"Haha! Lao Ye, you don't have to say that! Gu

Chen was very happy.

The two talked a few more words, mainly Manager Ye was talking about the Heavenly Shield and about the underground world.

For example, a high-ranking official of such and such a country was assassinated! What rebel army has captured a city! Wait a minute.

Finally, Gu Chen said seriously: "Lao Ye, collect the car for me and return to China!" The

other end of the phone suddenly quieted down, and finally Gu Chen even thought that the other party hung up.

"Hmm! Thank you sir! Hearing

this, Gu Chen nodded.

"Little things!"

He then hung up.

Shaking his head slightly, thinking about Manager Ye's affairs.

He remembered that Manager Ye had told him a little that he had been smuggled to the United States since he was a child, and finally traveled around the world but did not set foot in China.

As for why he left his homeland since childhood, he never said a word, but he could faintly guess that it was estimated that there were enemies, or forces that he could not provoke.

Thinking of this, he shook his head and stopped thinking about this, and waited for the other party to tell him in person in the future!

Thinking about this car supercar, I don't know what reward will I give myself?

For a while, he began to think about it.

I was not in the mood to deal with things.


The sun is gradually tilting to the west, and the whole sky is a little tired.

At this time, at the door of a building in Shenshi City, Mu Liangcheng, who hurriedly arrived from Huahai, was waiting for his good friend to leave work.

Time slowly slipped past six o'clock, the sky became gray, the neon lights of the city were regularly lit up, and the sounds of people everywhere filled the city, and people came out of the building with tired or relaxed expressions.

Mu Liangcheng, watching the many off-duty workers walk out, he looked for a long time and did not see familiar faces, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

"It won't! Tianxing is still working overtime? Then

he looked at the chat interface and made no movement, so he called directly.

It rang for a long time, but this time someone finally picked up.

"Hey, Tianxing, where are you?" He asked directly.

"Huh? Company overtime! Zheng

Tianxing's voice came over.

"Overtime? Add a fart! Come out! Hurry up! I waited downstairs at your company for over an hour! Mu Liangcheng hurriedly urged.

"Huh? Didn't you go to Huahai for an interview? How did it come back?

He could clearly hear the surprised voice on the other side.

"yes! The interview is over! So come back! The

other side suddenly fell silent for a while.

"It's okay! There will be a chance in the future! Zheng Tianxing thought that he had met a scammer in the interview, so he comforted.

As for what interview did not succeed, Zheng Tianxing did not have this option in his mind, with his brother's ability, the interview could not pass? This is more difficult than qualifying for the national football team.

"Huh? What do you think! Who told you I didn't have an interview!

Mu Liangcheng said angrily when he heard this.

"What do you mean? Have you found a company?

Zheng Tianxing was even more surprised than before.

For the domestic market, he no longer has any expectations that there will be capital investment in holography, that is, there are relatively few abroad.

"Of course! I tell you, this buddy hit a lot of luck! I'm telling you! This time we're going to take off! Okay, you come out quickly! This matter is not clear for a while!

Mu Liangcheng's proud voice spread far away, and it was not until many people's eyes swept over that he quickly said.

Zheng Tianxing also aroused great curiosity when he heard the other party say this.

"Okay, come out right away!"


A high-end hot pot restaurant, Zheng Tianxing and Mu Liangcheng chose a position by the window, and after ordering, Mu Liangcheng couldn't wait to share the trip to Huahai with each other.

"Tianxing, you definitely can't imagine who I met in Huahai?"

"Oh? Who did you meet? It

was the second time that Zheng Tianxing saw his friend so excited, so he asked curiously.

The first time was when they were starting a business before.

"I met the chairman of Longteng Group!"

"Who? How can you talk nonsense before you drink?

"Who is talking nonsense! What I said is true!

"What I said is also true!" Zheng Tianxing Road.

However, he looked at Mu Liangcheng, who had a serious face, and suddenly fell silent.

"You're not going to meet a liar, are you?"

But he has known each other for so long, it seems that he has never said a lie, is it true? No! How can it be! He is ten thousand disbeliefs.

"How is it possible! I'm in the Longteng Group Building!

Then Mu Liangcheng showed the photos in his mobile phone to the other party, and also said everything that happened before.

Then the two fell silent.

Only the fluttering sound of the base of the hot pot on the table.

"Tianxing, this time we met President Gu, how is it? Come with me! That Mr. Gu said, as long as you complete his interview, then the full projection project can be led by you, didn't you always want this opportunity? Here it comes now! What do you think? With the size of Longteng, we don't have to worry about funds at all! After

staring for a long time, seeing that Zheng Tianxing still did not speak, Mu Liangcheng was anxious and said eagerly.

"I..." Seeing

his friend's expression, he hesitated.

"What are you still thinking? Do you really want to live like this in the future? Are you willing to dream of disappearing in front of your eyes? Mu Liangcheng suddenly hated iron and said without steel.

The sound became louder and louder every time, which immediately attracted the guests around to look over.

Only then did he lower his voice and say, "Tianxing, this is the closest opportunity we have come to our dreams!" Missed this time, we will definitely regret it when we are old! Hearing

this, Zheng Tianxing's calm heart also began to fluctuate, and he thought of when he was in the company today.

It was very bland and made him unable to lift a little spirit, and thinking that he would be like this for ten or twenty years in the future, he suddenly felt more uncomfortable than torture.

Suddenly, he looked up at Mu Liangcheng.

"Thank you! Liangcheng! Hearing

this, Mu Liangcheng suddenly smiled, he knew that this friend had been moved by him.

"It's okay! I just don't want us to give up on what we've been going on for a long time! Mu Liangcheng also said seriously.

In the end, the two talked for a long time, this time the two people who have been dreaming for a long time sighed a lot of things, originally there were many people walking together on this road, but few insisted on it until now, and those people gave up for various reasons.

The next day, Zheng Tianxing came to Ma Teng's office again.

He looked at this mentor and friend, and led him through the door, and the person he once regarded as his brother raised a hint of apology.

His throat moved, and he was about to say something.

"Needless to say, I know you're unwilling! Get out of here! Remember to come back when you really can't get mixed up! Ma Teng waved his hand directly and said with a disgusted expression.

"Brother Ma, thank you!"

The words that Zheng Tianxing had originally thought of disappeared, leaving only five short words, and then turned away choked.

He didn't notice that Ma Teng finally opened his mouth and said a few words.

"Remember to go with the dream I gave up!"

He observed Zheng Tianxing for a day yesterday, knowing that his heart was not here, and today he knew his intentions, and did not block or persuade.

Sometimes ruining someone's dream in the name of being good for others is the most disgusting!

So the two came to Huahai with endless expectations for the future.

The two came to the new district building square non-stop.

Compared with the last time Mu Liangcheng came alone, this time the mentality of the two was completely different.

Mu Liangcheng was full of pride, while Zheng Tianxing looked at the four buildings that plunged into the sky, and his heart was apprehensive for a while.

"Liangcheng! What about Mr. Gu? Are the interview questions difficult? Anxious

, he could only turn to his old friend.

"Haha! Tianxing, you can rest assured! That Gu is very good to talk, and with your ability, even I have passed, you can rest assured! Mu Liangcheng said excitedly when he heard this.

He completely forgot how he saw Gu Chen before.

Then walking into the hall, although Mu Liangcheng said freely, he was a little nervous after coming in, but Zheng Tianxing was more nervous than him.

Mu Liangcheng glanced at the front desk today and found that today's front desk was not the sweet young lady he saw yesterday.

For a while, I was a little happy and a little disappointed.

But this time he is a person with an identity tag and does not need to be led by the front desk.

Directly dripped the identity tag given to him by the assistant yesterday on the machine, and then took Zheng Tianxing directly into the elevator.

"This is the location that President Gu gave us Tiangong Game Company, there are still a few floors upstairs, it's really proud!"

Mu Liangcheng took Zheng Tianxing to introduce it, yesterday the room was empty, today the table and chairs and some equipment have been transported.

The two were very excited and excited.

First, that Mr. Gu really cares about the company, and second, these devices are the most advanced, the two have only heard and seen photos before, and now they see the real thing, they are naturally excited.

At this time, the assistant who received the news also reported to Gu Chen.

So Gu Chen handed the assessment that had been prepared long ago to Zheng Tianxing.

As expected, he passed the assessment directly and perfectly.

"Congratulations! Zheng Tianxing, welcome to Tiangong Game!

In a conference room, Zheng Tianxing finally met the legendary big man and shook hands with him, which made him very happy and happy.

"Thank you, Mr. Gu!"

"Since Liangcheng highly respects you, the position of the head of the game department and the director of planning is yours!" The equipment will arrive tomorrow, so I want you to build the game department as soon as possible! There are no problems!

Gu Chen then nodded and ordered.

When he said it in Mu Liangcheng before, he sent someone to investigate Zheng Tianxing, and he was indeed a huge talent.

It was even better than he expected, and there was management experience, and Gu Chen was very satisfied.

"Please rest assured! I promise to perfect the game department as quickly as possible! Zheng Tianxing suddenly breathed heavily and assured.

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