Agents everywhere rely on Shenzhou to eat, where dare to offend investigators.

Otherwise, a hat that destroys the image of Shenzhou is reported back, and after three times, the qualification for cooperation will be canceled, which is simply the power of life and death!

So the agents simply treat the investigator as the god of wealth!

All kinds of gifts are constantly given, and I almost don't burn incense to worship!

As a result, the investigator became a fat gap, so he began to treat the agent more intensely.

It's not that no one has reported to Shenzhou, but it's all suppressed.

At a glance, I knew that there were high-level officials in Shenzhou involved, so the agents naturally did not dare to offend the investigators in order to make money.

After all, as the reputation of Shenzhou is getting better and better, it has gradually replaced fuel-guzzling cars, so Shenzhou brand computer cars have gradually become best-selling cars.

It's all money!

Although you will be pinched by the neck by the investigator, what is it to make money!

It's just that going on like this will only destroy the reputation of Shenzhou Auto Group.

After listening to it, Gu Chen really sentenced these people to death.

It seems that he was too benevolent before! Since the Shenzhou Group has, it is difficult to guarantee that other groups do not.

The Great Wall was destroyed in an anthill! This matter must be serious!

Nan Feng saw Gu Chen's face was ugly, and thought that he was also dissatisfied with the investigator.

"Dude, forget it, although the investigator is a little disgusting, but the agent in Shenzhou is meaty, you don't want more is someone who wants it!" Nan Feng was dissuaded.

Gu Chen was silent and did not speak.

"Dude, I can't say any more, I'm going to be late, go to the appointment first!" Talk later!

Then Nan Feng planned to leave.


Gu Chen directly stopped him.

Under the puzzled expression of the other party, he spoke: "I'll go and see it with you!" I know a friend in Shenzhou, and if it's really the same as you said, then I will remind that friend! Nan

Feng hesitated after hearing this, and then agreed.

"Okay buddy, but what's your name? I don't even know what your name is? Then Nan Feng asked with a smile.

"Gu Chen!"

Gu Chen said with a smile.

"Then it's okay for me to call you Brother Dust, right?"


Gu Chen smiled and nodded.

The two left into the distance, and there was a faint sound.

"Brother Dust, what do you do?"

"Opened several small companies!"


The two walked all the way through the bustling and lively street to a high-end tea house.

"He's here to meet you?"

Looking at the tea house with a very stylish decoration, Gu Chen asked lightly.

"Uh-huh! I guess he called me to check out! Nan Feng nodded with a smile when he heard this.

Then he stepped inside.

I have to say that this is a very tasteful tea house.

Classical light music is placed inside, the walls inside are full of age, and the wall pendants are some very commemorative photos or books, making people feel like they are in the tide of history.

"Good afternoon two gentlemen, are you drinking tea or..." A gentle waiter came over and asked with a smile.

"Sorry, we have an appointment, room thirty-seven!" Nan Feng nodded and said.

"Two gentlemen here, please! Mr. Feng inside has already ordered, you directly please! When the waiter heard this, he led the way and explained.

Gu Chen and the two naturally followed behind.

Looking at the decoration here, it seems that the owner here is also a graceful person!

"This Mr. Feng seems to be a person who enjoys it!" Gu Chen whispered in the back.

The tone was very flat, but Nan Feng heard a chill.

"It's arrived!"

Then the waiter opened the door of the room and quietly left.

"Mr. Nan, you seem to be late!"

Mr. Feng inside heard the movement and made a sound.

Nan Feng's face changed slightly.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Feng, there was a delay on the way!" Then he smiled and explained loudly.

"It seems that there is something wrong with Mr. Nan's concept of time, and the image of our Shenzhou does not seem to be..."

As Nan Feng and Gu Chen entered, the voice inside continued to come out, but when he saw Gu Chen, it suddenly stopped, and the whole person trembled in fear, the original Yun light and breezy expression instantly froze, and in just a moment, his face was extremely pale, and the sweat on his forehead was condensed like water droplets.

"Gu.... Mr. Gu! Immediately

reacted, quickly stood up, and the whole person spoke with fear.

Nan Feng on the side froze.

"Hmph! It seems that you are a very dignified investigator!

Gu Chen looked at the other party like this, his tone was very calm, without any emotion, without any waves.

"Mr. Gu, this is: It's a misunderstanding! You... You listen to me explain! Mr

. Feng's whole person suddenly felt black in front of him, and there was only one thought left in his heart, it's over!

"Okay! I'd rather hear how you explain!

At this time, Gu Chen sat directly on the vacant seat next to him and looked at the other party and said.


Mr. Feng's mouth suddenly opened, he couldn't speak, and his whole face was dead like ashes!

He naturally knew this Gu Zong, and he also knew Gu Zong's means.

"Hmph! Dare to use power for personal gain! You guys are so daring! Gu Chen said coldly.

Mr. Feng did not speak, and the whole person was uneasy at the moment.

"Who gave you the blessing?"

Mr. Feng still did not speak when he heard this.

"Do you think I can't find out?"

Seeing that the other party did not speak, Gu Chen snorted coldly and said with disdain.

Mr. Feng's face changed greatly when he heard this, and he did not doubt Gu Chen's words at all.

"Mr. Gu, I was wrong! Give me another chance, I won't dare again!

He immediately begged for mercy in fear.

How beautiful he was before, how embarrassed he is now.

When Nan Feng on the side saw this scene, he became more and more curious about Gu Chen's identity, but he didn't expect that this investigator would be afraid of this.

At the same time, when he saw Mr. Feng, who was so energetic before, like this, he felt very relieved in his heart.

"Hmph! Is the treatment given to you by Shenzhou still bad? With your status as an investigator, you are also a leader in Shenzhou, and you dare to do such a thing, it is really insatiable!

Gu Chen's tone was very flat, but Mr. Feng felt that this was the embodiment of Gu Chen's anger to the extreme.

"Go back yourself! I'll settle this matter with you later! Seeing

the other party's dead expression, Gu Chen did not have any sympathy, he could only say that the other party deserved it.

Mr. Feng's mouth opened, and seeing Gu Chen's expression, he couldn't say the words in his mouth, so he could only leave the room lifelessly.

"Dust: Dust brother! What exactly is your identity? Why is Mr. Feng so afraid of you? Finally, Nan Feng couldn't help but ask.

"Didn't you guess that?"

Gu Chen looked at the other party's expression of wanting to say something, and immediately said with a smile.

"Are you really the boss of Shenzhou Auto Group?"

After Nan Feng finished speaking, his throat suddenly rolled, and his face had an incredulous and thick look of shock.

Gu Chen looked at the other party and nodded: "Not bad!"

Nan Feng was immediately stunned on the spot, and for a while his thoughts were surging, and he immediately thought of why he had met the general manager of Shenzhou so easily before, and the other party also gave him the agency right of Jiang Province very grandly, and thought of what the other party had said to him at the symposium before.

All of a sudden, there are answers.

"Brother Dust... Mr. Gu, you helped me before? It

turned out that this Mr. Gu had secretly helped him before, and his expression was suddenly very complicated, and he was a little overwhelmed.

"Haha! I also mentioned that everything is your own ability and action plan to impress the general manager of Shenzhou, otherwise I recommend you, it is useless! Gu Chen first shook his head and said with a smile.

Nan Feng looked grateful at this time.

"Thank you Mr. Gu."

Nan Feng naturally wouldn't believe that Gu Chen said it so easily, and he was very grateful in his heart.

If it weren't for this Gu Zong, where would he have such a beautiful thing, and he would only be a rich man.

"I want to thank you a lot! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know that the company has so many moths! Gu Chen shook his head.

The face that was originally smiling also sank.

"If Gu always has anything in the future, tell me directly, and I promise to be obliged!" Nan Feng directly and sincerely assured at this time.

Although he knew that in his position it would not help at all, but the attitude had to be there.

When Gu Chen said that he didn't need to do this, he suddenly thought of something, and his eyes lit up.

"Is there really something I want to ask you for help?" said with a smile.

He remembered that this Nan Feng's family was also an old family, although it was lonely now, but the connections were there.

And he is the bottom of the poor.

"President Gu, please say!" Hearing this, Nan Feng hurriedly asked.

"It's just that you don't know some talents in the financial world, especially bank executives and so on!" Gu Chen said with a smile.

When Nan Feng heard this, he first thought about it carefully, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Coincidentally! Mr. Gu, I also happen to know one, he has just returned from abroad and is currently looking for a job! He specializes in financial management and has worked in a Swiss bank before, so he should meet your requirements!

"Then why did he return home?"

Gu Chen nodded, a little surprised, originally asked casually, but did not expect that there was really any, really gave him a small surprise.

"He is the only child in the family, his parents are old, and he is tired of staying abroad, so he came back!"

Nan Feng quickly explained: "He used to be my neighbor, Mr. Gu, don't worry!" There is no problem with his character!

"Good! Thank you so much for this! Gu Chen was very satisfied when he heard this, and said with a smile.

"President Gu is polite, I just happened to know." Nan Feng waved his hand and said.

Now that he knew Gu Chen's identity, he couldn't treat him as Gu Chen before.

At the same time, Mr. Feng, who left from here, was standing on the side of the road at this time panicking and calling his leader, that is, the person who was shielded by the investigator.

"Mr. Wang, it's not good, it's over! You have to save me!

When the call was connected, his tone was very confused.

The one on the other side frowned and said unhappily: "Huh? Feng Lei, what are you going to say?

"Mr. Wang, it's over! We're done!

"What's going on?" What's over? "

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