Ma Teng waved his hand to show that he didn't care, after all, the two have known each other for so long, and he has always regarded him as a younger brother, he knows that this younger brother is very outstanding in the talent of the game, but the environment is tricky!

"Okay! I have always reserved your position for you! Find a girlfriend and live well in the future! Ma Teng said with a smile.

Previously, due to different concepts, he directly resigned from the position of planning director of the game department.


Then Zheng Tianxing went out.

Leaving the company and walking on the colorful sidewalk, the road is full of traffic and pedestrians, which makes him feel that everyone in the world is drunk and awake.

Although it is said that it is about to give up, how can it be possible to give up at once after years of persistence.

He was very confused and aimless, and he kept walking, no matter where he went, and finally sat on a public chair.

I don't know how long it took, an hour, two hours, he was woken up by a crisp and pure smile, at this time opened the mobile phone, found that it was more than one o'clock at night, and there were more than a dozen missed calls, all from the same person.


At this time, his throat had not opened for a long time, so that his speech was hoarse.

"I lean, why did you go! So many calls to you and not answering! As

soon as the phone was connected, there was an anxious roar.

"What's wrong?"

Hearing Hao Jiyou's worried tone, his heart warmed, and he immediately asked.

"Good news! Skywalking! I just saw on a website that someone is hiring some design gurus, especially holographic projections! Isn't that our strength? What do you think? Finally waited! Isn't it good news! There

was an excited voice from the mobile phone, which made him also very moved, but his lips opened, he was silent, he thought of Ma Teng's words before, and also thought of his elderly parents, and suddenly did not speak.

If he had known the news two hours earlier, he would have been as excited as this Jiyou, but now he hesitated.

"Huh? Skywalking? What happened to you? Aren't you excited?

At this time, Jiyou also felt that something was wrong with Tianxing, and was immediately stunned.

"Liangcheng, forget it, I'm tired! I'm ready to give up! Zheng Tianxing said slowly after being silent for a while.

When he said this, his heart was also very miserable.

"I'm so old! I can't fight anymore, my parents are also old! When

Liang Cheng still wanted to say something, Zheng Tianxing's voice came again.

He suddenly fell silent.

At this time, in a small rental house, the excited expression of a young man with chaotic hair suddenly froze.

He knows how much his buddy has given up and paid for this ideal, and now that the other party has suddenly given up, he knows that the other party must be more sad than himself.

"So, Liangcheng, please take my dream with me in the future!" I believe you! You will definitely succeed!

After speaking, Zheng Tianxing hung up the phone.

He looked up at the sky, it was pitch black, and he couldn't see anything, but how could the wind be so strong today.

Two drops of water streaked across the skin of the face and fell to the ground.

Then he left here without looking back. Only night remained, street lamps, evening breeze, benches, and the faint sound of cars in the distance.

"Heavenly walk! I will definitely succeed!

At this time, Liang Cheng muttered a word, then stared at the computer screen in front of him, and clicked the mouse.

Suddenly, an opportunity to send it successfully pops up.

Soon after, he received a mailbox.

"Dear Mr. Mu Liangcheng, good evening! Your online interview has been passed, please come to the **** place for a second interview before April 25th, I wish you a successful interview!

Looking at this mailbox, Mu Liangcheng's eyes suddenly flashed with excitement.

"Huahai? I'm coming!

Then he booked a high-speed rail ticket directly online and went to wash.

One night without a word.

Gu Chen went to the company early.

He did not follow Chu Xinyi to Yunshi to inspect Zhixia Company.

At this time, the assistant walked in.

"Mr. Gu, the person you ordered to find on the Internet has already been successfully interviewed, and there will be a person from the deep market who will come to interview today!" The assistant reported.

"Huh? When?

Gu Chen was stunned, and then reacted, it turned out to be an advertisement for finding someone that he posted on the Internet.

"I don't know, say it's today." The assistant shook his head and explained.

"Okay! I know!

Gu Chen nodded to indicate that he understood.

At this time, at the high-speed railway station in Huahai, a sickly white-skinned young man walked out of the exit with a backpack.

"It deserves to be the first city!" He looked at the pedestrians and muttered.

He was Mu Liangcheng, and he came early in the morning.

After all, there was no game designer with holographic projection technology in China before, and this time he finally waited for this opportunity, and he naturally would not give up.

He thought of his good buddies, his powerlessness and helplessness of struggling for a long time, and looking at the halo above his head, he made up his mind that he must make a way in this super city of the Pearl of the East.

After shaking the backpack behind his back, he walked out according to the signs.

He remembered the interview location yesterday, took the subway directly to the new district, and followed the flow of people at Exit 3.

There are white-collar workers in suits, tourists from all over the world, and job seekers with apprehension and longing for the future like him.

He sent a text message to a friend who added yesterday saying that he had arrived.

I thought I would wait for a long time, but I didn't expect that the other party directly replied in seconds, and directly sent him a location and address, he looked at it, and then looked up at the four high-rise buildings towering in front of him, and was immediately stunned.

"Oh my God! Will I work here in the future? By

this time, he had fallen into an extreme conjecture.

After he reacted, he looked at the people around him taking pictures from time to time and with envious and emotional expressions on his face, and suddenly a sense of pride arose, and lo and behold, this is where I will work in the future.

He didn't care about the strange eyes of the people around him, laughed happily like a big fool, and then walked directly through the square like a tall wild swan towards the entrance of the building.

He enjoyed the gaze of all kinds behind him, and like a general who had won a battle, he walked into the mansion ready to accept the king's commendation.

As soon as he entered, there was a hollow hall, full of space, with the design of the top master, at this moment, he was like a beggar breaking into the palace, and was directly shocked by this huge gap.

He couldn't imagine how happy the people who worked here were.

"Hello gentleman, can I help you in any way?"

The beautiful fantasy was interrupted, and he looked along the source of the voice, and a sweet-looking young lady with an even sweeter smile looked at him with full manners.

His face turned red at a speed visible to the dissolved salt, like a very ripe persimmon, and he suddenly felt a little nervous, and twisted and pinched back: "I... I am.. Came to the interview! "

Although he is very cheerful with his buddies, he is very sullen in the game.

But in reality, it is a shy and shy little boy, where has he seen such a good-looking and gentle little sister.


The front desk looked at this somewhat shy young man, and suddenly felt very interesting, and there was no doubt when she heard the other party's words, if she continued to talk, I was afraid that it would make the family very nervous.

"I wonder which company Mr. is interviewing and who is the interviewer?" Then she asked in a businesslike manner.

With a slight estrangement.

Ling Mu Liangcheng felt a little disappointed in his heart, but he was suddenly relieved.

"It's Tiangong Game Design Company, a person named Xu Yan!"

Then he spoke, and although he was still a little nervous, he at least spoke smoothly.


The front desk was very surprised to look at the other party when she heard this, because she had not heard of this company, and they did not have this company in their building, but Xu Yan they knew each other, this is their chairman's assistant! True bit weight.

How can you conduct an in-person interview? And he is also a young man who looks relatively shy, which makes the front desk very curious and puzzled.

"I'm sorry, please wait here, I'll take a look at the record."

The front desk smiled apologetically, then walked to the front desk registration desk and asked the colleagues on duty inside to investigate.

Sure enough, there was a message, that is, the job seeker personally interviewed by the assistant of their chairman, and after asking the name, the front desk hurried back to Mu Liangcheng.

"This gentleman, our assistant Xu has an interviewer, I don't know if it's you? Can you please check your identity? The

front desk still showed sweet dimples, and Mu Liangcheng's eyes were flustered, and he didn't dare to look at him, nodding quickly like a flustered rabbit.

Handing over the ID card, the latter took it to the front desk to check it, it was this one.

"I'm sorry this gentleman, your identity check is correct, our assistant is on the 94th floor, please here!" After the front desk returned the ID card to Mu Liangcheng, he stepped forward to lead the way.

"Ahhh Thank you! Mu

Liangcheng hurried to follow, where had he seen this battle, he could only follow nervously.

After getting on the elevator, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief, seeing such a tall and luxurious building, he lost confidence in himself, and his mood reached a climax with the sound of the elevator clanging.

Walking out, looking at the carpeted floor, he was even more terrified and a little overwhelmed.

At this time, a man with glasses, not much older than him, walked over.

"You're Mu Liangcheng, right?"

The visitor glanced at the other party, scanned it with a scrutinizing gaze, and then said with a kind expression.

Mu Liangcheng was taken aback by the other party's momentum.

After hearing the voice, he quickly replied: "Yes!" I am.. Mu Liang City!

"Don't be nervous! I'm Xu Yan, I talked to you on the Internet yesterday, come with me! Xu Yan saw that the other party was very nervous, then smiled, pushed the glasses with his right hand, and said softly.

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