The person named Mr. Wang was very puzzled, and he was also very unhappy with this Feng Lei, and had already blacklisted him.

"President Gu, President Gu, he knows about us!" Feng Lei said in a very flustered tone at this time.


Mr. Wang was a little puzzled when he heard this, and then remembered something, and his face changed.

"I just met President Gu, and he knows about our investigator!" Feng Lei said quickly.

"How did you meet President Gu, didn't I tell you? Pay attention to me over there in Huahai! At this time, President Wang was also panicked, and roared in a suppressed voice.

"I don't know! I didn't expect that Nan Feng actually knew President Gu and brought President Gu over! Mr. Wang, you must save me!" Feng

Lei was like a child on the street at this time.

"You tell me everything from beginning to end! You idiot! Mr. Wang couldn't help but be angry at this time, and quickly asked.

At this time, a layer of fine sweat broke out on his face.

"That's right! Isn't it my turn to inspect? So I went..." After

that, Feng Lei told Mr. Wang all about the matter.

"Mr. Wang! You must save me!" In

the end, Feng Lei was like a drowning man catching duckweed.

After hearing this, Mr. Wang also fell on the chair, and suddenly his face was as dead as Feng Lei.

For Feng Lei's subsequent words, he did not hear the slightest.

He was very familiar with President Gu, and he was not comparable to Feng Lei, who had never seen Gu Chen.

Although President Gu usually seemed very kind, once he violated something, he had seen Gu Chen's methods with his own eyes.

He still has palpitations about the matter of Grandview Group, and now it is his turn!

Immediately scolded that Feng Lei bloody, at this time he regretted not starting out.

He shouldn't have done this, as someone else's umbrella, but he really doesn't blame him! They give too much!

For a while, he was powerless, he knew Gu Zong's means, and there was no resistance.

Gu Chen naturally didn't know what the people below thought, and at this time, he was sitting in the box that Feng Lei had booked before, chatting with Nan Feng.

Gu Chen didn't expect that this kid's ability was quite good!

For a while, I was very interested in the other party's previous affairs.

"By the way, Xiao Feng, I heard you say before that it was because your father was dug by someone else, what is going on?" Gu Chen asked curiously.

"President Gu, it's actually like this!"

Nan Feng didn't expect that President Gu was interested in this, and immediately said the previous thing.

What looked at the elders who grew up since he was a child, partnered to make a game for his father to get into, resulting in a backlog of funds in the company, unable to operate, and could only be sold helplessly.

"What? You say it's because you took a batch of similar game helmets or something? After listening, Gu Chen was stunned, and then asked.

"yes! In fact, it's also strange that I didn't care about things at home before!

Although Nan Feng didn't know why President Gu had such an expression, he suddenly felt a little lonely and regretful.

If he had cared deeply about his own business and helped his father deal with his affairs, then this would not have happened.

Game helmets, he knows, but he knows very well how it is possible to develop virtual holographic 3D games with the current level of technology, except in novels or movies.

"Who developed these gaming headsets?" Gu Chen hurriedly asked.

He knew that the technology was a bit difficult.

"It was a foreign scientific research institution, and my father was deceived by them at that time!" Nan Feng thought for a moment and said.

"What about this batch of gaming helmets? Have you tried it? "

Hmm! It's really okay, 50% real and virtual! Nan Feng explained.

"Really?" Gu Chen was very surprised.

"Uh-huh! Naturally, now that batch of helmets is still in my father's hands, Mr. Gu can try them himself!


Gu Chen directly agreed.

Then the two went directly to Nan's house.

Riding in the car driven by Nan Feng, go straight all the way.

An hour later, it arrived at the Nanjia suburban warehouse.

"Since these game helmets are like chicken ribs, my dad threw them all here!" After getting off the car, looking at the endless large warehouse, Nan Feng explained.


Gu Chen nodded, here he naturally knew that the Taiyu Group under him also had dozens of large warehouses here.

After registering at the management office, we went straight to the warehouse.

We passed through nearly ten warehouses and arrived at a relatively small warehouse. Naturally, there are several personnel guarding outside.

"Nan Shao!"

After seeing Nan Feng, several people immediately perked up and shouted in unison.

"Hmm! What's inside is okay! Nan Feng nodded and asked.

"Everything worked fine inside! People come over every day to clean and take care of it!

One of the leading men replied respectfully.

"Good! Open the door!

Nan Feng nodded when he heard this, and then ordered.


The leader quickly replied.

With a creak, the big iron door of the warehouse opened directly.

"Mr. Gu, please!"

Nan Feng did not enter at the first time, but turned to Gu Chen and invited.


Gu Chen was also not polite and walked in directly.

Unlike other warehouses, the inside is unusually clean and bright, the warehouse is not large, the space is rectangular, surrounded by foam, the floor is floor, the middle is full of boxes, and there is a row of machines on the left, which looks very high-end!

"Mr. Gu, this is the connector, the box is full of game helmets, there are 10,000 in total!" After Nan Feng saw Gu Chen nodding, he quickly introduced.

"Good! Can you also see it here? Gu Chen nodded when he heard this, and then asked.

"Naturally! , The connector over there is connected to the game helmet, do you want to try it yourself?

"If you can!"

Gu Chen said with a smile.

Without saying a word, Nan Feng went to open the computer over there, and then took out a helmet and connected all the cables.

After operating for nearly five minutes, he smiled and said to Gu Chen: "President Gu is already ready, you can try it yourself!" Fortunately

, he learned to be interested in this before.


Although Gu Chen was sitting in a cabin like a large oval, it was like a massage chair, which was almost equivalent to a game warehouse.

After putting on the game helmet, his whole vision suddenly darkened, and after the whole person swirled, there was a huge light curtain in front of him, as if he was in the scene, he could feel that this seemed to be another world, but it was only him.

He tried to jump and pat himself, although it was not obvious, but he could still feel it.

It's a wonderful feeling, like changing randomly in your own head, or being out of your body according to fantasy, and it's very interesting.

Finally, when he came out somehow, the whole world was suddenly engulfed in half, which made his eyes very painful, and then the picture turned, and he saw Nan Feng and the others, returning to reality.

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