Without waiting for Xia Ning to speak, Zhang Yunlong said to himself: "But I think the brand Xia seems to be unknown in China!" If Mr. Xia wants to develop well, there must be channels, but unfortunately, I have a few good channels in my hand, I don't know if Mr. Xia is interested?

Xia Ning's heart moved when she heard this, although this disgusted guy was very annoying, but she was really moved, after all, the other party was telling the truth.

"What does Mr. Zhang want to say? Might as well say it bluntly? Xia Ning said directly.

"Since President Xia said so, I don't hide it, I know that many of the textile factories and garment factories under Zhixia are in a state of shutdown, so I want to rent these factories in Zhixia, if Mr. Xia wants to sell it, it is also possible, and the price is guaranteed not to make Mr. Xia suffer!"

"Impossible!" Xia Ning didn't even want to refuse directly.

"Now Zhixia is losing money every day! In that case, why is President Xia unwilling! Anyway, the factory is in a state of shutdown, and President Xia might as well directly reduce the loss. We cooperate for a win-win situation! Zhang Yunlong continued with a smile.

"If Mr. Zhang says this is the case, then you can invite it back!" Xia Ning was unmoved when he heard this, and said lightly.

"Doesn't President Xia think about it at all?"

Zhang Yunlong's face was a little ugly, and his tone became heavy.

"Xiao Wang, send off guests!" Xia Ning stood up directly and shouted outside.

"Good! Since President Xia is so insistent, then please don't regret it in the future!

Zhang Yunlong laughed angrily, said something fiercely and left directly.

Gu Chen, who was eavesdropping in the office, twitched the corner of his mouth, what did he say before? What kind of illusion made him feel that Zhang Yunlong had become not simple.

I couldn't help but shake my head, this fool thought he had changed!

After listening to it, Gu Chen knew that there should be someone behind him.

At this time, Xia Ning also walked in with a cold look.

"You should have heard it all, right?"

Xia Ning sat on the chair very unceremoniously and asked Gu Chen.


Gu Chen nodded.

"It seems that this Zhang Group should have gotten the news from where it knows, knowing that Zhixia has many textile factories and garment factories! Zhang will definitely make big moves next! Otherwise, with the factories they mastered on the southern coast, it will definitely not be enough! Gu Chen continued.

There was also a glimmer of wisdom in his eyes.

"But their market is only at the low end of the cheap market! It's completely different from our positioning, and there's no need to care too much about them. Xia Ning added.

"Okay, don't let your guard down in this matter, and increase the collection of their news! After all, they can tear off a piece of meat in the low-end domestic market in a very short time, and they are certainly more than simple! Gu Chen shook his head and said disapprovingly.

Xia Ning's mouth opened when she heard this.

"However, Zhixia was established for a very short time, many departments are not perfect, and the news network is too backward!" Xia Ning was a little embarrassed.

"I'll leave it to me! Next, it's up to Team Leader Fang.

Gu Chen took it directly.

Xia Ning no longer said when she heard this, she obviously knew the identity of this Gu Zong, but it was not simple, this was also because of Gu Chen's identity, so she did not see the threat of the Zhang Group in the slightest.

When this happened, Xia Ning and Gu Chen were not in the mood to eat.

Gu Chen, who returned to the hotel, directly instructed the assistant to investigate the intelligence of the Zhang Group.

At this time, Zhang Yunlong scolded and left Yun City.

"Zhixia!! Hum! Xia Ning! I'll make you regret it! Zhang Yunlong roared angrily.

Immediately, he made a phone call from the high-speed rail business seat.

"Forber, failed! Xia Ning, that slut, directly refused my cooperation! "


The man named Forber was a little surprised, because in his prediction, the other party would agree! Unexpectedly, it was rejected.

In his intelligence, although Zhixia has a mysterious figure who invested in Zhixia, but now Zhixia is losing money every day, as the person in charge of the company, he will definitely do everything to reverse the company's losses, so in his plan, the other party will definitely agree.

However, he also knew what kind of goods this young master was, and it must be because of something that provoked people to refuse. But these things are not spoken.

"In that case! Then give up! Originally, I just wanted to speed it up! Forber said directly.

Gu Chen didn't guess wrong, these were all thought up by this Fubo, not Zhang Yunlong's waste.

"Impossible! I must make that woman pay! Zhang Yunlong said fiercely.

"Don't worry! Master! Since the other party has also stepped into the clothing industry, with Zhang's energy, sooner or later there will be a chance! Forber dissuaded.

"I can't wait so long! Keep an eye on Zhixia, as long as they dare to sell products, then I must bring him down! Zhang Yunlong said viciously.

Fu Bo frowned at the sparse white eyebrows when he heard this, he knew the virtues of the young master, but he thought about the Zhixia textile factory and garment factory in the information and agreed.

"Okay! Young Master, you hurry back first!" There are still a few more meetings over the side that need you!

Forber said after nodding.

Gu Chen didn't know all this, and even if he knew it, he didn't put it in his eyes.

One night without a word.

The morning in Yunshi is much better than that in Huahai City, after all, Yunshi does not have any heavy industry factories, and the green environment is doing well.

Therefore, the air in Yunshi is also very comfortable.

Gu Chen got up early and ran around the hotel before returning to his room to wash.

And the assistant was waiting for Gu Chen early.

"How's the investigation?"

Gu Chen sat at the dining table and asked.

"President Gu, this group is discredited!" The assistant said with emotion.

Then he said the news of all the investigation in Gu Chen's doubtful eyes.

Gu Chen suddenly realized after listening to it.

It turns out that the Zhang Group can rise rapidly in China, the most important thing is to fight price wars and plagiarism, and its reputation in the industry is really rotten.

Simply put, which clothing company has a new model, then within three days in the Zhang Group can see the same similar, and it is also very cheap, so that it can quickly occupy the market.

After all, in the low-end field, where can the quality be better! People who may buy clothing also know, so which is cheap they will naturally buy which, regardless of your plagiarism or not!

"No wonder the nameless Zhang Clan was able to open the situation quickly! But it stinks for their reputation! Gu Chen sighed.

"Mr. Gu, they don't care about this reputation at all, and their registered company is just an empty shell, and customers can't find out about the Zhang Group, which is why they are unscrupulous, in fact, these are also very common in China, but because they have strong capital and rich experience, they will have such great results." The assistant explained.

"But that's only for the low-end market!"

"Yes! Mr. Gu, so now Zhang's has taken a fancy to the mid-end market, and they have hooked up with a few domestic brands, and it is strange that one or two of them have a very good reputation in China! The assistant said suspiciously.

Gu Chen's mind turned, and he slowly said, "Maybe they reached an agreement!" This Zhang also has a broad market abroad! It is estimated that those brands want to use Zhang's influence abroad to go abroad!

Gu Chen pointed it out directly.

The assistant was shocked when he heard this, it turned out to be the reason.

"But I think that with Zhang Yunlong's character, he will be rewarded, so they will definitely target Zhixia's conspiracy next." Gu Chen continued.

However, there was no worry or fear in the tone.

"Then do you want to remind President Xia?" The assistant thought about it and asked.


Gu Chen nodded: "Since they don't like to plagiarize and fight price wars?" Then give it a try! This is not a low-end market! Customers are not greedy and cheap. I believe it will teach them a painful lesson! The

assistant believed it very much when he heard this, after all, Zhixia has a new type of fabric! It's a top-of-the-line fabric, and it's unique!

This is also the core competitiveness of Xia brand clothing.

Gu Chen told Xia Ning what the assistant told him in the morning.

Xia Ning, like Gu Chen, was all bright.

"Then teach that Zhang Group a lesson! Hum! Xia Ning said excitedly.

After all, she believes in this new type of fabric, if the Zhang Group dares to imitate, it will definitely lose a lot, even if the two are exactly the same, but the comfort is definitely different, and you can also use the fame of the Zhang Group to make a wave of advertising.

Stepping on the other party's bones, the feeling is enjoyable to think about.

"That's right! How did Team Leader Fang change? Gu Chen also nodded, and then asked with a change of topic.

"It should already be done, right?" Xia Ning said with some uncertainty.

As soon as the words fell, there was an urgent knock on the office door.

Sure enough, Team Leader Fang walked in excitedly.

"President Gu, it has been changed, and now the garment factory is working overtime to produce!"

Hearing this, Gu Chen and Xia Ning were bright, although Xia Ning didn't like that design style, but now she had a bigger goal, that is, to step on the chapter.

So the group rushed to the garment factory with interest.

Half an hour later, several people arrived at the factory and waited for the products to appear.

After all, with the finished draft and design parameters, it is not difficult to produce.

Experienced masters played an important role at this time, and it didn't take long for the finished product to be freshly baked.

"President Gu, President Xia, Team Leader Fang, it has been made!"

A workshop director personally sent it over.

Gu Chen was naturally the first to hold it in his hand and touch the smooth and silky fabric, and Gu Chen was very satisfied.


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