As the USB flash drive was inserted into the computer, Zheng Tianxing clicked on it and suddenly a huge file came into view.

After double-clicking to open one of the files, the computer froze directly for a few seconds, and then a huge amount of information, code form, graphic text, and related introductions popped up, covering the entire screen.

After the two glanced at each other, they stared directly at it, their eyes motionless and hooked.

"This..." More

than a quarter of an hour passed, and the two of them watched basically everything displayed on the screen, and the excited expressions on their faces were overflowing.

"It's about technology in holographic games?"

Mu Liangcheng was a little incredulous, and after swallowing his saliva, he looked at Zheng Tianxing and asked.

He is naturally a very knowledgeable person, just by reading such an article, he knows that the technology in this is real.

"That's right!"

Zheng Tianxing also had a complicated face, and with his ability and vision, he naturally knew the true content of this technique.

Mu Liangcheng suddenly remembered what President Gu said during the previous interview.

"It seems that President Gu has long expected this problem, but where did he find the technology?"

Mu Liangcheng's excitement was mixed with some doubts.

Zheng Tianxing shook his head when he heard this, he was also very puzzled, and with his level, he naturally couldn't ask Gu Chen directly.

"With this technology, I believe that holographic online games should be able to come out!"

"Naturally! Tianxing, presumably when the time comes, we can directly become famous in one fell swoop!

Mu Liangcheng said very excitedly.

"yes! This is all brought by Mr. Gu! Zheng

Tianxing was also very emotional when he heard this, and the complicated expression in his eyes flashed away.

"I know, but since President Gu gave us this document, it means that he believes in us, so President Gu will definitely add our names at that time!" Mu Liangcheng said firmly.

Then the two said a few words, they were fully engaged in absorbing the information and striving to transform it into their own ability as soon as possible.

At this time, Gu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, things in the past few days have really been one after another, it is really too busy.

But at the moment, his main thing is the investigator thing.

Therefore, after he directly ordered Huahai's affairs, he was ready to rush to Yangcheng to thoroughly investigate the matter.

Not long after, he landed on his luxury plane to Baiyun Airport.

Looking at Mei Jiale who came to pick up the airport, he got into the car without saying a word.

Mei Jiale naturally heard some wind noises, his face was anxious, he didn't expect that there was such a big mistake in his body.

Looking at Gu Chen, who did not speak, his heart fell even more silent, and he followed Gu Chen uneasily.

All the way to the building of Shenzhou Company without saying a word.

Since the current Shenzhou can be described as a big show, as a headquarters, it will naturally not be chilled, and it is located in the center of the science and technology park.

"President Gu!"

At this time, the high-level Shenzhou executives received the notice, so they all stood downstairs.

Many of them were a little puzzled, some were worried, and even more pale and scared.

"Well, everyone go to the conference room and wait! Manager Mei come with me!

Gu Chen ordered and went upstairs.

The assistant naturally followed without saying a word, leaving a group of overwhelmed management, as well as Mei Jiale, who had an unpredictable face, and he stood for a while and then followed directly.

The others you look at me, I look at you, and then they also rush in and honestly go to the conference room.

The employees at the bottom are naturally very curious and don't know what happened, but they also know that the current company is a little dignified.

Although Gu Chen does not come often, there is still an office as the chairman, and it is spotless, and it is obviously cleaned every day.

At this time, the office was unusually quiet.

Gu Chen sat on the chair without saying a word, while Mei Jiale stood straight to the side, as if he was punished by military training to stand in a military posture.

Time passed minute by minute, the body of the middle-aged deformed, some slightly fat Mei Jiale's face was very heavy, he was still a little puzzled, but there were some guesses in his heart.

Gu Chen looked at the things on the desk, there was a computer in front of the right, a bunch of books next to it, and several documents on the right, as well as a teacup.

He tapped lightly on the solid log table, making a rhythmic clicking sound.

The voice was very small, but it was extremely loud in this quiet office, and Mei Jiale was a little trembling when she listened.

"Gu... Mr. Gu, what happened? He really couldn't bear the atmosphere, so he took a step forward and asked.

When Gu Chen heard this, he looked at the other party, and his calm eyes made Mei Jiale feel more pressured.

"Manager Mei, how do you feel that this general manager of yours is blind! You don't know what's going on underneath? Gu Chen sighed and asked lightly.

Mei Jiale has good ability, but the means are not good, and the people below play him around, and he doesn't know at all.

"President Gu, I..." Mei

Jiale heard this and snorted in her heart, is it really about this?

"Tell me, what do you know?" Gu Chen looked at him and continued to say slowly.

The latter's mouth opened when he heard this, but he still did not speak.

Because of the rapid development of the group before, but also the comprehensive and rapid development, there were many things in the group, which seriously affected his work efficiency, so he handed over the internal affairs of the group to several vice presidents under him.

Now Gu Chen asked him what happened, and his eyes were naturally black.

In fact, he also smelled that something was wrong, but several vice presidents said that there was no problem, plus his affairs were pushed together recently, so he put this matter aside for the time being. , I

planned to check it after this busy paragraph,

but I didn't expect that President Gu actually knew it.

At this moment, he already knew that things might be beyond his control.

"Hmph! I'll tell you! The investigators sent by the group to supervise dared to extort money in the name of the group! It is simply lawless, and there is even a cover to hide, and an industrial chain with huge interests has been formed! As the general manager of the group, you have no idea who controls everything.

"It's just nothing! Nothing! Gu Chen pointed at Mei Jiale's nose and suddenly erupted.

Mei Jiale's face suddenly changed when she heard this, and her pale expression quickly climbed onto her face.

"Mr. Gu, this... I.."

Mei Jiale wanted to explain something, but now that President Gu flew over from Huahai, it was naturally conclusive evidence, and he had nothing to explain.

It can only be said that he himself saw the wrong person and harmed him a lot.

"Hmph! If it weren't for the results of the investigation, you wouldn't know anything! I'll send you straight in! I'll give you a chance to uproot me directly, what about it! Find a report one! Are there any problems? Then Gu Chen snorted coldly and said coldly.

He naturally investigated before, knowing that Mei Jiale was very busy every day during this time, and he didn't know, otherwise how could he give him a chance!

In fact, he also knows that although Shenzhou has been established for more than half a year, it is still a new enterprise, and the various systems are not perfect.

In addition, this period of time is also the time for the rapid development of Shenzhou, so as the general manager, it is naturally very busy, and it is understandable that the group lacks management.

However, Gu Chen naturally wanted to teach the other party a profound lesson, and the board was raised high, naturally it was impossible to put it down easily.

"Please rest assured! I will definitely thoroughly investigate the company, give you and give the group an explanation!

Mei Jiale's flustered heart also reacted quickly, knowing that this was President Gu giving him a chance, so he replied firmly.

At the same time, he was also very angry in his heart, and he must find out all the guys who harmed him.

"Then let's go!"

Then Gu Chen got up and went to the conference room.

At this time in the conference room, everyone knew that the boss seemed to be angry, so the quiet inside could be heard, without any dissatisfaction, except for a few people who were anxious and looked flustered.

Suddenly, the door of the conference room creaked open, and everyone was sitting in front of each other, thinking to themselves, "Coming!"

Gu Chen walked in with his usual face, followed by Mei Jiale, who had a calm face.

He looked around, and outsiders could not see any expression.

"I think everyone is very curious, why did you call everyone over today!" Gu Chen said calmly.

Everyone below naturally showed curious eyes.

"If I hadn't learned about this by accident, I'm afraid I would still be kept in the dark!" Gu Chen continued.

Mei Jiale at the front had a very gloomy face, and he stared directly at several vice presidents, he knew that these must know, otherwise he would definitely not be able to hide from him.

The senior executives of the group in the front row naturally looked evasive, and their expressions were very uneasy.

"Isn't the treatment of my Shenzhou still bad? He even used his position to destroy the reputation of the group and ask for bribes and blackmail! Simply even more bandit than a bandit!

Gu Chen's face also sank at this time and said.

After that, he said the matter again, which immediately caused a huge sensation, everyone whispered, and a few completely lost hope, and the quick-minded people naturally found several different people, and they were immediately disdained.

"I didn't expect that the investigator position I set up was originally to protect the reputation of the group, but I didn't expect to be destroyed by this group of corrupt people, and even more so that the reputation of the group was greatly damaged outside, it was like a cancer!" Gu Chen scolded loudly.

"So I've already called the police! For this incident, anyone who violates the crime and harms the interests of the group will not be tolerated! Gu

Chen's loud voice echoed in the huge conference room.


President Gu..."

Some people were even more panicked and very afraid, they did not expect President Gu to be so decisive and would not give them a way to live.

It was a pale face that frightened, and the whole person lived to fear.

"I will give this matter to Manager Mei!"

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