Although he had heard from Mu Liangcheng that the head of the game department was his own, but now hearing Gu Chen say this, it was another feeling.


Gu Chen patted the other party's shoulder to show encouragement and left here.

Seeing Gu Chen and the others leave, the two breathed a sigh of relief.

"President Gu is worthy of being the chairman of Longteng Group, and the momentum on his body is really terrifying!" Zheng Tianxing said relaxedly.

"Of course! However, this is still President Gu put away the momentum, otherwise how could the two of us withstand it! The corners of Mu Liangcheng's mouth twitched.

"But I didn't expect President Gu to give us so much power, and the entire game department is the responsibility of the two of us!"

"yes! But do you have an idea?

"What do you say?"

Zheng Tianxing smiled mysteriously.


Mu Liangcheng laughed loudly when he heard this.

He naturally understood what he meant.

When they started their business before, they did a very detailed investigation, and what designers in China have studied holography are naturally clear.

Before, they didn't have the ability and confidence to poach people, but now they are backed by the Longteng Group, as long as they are not fools, they know how to choose!

Although Tiangong Games Company is only a new company.

This is the advantage of capital, which they envied and spurned before, now? That is naturally the envy of confidence and others.

Gu Chen, who returned to the office, looked at the USB flash drive on the seat and did not speak.

If others knew that this was the key to opening an era, it would be placed here so arbitrarily, I don't know how many people would beat their chests.

He did not immediately hand it over to the other party, on the one hand, he had the intention of testing the two, and on the other hand, he naturally had the meaning of testing loyalty.

As he thought about things, the door to the office was directly opened.

Bringing him back to his senses, he was immediately surprised: "You're back?" "

The person who came was Chu Xinyi, who went to Yunshi on a business trip.

"How? Don't want me back? Chu Xinyi said after glancing at it when she heard this.

"Eh? What to think! Gu Chen said speechlessly.

"Oh? Is it? I didn't expect that President Xia was still a big beauty? No wonder you often travel to Cloud City!

Chu Xinyi looked at Gu Chen with a smile.


Gu Chen looked at Chu Xinyi's expression, and couldn't help but feel numb in his scalp.

"Is it? I really haven't noticed! Gu Chen immediately pretended to be stupid and said stunned.


Then Chu Xinyi looked at Gu Chen for a few seconds, snorted and said nothing more.

She knows that Gu Chen has nothing to do with the other party, and she is a smart person and knows the degree of strength, after all, since she was a child, she has known that blocking is better than loosening, and men are basically animals that can't control their lower bodies in this aspect.

What's more, it is still an excellent man like Gu Chen, and those wavering hooves will definitely do everything possible to hook up.

She just needs to make sure that Gu Chen's heart for her is okay, otherwise there will be many bloody lessons.

So she used to have the meaning of declaring the orthodox position this time.

"But how exactly did you research that fabric! Really comfortable!

She immediately asked with curiosity; I asked Mr. Xia, and she said that it was the technology you brought over!

"Ahem, what's about this? Naturally, I bought it from an expert! In addition, he originally inherited the ancient textile technology, plus he is an expert in this industry, so he has been studying family technology for decades and finally researched!

Finally, I learned by chance, so I bought it directly.

Gu Chen explained after coughing when he heard this.

This is an excuse that he has long thought of, not only this, he has made excuses for every technology he has obtained from that Taobao, although that Taobao said that everything will be legal and reasonable.

After all, double insurance is necessary!

"Yes?" Chu Xinyi blinked her Danfeng eyes, her eyelashes moved, and asked.

"Nonsense! Or how do you think I got it? Could it be that I invented it myself?

Gu Chen knew that Chu Xinyi's intelligence would not directly believe it, so he said with actor-like acting skills.

That expression, that look, that emotion, that voice, his intuition was perfect.

"Cut, just you!"

When Chu Xinyi heard this, she glanced at it with disdain, and then stopped asking.

"President Xia sent me a few sets!"

"It's okay! Just take! Gu Chen waved his hand and said arrogantly.

The heart was directly relieved.

I am very satisfied with my acting skills.

I give full marks for this wave!

"It was sent to me by President Xia, not you!" Chu Xinyi looked at Gu Chen and said.

"It's pretty much the same! The whole Zhixia is mine.

Gu Chen smiled.

"Okay! I went back to work!

Then Chu Xinyi didn't say anything to Gu Chen, and left directly.

At this time, Han Yumian also gradually arrived on the American continent.

She was greeted by the person in charge of the branch sent by Gu Chen to the United States to personally pick her up.

First, this person in charge is also a fan of Han Yumian, and secondly, this is the boss's sister! He naturally had to stammer!

As the plane landed, Han Yumian and Yang Xue and the others left the airport through the special passage.

Unlike the previous ones, there were more than a dozen people in the team that followed her this time, plus the support of the company, allowing her to return as a king.

Walking to a pick-up room, Shen Yue, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately walked up.

"Welcome Miss Han to the United States!"

Han Yumian knew from Gu Chen that everything she was responsible for in the United States was handled by this person, so she also smiled slightly, with a polite and distant tone.

"Thank you!"

"No, no, no! Everything was my pleasure! I am Shen Yue, the person in charge of the American branch of Longteng Group, and I am responsible for Miss Han's itinerary here, so President Gu should have told Miss Han, right?

Shen Yue waved his hand, and then said very politely.

"Uh-huh! Everything is in trouble with Manager Shen!

Han Yumian's good-looking head nodded a little and said politely.

"No trouble! Presumably, Miss Han was tired after a day of flying, so she went back to the hotel to rest for one night before going to Hollywood, right? Hearing

this, Han Yumian glanced at Yang Xue, who nodded.


The group then drove to the most famous hotel in Los Angeles.

After a night without a word, he went to report to the crew directed by Mecalon early in the morning, accompanied by his new assistant.

As for Shen Yue, as the head of the branch, the daily workload is very strong, and being able to find time to accompany Han Yumian yesterday is already for Gu Chen's face.

When the crew arrived unimpeded, Han Yumian suddenly felt a little nervous in his heart at this time.

After all, this is a famous big director, will he be harsh on me, after all, he came in after a relationship.

The more Han Yumian thought about it, the more worried she became, but when she got here, she could only bite the bullet and go on.

"It's arrived! The director is inside!

At this time, the assistant stopped his steps and said very politely to Han Yumian.

He didn't dare to offend this Chinese star who had heard of his identity background.

"Thank you!"

Han Yumian was stunned, then reacted, thanked the assistant, and pushed the door in.

The room is very large and clean, I heard that some directors' rooms are messy like chicken nests, but I don't see it here, Han Yumian secretly said in his heart.

It's daytime, it's well-lit, and when you look to the left, a table full of various papers comes into view, and a middle-aged and elderly man is sitting in front of him drawing something.

As if he heard footsteps, he raised his head and looked at Han Yumian, which made the latter very nervous.

"Hello Director Mecalon! I am Han Yumian, an artist from Huaxia!

She immediately recognized the world-renowned director and quickly introduced herself.

"Hello! Miss Han, please sit down!

Mecalon also put down the matter in his hand at this time, and became enthusiastic after listening to the other party's words.

"No, no, no!"

Han Yumian was flattered and quickly waved his hand.

She didn't expect this Mecalon to be so easygoing, which made her feel at ease.

"Calling Miss Han over this time is mainly to determine your role and scene, as well as the schedule problem!"

Later, after Mecalon personally poured a cup of tea for Han Yumian, he was like a kind grandfather next door.

"Thank you!"

Han Yumian nodded his thanks after taking it.

Then he listened carefully to Mecalon.

"I took a look at Miss Han's scene, combined with your characteristics, I think a dragon girl role in Asia is very suitable for you, and the position of this role is also very important, if Miss Han has no problem, you can sign a contract for this role."

"As for the schedule, because there is still a lot of work that is not ready, it is expected that the official project will start next year!" I wonder if there is a problem with Miss Han's schedule? Mecalon continued to explain.

At the same time, he also gave the first draft to Han Yumian and signaled her to take a look first.

After Han Yumian took it, she looked at the script that belonged to her very expectantly, and she was fascinated by it.

The script is about an ancient dragon whose bloodline continues to this day because of a mysterious power, and later born due to environmental problems, that is, the dragon girl, because she was born to know, has an aversion to evil forces engraved in her bloodline, and once became the patron saint of the East.

Later, he fought with heroic characters from all over the world against the evil lord from the center of the earth.

This script tells the story of ancient myths and legends from all over the world, and then the story of mythological characters from various countries uniting to fight monsters.

"How? What does Miss Han think of this role? Seeing that Han Yumian had finished reading, Mecalon asked with a smile.

"Thank you Director Mecalon! I love the character! Han

Yumian naturally agreed directly.

She felt that she was able to handle this role.

Mecalon also thought of this role at once when she learned about Han Yumian.

After all, as a dragon girl, how can her appearance be bad! Now he feels that Han Yumian is very suitable for this role.

First, because the other party is very beautiful, and secondly, her temperament is very consistent.

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