"It's okay! With Huayi's plan for you, your fame and coffee position will enter a period of rapid development. Gu Chen waved his hand and said.

He has also learned about the endorsement fee in the entertainment industry, and there are many higher than this, so this is really not too high, after all, he is still very confident in Zhixia, and his positioning is also very clear.

It will definitely go international in the future, so in this way, the endorsement fee of 100 million is just like that.

You know, the more famous the company endorsement fee is generally high, why is this? Because the higher the endorsement fee, the more it shows that the company's financial resources are very strong, and the greater the reputation.

"Brother, this..." Seeing

Gu Chen's insistence, Han Yu was anxious, originally she planned to help Gu Chen, but now it seems that she took advantage.

After all, this endorsement fee is mutual, the higher the celebrity's endorsement fee, the greater your coffee position and fame, which is why those stars are so keen to endorse big companies and big brands.

"It's okay! I am very confident in Zhixia! Gu Chen explained.

When Han Yumian wanted to say something more, Yang Xue on the side pulled the other party.

"Good! This matter is according to what Mr. Care said! Yang Xue said quickly.

After all, she knew that this amount of money was really not worth mentioning to Mr. Gu, and now Long Teng was almost known to the whole country.

"Good! Sleep, you also have to find time to go to Zhixia to shoot promotional videos and posters! Arrange as soon as possible! My products were almost launched half a month later. Gu Chen nodded and said.

"Don't worry!"

Then several people printed several contracts through the company's printer, Han Yumian signed it directly without looking at it, which made the eyelids of the manager of the propaganda department jump, if he did something in this contract, then Han Yumian would not be finished?

But this thought only existed in his mind for a few seconds before it disappeared, and he wanted to live a few more years.

After all, Han Yumian is the boss's "sister", how dare he fool people.

"Well, I won't bother you! Let's go first!

Then Gu Chen left directly.

In the lounge, it was suddenly vacant.

"Aunt Xue, why did you just tell me to promise to come down?" Han Yu asked puzzled.

"Sleep, don't you see it? Mr. Gu is very confident in his company, if the endorsement fee is low, doesn't he look down on his company? Also, Mr. Gu wants to send you money when he knows that your endorsement fee can all belong to you! Even the excuse is exempted, don't you still refuse to make Mr. Gu angry? Yang Xue explained.


When Han Yumian heard this, he suddenly realized, and at the same time, his heart was also very happy, it felt so good to have someone to care!


"President Gu, since the matter has been settled, can we go back and tell President Xia first?" Walking outside, the manager of the propaganda department suddenly asked.

For the sky-high endorsement fee he just signed, he is still in a state of confusion, if he goes back and is known by President Xia, he will definitely have to scold him to death.

So he is now a little apprehensive in his heart.


Gu Chen thought for a while and shook his head: "It's not urgent now, Han Yumian's reputation in recent days has not yet appeared, so we can't rely on her alone, now we must have our name and logo on major TV platforms across the country, planes and subways, as well as the listing date, must be huge and large-scale!" Hearing

this, the manager of the propaganda department calculated this fee in his heart, and suddenly his figure trembled, he took a deep breath, looked at Gu Chen and said: 'President Gu, is this fee too high? It has already exceeded the budget for propaganda, and President Xia will not agree! At

this time, he was about to cry, if he did this, Xia Zong would really kill him after he went back.

"It's okay! What I want is to know the summer as a hit, not to develop slowly! This didn't meet my planned expectations! Gu Chen said after shaking his head when he heard this.

"But..." The

manager of the propaganda department still wanted to struggle again, and he felt that he could still salvage it again.

"That's it! Mr. Xia, I'll explain there! Now what you have to do is to give me advertising coverage all over the country in these few days! Are there any problems? Gu Chen asked lightly after glancing at it.

He knew what this manager was thinking.

"No problem! Mission accomplished! The

manager of the propaganda department was greatly relieved when he heard this, and immediately assured.

How could he miss such a bloody and money-throwing thing!

In the future, when you go out to drink, you will have the capital to brag.

Brother, I've planned hundreds of millions of ads!

Do you know about that advertisement that caused a national sensation before? Brother, I made it myself!

As soon as these words were spoken, he was full of power, and he could already imagine the scenery after him.

"Good! It's up to you! Gu Chen nodded when he heard this and said.

He still has a little impression of this publicity department manager, what is Li Qiye! I heard that he was a famous planning master before and liked to brag, but his own ability was very strong, so he was poached by a headhunting company.

Then Gu Chen ignored them, and went home after separating from them directly.

And Li Qiye, the manager of the publicity department, began to show his skills after receiving Gu Chen's full authorization.

For a while, domestic netizens found that they were bombarded by a brand clothing company named Zhixia.

Whether it is on TV, on the homepages of major platforms, or on the homepages of subways and shopping malls, there are advertisements about this company.

It's just like a bomber, wave after wave, and in an instant the brand of Zhixia became famous throughout the country.

It also occupies the top ten of the hot search list.

Gu Chen sat in the office browsing the news, looking at the posts discussed by everyone, and felt that the manager was quite capable, it had only been two days, and there was such a lot of heat.

Of course, all this is because there is money behind it.

The clothing industry has raised its vigilance and called the wolf coming!

After all, they had no impression of the brand Zhixia before, but in just two days, they went directly out of the circle.

If it weren't for the fact that Han Yumian, who was the queen of heaven, returned to his debut on the Internet, it is estimated that Zhixia would be more famous than now.

At the same time, they were also amused by Zhixia, after all, they spent so much energy to become famous, but they were suppressed by this.

Naturally, it is very comfortable.

Especially the Zhang Group.

Zhang Yunlong was naturally shocked when he first saw it, he didn't expect that this Zhixia was so powerful, and behind such exposure was huge funds supporting!

However, this hot search did not stay long before it was pressed by the news of Han Yumian's return, and he was very happy.

"Haha! I didn't expect this Zhixia! What a loss! "

Zhang Yunlong is very happy.

Only Forber next to him showed a look of jealousy and unease.

This Zhixia he underestimated far ago, and at most he thought that this was just a newly established, weak and nameless small company.

But after this incident, he found that things were far from as simple as he thought.

Looking at his own young master's appearance, he seemed to be completely unaware of this crisis, and he was worried for a while.

"Young Master, this Zhixia's strength is far more than that! This is a fierce rival! Forber reminded loudly.


Zhang Yunlong was stunned when he heard this, and then reacted.

"Good! It seems that I was blinded by their appearance! Put away the excited expression and said with a calm face.

"Aren't they ready for the new product in half a month? In this case, why not directly nip the danger in the bud and let him go bankrupt directly! Forber nodded and said slowly.

"Huh? What should Forber do? Zhang Yunlong was stunned when he looked at Fubo, and then said ruthlessly.

"Zhixia is such a big move, I think there are not only our family who are afraid, there must be many people who are very jealous of this Zhixia, so as long as we take the lead a little, it is estimated that those guys will step on it fiercely!" Forber touched the white whiskers on his chin and said.

Zhang Yunlong's back was cold when he heard this, this old guy is thinking viciously! It is worthy of the trust of the old man!

"But we don't know about their new products?"

Immediately, he thought of something and asked worriedly: "I went to observe it before, and I know that Xia is very strict in this area, and this part of them is like a community, and they can't enter without documents!"

"Young Master! There will naturally be a way around this! After

hearing this, Forber said mysteriously; There are no secrets in this world at all, as long as you pay a big enough price!

Zhang Yunlong thought thoughtfully.

"I'll leave this to me!" Fubo looked at Zhang Yunlong and said with satisfaction.

He is loyal to the Zhang family.


Han Yumian was also a little anxious, she didn't expect her comeback to have such a big impact, and directly suppressed Zhixia's heat.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I really didn't know it would be like this!" So she was now very uneasy to explain to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen smiled as he listened to Han Yumian nervous, uneasy, and worried tone.

"Sleep, I know, you don't have to worry, it's expected of me!" Comforted softly.

"Huh? But..." Han

Yumian was stunned when he heard Gu Chen's explanation, and then he didn't believe it.

"Now the higher your popularity, the better it will be for Zhixia! Have you forgotten your endorsement with Zhixia? Wait a few days for your popularity to be fully exposed, and then release your endorsement ads to maximize it! Gu Chen explained with a smile.

Han Yumian on the phone completely relaxed after hearing Gu Chen's explanation.

"So, I'll finish the ad early!"

Hearing this nizi's serious tone, Gu Chen nodded.

"Hmm! OK! Wait until you make time! Gu Chen said.

Then the two chatted for a while before hanging up.

After these few days of getting along, the relationship between the two can be regarded as progressing relatively fast, but the fastest progress is with Chu Xinyi, the two have not known each other for a few days in total, but the relationship is like knowing each other for more than ten years, like sisters.

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