No, it would be, he knew Gu Chen, the cunning little fox, very well.

"Oh? I wonder how I can help Mr. Gu? Andry asked, pretending to be surprised.

"I have a friend in Berlin..."

Gu Chen smiled and said what happened.


And when Gu Chen called, he was far away in the Jiang family in the imperial capital.

At this time, Jiang Shao heard Gu Chen's assurance, and he was very surprised, so he planned to tell the old man and the second uncle and second aunt the news immediately.

After all, since childhood, the second uncle and second aunt have been very good to themselves.

"Second uncle and second aunt! Second uncle and second aunt!

So he hurried to the second uncle's house.

The Jiang family is now alive and well, so there is no separation, and three generations live in the courtyard like this.

With the prestige of Old Master Jiang, and the relationship between the two brothers of the Jiang family is very harmonious, there is no big family rivalry.

"Huh? Sheng'er! What's wrong? Hearing

Jiang Baisheng's voice, a person who was similar to Jiang Shao came out of the hall, but he was middle-aged, very quiet, with a stodgy style of scientific researchers, he was Jiang Shao's second uncle.

"Second uncle! Xiaoxiao is saved! Jiang Shao didn't talk nonsense, and said directly.


The second uncle really looked shocked, and quickly stepped forward and hurriedly asked, "What's going on?"

"Second uncle, don't worry! What about the second aunt! Let's go to grandpa and say! Jiang Shao looked at the second uncle's tired expression and said.

During this time, the family was very unstable.

"Hmm! Okay, here we go! All

the way through the backyard, everyone came to the main hall, except for Father Jiang, who went to work, everyone else was there.

A spirited old man has a momentum that is not angry and self-threatening, which is different from Gu Chen and others, which is a mixture of blood and time history, plus official prestige and murderous aura.

He sat at the top and looked at Jiang Shao.

"Xiao Sheng, you just said that Xiao Xiao was saved, what is going on?"

Seeing that everyone looked at Jiang Shao, he steadied his heart.

"Yes! I know a friend who is very unusual, I called him before and he said he would help me! Jiang Shao said.

"Huh? What does this friend of yours do?

"He's a businessman, but grandpa knows him, he's Gu Chen!"

"It's the lad!"

Old man Jiang was a little surprised when he heard this, he naturally heard about Gu Chen, after all, Gu Chen is now very close to the military, and with Old Master Jiang's status in the army, he naturally knows a little about it.

"Dad? Who is this Gu Chen? Can he save Xiaoxiao?

At this time, Jiang Shao's second uncle couldn't help but ask.

There was also some hope.

"Yes, Dad! Can he save Xiaoxiao? The

second aunt was also full of hope.

"Haha! I don't understand this young man, but if you don't use the power of the state, then he is the most capable of saving Xiaoxiao, maybe you haven't heard of it, but his company you must have said that the products you study are owned by people's companies. Old man Jiang explained.

"What? Dad, are you talking about Longteng Group? The

second uncle was very surprised when he heard this, and he knew it when he thought about it carefully.

"That's right! It's just that to my surprise, Xiao Sheng actually knows that little guy!

Old man Jiang looked at Jiang Baisheng with some relief.

"Hehe, Grandpa, this is an accident! I didn't expect to let the other party owe a favor! Jiang

Shao was a little happy, after all, it was not an easy thing to be recognized by Old Master Jiang.

"So it's really possible that Xiaoxiao could be rescued?"

The second uncle and second aunt looked at each other, and then they were very excited.

"Xiao Sheng, thank you!" Then the second uncle said to Jiang Shao.

"Second Uncle, what do you say! Xiaoxiao is also my younger brother!

Jiang Shao panicked and was a little incoherent.

"Okay! Since the one told you to wait for news, wait over there!

Then Old Master Jiang spoke, and everyone was waiting in this main hall, but the second uncle and second aunt called over from time to time to ask for news.

Because of the nature of the Jiang family, it was naturally impossible to go to other countries privately, so they could only send others to Germany.

As time passed, Old Master Jiang still sat firmly on Mount Tai, but Jiang Shao and his second uncle and second aunt were very anxious.

Jiang Shao was very apprehensive, afraid that Mr. Gu would not be able to do it, which would make the second uncle and second aunt even more uncomfortable.

After all, after giving you a glimmer of hope, facing a desperate situation is more uncomfortable and desperate than giving you a desperate situation at the beginning.

"Dad, could it be..." After

nearly an hour, the more the second uncle waited, the more disappointed he became.

"Hmph! At such an age, I can't even wait for this little time, it's really hard to become a big thing! When Old Master Jiang heard this, he immediately scolded coldly.


The second uncle was a little ashamed and uneasy.

At this time, his mobile phone rang, and it was immediately connected.

Others also looked over.

"Hello? What do you think?

The second uncle's voice trembled when he spoke.

"Dad, it's me!"

A young voice suddenly came out.

With a hint of fear and rejoicing, as well as a feeling of aftermath.

"Did you really come out this time?"

The second uncle's voice then came out.


Jiang Baixiao nodded vigorously.

"You bastard! It's so ridiculous outside! Hurry up and roll me back!

After knowing his son's situation, the second uncle suddenly changed his tone and roared angrily.

Jiang Baixiao became a little silent after experiencing this period of affairs at this time.

"Give you the phone to Uncle Cheng!" The second uncle held back the anger that continued to scold him and said.

"Second Master, are you looking for me?"

Suddenly, a middle-aged thick voice came out.

"Hmm! What's going on here? You tell me carefully? The second uncle continued when he heard this.

"Actually, I don't know very well, it's that I suddenly received a call over there, telling me to pick up someone, I thought the other party was joking, after all, their tone of voice to me was really strange, like a stammer, yes is a stammer, I thought you were looking for a relationship!"

Hearing this, the rest of the Jiang family quieted down, you look at me, I look at you, and finally look at Old Master Jiang.

"Okay! Since Xiaoxiao is safe and sound, you guys come back! Transferred Xiaoxiao's student status back, originally I wanted my Jiang family to produce another talent, now! Hum! What a real face! Old man Jiang snorted coldly.


Naturally, the other side also heard this, and quickly replied.

What is certain is that Jiang Shao's cousin should inevitably be beaten after returning.

Then he hung up.

The group was completely relieved.

"Xiao Sheng, thank you for this! See if you can help me introduce that Mr. Gu, I want to thank him in person! The second uncle turned to look at Jiang Shao and said.

"Second uncle doesn't need to do this, I can help you introduce it, but I don't know if that Mr. Gu will see you?" Jiang Shao waved his hand when he heard this, and then said with some embarrassment.

"No thanks, second brother! That kid's identity is not an ordinary person, and it is estimated that he will not see you! Let Xiaosheng help you thank you! At this time, Old Master Jiang continued.


Hearing Lao Tzu's words, the second uncle nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry! Grandpa, I will personally thank Mr. Gu!

Jiang Shao also said solemnly.

And at this time, Gu Chen naturally received news from Andri, saying that he had helped him do it, that offended a rich businessman in the city, who made his fortune in the gray industry in the early days, but in Andry's eyes, it was not in the flow, just a phone call from him, the other party immediately promised not to pursue it.

Shaking his head, he was now looking forward to what rewards the super car in Jiang Shao's hands could bring him.

But now he doesn't seem to need anything? After all, now he himself does not know how much wealth he has in his hands.

Anyway, at least a trillion starts! It's his next eighteen generations of descendants!

Just then his cell phone rang, pulling him into reality.

The remark is the Whampoa Ling guy.

"Hey, why is your kid free to call me?" Gu Chen asked with a smile.

"You are kind enough to say, let me feed mosquitoes and bask in the sun in the wilderness all day, you are good, air conditioning the office every day, surrounded by countless beautiful people!"

As soon as he heard Gu Chen's words, Huangpu Ling's mood was instantly unbalanced, and he couldn't help but complain.

"What did you kid say!"

Gu Chen glanced at him when he heard this.

"By the way, what is the call for?"

"Hmm! The mine has been built, and gold has been dug up so far, and the purity is very high! You can probably extract five kilograms of gold every day! Speaking

of this, Huangpu Ling was excited.

"So many?"

Rao is Gu Chen, and he couldn't help but exclaim.

"Hey, hey! Of course! So ah! You just wait at home to count the money! Huangpu

Ling heard Gu Chen's surprised voice and was very happy.

"It seems that the gold mine is much bigger than we thought!" Gu Chen guessed.

Generally, the larger the gold mine, the higher the gold content in the ore.

"Good! The purity of the gold mines here is also very high. Huangpu Ling said excitedly.

After all, these are all white bills!

"But how is the gold you mine generally sold?" Gu Chen asked curiously.

If this news gets out, it will definitely have a huge impact on the current dry part of the gold market.

"Well, naturally there are special channels!" Whampoa Ling explained.


Gu Chen thought of this, stunned, and suddenly he thought of an idea!

Now that he has found so much gold, can he also open a bank?

As an asset reserve, gold is linked to currency, has great collection significance, storage significance and intrinsic value, and it will not become garbage like other financial minerals.

Therefore, today's world controls the stock and system of money through the acquisition and sale of gold.

In addition to sufficient financial support and gold reserves, opening a bank also has deep relationships, and all of this is now available to Gu Chen.

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