Han Yumian has an innocent and kind temperament, which is also very appropriate in the dragon girl.

The dragon girl in the script has been sleeping since her life, although she has an adult body, but because she rarely has contact with the world, and her mind is simple and pure, this is not something that can be performed, it can only be born.

Then Mecalon called the assistant and assistant director who signed the contract with the actor, as well as Han Yumian's agent Yang Xue.

"If Miss Han thinks there is no problem with this contract, then you can sign it here!" The assistant director said respectfully.

There are nearly ten so-called assistant directors in this theater, most of them have no real power, but the names are good.

Han Yumian looked at Yang Xue, after all, she didn't know some of the circles here, although she knew that the other party couldn't pit her.

And Yang Xue also checked this contract very carefully.

She has been struggling in this circle for most of her life, not to mention her vicious eyes, how can she be called sharp-eyed, and she is naturally very familiar with these contracts.

Not to mention that it can be compared with a legitimate lawyer, but how can it be more understanding of the law.

After the inspection, her heart moved, she did not know about this kind of international crew contract, generally this kind of contract is relatively strict, but here she feels as if it is very loose, and the remuneration is also very considerable, which surprised her slightly.

However, after she thought of Gu Chen, everything was explained clearly, all for Gu Chen's face.

Then she negotiated with the other party instead of Han Yumian, and after a few minutes, she reached an agreement, which made Yang Xue, who had prepared a belly of words, couldn't help but be stunned, it seems that Mr. Gu's influence here is even greater than she thought.

"Happy cooperation! Miss Han! At

this time, Mecalon got up and shook hands with the other party!

"Thank you, Director Mecalon!" Han Yumian quickly got up, shook hands in surprise, and thanked him.

"It's okay! Is Mr. Gu okay? Seeing

that the matter had been done and the others had left directly, Mecalon asked with a smile;

"My brother is very good, he asked me to say hello to you for him when I came!" Han Yumian explained with a smile.

"Mr. Gu is really polite!" Mecalon was very happy when he heard this, and waved his hand and said excitedly.

"It's just a pity that Mr. Gu couldn't come over!"

"My brother's company is busy." Han Yumian thought about it and said.

After that, the two talked a lot and planned to leave.

Walking outside, Yang Xuecai sighed; "It seems that Director Mecalon also has great respect for Mr. Gu!"

Han Yumian smiled and did not speak.

Then a blond man came over.

"Hello Miss Han! Hello Ms. Yang! When

the two looked at it, a different color suddenly flashed.

"Mr. David, long time no see!"

Yang Xue remembered the previous scene and suddenly pointed out.

"Ahem! Oh, yes! I didn't expect to see you two again, but congratulations here! David was very regretful when he heard this, and then quickly said.

Where did he think that an inconspicuous artist at that time could be connected with Mecalon at this moment, and changed into an important role in the play, which he never expected, otherwise he should have been very polite at that time.

After all, with his identity, he can see too many star artists like Han Yumian every day.

"Thank you Mr. David for not helping at that time, otherwise how could my family artist become the star!" Yang Xue said in a strange manner.

With Gu Chen in the back, she is not afraid of the other party at all, even if it is an assistant director.

However, Han Yumian on the side pulled Aunt Laxue, and then looked at David.

"Mr. David, I'm sorry, if there is nothing to do we will go first! The previous thing doesn't have to be taken seriously! Said lightly.

"Thank you Miss Han! If you have something to do, let's go first!

David was overjoyed when he heard this, and quickly gave way to a position and said.

Then went downstairs.

"Sleep, why did you let him go like this."

Yang Xue was pulled by Han Yumian and said a little depressed.

"Aunt Xue, forget it, people didn't do anything wrong at that time!" Han Yumian said with a smile.

Suddenly, she glanced at a familiar figure, and her face suddenly sank.

Yang Xue was stunned, followed her gaze, and immediately sneered.

"Hey, isn't this our Wei Da Star?"

Hurry up a few steps forward and say hello with a smile.

If people who don't know each other think how deep the relationship between several people is!

At this time, a young woman with a beautiful face suddenly had a very ugly face, and a thick jealousy flashed in her eyes when she looked at Han Yumian on the side.


Just as he was about to leave, Yang Xue stopped the other party.

"Hey, where is our teacher Wei going to be so anxious? How did I hear that Teacher Wei seems to be leaving the company! I don't know if it's true! Yang Xue continued.

"Yang Xue! You still have yin and yang weirdness there!

At this time, the agent beside Wei Meng spoke.

"Hey, isn't this our Liu Da agent? Are you still following Teacher Wei?


The other party was furious when he heard this, but he looked at the several cold-faced strong men behind the other party and sobered up.

He is by no means an opponent of several people.

Suddenly, the heart hurriedly suppressed the factor of the riot, and the meditative impulse was the devil.


Yang Xue was very happy when she saw the other party, and then looked at Wei Meng.

"I also want to thank Teacher Wei for his original actions! Otherwise, our family sleep will not be the starring role, but a small supporting role! The

tone was very sincere, but listening to Wei Meng's ears, she trembled all over, especially the waves in her chest.

This is even more terrifying than murder, she thought of the fact that she had paid too much for this supporting role, and before she had time to be happy for a few days, she heard that the company had undergone earth-shaking changes, which made her very uneasy, especially Han Yumian had become the first sister of the company, which made her very jealous and envious and very uneasy.

Therefore, she did not hesitate to join the emperor in order to offend Huayi.

This didn't just make her relax for two days, and she heard that Han Yumian would play a major protagonist in the play, which made her a little hysterical!

Now I met it in person, and it was simply a red eye when the enemy met.

However, she was the weak party, seeing the other party laughing at herself from above, stepping on her pride to the ground, she looked at Han Yumian with great resentment and then left quickly, her steps were very flustered.

This made Han Yumian feel uninteresting, Wei Meng, who she had always regarded as an opponent, was indeed vulnerable now.

"Aunt Xue, forget it! Let's go! Han Yumian shouted.


Yang Xue also felt bored when she saw the other party's embarrassed figure, so she left directly.


At this time, the Hollywood Mecaron crew signed Han Yumian of Huaxia, and the news of taking away the big protagonist spread in all directions at the speed of light.

Soon it was transmitted back to China, and suddenly the entire hot search exploded! The whole network was shocked by the news that Han Yumian won the female number one.

"Worthy of my goddess! It's that good!

"My wife is great! Such a big thing is done silently!

"A few dishes upstairs!"

"Exactly! Obviously it's my wife, it's so low-key, unlike some people, just getting a supporting role spot is hyped up, look, this is the gap! If it weren't for the explosion of the extranet, we wouldn't know yet! "


For a while, domestic websites have really become phenomenal, and they are discussed everywhere they go.

Major media and CCTV are all praised by name, and countless news media have broadcast to rub this heat.

Gu Chen looked at the heat on his phone.

The top ten topics on a blog are all related to Han Yumian.

One year of silence no one asked, once famous all over the world!

Especially with the fact that it disappeared from sight instantly after the fire, passers-by who did not know the news were greatly appreciated, and many people turned fans and gained the favor of a large number of passers-by.

Gu Chen smiled at the corner of his mouth, took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to the manager of the Zhixia Publicity Department.

"It's almost time to start advertising!"

Zhixia brand branch in Yunshi City, within the publicity department.

A bohemian thirty-year-old's cell phone vibrate.

He opened it and saw that it was the news sent by Gu Chen, and he instantly became energetic.

"Groups are ready to run ads!" Quickly ordered the subordinates around him.

It was like the tone of a big brother in the underworld instructing the younger brother.

Not long after, several videos began to quietly go online on major websites and platforms.

Browse and like for a while, and the broadcast collection has grown exponentially.

"Wow! This Han Yumian dress looks very good! Ask for a link? "

Plus one!"

"That's right! I feel that this outfit is so temperamental to the goddess! "

There is a sense of youth! I feel like I'm going to be in love! "


At one time, nine out of ten various comments were appreciated, and one was linked!

Time until returning home from work in the evening.

"It looks like your advertising plan was very successful!" Chu Xinyi looked at Gu Chen and sighed.

"That is!"

Gu Chen is quite proud, it has only been a few hours, and now the highest video has exceeded nearly 100 million views, more than 10 million likes, and nearly a million retweets, which is simply terrifying.

Many people in the industry were directly silent after seeing this data.

It's a miracle, an irreproducible miracle.

Gu Chen also had this idea.

He made a lot of preparations for this data.

The first is that in order for Han Yumian to return, Huayi created a very big momentum for her, basically everyone on the Internet understood Han Yumian and had a preliminary impression.

Then there is to become the protagonist of the crew that has long attracted worldwide attention, which is no less than a bombshell!

Coupled with the fact that this is a positive and inspirational tone to promote the country, and the remnants of the previous heat about Mecalon's casting, it has led to this phenomenal popularity.

Really the whole network is frantically spreading Han Yumian, and the timing of Gu Chen's candidate at this time is also very important.

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