the two are also the same master, but they often fight because of the design concept, but also affect the design concept of Xia Ning and Fang Qi, so they have different views on design.

Xia Ning's design concept is because the design inherits the ancient method, although the design is magnificent and diversified, but it is somewhat conservative.

Fang Qi's school is mainly bold and open, advocating adapting to the times and liberating nature, so most of the designs are with an open mind.

After understanding, Gu Chen shook his head, how to say, both of them have strengths and weaknesses, and he is not easy to evaluate.

It didn't take long for the designer sent by Fang Qi to return. Holding a small thick printed manuscript in his hand.

"President Gu, please take a look!"

Fang Qi hurriedly handed it to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen took it and looked at it directly.

At the same time, he also understood why Xia Ning would directly veto it, because it was too avant-garde.


Fang Qi and the others looked at Gu Chen very nervously and expectantly.

Because this opportunity is in Gu Chen's hands, if he is satisfied, these dozens of models will definitely come out, otherwise the previous designs are all in vain.

And Xia Ning also looked at Gu Chen and did not speak for a long time.

"This one!"

Gu Chen glanced at a few people and said, "Team Leader Fang, this is really too avant-garde!"

After speaking, Fang Qi and the others sank in their hearts, while Xia Ning's eyes instantly brightened.

"However! This is not wrong either.

Gu Chen's words suddenly changed, Fang Qi showed a glimmer of hope, and Xia Ning looked at Gu Chen in bewilderment.

"These styles, I think ah, your market is misplaced! In China, I don't think many people are young, but in foreign countries I estimate that these styles will sell well! So ah! Team Leader Fang, do you think this is the truth! Gu Chen looked at Fang Qi and asked with a smile.

Fang Qi and the others fell into deep thinking, and finally their eyes brightened.

"That's right! Mr. Gu, before we were completely designed by design, we did not consider market factors at all. Fang Qi looked at Gu Chen and said respectfully.

He didn't expect that this President Gu would see so thoroughly.

Xia Ning was also thoughtful, and Gu Chen's words also touched her a lot.

"So ah! I think these styles are good, Team Leader Fang, you just need to change them again, I think it will become a domestic hit! And these styles do not have to be abandoned, when we enter the international market in the future, this is the finished product! Gu Chen nodded.

"Yes! Mr. Gu, I will arrange for someone to change it immediately! Fang Qi said excitedly.

Subsequently, he went directly down and redrafted.

"President Xia, are you still angry now?" Gu Chen said to Xia Ning with a smile.

"I didn't expect that President Gu still knew design!" Xia Ning said after a blank look.

"No, no, no! Just a little understood! Gu Chen said modestly.

Then Gu Chen accompanied Xia Ning to inspect the textile factory and garment factory, and also met Xia Ning's father, Xia Chun, the chief research and developer of new fabrics in Zhixia.

After a few words, a meeting was held.

It means that the existing models can be produced at full capacity.

"Mr. Gu, although our clothing is very good, we know that Xia is still a new company with no name in the clothing industry, and it is not popular!" One of the sales department supervisors suddenly said.

Suddenly, the entire conference room fell silent, because it was telling the truth.

In this day and age, the aroma of wine is afraid of the deep alley.

"What about this?"

Gu Chen also fell silent when he heard this.

"Mr. Gu, we can ask well-known celebrities to endorse and enhance our reputation, and we can also be a title merchant brand." At this time, the head of the advertising department suddenly proposed.

Gu Chen's eyes lit up when he heard this, this proposal was very good.

Others were equally in favor of the proposal.

"Good! This thing can be done! Our status is mid-to-high-end, we must have popularity, so the next step is to greatly enhance our reputation, I will do this! The people from the advertising department will follow me back to Huahai later! Gu Chen decided directly.


Then everyone agreed and dispersed.

When Gu Chen was about to leave, Xia Ning invited Gu Chen to dinner.

"President Gu, let's go tomorrow! Just now, Team Leader Fang told me that these styles can be developed tomorrow. Xia Ning suddenly said.


As soon as Gu Chen heard and thought about it, anyway, there was nothing important to return to Huahai, so he agreed.

"Alright! I'll just wait another day! Gu Chen said with a smile.

When Xia Ning heard this, he was overjoyed in his heart, so he said indifferently.

"After work, I'll invite Mr. Gu to dinner!"

Hearing this, Gu Chen was stunned, and then when he wanted to say something, there was a knock on the door of the office.

So the two stopped the topic very tacitly.

"President Gu, President Xia, there is a man named Zhang Yunlong downstairs in the company, he said that he is the general manager of Zhang's Garment Group and wants to meet you!" Xia Ning's assistant came in with a document and hurriedly reported.


Gu Chen was stunned, obviously surprised, while Xia Ning frowned.

Then he looked at Xia Ning's expression a little surprised: "President Xia seems to know this?" Hearing

this, Xia Ning looked at Gu Chen.

"Hmm! Recently, a powerful and well-funded force has suddenly appeared in domestic clothing, which is led by Zhang Yunlong of this Zhang Group! Xia Ning said with a frown.


Gu Chen was very surprised when he heard this, but he didn't expect that this guy still had some skills!

"This Zhang Group is very famous in coastal areas such as Zhu City, and I heard that it is a big foreign force entering the country, coupled with the offensive of the other party, it quickly gained a foothold in the low-end market." Xia Ning continued.

Gu Chen nodded, he knew that this guy, after meeting in Huahai, and then in Yangcheng, but he didn't put it in his eyes, directly let the other party suffer a loss, plus he warned the local forces, but he didn't expect that many parties actually gained a foothold in Zhu City, it seems that this Zhang Group is far deeper than he thought.

"But what is he looking for me for?" Xia Ning asked a little strangely and puzzled.

Gu Chen thought thoughtfully, and then shrugged his shoulders and said, "Let's meet each other!"

Xia Ning nodded and instructed the assistant, "Take him to the reception room!"

The assistant nodded after hearing this, and walked out with small steps.

"President Gu seems to know this Zhang Yunlong?"

When Gu Chen was about to say something, Xia Ning suddenly blinked his eyelashes and said with a smile.


He glanced at Xia Ning very unexpectedly, he didn't expect the other party to observe so carefully, but there was nothing to hide.

"I've seen a few times!"

Gu Chen said with a smile; "So I won't show up this time, you go and see his intentions!"

Xia Ning had such an expression when he heard this, and then nodded: "Don't worry!" Then

he walked out.

Leaving Gu Chen alone in this quiet office.

"It seems that this straw bale is far more interesting than I thought!" Gu Chen muttered.

At this time, not long after Xia Ning sat in the reception room, the assistant walked in with a young man dressed as a nobleman.

It was Zhang Yunlong of the Zhang Group.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw a woman who was not weaker than Chu Xinyi's appearance sitting majestically on the main throne, which made his eyes shine.

Xia Ning naturally noticed that her hot gaze suddenly plummeted, and her heart was very disgusted, she thought that this suddenly appeared force had something extraordinary?

"I wonder why this gentleman saw me?" Xia Ning asked indifferently.

The coldness of the tone made Zhang Yunlong stunned, he had long heard that this general manager of Zhixia was a cold beauty, he didn't believe it at the beginning, no matter how cold can there be Chu Xinyi cold? But now it's believed.

"Ahem! Mr. Xia, hello, I am the general manager and person in charge of Zhang Group in China, Zhang Yunlong. Zhang Yunlong hurriedly introduced.

Very sincerely stretched out his hand and wanted to shake Xia Ning.

However, Xia Ning didn't look at it, and he said in a tone of rejection: "It seems that we have never dealt with each other, right?" "

That means we don't seem to be familiar with it!

A look of irritation flashed in Zhang Yunlong's eyes, but he didn't expect that this person would not give him face at all.

You must know that since their Zhang Clan became a hit in Huaxia, he would be treated as a guest wherever he went.

However, after thinking of the purpose of this time, he forcibly suppressed this anger.

"Naturally! But I've heard about Mr. Xia for a long time! Zhang Yunlong said with a smile.

Xia Ning shut up and did not speak.

"I heard that President Xia also transformed into clothing, and still established a brand company."

"Mr. Zhang's news is very sensitive." Xia Ning glanced at it and said lightly.

"That's nature! But now the costume is very competitive! Isn't President Xia afraid of slashing the halberd and sinking the sand for a while? Zhang Yunlong said lightly.

What seems to be persuasion is actually a threat that is not easy to show.

"This is not Mr. Lao Zhang's concern!" Xia Ning's tone also sank when he heard this, and his face was livid and said.

"Ahem, President Xia is polite, the purpose of coming here this time is to talk about cooperation with President Xia?" Then Zhang Yunlong turned his words and said with a smile.

"I have long heard that President Xia has acquired a number of textile factories and garment factories before, and it seems that President Xia's ambition is also quite big!"

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