Han Yumian thought that Hua Tianyu was sent by Gu Chen, so she didn't delve into it.

And Hua Tianyu thought that Han Yumian knew that he was sent by Jiang Shao, after all, he was sent by Jiang Shao'er to teach face-to-face, and he always thought that Han Yumian was Jiang Shao's person.

The two of them didn't say anything like this, so coincidentally it was maintained!

"Since Teacher Han knows, I wonder when Teacher Han will go to Hollywood?"

It was already April 24th, Hua Tianyu asked.

He didn't care about Han Yumian's itinerary at all, and everything was according to the other party's own wishes.

"Hmm! I'll go the day after tomorrow! Han Yumian thought about it and said.

Before she went, she was going to shoot Zhixia's promotional video and poster.

"No problem!"

Hua Tianyu directly agreed when he heard this.

Then Hua Tianyu asked a few words with great concern and then asked the other party to leave.

"Teacher Han is good!"

Along the way, from time to time, employees or artists said hello after seeing Han Yumian and saying hello.

Teacher is also an honorific title in the circle, generally a kind of honorific title for newcomers in the circle, and now it has evolved into an honorific title with a low coffee position to a high coffee position.

However, due to the mental trance, Han Yumian did not react and returned directly to his lounge.

"What's wrong? Sleep?

Yang Xue naturally discovered that something was wrong with Han Yumian for the first time, and quickly asked with concern.

The others also surrounded them for the first time, now they all belong to Han Yumian's team, if something happens to Han Yumian, they will not be much better.

"I became the female number one of Mecalon's directorial crew!" Han Yumian looked at Aunt Xue and suddenly said.


Yang Xue didn't react for a while.

"Aunt Xue, I became the female number one of Mecalon's director crew! What Hua Dong just said to me!

Han Yumian looked at Aunt Xue's appearance, and she felt very happy.

"Ah! It's true!

Yang Xue was stunned for a few seconds before reacting, and then she was overjoyed.

Everyone else was the same, incredibly incredible and excited.

After all, the bigger Han Yumian's coffee spot, the better their treatment.


Han Yumian nodded, very sure.

"What's going on here?"

The group was excited for a while before Yang Xue reacted and asked.

"I don't know! Anyway, you can check it on the official website!

After Han Yumian gave Yang Xue a look, the latter instantly understood.

Then several people began to open the computer to query on the official website, and sure enough, Han Yumian's ID photo and name and related introduction were first in the first column of the starring actor.

At this time, foreign circles were also very shocked, and they speculated to find out what kind of divine this Han Yumian was, and he was actually selected on the first day of starring casting.

At this time, the name Han Yumian also has a certain popularity abroad.

Returning to Gu Chen's house at night, while eating, Han Yumian suddenly said to Gu Chen: "Brother, thank you!" "

The tone is very sincere.

Ling Gu's mother and the others were confused, after all, Gu Chen had already told everyone before Gu Chen helped her.

"Sleep, what's going on? Why suddenly thank your brother? Gu Mu asked curiously.

"The chairman of the company told me that I was selected by director Mecalon and had become one of the leading actors in his crew. I think this should be my brother helping me!

Han Yumian quickly explained the cause of the matter.

Several people suddenly realized after listening to it.

"Director Mecalon? Is he about to make a crew similar to a documentary all over the world? At this time, Chu Xinyi was also even more surprised, and asked curiously.

Apparently she knows this very well.


Hearing Han Yumian admit it personally, everyone brushed their eyes and looked at Gu Chen on the side.

Gu Chen ate lightly at this time, unaffected.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Gu Chen put down the bowl in his hand.

"Hmm! I said hello to Mecalon before, it seems that he moves quite quickly! Gu Chen said with some surprise.

He originally thought that the other party would notify him every few days, but he didn't expect the other party's action to be faster than he expected!


Several people were stunned when they heard this.

"You still know Director Mecalon?" Chu Xinyi exclaimed.

Even people whose mother Gu did not pay attention to these had heard Mecalon's name, and looked at her son very unexpectedly, and at the same time there was pride in her eyes.

"Hmm! I've met once before when I was in the United States!

Gu Chen's fluttering sentence made several people look white.

"Don't think about it too much, I just want my Zhixia fame to be a little bigger!" Seeing Han Yumian and wanting to thank him, Gu Chen said directly.

"Uh-huh! I know! But still have to thank brother! Han Yumian bit her lip lightly and said sincerely.

Then he was interrupted by Chu Xinyi, and several people asked about Gu Chen's specific experience of knowing each other.

Gu Chen raised his eyebrows and said directly.

The eyes of several people who listened to it then flickered, but they did not expect that Gu Chen's status abroad would be so high now.

"How! Now my identity is not believed? Seeing the eyes of Chu Xinyi and the two, Gu Chen raised his voice and said.

"Who knows if you blow it!" Chu Xinyi and Han Yumian also looked at each other and smiled, and then said.

Finally, after finishing dinner in the banter of several people, Gu's mother and three women cleaned the dining table and kitchen, and then sat in the living room to chat.

"That's right! Brother, I will go to Zhixia tomorrow to shoot a promotional film, and the day after tomorrow I will go to Hollywood! Han Yumian suddenly said.

"Hmm! OK! Zhixia has been waiting for you for a long time! Gu Chen nodded when he heard this, and said with a smile.

"I'll go too, I haven't been to Zhixia yet!" And I'd rather see what kind of fabric can make you so hyped! At this time, Chu Xinyi on the side also suddenly said.


Gu Chen was stunned, there was an inexplicable weakness, but he quickly reacted, what the hell? What was I just thinking?

"Naturally! It won't disappoint you for sure! Gu Chen then said confidently.

But no matter what the two family members asked, he just didn't say, just said that he would let the two experience it in person.

Then watching the two discuss the topic between the girls, Gu Chen was not interested after listening for a while, and went directly to the room to sleep.

At this time, thousands of miles away in the deep market.

A certain high-rise building, although it has already fallen at night, is still brightly lit.

This city that never sleeps is full of people who struggle for life.

In a comfortable office at this time.

The two men were talking.

"Oh my God! You've been with my company for eight years! A man in a suit who was sitting at this time sighed with emotion.

The person named Tianxing heard the words, and his thoughts turned, yes! It was as if yesterday he was a fresh graduate with a love for life.

"Good! Mr. Ma, I've been following you since I graduated! Tianxing came back to his senses, pursed his lips and said.

"Time flies so fast! When we were in high spirits and loved games, we came together! It's a pity! Mr. Ma shook his head and said.

Then the two fell silent.

The man's name is Zheng Tianxing, and he is Chinese New Year's Eve one year old today! The famous game design master in China is also a little famous in the world.

The sitting one is called Ma Teng, 40 years old this year, the owner of a domestic game company.

The two first met because they met in a certain game, the so-called masters have been sympathetic to each other since ancient times, regardless of professional age and gender, and then because of the common love, the relationship is very good.

Finally, under this love, the two came together and then started a business, diving headlong into this hot industry.

At first, because of environmental problems, it was a bad thing to get involved with the word game, but because of love, the two forged a deep path.

But then perhaps after success, after having money, Ma Teng's philosophy changed, and he gradually forgot his original dreams and grand ambitions.

And Zheng Tianxing is still carrying out his dreams.

His dream is to create a large-scale game developed by the Chinese people, which can be comparable to several large-scale games abroad.

However, the dream is far away, and China has always been a weakness in this regard, plus if you want to make these big games, it is a gold cave.

So Ma Teng was strongly opposed, and the two were once frozen, but Zheng Tianxing also knew that the other party was for his own good, but he was always unwilling, so in every game symposium, he accidentally came into contact with 3D virtual games, also called holographic projection technology.

For a while, he seemed to be stunned, hooked on this game, and finally paid full attention to the news of this technology.

He is also a genius, especially in the field of games. It was like a fish in water, which is why they were able to successfully land in the first place.

However, it is a pity that due to the factors of science and technology and the immaturity of holographic technology, he encountered problems.

So he strongly invited Ma Teng to cooperate with him in research and development, but Ma Teng directly refused, he already knew that this would not succeed.

The truth is also as he said, he saw that Ma Teng did not agree, gritted his teeth and directly sold the shares earned over the years, plus the company's shares, and pooled a large amount of money to develop it himself.

It's a pity that he can't even see a splash, but he also grabbed the tail of this technology, it's a pity that he has no money! Plus no one believed him, so he went straight to decadence.

Fortunately, he was not married, otherwise his wife would definitely divorce him like this.

However, because of Ma Teng's care, he can still live a decent life.

"Oh my God! You're not small either! Sometimes! It's time to wake up too! After all, reality is not a dream! You don't think for yourself, you have to think for your parents, right? Remembering all the past events, Ma Teng advised.


Hearing Ma Teng talk about his parents, he was stunned, remembering that since he became addicted to virtual games, he paid less attention to the second elder, and even sometimes did not call once a month.

Suddenly clenched his hands, and then the whole person's momentum also changed, full of the aura of seven old and eighty.

"Margo! Thank you! Then he looked at Ma Teng and said sincerely.

Previously, because Ma Teng gave up his dream, he was called Ma Zong, but now he has changed it.

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