It seems to be very concerned, but in fact, it is to remind the other party to pay the balance quickly.

"Thank you Mr. Gu for your concern, it's already done!"

Jiang Shao thanked with a smile at this time.

Then he changed the subject.

"I don't know where Mr. Gu is! The supercar promised before has been shipped to Huahai. Hearing

this, Gu Chen was overjoyed in his heart, but he was still very modest on the surface: "Haha, Jiang Shao is really polite!" It's really embarrassing to be a little thing!

Jiang Shao was a little moved when he heard this, it seems that this Mr. Gu is much better than he thought! But then he knew he was thinking too much.

"But since Jiang Shao is very polite, then I will reluctantly accept it!" I'm on the new district, Jiang Shao should know the way!

Gu Chen's voice came over.

Jiang Shao: "..."

"I know!" Then Mr. Gu, we'll see you later! Then he reacted and said quickly.

Originally, his plan was to give it to Gu Chen, but he didn't expect that Mr. Gu was also a wonderful person.

About an hour later, Jiang Shao arrived at the new area, he looked at the four high-rise buildings that plunged into the sky, and he was also a little emotional and shocked, especially when he knew that this was all that Mr. Gu, and he knew more and more that Mr. Gu was unfathomable.

Then, under the leadership of an assistant, he came to Gu Chen's office unimpeded.

The office occupying the first floor, coupled with the top-notch design and decoration style, can't help but sigh, this is probably the most tasteful office I have ever seen.

"Mr. Gu!"

When he saw a man younger than him sitting on a sofa, he shouted directly.

"Hmm! Jiang Shao, we finally met! When

Gu Chen heard this, he looked up at the comer, huh! Handsome appearance, extraordinary temperament, immediately got up and said hello politely.

"Mr. Gu is polite! I've seen Mr. Gu a long time ago! Jiang

Shao put the shelf extremely low.

"Please sit! Jiang Shao! Gu Chen bowed his head slightly and invited.

"Mr. Gu can just call me Bai Sheng!" Jiang Shao hurriedly reminded.

Hearing Mr. Gu call him like that, made him feel weak.

"Thank you Mr. Gu for the matter of the younger brother this time! On behalf of my second uncle and second aunt, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Gu. Then Jiang Shao got up and said sincerely.

"Haha, Jiang is less polite!"

Gu Chen waved his hand to indicate that he didn't care.

Then Jiang Shao put a box in his hand in front of Gu Chen's eyes.

Inside is the key to the supercar and the relevant certificate.

Although Gu Chen didn't care at all on the surface, he was very happy in his heart.

Because his phone vibrated after the other party handed it over.

He knows it's a sound and a text message that the task is completed.

Then he chatted a lot with Jiang Shao, which made Gu Chen can't help but sigh, it is worthy of being from a big family, whether it is seeing or talking, it is very extraordinary.

In the end, the two chatted for nearly an hour before Jiang Shao left.

"Mr. Gu, will you attend a party tomorrow night?" Lin, Jiang Shao opened his mouth and invited.

"Huh? What party?

"Just some of our peers' gatherings, relax, and have fun!" At sea. Jiang Shao explained.

For the situation of this circle, he did not show off, you must know that this circle has great restrictions, and it is impossible to enter without a certain status.

But these so-called restrictions, for this Mr. Gu, are not restrictions at all, no matter what circle he has a status to enter, the key is whether he is willing to enter or not.

Therefore, he was very keen to bring Mr. Gu in.

As long as the invitation is successful, their circle will directly rise several notches, and his face and connections will also change dramatically.

"Look again!" Gu Chen thought about it and said.

There was neither a refusal nor a promise.

He has not participated in this kind of circle, but it is no different from those in the past.

But it was at sea, which kind of interested him.

"Uh-huh! If Mr. Gu wants to go, notify me directly!

Jiang Shao was overjoyed when he heard this, although Mr. Gu did not agree, but he did not refuse, which means that there is a great possibility to go.

Seeing the other party leave, Gu Chen did not look at the box, but directly opened the mobile phone.


"Congratulations to this user for completing the side quest Famous Car Collection, the current progress: 3/10. Reward generation..."

Sure enough, it is a reward for completing the task, but I don't know what the reward is this time.

Gu Chen was full of expectations.

"Ding! Congratulations to this user for getting a luxury yacht in the Streets of Monaco! Seeing

this, Gu Chen's eyes suddenly lit up, he had heard of this brand of yacht, this is the most expensive yacht model in the world! Unexpectedly, he won this reward, although it did not meet his expectations, but he still enjoyed the happiness of the white very much.

Isn't it joyful that he got a supercar and a yacht at no cost?

Sure enough, the next introduction to the yacht was a text message.

"Streets-of-Monaco, like a dream castle built on the sea, is super beautiful, built in special metals comparable to aircraft carriers, very high-grade, and the furniture inside is completely handmade."

"There are twelve rooms on board, as well as a large luxury suite, bar, cinema, gym, meeting room, wine storage room, etc., and the entire surface of the ship is rendered in dreamy blue, making the whole yacht look like one with the sea.

There are also colorful glass stairways on the surface of the ship, and there are two helipads at the front.

"Not only that, but the yacht is also equipped with bulletproof and protection systems in every corner, using a lot of advanced technology, which can very well protect the privacy and safety of the occupants."

"So a billion dollars! The cost is very expensive, comparable to some destroyers!

After reading it, Gu Chen sighed again and again, just such a yacht is worth nearly 10 billion!

"The yacht is currently parked in the harbor and the documents as well as the driver and attendant are fully equipped! The user just has to accept it!

At this time, another text message came, and Gu Chen was not in a hurry to receive it after reading it.

"Nearly 10 billion yachts, you have to experience it! I have to call my parents and Xinyi to go together! Right on this May Day! Gu Chen decided.

Then put down the phone and pick up the box.

At first glance, it is a scaled-down version of the supercar, which looks very sci-fi and is worthy of a concept model.

After thinking about it, Gu Chen went directly to experience it.

The trailer company that Jiang Shao directly called before put the car in the underground parking lot.

Looking at the silver-white appearance, the wheels with tires, and the streamlined body, Gu Chen was satisfied.

Without further ado, get straight to the car.

With a characteristic beast-like roar, the eight exhaust holes at the rear of the car suddenly emitted a blue-purple flame.

As soon as the brakes are released, it is suddenly like a flying cheetah, fast as the wind.

Suddenly, he left the dark parking lot.

It is really comparable to walking yuan, everyone is very envious, but they dare not approach.

I could only watch from afar.

As it left the city, the speed of the car gradually came into play.

Suddenly rampage on the road, which made Gu Chen very comfortable!

This time, he learned his lesson and began to check the fuel tank, perhaps Jiang Shao had expected it a long time ago, so the fuel tank was full.

Tested the performance of this supercar, needless to say, the acceleration of 100 kilometers is less than 2 seconds, the top speed is comparable to high-speed rail, and the most important thing is that it takes into account the best aerodynamics and stability in corners, making its driving performance very beautiful.

"Good! This is what a real man should control! Gu Chen thought in his heart.

After walking around, I drove it directly back to Tomson Yipin.

He didn't forget that he drove one to the company in the morning.

Then he walked out.

Get ready to take a taxi to the company, or just walk.

The stop-and-go was very pleasant.

"It's you!"

Suddenly, a palm slapped on his shoulder, and Gu Chen looked back, suddenly a little surprised.

"Nan Feng?" After thinking about the name, he said with a smile.

"Hmm! Why are you here? A

young man was also a bit surprised.

"Just walk around and get here, how about it? Did you solve your last time? Gu Chen explained, and then asked with a smile.

That's right, this buddy is Nan Feng, who helped Gu Chen before.

He didn't ask Mei Jiale a word at the time, but now it seems that it should be solved.

"Huh? Solved!

Nan Feng nodded when he heard this.

"That's good!"

Sure enough, Gu Chen thought in his heart.

"By the way, why are you here?"

Then Gu Chen saw that the other party was wearing a formal suit, but he came here, it was really a little unsuitable, so he asked curiously.

"I'm not meeting with the investigators of the Shenzhou Group!" Nan Feng was also a little embarrassed, and then said.

"Meet here?"

Hearing this, Gu Chen's brows frowned, and his tone was a little low.

The investigator knew that Mei Jiale reported to him at that time, in order to make their agents in Shenzhou less dirty, so they would regularly send investigators to inspect the agents in various places, and if they violated the contract they signed at that time, then the violation would pay a huge price.

But the investigator usually goes directly to the agent's company to inspect, how can he come here to meet!

"yes! Buddy, although I represent the market of Shenzhou in Jiang Province, it is difficult to say enough! Nan

Feng didn't know why he would pour out his inner thoughts, maybe Gu Chen was a stranger.

After listening, Gu Chen's face was livid.

Nan Feng said that the original investigator was quite good, but I don't know when the investigator became a blood-sucking tumor, and it was more comfortable to go out than the emperor traveled.

Because the investigators who can become investigators are generally the middle level of the Shenzhou Group.

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