Gu Chen also knew that this nizi's mind was indeed very simple, and he regarded her more and more as a sister.

Suddenly, a notification popped up on his phone.

He clicked in, and was stunned.

"Congratulations to this user for completing one of the progress of the world's richest man mission: the world's richest man (2/10), the reward is being generated!"

Without him, seeing this news made him stunned, after all, he didn't do anything for a while! How did it suddenly happen?

The vibration from his hand brought him back to his senses, don't care what happened to him!

Anyway, it was a good thing for him, so he was full of expectations for a while, after all, the reward for completing the task last time was a bit rich! I don't know what it is this time?

"Congratulations to this user for completing the world's richest man stage task and receiving a reward: holographic projection technology!"

Seeing this, Gu Chen was a little puzzled, how does this sound like it doesn't work! You must know that although holographic projection is not good in some fields now, but some fields are developing rapidly, I feel that this technology is a bit chicken!

Then a USB flash drive appeared out of thin air in front of his eyes, and Gu Chen had already seen this scene.

This is a silver USB flash drive, which is no different from the usual USB flash drive.

"Holographic projection technology?"

After Gu Chen muttered, he was no longer disappointed, after all, this was equivalent to giving it to himself for nothing.

Perhaps sensing Gu Chen's emotions, another message came from the mobile phone.

"Holographic projection technology, which belongs to a kind of 3D technology, is a three-dimensional image technology that uses the principle of interference and reproduction to record and reproduce the real three-dimensional image of the object."


main use can be used in medicine, film and television, and games and many other fields!" At present, the technology acquired by this household is mainly in the field of games!

After seeing this, Gu Chen breathed heavily, his face was rapid, and he knew that he was lonely.

Small! The pattern is small!

"I didn't expect this technology to be so awesome! It's the high-tech of the future! Gu Chen muttered.

Then he inserted the U disk into the computer, and at a glance, he was directly good guy! This U disk is much larger than the market, the information technology inside is dense, he immediately clicked on a document, the professional name and image in it, simply did not understand at all.

Then unplug it and turn it on your hand.

"It looks like we're looking for technical talent again! But this matter is not urgent! Gu Chen muttered.

Then I looked up the cause of this incident on the Internet.

After a few glances on the domestic Internet, I found that it was all the news of Zhixia and Han Yumian, shook my head, then looked at the Internet, and suddenly smiled.

That's right, he found the message that he had just completed his task.

It turned out that his chips were sold directly in the Americas, and now his branch is famous in the United States, and the orders are scheduled until next year, and the supply is still in short supply.

Gu Chen was immediately happy, he had long known that the chip would definitely sell, but he didn't expect it to be so hot.

After all, the chips sold abroad are castrated versions, and the performance will never be as strong as the domestic one, so it is still in short supply, and the chips on the market are too garbage.

Previously, foreign countries imposed a chip blockade on the country, and now it is his turn to block foreign countries.

Suddenly, he also saw a big news, a blockbuster Hollywood blockbuster, shot by the famous director Mei Caron, and actors from all over the world participated.

It's definitely a big production, and now the supporting casting has been completed, and now it's the turn of the starring role.

So the fame on the Internet is very high.

When Gu Chen saw this, he remembered what he had met with Mecalon before.

Suddenly my mind moved, this may be another opportunity!

Immediately dialed the other person's private number.

"Is it my friend Mr. Gu Chen?"

Hearing the voice of Lang Lang from the mobile phone, Gu Chen also smiled heartily, he still appreciated this person.

"That's right, it's me! Mecalon are you okay?

At this time, in a hotel on the other side of the ocean, Mecalon, who was conceiving the plot of the movie in the room, received a call from the gentleman from the mainland, and his heart moved, and he quickly picked it up.

"Thank you Mr. for your concern, I'm very good~!" Mecalon said flattered.

One of his elders before could be said to have taught him a face-to-face lecture, knowing that this young man has a deep background and a strong background, and trying to build a good relationship is very beneficial to him.

And he also implemented it seriously, and then he knew that the hottest company in the upper class of the American continent was just a branch of that gentleman.

He was even more shocked, and then he regretted that he didn't respect Gu Chen more at that time, but now he didn't have the opportunity, but he didn't expect that the gentleman suddenly called him, didn't it make him very happy?

"I wonder if Mr. Gu is looking for me this time?" Then he asked cautiously.

He knew very well that this kind of big man's time was precious.

"Good! I want to ask you for help this time! Gu Chen heard this, and then said with a smile.

It's comfortable to talk to smart people.

"Sir, please speak!" Mecalon was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately assured.

After all, such a big person can only find himself is to find himself to film, after all, this is the only identity that can make the other party pay attention to himself.

"I heard that Mr. Mecalon has a big movie produced worldwide?"

"Yes! Does Mr. want to participate in my movie to have fun? Mecalon said in a very honored tone.

"Mr. Mecalon said and smiled, I also want to participate, but the affairs are too busy to spare time!"

Gu Chen smiled, and was also a little moved by Mecalon's proposal, but he still refused, after all, with his current identity, he is too busy, there is definitely no time, as for the box office or something, he doesn't care at all.

"Oh? That's a shame! With the appearance of Mr. Yi, it will definitely be popular all over the world!

Mekaron gave a small pat.

If outsiders see it, the eyeballs will definitely shatter.

"Haha! Director Mecalon said and laughed! Gu Chen laughed happily when he heard this, and then said modestly.

Who doesn't like to hear good things?

"Then I wonder what Mr. Gu needs?"

Then Mecalon asked after quietly patting a few more.

For him, the art of speaking is naturally very masterful, and he doesn't know where to go higher than the guy Mei Jiale.

"I heard that you are still casting, I don't know if you are finished?"

"It hasn't started yet, does Mr. Gu have any good suggestions?"

Hearing this, Mecalon's heart moved, and he immediately understood the meaning of Mr. Gu's call this time, and then pretended to be clueless and asked.

"Haha! It's not a suggestion, but I have a sister who is also in the circle, I wonder if Director Mecalon can give me a chance? "

Gu Chen's heart is full of joy after listening to it, listen, this is the art of speaking.

"Of course! With Mr. Gu's ability, I think Ling Mei must also be a very good actor! When

Mei Karon heard this, he was overjoyed in his heart, he happened to not know how to get involved with Gu Chen for a long time, isn't the opportunity coming now?

Although he himself hates the actors arranged by Party A very much, so he has always been very strict, and no one can force him with his identity, but now!!

"Eh? Then thank you to Director Mecalon!

Gu Chen was stunned when he heard this, and then he still did not explain that his sister was not an actor, just a singer and a part-time actor.

"Nope! No! Mr. Gu is polite! I'm worried that there are no actors! Mr. Gu solved a big problem for me! It's too late to thank you! "

Talk more!

Gu Chen didn't expect this old man to be so good at talking!

"Ahem! You're welcome! Rao

Yi Gu Chen's face was a little hung up, and then the two chatted a few words, Gu Chen told some news about Han Yumian, and the other party directly patted his chest to ensure that he would arrange a role with the most exposure for Han Yumian.

Gu Chen hung up the phone with satisfaction, and the corners of his mouth widened.

"What an interesting person! It seems that Zhixia's new product launch in half a month will definitely attract the vast majority of attention, after all, this is an opportunity to enhance fame and attract strong attention internationally! Gu Chen sighed.

This is also why stars from all over the world have squeezed their scalps for this opportunity, and if they want to get a role, they can only show one shot!

At this time, in a certain crew, a lounge.

Han Yumian, who had just finished performing today's scene, was sitting inside removing makeup.

"Sleep, I just got the news that the supporting role of director Mecalon has come to an end today, and Wei Meng, that slut, was really chosen!" At this time, Yang Xue held the mobile phone and said indignantly to Han Yumian.

Han Yumian also gritted her teeth when she heard this, and she thought of Wei Meng's finger-pointing and mockery of her.

"Hmph! At that time, Hua Dong should have been asked to cancel her chance directly! This opportunity would have been yours!

Yang Xue was still not angry.

"Forget it! We forgot about it before!

Han Yumian shook her head, she was very concerned about this opportunity before, now? She doesn't put it in her eyes anymore.

As for Wei Meng? With her status in Huayi, it is a matter of words to deal with her!

"Yes, too! Now that slut probably doesn't know that Huayi has changed the sky! When she returns to China, won't she kneel and beg you to forgive her? Thinking

of this, Yang Xue was very excited.

"Aunt Xue, you really think too much, now that guy must have gotten the news a long time ago!" Han Yumian shook his head and said.

"This... Also! Such a big thing happened in the company, and her ability should have known for a long time!

Yang Xue also nodded when she heard this, with a pitying expression.

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