The more Gu Chen thought about it, the more feasible he felt, now money has no meaning to him, so what he is pursuing now is the same spiritual pursuit as other celebrities in the world.

He also wants to leave a great reputation in this world and be admired by future generations.

"Hey, Brother Ling, there's something I want to discuss with you!" So Gu Chen said.

"Huh? What's going on?

"It's the mined gold, I want it!"


"It's that I want to buy the gold of the Imperial City Mining City!" Gu Chen explained.

"Eh? Brother Gu, what do you want so much gold for? If it's for fun, then you can take some away! Huangpu Ling was stunned when he heard this, and then said with a smile.

After all, in his opinion, the minimum minerals in this gold mine are at least two or three thousand tons!

That's hundreds of billions of dollars!

"Nope! I want it all! Gu Chen said directly.

"What? What do you want so much for? Huangpu

Ling was shocked at this moment.

That's no small number! Even if Gu Chen has half of the equity, it is not a simple matter for him to take it.

"I'm going to open a bank!"

Gu Chen did not hide it, and directly stated his purpose.

"Huh? Are you going to open a bank?

At this time, Huangpu Ling's voice was directly broken, and Gu Chen's ears buzzed when he listened.

"Yes! What's wrong?

"You too... No, why are you planning to open a bank?

"After thinking about my current assets, plus I just found such a big gold mine, why not open it?" Gu Chen said.

At this time, in a hotel, a man was lying in the bathtub, his expression convulsive.


Huangpu Ling thought about it, with this person's worth and background, opening a bank is more than enough.

But it is also limited to him, like these hidden families, it is simply more difficult to open a bank than to ascend to the sky.


"There is naturally no problem with this matter! But for this price..."

"Don't worry! Just sell at the usual market price! Gu Chen waved his hand and said directly.

Although this price may be his loss, after all, once such a large amount of gold comes out, the price of the gold market will definitely plummet.

"Good! No problem! Since Brother Gu opens a bank, then our Huangpu family will definitely support Brother Gu. Then Huangpu Ling assured.

After all, following Gu Chen, they will definitely not have any losses, and they can also gain Gu Chen's favor, and he believes that as long as they go back and tell the family, the family will also agree very much.

As for the question of whether private banks will fail? He hadn't thought about it at all.

With the status of Longteng Group, the giant in the scientific and technological world, how can he say that he will fall, even if he wants to fall, the country will not let him fall.

"Haha! OK! Then I will thank Mr. Ling! Gu Chen smiled when he heard this and thanked him.

Although there is no support from the Whampoa family, it does not have much impact on him.

But he still inherits the love of others, and not everyone will be the icing on the cake.

After all, with his group, he can keep the bank running.

Then he promulgated another article, and if the person he cooperated with in the future chooses his bank, then there will be priority cooperation or some kind of concession of interests, and I believe that by then, there will be many people who will make the right choice.

In addition, his employees now have nearly 100,000 people, and their wages will also be paid from their own banks in the future, and then ask the employees' families to use this bank, so isn't the popularity coming?

He has enough confidence in his bank, so with the accumulation of time, he will definitely not be inferior to the five major banks in the future.

After that, Gu Chen hung up the phone, although he wanted to open it, but now there was no preparation.

So he directly called the assistant group!

Directly leave all the specific preparations to them.

They were shocked, but they didn't expect that their bosses had already done this.

As for the official problem, it is left to himself.

As everyone walked down, Gu Chen was not idle, and he directly called his tool Academician Chen.

"Hey, hello, Academician Chen!" Gu Chen smiled.

"Hello Mr. Gu!"

At this time, Academician Chen was sitting in an office looking at scientific research materials, and suddenly his mobile phone rang, and after looking at it, he helplessly picked it up.

"Academician Chen, you understand!"

Then Gu Chen revealed the fox's tail.

"Mr. Gu, please say!"

Now Academician Chen has learned to be smart, and he is too lazy to ask.

"I want to open a private bank, and I want to ask Academician Chen to help me solve the formalities."

Gu Chen also did not ink, and he was straight to the point.


At this time, Academician Chen put down the information in his hand with a surprised expression.

"Mr. Gu, how did you come up with the idea of opening a bank?"

He was a little curious, but he really didn't expect it.

"Well, naturally I feel that the industry in my hands is a bit too much now, and it is a bit troublesome to use other banks all the time!" So I thought of opening a bank! Gu Chen explained.


Academician Chen was stunned, and then he cried and laughed, he was a little speechless.

Listen, do you say it?

He could be regarded as having seen the wealth of this Mr. Gu.

He has seen local tycoons buy cars, houses, planes, and yachts, but have you ever seen people who think that transferring money is very troublesome and directly open a bank?

He hadn't seen it anyway.

He quickly suppressed the blood pressure that was about to rise, and took a blood pressure lowering drug in the drawer before slowly speaking.

"Mr. Gu, there is no problem on my side, but to open a bank must have enough gold reserves, I don't know you..."

Is a few thousand tons enough? Gu Chen said cheerfully.


Suddenly, Academician Chen's blood pressure suddenly went up, if he hadn't had the foresight to take medicine once, he would probably be on his way to rescue now.

This number made his brain stop thinking, and he seemed to see the brilliant golden light emanating from his mind.

"Gu... Mr. Gu, you're not kidding, are you? Academician Chen swallowed his saliva and said suspiciously.

Although he knew that this Mr. Gu could not lie to him, he still didn't believe it, after all, so much gold could not be bought if he wanted to.

"Haha! Naturally not! Could it be that Academician Chen forgot? Didn't I say I found a vein before?

Gu Chen laughed loudly when he heard this.

"What? Could it be that Mr. Gu was talking about gold mines before? And the reserves are several thousand tons?


Gu Chen replied with a smile.


Academician Chen suddenly gasped, he didn't expect that this Mr. Gu's luck was also so good, he found such a big gold mine, and suddenly he also had endless regret, why didn't the country find it?

"How? Can Academician Chen finish this matter for me before May Day? Seeing that the other party was silent, Gu Chen continued.

"No problem!"

After hearing this, Academician Chen replied with a trembling and hoarse voice.

"Okay! Then thank you Academician Chen! In the future, Academician Chen can deposit the pension money in my bank, and then I will increase the interest for you! Gu Chen said happily when he heard this.

In his opinion, this academician has helped him so many times, and despite the above task, he is still very grateful, so he said generously.


Academician Chen was immediately moved when he heard this, and he reacted when he just wanted to blurt out a thank you.

Suppress the excitement and regret in your heart: "Mr. Gu is polite!"

Then he hung up the phone, and naturally he had to report the matter to the above.

Generally speaking, banks are related to people's livelihood and are not sloppy at all.

Although there are many private banks on the market, those influences are very weak, and the official will naturally not pay attention to them, but now this Mr. Gu is different!

If he is built, it will be a huge impact on the five major countries! If he is not happy, it will be a disaster for the market!

Then he walked to a bright office, where a familiar old face was signing official duties.

Academician Chen did not bother and stood straight to the side.

The room was filled with the rustle of signatures and the turning of pages.

I don't know how long has passed, the old man finally finished his official business, and when he wanted to move his body, he suddenly found Academician Chen.

"Huh? Academician Chen! When did it come? Why don't you call me?

"Not long after I arrived, I saw the general handling official business, so it was inconvenient to disturb him!" Academician Chen hurriedly said.

"You, you! By the way, is there something going on? The general asked with a smile after taking a sip of tea.

"It's about that Mr. Gu!"

"Is he? , what is the matter with him? When the general heard this, he shook his head and smiled and asked jokingly.

"That's right!"

Academician Chen quickly said all the previous things.

And the general listened more and more seriously.

Until Academician Chen finished speaking, he did not speak for a long time.

"This kid, it's really lucky!" Then the general's face instantly relaxed and quipped.


When Academician Chen heard this, he also nodded and agreed.

"But do you need to promise him about this?" Academician Chen immediately asked.

Although he promised Gu Chen before, it was just his own words, and it could not represent the general and the country.

"Why not! That kid I know, he knows everything he does! Don't worry about him! The general nodded and said with a smile.

"Yes! I understand! Academician Chen quickly replied when he heard this.

Gu Chen naturally didn't know that the honest Academician Chen would also play word games with him, and now he was about to recruit people again.

"It seems that I am going to set up my own headhunting company!" Gu Chen thought with a wry smile.

His development speed is too fast, the cultivation of talents is too slow, for him now there is no use.

Of course, as long as he survives this period of time, then his foundation is naturally not bad talent.

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