
Looking at the style, it is neither too explicit nor too conservative, it is simply like a small fresh style, and Gu Chen is very satisfied and likes this style.

The next thing is Xia Ning checking, after taking a look, her eyes immediately lit up, this style she also likes very much!

"Okay, it's useless just to look at it, let's find a model to try it on!" Gu Chen then waved his big hand and ordered.

The above sentence, the lower run and broken leg, this is not just talk.

Gu Chen and several people sat directly in the factory director's office, and the factory director naturally went out to find a model.

Soon after, a row of models stood in the office.

Gu Chen looked at it at a glance and had to admit that it was not unreasonable that there were many beautiful women in the factory uploaded on the Internet.

In addition, wearing such a design is refreshing and colorful.


Gu Chen looked at it and felt very good.

Designers such as Xia Ning and Team Leader Fang also nodded one after another, after all, as designers, they are much stronger than ordinary people in terms of aesthetics.

And those models have long known that the executives standing in front of them are the company's executives, so they are all dressed up very eye-catching, after all, if they are seen, then they are one step to the sky, where do they need to stay in the factory!

Especially the young man in the middle, he is simply more handsome than the star, or the boss of the company, he is simply more handsome than the diamond king and the five!

One by one, their eyes were glued to Gu Chen's body.

"Okay! Go down!

At this time, Xia Ning hummed and ordered directly.

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, they all showed a hesitant expression, and the model was also very unwilling.

However, the order was difficult, especially the general manager of the company, so the row of women could only leave the office three times in one step.

Gu Chen shrugged, he had no effect at all, after all, his vision had long been extremely high.

It's just that the group of designers in the design department are full of reluctance, they didn't expect that there were so many beautiful women in the company, and everyone had different thoughts for a while.

"Okay! Bring all of this, inform it, and hold meetings of the ministries.

After Gu Chen finished speaking, he walked out of the gate first, and Xia Ning followed closely behind.


The large conference room of Zhixia Company was already full of people at this time.

There are more people than yesterday, after all, this is a meeting of management, yesterday is a meeting of executives.

"Everyone must have heard of it, and the focus of the company is to play to the clothing brand, and everyone's task is also coming!"

Gu Chen stood at the forefront.

"Behind me are the finished products designed by the design department, which have been tested and tested, and then it is ready for mass production, and now the task of each department is to open up the market for me and increase the company's influence!" Raise awareness! He continued.

Then he opened the PPT behind him and directly projected the previous style and the model's video photos onto the projector.

For a while, there was an instant buzz, and all kinds of exclamations were endless.

After half an hour, everyone finished watching, and Gu Chen's voice continued to sound.

"It seems that everyone is quite satisfied with these models of the company!"

Gu Chen said with a smile, and everyone below answered in the affirmative.

"In that case! I'm not talking nonsense anymore! I decided that the company will start to open up the sales channel in half a month, whether it can be a hit, it depends on the publicity of everyone here! I wonder if you have confidence? "


Suddenly, a deafening answer came from below, which made Gu Chen very satisfied.

It seems that everyone's morale is quite good.

"Good! Since this is the case, the departments have begun to speed up! Especially the propaganda department and the advertising department, the burden on you is more important, not to mention more, I will take out 30% of this year's profit, which department performs well, the richer the year-end bonus! Gu Chen said directly.

In his view, no amount of talk is as relevant as actual benefits.

"Don't worry, Mr. Gu!"

Sure enough, after hearing Gu Chen's words, everyone's emotions were much more excited than before, as if they had beaten chicken blood.

The management who can sit here, everyone's ability is not bad, they have a lot of hope for the company's fabrics, as long as they have a reputation, sales are definitely not bad, that's why everyone is so excited.

"Good! Then I'll wait for you!

Then Gu Chen said happily and then disbanded directly.

Back in the office, Gu Chen took a sip of water, easing his dry throat and lips.

"President Gu, it's really willing!"

Xia Ning quickly walked in and quipped.

She didn't expect President Gu to be so willing.

"If you want to motivate everyone, you have to be willing to give up! Besides, if the sales at the end of the year are good, I will earn more. Gu Chen explained with a smile.

After all, now that Zhixia is not famous in China, who can say exactly what the specific situation is?

Therefore, this is a verbal check for Gu Chen, and without any loss, it has been exchanged for the enthusiastic work of hundreds of people, and it is definitely a steady profit.

This is mostly what capitalists portray.

Xia Ning shook his head, he didn't expect Gu Chen to be proficient in the means of capitalists at such a young age.

"This is an evil capitalist!" Xia Ning looked at Gu Chen and whispered.

"Haha! I just made a decision that was good for everyone. Gu Chen smiled.

Xia Ning did not refute when he heard this, and then glared at him and went to work.

Gu Chen was not interested after reading a few reports.

Because the current Zhixia is not in business, so there are still very few things, so these documents are daily loss reports, and Gu Chen is naturally not interested.

"Looks like it's going to speed up!"

Gu Chen muttered.

Even if this loss is not worth mentioning in his eyes, he is not wronged.

"Xiao Xu, get ready, go back to Huahai immediately, and ask the people from the advertising department and the propaganda department to go together!"

Gu Chen shouted to the outside, and began to sort out his things.

The assistant's footsteps quickly faded away.

An hour later, Gu Chen embarked on the return journey.

At the high-rise window of a certain building, a beautiful woman held a photo and looked out the window, stunned.

Looking down, the photo turned out to be a pair of men and women standing together with sweet smiles, the man is handsome and handsome, the woman is gorgeous and beautiful, it is simply a couple who envy others.

It was Gu Chen and Chu Xinyi.

Xia Ning's eyes showed a look of loss.

Somewhere inside it was like having lost something most precious.


In the car, Gu Chen thought about it and sent a message directly to his cheap sister.


After all, if you want to make a name for yourself, finding a celebrity endorsement is the fastest way and the best way.

Gu Chen originally thought that the other party should be the busiest time now and had no time to reply to him, but he didn't expect that the other party would reply to the message in less than a minute.

"In the company!"

At this time, in the largest artist lounge on the Huayi card, Han Yumian nervously held the mobile phone and stared at the mobile phone screen with his eyes tight.

That's right, now she is indeed the busiest, since Hua Tianyu came to power, she directly formulated a plan with the shortest return time and the fastest improvement in fame, which shocked the entire company.

Curious about why Han Yumian, who was hidden by the snow, directly soared into the sky, and received the strong support of the chairman, the company's resources were even more unwilling to be smashed on her.

After all, they also understand the chairman, they are absolutely very rational and fair, they have not thought of a way to make the chairman favored, but they are useless, all equal, except for Han Yumian.

In the end, some artists in the company were even more jealous of separating them, and privately spread what the chairman's mistress ah, which made Han Yumian very angry.

Of course, the more angry is Hua Tianyu, the chairman of Huayi, who is not only angry, but also scared in his heart.

He was directly furious, and found the artists and employees who spread it with lightning speed, directly blocked the ban, dismissed the dismissal, and even more in accordance with the system, the compensation must be compensated a little, otherwise it will be directly summoned by the court.

Directly calmed many people, and its artist employees and management even more booed and did not dare to say a trace of Han Yumian's bad words, but what he thought in his heart just didn't know.

Usually she is very enthusiastic about Han Yumian, and now she is Huayi's first sister!

Originally, she was preparing to participate in the filming ceremony of a TV series today, which is a big resource!

It cost a lot of money to win this female number one with Huayi's size, but because she was not in good health, Hua Tianyu directly told her to rest in the company, and it was okay not to participate. It stunned the whole company.

"By the way, how is your job now? How's it going? Gu Chen asked.

Now he also knows a little about the entertainment industry, and naturally knows the term return.

"Very good, now Huayi has given me very rich resources, and it won't be long before I return to the audience's attention!"

Although Han Yumian didn't know what Gu Chen asked her for, she still answered honestly.

Hearing this, Gu Chen was also relieved, and he was quite satisfied with Huayi.

Originally, he was a little worried, after all, Han Yumian has been silent for nearly a year now, and his fame and popularity must have plummeted, and Zhixia is going to open the market immediately, so whether he can invite Han Yumian to speak is still a problem.

But now listening to the other party, it seems that it is okay.

After all, Han Yumian surprised many people at the beginning, and finally suddenly lost the news, which can be said to attract many people to be curious.

So this time her return will definitely be full of topics, plus Huayi is all touted, the next will definitely be Han Yumian's popularity explosion, which is a huge benefit for Zhixia's fame promotion.

"I have something for you!"

"Please say!"

The other party directly replied in seconds, and did not ask what was going on.

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