"Sister Yang! Sister Han! I heard that Wei Meng is already in contact with other companies, and she wants to change companies! Then an assistant suddenly said.


Yang Xue and the two were stunned when they heard this.

"How do you know?" Yang Xue asked immediately.

"One of the makeup artists in Wei Meng's team is my friend, she told me!" The assistant said directly.

She knows that in the current company, Han Yumian is a sister! She naturally wanted to show favor.

"What! I remember she had five or six years left on her contract! Can she afford this sky-high liquidated damages? Yang Xue frowned when she heard this and said.

Han Yumian also frowned, she also planned to wait for Wei Meng to come back and calculate last year's feud!

"By the way, do you know which company she contacted?" Yang Xue looked at the assistant and asked.

"It seems to be someone from the emperor's side?" The assistant thought about it and said.

"It seems that Wei Meng wants to completely offend Huayi! Dare to contact Huayi's opponent! Hearing

this, Yang Xue was suddenly surprised. Then he sneered.

For the emperor, she knows very well, has always been not dealing with Huayi, in recent years Huayi has been going downhill, and the emperor is catching up, the two can be described as mortal opponents.

Today you rob my resources, tomorrow I rob your endorsement, and its artists are all unhappy with each other.

Now let alone Wei Meng wants to directly throw another portal, if this is passed out, it will simply hit Huayi in the face.

"She should also know that if Huayi doesn't leave, her end will definitely be worse than this!" Immediately Yang Xue said with a smile.

"But Hua Dong should be embarrassed this time! The artists who have just taken office are going to join the competition!

"Forget it! It's none of our business either! There will be a chance to take revenge later!

Han Yumian stopped paying attention and waited to remove her makeup.

"Too! However, domestic companies can't contact the circle of Hollywood, and then director Mecalon chooses the leading role in the world, but unfortunately we only have three places! There is none of the company, otherwise that place is yours! Yang Xue then said with great regret.

A few people were chatting here, and at this time, Huayi's headquarters chairman's office.

Hua Tianyu is indeed one of the little Hua Dan under the news Wei Meng actually wants to jump ship, and still go to the opponent's company, if it is passed out, Hua Yi's face will be lost, and he Hua Tianyu is the same, so he is very angry.

"This white-eyed wolf! The company spent so many resources, and this opportunity to appear in the world was given to her, this is how she repaid the company?

He pointed at a supervisor who was also the only high-ranking person who had not been liquidated, and was one of the people who had strongly recommended Wei Meng before, and of course one of Wei Meng's ministers.

At this time, he was also very angry and aggrieved.

He could only let Hua Tianyu point to his nose and scold, after all, this matter was indeed his responsibility.

"Hmph! You are fully responsible for this! After scolding, Hua Tianyu pulled his tie and said directly.

If it weren't for the people behind him, he would have let him go!

For a while, the office fell silent, and only the sound of heavy breathing of the two remained.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was a strange transnational phone, and he wanted to hang up, but he thought that it might be Wei Meng's call, so he picked it up.


So he didn't have a good tone and asked in a straight cold voice.

"Eh? Is it Huaxia's Huayi Entertainment Company? The

other end of the phone was obviously startled by Hua Tianyu, and then asked in a low voice.

"Huh? Not bad! This is Huayi Entertainment, may I ask you? Hua Tianyu also reacted and asked suspiciously.

"Hello! Our side is from the Hollywood Mecalon crew interview department, may I ask if Miss Han Yumian is an artist under your company? "


Hearing this, Hua Tianyu was stunned, and then quickly said: "Yes!" Miss Han Yumian is an artist under our Huayi, I don't know what happened to you? "

Hmm! We received a notice here that Miss Han Yumian has passed the interview for the heroine in our crew, so I came to investigate the news, if the news is correct, then please ask Miss Han Yumian to come to the crew in May to report! For details, you can check on our crew's official website! The

voice on the phone came clearly.

Directly made Hua Tianyu stunned, his mouth was open, and the whole person was very incredible.

"Hello? Is this gentleman still listening?? Seeing

that Hua Tianyu did not speak for a long time, a puzzled voice came from the mobile phone.

"I'm in! I'm here! I'm sorry I was thinking about things just now, but I remember that we Huayi don't seem to have a place for the protagonist who signed up, right?

Then Hua Tianyu asked the doubts in his heart.

After all, this may be a liar! He was also wary in his heart.

"I don't know about this! If in doubt, you can call the official hotline! Please check all the news on the official website! The

phone was silent for a while, and then explained.

After saying a few words, he hung up the phone.

Hua Tianyu did not hesitate to quickly open the official website, ready to check, after all, what people said so clearly is whether it is a liar to know at a glance, but his heart is faintly feeling that it is true, and then he is very happy.

With the mouse sliding, suddenly in the starring column, he directly found Han Yumian's photo and name, and he was immediately overjoyed.

Looking at the introduction, it is his Huayi artist, not a person with the same name and surname.

"Female number one? Oh, my God! Hua Tianyu immediately exclaimed.

Now he was really shocked, to know that even if they Huayi is one of the four giants of the domestic music scene, they have no right to speak in the world, and these big productions don't even think about it.

Now I suddenly see my artist directly playing the female number one, which is like a dream.

And this is a global production! In the past, it was difficult for China to obtain important roles.

"What's wrong with Hua Dong?"

At this time, the minister on the opposite side couldn't help it, looking at the chairman after answering the phone, his face was very expressionless, and now he was amazed, he was interested, so he couldn't help but ask.

"Hmph! Han Yumian is now the female number one in Mecalon's global production! Hua Tianyu said after laughing.

"What? That's impossible! The

minister was shocked when he heard this, and then he didn't believe it at all.

"Hua Dong, your joke is not funny at all!"

I thought that Hua Tianyu had deceived him.

"Haha! Just check it out on the other party's official website! Hua Tianyu said after a disdainful glance.

At this time, he came back to his senses, this is simply unbelievable that something has indeed happened, this is definitely not what they Huayi can do, then there is only one reason.

That was the person behind Han Yumian, his behind-the-scenes boss Jiang Shao!

Immediately admired Jiang Shao even more, after all, this is an internationally famous director! The owner even has this relationship.

Although the boss's status in China is very high, but he thought that it was only in China, now it seems that he is wrong, Jiang Shao's ability is stronger than he thought, and for a while he has to respect Han Yumian more.

He guessed that Jiang Shao must have spent a huge price to do this scene, so Han Yumian must have a very high status in Jiang Shao's heart.

At this time, the minister also finished reading the information, and suddenly the whole person was full of disbelief.

"Hmph! This must have been done by Jiang Shao! So ah! Minister Zhang, if Jiang Shao knows about your offending Miss Han, I wonder if the person behind you can save you? Hua Tianyu immediately sneered.

When Minister Zhang heard this, his face turned pale instantly, and cold sweat suddenly broke out.

At this time, Hua Tianyu didn't want to care about this old guy, and pressed the landline on the table.

"Is Teacher Han back?"

"Nope! Teacher Han went to film outside the city, does the chairman need my help to contact her? The

voice of the assistant outside the door suddenly sounded.

"Nope! Call her to my office as soon as you get back! "


Immediately, Hua Tianyu hung up the phone, no longer cared about Minister Zhang, and took care of official business.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Han Yumian returned to the company.

Follow the instructions of the assistant to the chairman's office.

"Hua Dong, are you looking for me?" Han Yumian asked with a smile.

"Teacher Han has worked hard, please sit!" Hua Tianyu didn't dare to raise it, and quickly said gently.

"Congratulations to Teacher Han, this time he is really going to be internationally famous!" He said congratulations directly.


Han Yumian was very puzzled when he heard this: "What does Hua Dong mean?"

Hua Tianyu didn't explain and handed the tablet directly to the other party, and the latter took it and saw that his bright red lips were also open and wide, looking incredulous.

Before she was still thinking about what kind of mood she would feel if she became the star of Mecalon's director crew.

Now you know, it's unbelievable, unbelievable, surprised, surprised, and happy.

"This.... Hua Dong, what's going on?

It took Han Yumian a long time before he reacted, looking at Hua Tianyu and asking.

"I don't know about this! I think Teacher Han should have guessed! We Huayi don't have such a big ability! Seeing

Han Yumian didn't know, Hua Tianyu also admired Jiang Shao, in order to surprise the other party, he didn't say anything.

But when he saw Han Yumian's expression, he knew that Jiang Shao had succeeded, so he said something hintfully.

Sure enough, Han Yumian thought of Gu Chen as soon as she heard the other party's words, and only Gu Chen could do it among the people she knew, and for a while an indescribable mood filled her brain.

Seeing Han Yumian's expression, Hua Tianyu knew that the other party had guessed that it was Jiang Shao, and immediately nodded.

Neither of the two knew that the other was not a person at all with what they thought.

Han Yumian thought that Hua Tianyu was sent by Gu Chen, so she didn't delve into it.

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