Gu Chen didn't care about anyone's expression at all, and after saying something to Mei Jiale, he continued: "In the future, the group will increase its system, and it will not tolerate anyone who harms the interests of the group!" I hope you can lead by example, after all, I ask myself, your salary is definitely the top among your peers! After

saying that, he left directly, and during this period of time, he planned to sit directly in Shenzhou until this matter was all resolved.

After Gu Chen left the conference room, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, because Gu Chen's angry and angry momentum just now really overwhelmed them.

"Everyone, what President Gu just said, I will do it! It's a shame, I didn't expect you to be so good! They actually concealed me to death! Very good! From now on, remove Wang Lin and Wen Wen from the position of deputy general manager, and the rest will continue as usual! Let's investigate one by one! Mei Jiale said coldly at this time.

As soon as these words came out, everyone understood that this matter was originally done by these two vice presidents, and suddenly their eyes swept over.

The spirit of the two had long been gone when Gu Chen was there, like a tardy old man, there was no movement.

Then his cell phone rang.

After he took it, he listened to a few words, and everyone below found that Manager Mei's face became even worse, and they all guessed who called.

"Very good! It seems that there are quite a few moths within our group! What an eye-opener for me! If you don't check, you won't know, but I'll be shocked when I check!

Mei Jiale laughed angrily.

Then he slammed the door out, leaving behind a group of executives who were overwhelmed.

It turned out that this call was from the secretary, who had asked the secretary to check and found that nine out of ten investigators were unclean, which made him lose face.

He had also played a ticket in front of President Gu before, and there was definitely no problem, but he didn't expect this face to be a loud crackle.

After that, Gu Chen stayed in a local hotel, but he forgot what he had promised Jiang Shao to go to the sea.

At this moment, in a port in Huahai, a large yacht stopped smoothly at the edge of the port, and from time to time some young men and women entered and exited separately.

At this time, at a port, Jiang Shao stood alone, opening his mobile phone from time to time, obviously a little anxious.

As time passed, he was a little disappointed to see that Gu Chen had not yet come.

Just as he was thinking about whether he should ask, three men came behind him, who looked a little extraordinary.

"Brother Jiang, what's wrong? See how sullen you are? Who are you waiting for? One of them asked with a smile.

"Hmm!" Jiang Shao glanced up when he heard this, and nodded.

"Haven't come yet? There are still people who refuse Brother Jiang? Wouldn't it be a beautiful woman? One of them raised his eyebrows and quipped.


It immediately caused laughter from the other two.

"It's not! Be a friend!

Jiang Shao shook his head, "I originally wanted to introduce it to you!" Very good for you guys! It seems that the people did not come, forget it! "

Oh? When Brother Jiang said this, I was curious!

Jiang Shao smiled and did not speak, after all, Mr. Gu did not come, he did not need to say more, otherwise people would still think that he was pretending.

"Let's go!"

Then he stepped on the board first, and a cheerful sound of music came faintly from the cabin, so he shook his head and said no more.


Later, whether it was the employees of the group or the local news reports in Yangcheng, it was discovered that in Shenzhou, police officers took away a bright, white-collar Shenzhou Group employee in a suit.

It has caused some hot searches, after all, the current Shenzhou Automobile Group occupies an important position in the domestic automobile industry.

Some people originally thought that the Shenzhou Group had committed a crime, and when the peers were about to be happy, when they pushed all kinds of unfavorable news, suddenly the Shenzhou official directly issued a prosecution.

It turned out that the corruption and bribery within the Shenzhou Group were directly handled openly, and it was immediately widely discussed and praised by netizens.

In the past few days, Shenzhou's sales have skyrocketed, making other peers stunned and very envious, shouting "This is okay??" "

Some small brand companies have also done this secretly, but it has caused panic within the company and unstable military heart, which is really self-inflicted!"


The occurrence of such an important thing in Shenzhou Group naturally did not escape the eyes of agents all over the country, and after seeing them one by one, they shouted even more, and the anger before Shenzhou disappeared, and the favorability rose and earned a wave of fame.

This was something Gu Chen did not expect, and it was simply a surprise.

"Mr. Gu, at present, all the matters concerning the investigators have been investigated, and the participants have all been punished separately."

At this time, Mei Jiale was reporting the progress of this matter to Gu Chen.

In the past two days, he has been very busy, and he has put aside all the official duties of the group to investigate the corruption incident.

Although he had Gu Chen's help, his ability was naturally undoubted.

"How do you plan to arrange the investigator's affairs in the future?" Gu Chen nodded when he heard this, thought about it and asked.

"I intend to abolish the decision-making power of investigators and only the right to supervise, and in the future, they will only have the right to supervise, and will not play a decisive role in the group's business, only one supervision and inspection power will remain!" Mei Jiale said confidently.

It seems that he has already had a plan in his heart.

"Oh? Wouldn't that be the equivalent of an investigator?

"I'm going to put the oversight and investigation directly into their business assessment, and if what he investigates turns out to be wrong, then they will be half responsible, so they will be very positive and this will happen rarely!" Mei Jiale continued.

"Good! If you think about this matter carefully, you will send it to me after discussing it at the meeting!

When Gu Chen heard this, he nodded one after another, feeling that this method was generally feasible, but there were still some flaws, so he mentioned it.


Mei Jiale hurriedly said when she heard this.

At this time, he was also relieved in his heart, it seemed that this level was considered to be over.

"This matter can be seen that your ability is still good, but it also exposes your problems, so I will send someone over to help you share some pressure in the future for things within the group."


Mei Jiale had long known that this would happen.

"It was finally solved before May Day!" Gu Chen also smiled and said.

"yes! Mr. Gu, I don't know how many days off May Day? Seeing

Gu Chen smile, Mei Jiale also smiled, restored her previous personality, and asked with a little ease.

"It's up to you to arrange it yourself!" Gu Chen said lightly after glancing at it.


Mei Jiale was overjoyed, and immediately said: "Thank you President Gu, President Gu is really wise and martial!"

"By the way, now that there are so many positions vacated within the group, what are your plans?"

"Now the employees within the group are very good, so they can immediately fill in other departments." Mei Jiale replied.

"In that case! Then go down!

Gu Chen nodded when he heard this, and then waved his hand directly.


It was already late at night when he returned to Huahai, and the sky and moon at night were rare.

At this time, the Gu family had already finished dinner.

Gu's mother complained that her son who suddenly came back was in the kitchen.

"You said you didn't reply to a message before you came back, I simply owe you!" Gu Mu was warming the dish and glared.

"Hey, hey!"

Gu Chen smiled and didn't answer, with his experience, if he answered the phone, he would definitely scold more than he did now.

"Also, I don't know to eat out so late."

When Gu Mother saw that Gu Chen did not answer, she suddenly had a feeling that there was nowhere to release, and then found a topic to continue.

"Where is there good food at home! It's still my mother's cooking and delicious! Gu Chen said quickly.

He smiled bitterly in his heart, where did he know that there was a sudden problem at the airport, and he was not allowed to take off, and it was almost two hours late.

"That is!"

When Gu Mu heard this, the corners of her mouth rose unconsciously, and she was very proud and happy.

What could be happier than a son praising himself?

"That's right! Mom, I'll take you to the sea on May Day, are you going or not? Gu Chen suddenly remembered something and asked.


Gu's mother was a little stunned.

"O sea! I bought a yacht before and haven't driven it yet, plus none of us have been to the sea, do you want to go and play? Gu Chen said with a smile.

"Huh? This one can! Mother

Gu's eyes lit up when she heard this.

"By the way, you call Dad back too! Tell him to give the workers a holiday!

Gu Chen smiled and added: "Paid!"

He knows that for workers, there is no such thing as a May Day holiday, so they generally do not rest.

In order to earn more money, so Gu Chen will say so, for him now, this money is still out of him.

"Uh-huh! This is good, although your father wanted to do this before, but he didn't have so much capital! Gu's

mother also agreed very much, for the Gu family has always been in the engineering real estate industry, she also knows that it is not easy for workers, three hundred and sixty-five days a year, they can't wait to work three hundred and sixty-six days, all year round, just to earn more hard money.

"Uh-huh! Rest assured! Mother!

Gu Chen nodded seriously.

Then the two mothers and sons chatted for a while, and Gu Chen also finished eating.

"By the way, how do I feel that you and Xinyi seem to be a little wrong recently, have you quarreled?" Suddenly, Gu's mother slammed her head and quickly asked.

There was even a hint of unkindness in his tone, staring at Gu Chen tightly, as if as long as he said a word, then there would be a stormy blow.

"Mom, you think too much, we didn't quarrel! If you don't believe me, I'll call her over now!" Gu Chen was stunned when he heard this, and then said.

He remembered Xinyi's shyness before.

"yes? Forget it's so late, she also sleeps, I'll ask in person tomorrow! "

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