"That legendary Mr. Gu is Gu Chen! And is he also the chairman of Shenzhou Group?

At this time, the shock in Nan Feng's heart could be said to be incomparable.

He must have heard of Mr. Gu's reputation, but he didn't know the real name of that Mr. Gu, after all, everyone was called by Mr. Gu and Mr. Gu.

"That's right! Everyone is so respectfully called Mr. Gu! Do you know that the whole Huahai and even Jiang Province don't know how many people want to know Mr. Gu, you are good, you really don't know the true face of Lushan! But this is also your chance, after all, maybe Mr. Gu just likes your honest nature. Father Nan looked at Nan Feng with a look of relief and praised.

"Hey, hey! Where did I think so much, I didn't expect to meet that kind of big person casually!

Nan Feng smiled when he heard this.

"Good! Since it is that Mr. Gu who wants to buy, then this matter will be handed over to you, and you don't have to refuse directly, after all, people don't lack this money at all! Gee! That's three billion! Father

Nan sighed with some emotion, and his tone was even more admiring.


Nan Feng nodded when he heard this, indicating that he understood.

After he knew Gu Chen's identity, he knew that the other party really didn't care about this money, although this money was a huge amount of money for him.

Then the two fathers and sons began to talk about other things as before.

The next day, Nanfeng took all the materials to the new area, the headquarters of Longteng Group.

Sure enough, I saw Gu Chen.

For a while, he was a little excited, mixed with nervousness and unease.

"Gu.... Mr. Gu shouted as he looked at Gu Chen very restrainedly.

"Don't be nervous, Xiao Feng, sit down!" Gu Chenwan smiled and said without care.

He understood that this kid should know his identity, no, according to yesterday, this kid should not know, but after going back, it should be his old son to tell him.

He naturally investigated the identity of the other party's Laozi, and he was also an extremely powerful person, but unfortunately in the end, he ended up late, if he didn't have a capable son, it is estimated that even his ancestral inheritance would have been lost.

Now he is more leisurely at home and has entered retirement and old age life in advance.

"Mr. Gu, I have all the information you need! When do you think acquisitions can start? Nan

Feng naturally did not dare to sit all of them, leaning forward slightly, sitting on his butt for a third, and the rest were all suspended in the air.

"Say it casually, why haven't I seen you like this before!"

Gu Chen saw that the other party even used honorifics, and he was suddenly a little speechless.

"Hehe, it's not very nervous, Mr. Gu, I didn't know your identity before!" When Nan Feng heard Gu Chen like this, he knew that he really didn't care, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a smile.

"Okay! You brought all the information, right? Gu Chen waved his hand, and then asked casually.

"I brought it, I also informed them of the research institute, but they will not arrive for a while, and they are still on their way." When Nan Feng heard this, he quickly replied.

At the same time, he also took out the information in his handbag and handed it to Gu Chen.

"No problem!"

After Gu Chen took it, he said a word on his lips and looked directly at the document.

The data shows that it is Nan who owns the technical ownership of the research and development of this scientific research institution, plus the contract of the researchers in the research institute, a total of twenty years, the treatment is the top, and their ability and professional knowledge are also quite powerful.

After reading it, he handed it to Lawyer Lin, the exclusive lawyer behind him.

"Good! I think this lab is quite powerful! How come no business buys you?

Then Gu Chen asked a doubt in his heart.

In his opinion, this institution can be said to be of great value, and he feels that three billion is too little.

"Mr. Gu, in fact, there were indeed many companies interested and consulted before, but when they knew that this was a company specializing in holographic 3D, they all seemed to encounter wolves, and they retreated faster than anyone."

"Actually, I don't know why Mr. Gu spent a lot of money to buy this chicken lab."

Nan Feng smiled bitterly when he heard this, and told the truth.

After all, he didn't want to lie to Gu Chen and leave a bad impression.

Gu Chen nodded when he heard this, and did not explain anything.

It seems that holographic technology is also a cutting-edge technology in the world, but there have been no major achievements.

Gu Chen asked a few more questions, and Nan Feng naturally answered without concealment.

"Mr. Gu, there is no problem with the formalities!" After Lawyer Lin finished checking, he interrupted and replied.


Gu Chen heard this and said that he knew, after nearly a year of training, he naturally understood this material without any problems, but he was not a professional, so he naturally had to add a layer of insurance, just in case.

"In that case! Then this contract Nan always see if there is any problem, if not, then we can sign it!

Then Lawyer Lin handed Gu Chen two more contracts, and Gu Chen then gave Nan Feng one, and slowly spoke.

Nan Feng took it and handed it directly to the lawyer he brought behind him.

After the latter carefully examined it, he quickly returned it to Nan Feng, and whispered a few words, and Nan Feng nodded repeatedly.

"Mr. Gu, there is no problem on my side, then let's sign the contract!" Nan Feng looked at Gu Chen and said nervously.

After all, that's three billion! As long as he signs his name, then this huge amount of money belongs to him.

Although he was very polite before, but now he naturally has a hot gaze, although this huge amount is only a quarter of before his family went bankrupt, but it is assets not cash!

Now except for some deep large group enterprises, as well as some hidden families with a long heritage, who else can take it out without breathing?

There is no one but this legendary Gu Chen.

"Of course you can!"

Gu Chen took the pen on the table, signed his large characters very skillfully, and stamped his handprint.

If there is any character in his writing that looks the best, it is undoubtedly his own name, not even weaker than some calligraphers.

No way, his writing was good, plus for nearly a year, he dealt with company affairs every day and signed his name, but I don't know how many times he wrote it.

"President Nan, we have a good cooperation!"

Then Gu Chen stood up and stretched out his right hand to Nan Feng with a smile.

"Thank you Mr. Gu! Happy cooperation! Nan

Feng was very excited and happy when he heard this, and even very honored.

After all, not everyone has the opportunity and identity to make transactions with Mr. Gu.

Gu Chen then informed the financial director Xu Shishi to transfer money directly through large-scale specific transaction channels.

However, when it comes to such a large transaction amount, it is naturally extremely troublesome, although Gu Chen is the top customer of major banks.

This made Gu Chen want to establish a bank as soon as possible, after all, it was very convenient for himself.

Since the funds had not yet arrived, Nan Feng naturally had not left yet.

Originally, this kind of transaction was supposed to give money, but Nan Feng believed Gu Chen very much, and directly mentioned it.

He knew that Gu Chen couldn't lie to him, and with his identity, it was really unnecessary.

"By the way, have you ever looked for that financial talent you know?"

Taking advantage of this time, Gu Chen remembered something and asked.

"Found it! He said he would come for an interview! I don't know the specifics! If Mr. Gu is in a hurry, I can contact him immediately! Nan Feng explained when he heard this.

"No thanks!"

Gu Chen shook his head, he was not very urgent, after all, because he was not satisfied with the space and security of the previous bank, it was being rebuilt.

After all, he wants to make the bank one of the top ten banks in the world, so the headquarters naturally can't be too stingy, but now there is not even a shadow, so the meal must be eaten bite by bite.

Then the two chatted a lot again, until Nan Feng's mobile phone rang.

When he opened it, he saw that it was from the bank, and he was very excited.

The right hand that crossed was trembling.


He suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked first.

"Hello, are you Mr. Nan Feng?"

"Yes! I'm Nan Feng! "

Hello Mr. Nan, I am the president of the Huahai branch of Huaxia Bank, you have just received a huge sum of three billion, I would like to ask, is it your own transaction?"

"It's me!"

Hearing this, Nan Feng was so excited that he almost didn't hold the phone, and directly a wave of excitement surged into his heart, heavy breathing, accelerated heart beating, and the blood in his whole body was running rapidly.

All reflect his mood at this moment.

Then the other end of the phone also chatted very respectfully and hung up.

It took him a few minutes to come to his senses, and he realized that this was Mr. Gu's place, and he was suddenly a little embarrassed.

"Mr. Gu, I'm sorry just now, I'm a little emotional, which makes you laugh!"

Quickly apologize.

"No problem! I think I was like you when I got such a large amount of money! Gu Chen waved his hand with a smile and quipped.

He even thought of when he obtained such a large amount of money before, wasn't he the same as Nan Feng's such a gaffe?

It's just that after so much experience, he is now very calm about money.

After all, in his identity, money is really just a string of numbers!

After that, Gu Chen invited him to visit the entire floor of Block A, which made Nan Feng excited again, and he was naturally very interested in this building that can now be described as a landmark building in Huahai.

After visiting a circle, Gu Chen invited him to eat a meal at Longteng Group's Chinese restaurant.

The taste is naturally full of praise, in order to greet personal taste, Gu Chen has dug up celebrity chefs all over the world with a big salary.

Ling Nanfeng was full of praise, and he really envied the people who worked here.

At present, Longteng is very famous in the world, of course, there are elites from all over the world.

After watching the other party leave, the game helmet and connection equipment that were in the warehouse before, Gu Chen directly moved into the warehouse on this side of the new area, and the connector and the game warehouse were directly replaced with the latest technology.

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