"How? Mr. Gu! Doesn't it feel amazing! Nan Feng asked with a smile.

"Good! It's tactile, like the second world in a movie, but it's a little slow!

Gu Chen nodded with a smile, and then said.

"Normal, Mr. Gu knows that I am the fastest network cable on the market here, according to my estimation, if you want not to freeze, you need a faster network cable!" Didn't you hear a domestic state-for-group release about the 5G network before? If you involve 5G networks, this situation should not occur!

Nan Feng nodded when he heard this, and then analyzed and explained.


Gu Chen also nodded.

"It's a pity that there is nothing but being able to watch that scene, which is far from the game helmet in the novel!" Nan Feng said with some pity.

If it is really researched, then their Nan Clan is almost really going to rise!

So these gaming helmets, while they look tall, are actually chicken ribs.

But Gu Chen was happy in his heart, isn't this right? He has a piece of technology about holographic games!

"Xiao Feng!"

Then he looked at Nan Feng.


"I want these game helmets!"

"President Gu, this..." Nan

Feng was stunned when he heard this, a little puzzled.

"I'm very interested in this! Oh yes, I forgot to tell you! I started a game company that specializes in this kind of holographic game!

Gu Chen revealed a news with a smile.


Nan Feng was stunned when he heard this, and then showed an incredulous expression.

Because after his father was deceived by this scam before, he also specialized in researching and finding a lot of information.

The current world technology is far from reaching the level of holographic games in science fiction, which is simply a gold-swallowing beast that cannot see the future.

Just like his Nan family once had tens of billions of assets, after investing all of them, they only researched this chicken rib game helmet.

And there is another uncle who pits his father, and although he got rid of it in the end, they also lost billions ah!

"Mr. Gu, this project is a bottomless pit! You know that our Nan family is because of this..." Then

he didn't want this Gu to follow in his family's footsteps, so he wanted to persuade.

Although the Shenzhou Group is much larger than their Nan's cattle, it will definitely be the same in the end.

"I know! But don't worry! I'm sure about this!

Gu Chen knew what he meant, and said with a smile.

He understood the kindness of the other party very well.


Seeing this Gu Zong, he knew that he could not be persuaded, and people could master such a large enterprise, and his ability and vision were naturally not comparable to him, so he did not persuade again.

"In that case, then I can sell it all to President Gu!" And that research institute abroad! After

thinking about it, Nan Feng made a decision.

Since this Gu Zong wants to try it, he can also help, that research institute is also useless in his hands, it is better to sell it directly to Gu Chen, maybe people really research something, although this may be very small.


Gu Chen was overjoyed when he heard this, he was about to say this!

"Thank you! Little Maple! Rest assured, I won't be at a loss! Then he said with a smile.

"So be it! That research institute and all the results of your previous research plus this batch of helmets, I want all 3 billion! What do you think? Then Gu Chen thought about it and said seriously.


Nan Feng was directly stunned after hearing Gu Chen's words.

Three billion!

This number directly shocked him.

After a few minutes, he reacted, looking at Gu Chen's handsome face and quickly refused: "President Gu, this is too much, this is not worth the price at all!"

Although this figure made him very impressed, in the end, reason made him refuse.

"No, this price is something I seriously consider, you don't have to worry! Will I still trade at a loss? Gu Chen said with a smile.

This price is indeed carefully considered by him, after all, that research institute must now have very deep experience, plus the three billion products they have researched before are still less.

The most precious thing in the twenty-first century is knowledge and technology, and only by mastering knowledge and technology can it occupy an important position in subsequent development.

"This.... All right!

Nan Feng hesitated for a moment and directly agreed.

He didn't discuss it with his father, now that the Nan Clan was in his hands, and his father would definitely agree if he was here.

Three billion! Or cash.

Even before his family went bankrupt, he couldn't get so much cash.

"In that case, let's sign the contract tomorrow!" You come to the new district to find me! I work there now! Seeing this, Gu Chen said with a smile.

After that, he walked out, then separated, and Gu Chen returned to the company.

Nan Feng, on the other hand, directly called Nan's father, who was aging at home.

"Dad! I sold the institute and gaming helmet you invested in! "

He went straight to the point.


At this time, in a villa with a very good environment, a middle-aged man was stunned after receiving the phone.

He didn't expect that someone would buy his failed project.

"It's true! It is the boss of China Auto Group! Dad, in fact, is very coincidental, it is a friend I knew before, I also found out today, and my previous agent was still sent by him! Nan Feng said quickly.


Father Nan was stunned when he heard this, and then frowned and said, "You won't be deceived, right?"

"Dad, what do you want?"

At this time, Nan Feng, who was in the car, was very speechless.

"How much did you sell it for?"

"Three billion!"


At this time, Father Nan felt even more that his son had encountered a liar.

"You didn't sign any contract, did you?"


"That's good!"

Father Nan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay! Dad, I'll go back and tell you again, it's definitely not a lie to you!

Nan Feng started the car at this time and rushed home.

An hour later South home, living room.

"That's it! I also specifically checked, the chairman of Shenzhou Group is really Mr. Gu! Nan Feng said excitedly.

However, Father Nan's expression was very strange.

"Huh? Dad, are you all right? Father

Nan shook his head, and he was very shocked at this time because he recognized Gu Chen.

After all, Gu Chen is very famous in Jiang Province, let alone him.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that his son had known that Mr. Gu for a long time.

"Do you know who that Mr. Gu is?" He then looked at his son and asked.

"Isn't it the chairman of Shenzhou Group?" Nan Feng was stunned and asked puzzled.

"Hmph! I used to tell you to pay attention to things in the circle, but you didn't listen! "

Father Nan really hates iron but not steel.


Nan Feng was a little embarrassed when he heard this, and quickly changed the topic.

After all, I used to be young and insensible.

"Is there anything hidden? That Mr. Gu!

"Naturally! That Mr. Gu is not an ordinary person! Father Nan sighed a little when he heard this.

"You kid is really lucky! I actually knew that Mr. Gu! What a blessing for my Nan family! Then looked at Nan Feng and said with a smile.

"Could it be that Mr. Gu has other identities?"

Nan Feng was a little puzzled.

"Good! Now the chairman of Longteng Group is that Mr. Gu!

Father Nan's tone was a little excited.


When Nan Feng heard this, he stood up directly, and he was very shocked.

No wonder he felt that Gu Chen's name was a little familiar before, it turned out to be this reason.

No wonder his father felt that he had encountered a liar before, that Mr. Gu was not something that ordinary people could see.

Then he remembered all the things before, no wonder that Mr. Gu was so generous, now everything has an answer.

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