"Let's meet and talk! You send a positioning, I'll come to you now! Gu Chen smiled and shook his head slightly.

Han Yumian was stunned, and then clicked his little finger, sent a direct position, and put down the mobile phone.

Guess what this cheap brother is looking for himself?

At this time, she couldn't think of it for a long time, and finally found Yang Xue directly.

Now Yang Xue can be described as proud, taking the opportunity of Han Yumian, not only promoted to one of the only three A-level agents in the company, but also became the person with the richest resources in his hands.

Who in the company now is not very careful with her and does not look her in the eye.

"What's wrong? Sleep? Yang Xue came to Han Yumian Lounge in a comfortable mood and asked with a smile.

"My brother waits for me!" Han Yumian did not hide it and said directly.

"Huh? Which older brother?

Yang Xue was stunned when she heard this, and she didn't think about it all of a sudden.

Immediately, his face changed, and he cautiously asked, "It won't be that Mr. Gu, right?" Looking

at Han Yumian nodding, she was immediately very nervous, after all, this is a real big man, she did not tell Mian that she went to see the one privately at that time.

"What is he looking for you for? Did you ask? He asked puzzled.

"He didn't say anything, he just said to come over immediately!" Han Yumian said.

Seeing Aunt Xue's expression, she couldn't help but shake her head, she thought that she still wanted to discuss with her what was going on, but now it seems that she just thinks too much.

Although she didn't know why Aunt Xue was a little scared when she heard Gu Chen, she still comforted: "Aunt Xue, don't be nervous, in fact, Brother Gu is still quite talkative." "

Yang Xue gave a white look, if you weren't loved by Sister Wang, I guess I was more nervous than me!"

Finally, after the two said something again, Han Yumian's mobile phone rang.

"My brother has arrived!"

Han Yumian quickly opened his mobile phone, and sure enough, he found that it was sent by Gu Chen, saying that he had arrived downstairs in Huayi's company.

So he hurried down to greet him.

At this time, Gu Chen and his group were standing downstairs in Huayi's company.

"Mr. Gu, I wonder who you plan to look for as a spokesperson?"

Several managers of Zhixia asked curiously after seeing President Gu bring them here.

"Han Yumian!"

Gu Chen glanced at a few people and said directly without concealment.

Only the assistant guessed, and everyone else was stunned when they heard this!

"President Gu, but the previous rain of heaven Queen Han Yu sleeps?" After thinking about it for a long time, one of them immediately asked very excitedly.

The others also knew when they heard it, and they were all stunned, and then they all looked at Gu Chen.

After all, Han Yumian was very famous before, and he suddenly disappeared in the entertainment industry last year, so everyone had the impression that they couldn't remember it for a while, and now as long as people say it, they immediately think of it.

It just made them very curious, to know that Han Yumian suddenly disappeared but caused great movement, and several of them also guessed for a long time at that time, but they didn't expect to suddenly say it in their boss's mouth now.

"Good!" Gu Chen nodded in agreement.

Immediately, several people became excited.

After a while, a long-haired temperament woman wearing a mask suddenly ran out, and several people guessed that this should be Han Yumian.

Sure enough, Gu Chen directly greeted him.


Han Yumian is now called Gu Chen, and he is already very skillful.


Gu Chen smiled and nodded.

"They are people from my company, looking for you for something, do you have a separate office?"

Gu Chen saw Han Yumian's gaze, explained a sentence, looked around and asked.

"Yes! Follow me!

Then Han Yumian took Gu Chen and his group towards the interior of Huayi, because it was Han Yumian in front, the security guard at the door did not dare to stop him at all, but was very enthusiastic.

And several managers and assistants of Zhixia were stunned, what did they just hear? Elder brother?

This huge news can be described as shocking to them, especially the assistant, he thought that President Gu and the star were just a little involved, but he didn't expect it to be this relationship.

His whole person is stupid, you must know that the news of this person before was personally checked by him.

As Han Yumian walked into the company with a group of people with good temperament, many people in the company looked over and were very curious.

However, none of them came to stop them, and Gu Chen glanced at it and found that everyone was envious of Han Yumian, and immediately nodded.

It seems that Huayi is very good to her now! It seems that he owes a big favor! I have to find an opportunity to pay it back quickly, after all, it is difficult to pay back the debt this year!

The several managers behind Gu Chen looked left and right as if they had never seen the world, obviously very curious about the group of stars.

Walking to one of the largest and best decorated offices, the group followed inside.

Everyone outside whispered and discussed.

Yang Xue was impressively inside, and her body trembled after seeing Gu Chen.

Then cheered up: "Hello Mr. Gu!" "

Greet with a smile.

"Hmm! Hello!

Gu Chen nodded.

For this person, his senses are still good, whether it is in the information or under his own contact, Yang Xue is really very good for Han Yumian.

"I wonder if Mr. Gu is looking for sleep?"

Yang Xue saw that Gu Chen was completely different from her before, and she knew very well in her heart that it was all because of Han Yumian, but she also felt very honored.

"Come this time! Want to find a sleep endorsement company! Gu Chen also did not hide and said.


Hearing this, Han Yumian and Yang Xue looked at each other, and they both saw surprise in their eyes.

"I don't know what kind of endorsement?" Han Yumian asked curiously.

It seems a little strange to her, after all, as far as she knows, the company owned by this cheap brother seems to have never found any celebrity endorsements, let alone need celebrity endorsements.

She has also heard some rumors in private, I don't know how many days after the shadow, A-list stars want to find Gu Chen's company to endorse, but people don't look at it.

It's a little strange to suddenly look for her now.

Gu Chen did not speak, but looked at several managers who knew Xia.

One of the managers of the propaganda department was quick to respond.

Quickly stepped forward and said with a very excited expression: "Miss Han, I am the manager of the publicity department of Zhixia Brand Clothing Company.

Han Yumian and Yang Xue were stunned when they heard this, they had not heard of this company, and there were no other companies about Gu Chen on the Internet, in their opinion, this was probably a company that Gu Chen did not know about.


Immediately, Han Yumian reacted and replied with a smile.

The bright smile made the whole room as bright as the sun, and several people couldn't help but look dumbfounded, but quickly reacted, they didn't dare to be presumptuous, after all, this is the boss's "sister"!

"This time, I am on behalf of Zhixia and asked Miss Han to be the spokesperson of our company! Let me tell you a little about our summer.

"Zhixia is a newly established brand clothing company, the company's products are mainly in the high-end and private customization, and the operating group is mainly young people."

"Her products and clothing are full of youth, flamboyance, vitality, and popular styles, which are very close to Miss Han's temperament."

It is worthy of being the manager of the publicity department, and the tone and wording are very fluent.

After listening, Han Yumian's eyes lit up, and he immediately agreed: "I speak for it!"

The corner of Yang Xue's mouth twitched, can she be reserved.

Several people who knew Xia were very happy, but they knew that it was related to the boss.

"Sleep, no need to force it! We know that Xia Xia is still not well-known! At this time, Gu Chen coughed and then persuaded.

Although he was very comfortable in his heart, he still discouraged.

"No thanks! Elder brother! I have seen the potential of Zhixia's future, and brother, do you know, as long as the news that Zhixia is your company spreads, it is guaranteed that there will be many stars who want to speak for you, so I took advantage of this matter. Han Yumian suddenly shook his head and said firmly.


Gu Chen was stunned, he didn't expect such a thing.

However, he would not be exposed, and then shook his head and said, "Since you have thought about it, I will not advise you,

but my identity will not be exposed


"It's okay!"

Han Yumian didn't care when she heard this, she originally planned to agree, after all, Gu Chen had helped her too much, and she also wanted to help Gu Chen, otherwise she would be very uneasy in her heart.

However, she knew that she might never be able to help Gu Chen, but she didn't expect the opportunity to come so quickly.

"In that case, let's sign a contract! By the way, should I discuss this matter with your company? Gu

Chen stopped talking nonsense when he heard this, and suddenly asked when he was about to agree.

"Brother! You forget that all the endorsement rights of the new contract that Huayi gave me before belong to me, and the endorsement income I negotiated also belongs to myself. Han Yumian said with a smile.

"That'll do! But do you have to come back in the next ten days, is there a problem?

"The company is ready to start putting traffic in these two days, and there are several big IPs that will also promote my identity, so you can rest assured!" Han Yumian directly assured.

"Then it's all right! Endorsement signed for three years! One hundred million endorsements a year! Gu

Chen directly waved his hand, and all the endorsement fees went to Han Yumian, and he didn't want to say directly.

Such a big stroke directly scared several managers of Zhixia.

And Han Yumian was also taken aback.

"Brother, this is too much! Nope! I can endorse for free! Quickly refused.

Although there are often sky-high endorsement fees, but they are all super first-line treatment, and she is an unknown third-tier star, although she is about to return, but even if she returns successfully, the endorsement fee will not reach such a high.

When she was the highest, she was only twenty or thirty million a year, which was already a high price, but she didn't expect Gu Chen to drive so high directly! It really scared her.

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