Coupled with the fact that this is the first advertisement and high-definition film and television after Han Yumian's comeback, as well as the brand clothing with pleasing design, plus the perfect embodiment of the body and beautiful face, the previous popularity has all been converted into traffic, and there is such a terrifying data.

"It is estimated that it will become a record that will not be broken for a long time!"

Gu Chen recalled the data and said with emotion.

"Indeed! I see that you know that Xia's official website has hundreds of thousands of more fans! There are countless people's messages saying what to start on sale, what are your plans? Chu Xinyi nodded when she heard this, and then asked curiously.

Although she knows the time of listing, she feels that this time is a very good opportunity to go public, and it will definitely sell well with this popularity.

"No rush!"

Gu Chen shook his head and explained: "There is still a lot of room for play now, and the heat has not spread yet!" Chu

Xinyi thought about it and felt the same, so she stopped talking.

At this time, the entire clothing industry has also been greatly stimulated, all of them are very red this Zhixia, before they were still very pitiful Zhixia, advertising time is the same as Han Yumian's comeback time, now it is really more uncomfortable than eating.

At the same time, I am very envious of such a huge heat flow, watching Zhixia from being famous overnight to now being known on the whole network, it is really envious and crying like a child next door.

At this time, in a hotel in Zhushi City, two men, one old and one young, were sitting on the side in silence, and the atmosphere was very strange.

"What shit luck did this Zhixia go! I can even encounter this! At this time, the young man was fierce and angry, and said through gritted teeth.

He still thought that Zhixia signed an endorsement with the other party before Han Yumian's comeback, and accidentally met the other party to become the protagonist of the Mecalon crew.

The old man on the side shook his head, his cloudy eyes flashing with the cunning of the old traitor.

"Young Master, this is not luck! It should be that Zhixia knows that the star can gain greater fame. The old man spoke.


The young man was stunned when he heard this, and then there were 10,000 unbeliefs.

"It's impossible, that Zhixia I investigated, it's just a newly established company, maybe very rich, but it doesn't have such a big network, Han Yumian I also understood, although she is Huayi's favorite artist, but Huayi has no energy to affect Hollywood, that is a generation of legendary directors!"

He began to explain that there was no lack of admiration between words.

Maybe it's for the elderly, or maybe it's for yourself.

That's right, the two are Zhang Yunlong of the Zhang Group and his butler Fubo.

Forber still shook his head.

"Okay, there is no point in talking about this now, the priority now is how to deal with Zhixia, after all, he is not a small brand that did not have a reputation before!" Zhang Yunlong interrupted irritably.

Hearing this, Forber fell silent.

After all, this is no longer something they can suppress.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang.

After connecting, his expression was suddenly full of joy.

"Good! No problem!

Zhang Yunlong looked at the other party and nodded one after another, frowning until the other party hung up the phone and looked at Fubo.

"Young Master! What a bonus! Forber touched his short beard and said with a smile.


"Although Zhixia is more famous now, but it has made a big move, causing many peers to be jealous, and feel deeply uneasy, everyone does not want to see the rise of the other party, so some companies that were watching before have also made up their minds to directly hit the snake and hit seven inches and give him a must-kill blow." Forber said excitedly.

If he had no possibility of suppression before, but now this call has rekindled his hope.

After all, nearly a quarter of peers don't want each other to rise! You don't look at this number, but even the leading bosses of the clothing industry will not conflict with it.

Once you are boycotted in an industry, you will not be able to move a single step.

"Good! Now I want to see what Zhixia will do!

Zhang Yunlong was also very excited when he heard this.

"But, Forber, what are they going to do?"

"Hmph! That group of villains, who just want to follow and shout behind, will definitely not end up in person!

Fubo laughed when he heard this: "But it's okay, this time they are very happy, funds, factories will support!"

"But then we won't be targeted!"

Zhang Yunlong asked worriedly when he heard this.

He still knows the truth that the gun shoots the first bird.

"Huh? Not bad! Be prepared for this too! When

Fu Bo heard this, he looked at Zhang Yunlong unexpectedly, very happy.

"With so many companies working together this time, we can also fish in the water and fuel the waves!"

Forber thought of something and said grimly.

Then the two began to discuss details and plans in a low voice.

Gu Chen naturally didn't know about all this, but he could guess that since this video was released, they knew that Xia would definitely cause fear and resistance from their peers.

But he does not pay attention to it at all, only mediocrity will be afraid of the suppression and resistance of others.

He is also very confident and satisfied with the new fabrics and the styles developed by Zhixia.

The next day, the news about Han Yumian not only did not decrease, but became more fiery, and he knew that someone should be pushing behind.

But this is even more beneficial to him, and I wish it was every day!

Then his cell phone rang.

He didn't need to guess to know that it was Xia Ning who called, and it seemed that it was indeed so.

"Hey, Mr. Xia, congratulations!" Gu Chen took the lead and congratulated with a smile.

"President Gu, it should be me congratulating you!"

At this time, in the general manager's office of Zhixia's headquarters, Xia Ning's mood at this time can be regarded as very happy and satisfied, she did not expect to be so popular, although she knew in advance that Han Yumian was recruited by the Mecalon crew, but where could she have thought that it was so hot!

"Haha! I see! Let's not say that, it should be Tongxi! I think President Xia's phone must have exploded now, right? Gu Chen said with a laugh when he heard this.

"Hmph! You're kind enough to say! The chairman of your dignified company not only didn't deal with anything at all, but also laughed at me! Is there such a chairman as you? Hearing this, Xia Ning pretended to be angry and said.

"Ahem! Didn't I give power to President Xia? Gu

Chen's tone froze when he heard this, and then he coughed and said.

Somewhat embarrassed.

"Now reporters from big and small TV stations in Yunshi have been squatting downstairs trying to interview me! It's just annoying! Xia

Ning felt a little better when he heard this, and then he vomited bitterly.

"You can tell them that there will be a launch party when the company's new products are released! So they won't bother you so much! Gu Chen thought about it and said with a smile.

"Good! I'll call the assistant to inform them later! Xia Ning's eyes lit up and he agreed very much.

"Mr. Xia, how many pieces of clothes can the company produce every day now?" After the two chatted a little, Gu Chen suddenly asked.

He mentally estimated that when the new product was launched, it was estimated that it would be much more than he budgeted.

"Now there are five garment factories, which produce about 80,000 pieces a day! After all, we also want quality! All substandard products are reproduced! Xia Ning reported.

"Hmm! Not bad! We know that Xia is taking the boutique route! Be sure to check every product carefully! Gu Chen agreed when he heard this.

"Don't worry! Now I have set up a three-lane inspection network. By the way, since the popularity is so high now, do we want to market some products first? Xia

Ning and Chu Xinyi thought of it together, and they both wanted to take advantage of this heat to rub a wave.

"Nope! You should not have noticed that today's heat is higher than yesterday, and there will be a period of diffusion and development. Gu Chen explained.

Finally, he explained what he explained to Chu Xinyi before.

Xia Ning nodded when he heard this.

The two started chatting for a while before hanging up the phone, and now Xia Ning can be described as very busy.

Gu Chen did not guess wrong, the current heat is indeed fueled by someone behind it.

Huayi Entertainment Headquarters Building.

Office of the Chairman.

"Chairman, now the propaganda department has gone all out to publicize it! Teacher Han's popularity continues to explode! A man stood in front of Hua Tianyu's eyes and reported.

"Good! Now our Huayi finally breathed a breath! Hua

Tianyu was very happy.

He didn't expect it to be so hot at the time.

"The position of chairman should be very stable this time!"

The man was also very happy.

He is a confidant brought by Hua Tianyu, and the more stable Hua Tianyu's position, the greater his benefits, so naturally he hopes that Hua Tianyu is good.

"Hmm! Jiang Shao also praised me on the phone yesterday!

Hua Tianyu nodded when he heard this, and felt that he also had a little credit for Han Yumian being so hot now, but Jiang Shao's reaction always felt a little wrong when he was patting the other party's.

Time goes back to last night.

Last night, he went home after work, and suddenly received a call from Jiang Shao, naturally very humble and excited.

"Hello? Good evening Jiang Shao?

"Hello! Lao Hua! Han Yumian, you did a very good job! Jiang Shao said with appreciation as soon as he spoke.

"Where, where! This is all the credit of Jiang Shao! I just helped run it a bit!

Although the corners of Hua Tianyu's mouth opened with a smile, he still said very rationally.

"What's mine, Lao Hua, you also learn to slap horses now!" Jiang Shao frowned when he heard this, and then said in doubt.

"Okay, you did a good job! Let's stay in that position in the future! But Han Yumian, you must have taken care of me!"

"Jiang Shao rest assured! The company's resources are all given to Teacher Han! "

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