Hua Tianyu only hung up the phone after guaranteed, but it made Hua Tianyu very puzzled, and he hadn't figured it out until now.

"Congratulations Chairman!"

When the man on the other side heard this, he quickly congratulated.

"Okay! Go down! Be sure to keep an eye on the news, I'm afraid some people will blush! Hua Tianyu waved his hand and instructed again.

"Don't worry, the chairman will personally go to watch!" Guaranteed foolproof! The man immediately assured.

"Well, go for it!"

Then only Hua Tianyu was left.

"That's not right! Jiang Shao said that I slap? He muttered.

Although he is suspected of swatting, he really didn't make any effort this time.

But he couldn't think of anything, so he rubbed his swollen scalp and closed his eyes.

What he didn't know at this time was that Jiang Shao was calling someone else, and if he could eavesdrop, he would understand what was wrong.

"Mr. Gu! What a congratulations! Now Ling Mei can be described as the hottest star in the circle! Jiang Shao congratulated Gu Chen with a smile.

"Haha! Rejoice together! I think Huayi should also be very famous in the future! Gu Chen said with a laugh.

After all, Han Yumian is really famous overseas in the future, so the first thing to introduce is her company Huayi.

"Stained with Mr. Gu's light, thank you Mr. Gu, but I didn't expect that Mr. Gu's circle is very wide, and even people in Hollywood know Mr. Gu!" Jiang Shao waved his hand when he heard this, and sighed with emotion.

He didn't have such a big face in Hollywood, but he didn't expect that this Mr. Gu was really as rumored, unfathomable! Fortunately, there was no grudge with it at that time, otherwise it would have made a big enemy!

"It's just a coincidence! Just got to know Mr. Mecalon!

Gu Chen waved his hand and didn't care at all.

"I wonder if Jiang Shao has something going on this time?" Then he asked.

He didn't believe that the other party called this time just for special congratulations.

"Alas! Mr. Gu is really smart! Hearing

this, Jiang Shao sighed after being silent for a while.

He didn't expect that this Mr. Gu really broke his intentions!

Gu Chen smiled and did not speak.

"Good! What about this call, firstly, to congratulate Mr. Gu, and secondly, I want to ask Mr. Gu for a favor? Jiang Shao smiled helplessly and admitted.

"Oh? What can stop Jiang Shao? I don't think even Jiang Shao can help, I can't do it with a businessman! Gu

Chen was a little surprised when he heard this, after all, he naturally knew the identity of the other party, not to mention the top in Huaxia, the most basic is first-class.

Even things that are difficult for him, I'm afraid he Gu Chen can't do it!

If it weren't for the fact that Han Yumian owed the other party a favor before, he would have directly refused.

"Mr. Gu is polite! I really can't do anything about it!

Jiang Shao heard Gu Chen's subtext and immediately smiled bitterly: "This matter is very sensitive abroad, with my identity, only Mr. Gu's identity can handle it in China!" "


Hearing that it was abroad, Gu Chen's heart relaxed, and he understood a little.

After all, if you dare to meddle in foreign affairs in your capacity, a bad one will cause political and diplomatic risks.

"I wonder what Jiang Shao is called?"

Gu Chen asked.

As long as it is not in the country, and if it is not troublesome, he will help and return the favor.

"Here's the thing!"

Jiang Shao came to the spirit when he heard this, and quickly explained the matter again.

Then said with a wry smile: "That's it!" That cousin of mine must have been designed! But for various reasons, our words are useless,"

Gu Chen thought thoughtfully.

It turned out to be Jiang Shao's cousin, and his second uncle's child is also the third generation of the Jiang family, but now he is a little young in his early twenties and is studying abroad.

However, due to the arrogant and domineering personality developed at home, he left home abroad, as if he released his nature.

Originally, there was still a family member at home, but when I went abroad, it was really high and the birds were flying, and the whole person became more arrogant, but foreign countries are not domestic, and their Jiang family's brand is not good.

This rebellious child did not know it, and clashed with the son of a local boss at a club event, and he immediately became angry and knocked a bottle on the other party's head.

A black man will dare to be presumptuous in front of me and look for death!

So he sent people directly to the hospital, but this time it was a disaster, and he didn't realize what he should still do, thinking that this was in the country, where did the police dare to arrest him.

So when he was taken away, he panicked, and all kinds of means wanted to get rid of the local police, but he provoked violent beatings again and again.

This made this benevolent brother react, and he was immediately very afraid, how arrogant he was at the beginning, how timid he was now.

However, it was too late, coupled with the pressure of the local boss, he was directly put in the detention center, and only then was he notified in China.

According to Jiang Shao, at that time, the second master of his family was so angry that he almost didn't return his breath, cursed the rebel son and expelled him from the house, and directly scolded for several hours.

But the scolding also scolded, after all, blood is thicker than water, so they tried to find a way to save people back to the country first, but their Jiang family is not good outside, plus this is a family ugliness that cannot be publicized, and the old man said that this matter cannot trouble the country to come forward.

So things froze, in the past few days, their Jiang family tried their best to let the other party not let go, and they didn't know what happened to that kid, and the family was even more anxious.

Jiang Shao's second uncle and second aunt are scientific researchers, and they usually get along with their sons less, so they are very spoiled, but they do not blindly pet.

Doing something bad outside is also the first punishment, so the other party is relatively quiet in China, but when he goes abroad, there will be such a big change, which everyone did not expect.

Now seeing the second uncle and second aunt silent every day, Jiang Shao is also very uncomfortable, but he can't do anything, after all, even his father is useless.

Suddenly, just yesterday, he saw something about Han Yumian on the hot search, and he suddenly thought of a person, that is, Gu Chen, who had today's call.

Jiang Shao saw that Gu Chen did not speak for a long time, and suddenly became anxious, this was the only way for him.

"As long as Mr. Gu can help, our Jiang family will definitely not forget Mr. Gu, I heard that Mr. Gu seems to be collecting supercars now, I have a Lamborghini latest concept version of one of the top ten famous cars, I can give it to Mr. Gu!" After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and said.


Gu Chen was stunned, he didn't expect that one of the top ten famous cars he had investigated in every way was in his hand, and he was slightly surprised.

The top ten famous cars are not the world's most expensive ten luxury cars, but the most well-known, the most special models, and the most valuable cars.

"Haha! Jiang Shao is polite, I have long heard that Academician Jiang serves the country and the people, and I am also obliged to help with this, let alone Jiang Shao! I haven't thanked Jiang Shao for my sister's affairs before! This time just right! Gu Chen snorted, his eyes flashed, and said with a smile.

Don't do this for nothing! After all, this happened in Germany, and his first partner was Bosch in Germany, which is not a one-sentence thing?

He was well aware of Bosch's influence on Germany, and as for the big guy, he didn't pay any attention to it.

If it is in China, where does the Jiang family need to ask for themselves, it is only a matter of a word to clean up this kind of goods, but it is a pity that it is not in China.

And the Academician Jiang he said is naturally Jiang Shao's second uncle, this is a great scientist, who has made outstanding contributions to the country, and Gu Chen admires this kind of person the most, so it is not much problem to do a favor.

"Thank you Mr. Gu! I remember this in my heart! Hearing this, Jiang Shao was overjoyed and quickly thanked him.

"It's okay! Jiang Shao just wait for the news!

Gu Chen said with a smile and hung up the phone.

After thinking about it, I called Andriy, the chairman of Bosch.

The call was answered quickly.

"Good morning! Mr. Andry! Gu Chen took the lead and said with a smile.

But he forgot that the two straddled Eurasia. One in the west and one in the easternmost side, the time is different.

"Haha, Mr. Gu is wrong, I'm here in the afternoon!" Andry was stunned for a moment, and then quipped.


Gu Chen blushed a little when he heard this, he forgot that the time of the two was different, and the German side was seven hours later than him.

"I wonder why Mr. Gu called this old man?"

Then Andriy's voice continued.

"Naturally, I want to catch up with old friends! Mr. Andry's machine sells well, right? Gu Chen immediately reacted and said with a smile.

He knows the news of Bosch very well, and the other party tried to cooperate with him desperately, isn't this machine a chip with excellent performance?

Now the castrated version of the chip provided by himself is very satisfactory to the other party, and the product developed is something that surpasses today's technology! If it weren't for their own chips, then last year they wouldn't have been in the limelight at Bosch.

"Haha, all this was brought by Mr. Gu!"

Andry laughed when he heard this.

"I don't think Mr. Gu should call me for this matter, right?"

Andry is a businessman who is shrewd to the bone.

"Of course! There is a trifle that needs Mr. Andry's help! Gu Chen cursed secretly, and then continued without waiting for the other party to speak.

"But this is a very easy job for Mr. Andry! I don't think Mr. Andry would have refused based on the relationship between the two of us, right?

Gu Chen said with a smile directly through the friendship between the two, not giving the other party a chance to refuse at all.

At this time, a living room, after hearing Gu Chen's words, an old man's face suddenly changed, secretly scolding Gu Chen for not having a face, when did we have a relationship?

However, it is impossible for him to say this, otherwise the other party will attack him with this sentence.

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