Gu's mother looked at Gu Chen in disbelief.

Gu Chen suddenly felt a little helpless, and now he didn't believe Gu's mother when he spoke, which really made him a little sad.

So he washed his dishes and went back to his room.

The next day, a light sea breeze blew into Huahai City, bringing a faint refreshment.

Gu Chen glanced at the weather forecast, and the next few days would be sunny and windy.

Early in the morning, Chu Xinyi came to Gu's house, and she immediately saw Gu Chen, who had just returned from exercise, and was immediately stunned, then overjoyed and shy.

"When did you come back?"

"Last night!"

Gu Chen immediately smelled a faint fragrance, and then said very comfortably.

"Ah, Xinyi is here! Hurry up, ready for breakfast!

At this time, Gu's mother heard the voice in the living room and said with a smile.

When she saw Xinyi and Gu Chen standing together, she immediately relaxed her heart.

After eating, the two naturally returned to their previous state and went to the company together.

However, Gu Chen could still see Chu Xinyi's beating ears, and the sun shining down on that white and flawless face with a trace of blood vessels, which was charming.

This niko is still a little shy.

"What do you see?" Chu Xinyi stared intently at the road ahead, and then asked.

There was a faint blush on her pretty face.

"Naturally, it's up to you!" Gu Chen replied with a grin.


Chu Xinyi snorted coldly when she heard this, but looking at her expression, you will find that her mood is happy.

After arriving at the company, the two separated, Gu Chen went back to his office, he was in Yangcheng these days, and naturally he piled up a lot of documents.

So he handled the affairs lightly.

Not long after, the assistant walked in.

"President Gu!"

"Hmm! What's up? "

The documents of the Bank of Heaven and Earth have all been completed."

Hearing this, Gu Chen raised his head and nodded slightly, remembering that he said to Academician Chen that it seemed to be quite fast to do it before May Day!

"How's the bank expanding?"

"It's still working overtime, but the appearance has almost been built, and a professional anti-robbery team is being hired to build it!" The assistant explained.


Gu Chen nodded, then thought of something and asked, "By the way, how is the talent recruited?" What happened to the branches in the provinces and cities?

"Mr. Gu, at present, the headquarters has recruited a top talent, his name is Fan Zhe, who has worked in a Swiss bank before!" Experienced, and I have investigated, the ability is also very outstanding, no bad habits.

"As for the branches in various provinces and cities, they have all found places, just waiting for them to open!" The assistant reported with a smile.

The provinces and cities naturally do not need to be compared with the headquarters, so he directly acquired the local private bank, and changed it, and it was quickly finished, as for the talents who heard that this was opened by the chairman of Longteng Group, they naturally flocked to it.

Now Longteng Group has become a kind of signature enterprise.


Gu Chen was very satisfied, it seems that the person that Nan Feng's kid recommended to him is quite powerful!

"Since this is the case, you can release the news, first play the signboard of Tiandi Bank, whether it is open or not, let everyone know that there is this bank!"

"Yes! I'll do it right away! The assistant quickly responded.

Then the assistant hurried out.

Gu Chen naturally continued to deal with his own affairs.

It wasn't long before his cell phone rang.

He glanced at it but found that it was a foreign number, or a call from Mecalon, and he was stunned.

"Hello? Is there something going on with Director Mei? Gu Chen asked with a smile after taking it.

"Good morning, Mr. Gu!"

At this time, in a luxurious office in Hollywood, an elderly man with a mobile phone stacked a smile and asked.

But if you look closely, you can see a vague sadness.


Gu Chen put down the document in his hand, but found that there was no sound on the other side, and he was a little puzzled.

"Huh? Mr. Mecalon? Gu

Chen felt a bad feeling in his heart.

"Mr. Gu..."

Mecalon was a little embarrassed at this time.

"I'm really sorry Mr. Gu for disturbing you, there is something I want to tell you."

"Please say!" Gu Chen's eyebrows picked up, and said directly.

But he had some guesses in his heart.

The only thing he had contact with the other party was Han Yumian, and a character in his hand, and now that the other party has found it, it should be that there is a problem here.

"Mr. Gu is really sorry! I'm afraid that the role that Miss Han won will be taken back, I'm sorry!

After speaking, Mecalon was heavily relieved, but he knew some of the identity of this Mr. Gu, and he also knew Mr. Hunter, and he had been worried that it would be much more comfortable to say it now.

"Huh? What's going on? Hearing this, Gu Chen sighed in his heart, and then asked.

"Mr. Gu, I can't do anything about this matter, the Hollywood Film Organization gave me a notice and told me to change "Dragon Girl!" " role actor, but if there is only a film organization, I can directly refuse!

Mecalon explained with a deep apologeticism.

"Oh? Who else? As

soon as Gu Chen heard it, he understood that someone should have put pressure on him, and according to Mecalon's current status, this situation is generally impossible.

But this matter is just not ordinary.

"It was said by Prince Eaton himself, and I can't do anything about it!" Mecalon Road.

"Eaton?" Gu Chen asked suspiciously.

He had not heard of this character.

"Prince Eaton is the heir of the DuPont Foundation, and his origin is very strong, so Mr. Gu, I can't help it, I hope you understand!" Mecalon said apologetically.

Gu Chen was even more puzzled after listening to it.

He has naturally heard of the DuPont Foundation, one of the top ten chaebols in the United States, with a long history and strong strength, much deeper and more powerful than the emerging consortium California Foundation.

Hunter is one of the trustees of the California consortium, and even he is not as high as Eaton.

Because the DuPont consortium is a family consortium, Eaton's family is the one who controls the existence of the DuPont consortium, and his father is the contemporary consortium controller, a real giant aristocratic family, as the heir of the consortium, he certainly has the capital not to put Hunter in his eyes.

However, he did not dare to offend Hunter, after all, he was only the heir.

Although this Eaton has a strong background, he doesn't seem to have seen that person!

"Mr. Mecalon, may I ask why that Eaton is following your films?" Gu Chen asked.

He means that since Eaton has such a big background, he shouldn't pay attention to the casting of a movie, right?

"I specifically inquired about this, it seems to be for a woman he just met recently, that woman is an artist in Sakura Country!"

"This way!"

Gu Chen nodded when he heard this, indicating that he understood

, but he still felt wrong,

a consortium heir would find a small unknown artist?

You must know that he has some understanding of the descendants of these consortiums, and like the hidden families in China, it is impossible to marry a small drama, and they are generally married.

Just like some existing royal families in order to preserve the purity of bloodlines, they are all internal marriages.

Although it is possible that he is just playing, Gu Chen feels that something is wrong.

Then he quickly opened the computer to check the business of the DuPont consortium, and sure enough, he saw the automobile industry! It was understood in an instant.

The other party specifically investigated himself at a glance and knew that Han Yumian was his sister, so he wanted to signal to himself through this.

"Mr. Gu?"

When Gu Chen fell into deep thought, Mecalon was a little apprehensive, after all, although he was born in the Mellon Consortium, his status was far from that of Eaton and Gu Chen.

He is just a side disciple, and if this Mr. Gu is angry with himself, he will be cold.

Although he is a world-renowned director, he is simply not on the table in the face of these forces.

Entertainment has served the upper class since ancient times, and he naturally knows this iron law very well.

"Huh? Sorry Mr. Mecalon, just thinking about things!

Gu Chen came back to his senses and heard the other party's apprehensive voice speak.

"It's okay, it's okay! I just can't help Mr. Gu!

Mecalon waved his hand again and again, although Gu Chen couldn't see it.

If there can only be one choice between the two, he naturally chooses Eton, after all, he is a American, and the family and the DuPont consortium are also on good terms, and have nothing to do with Gu Chen.

If the family knew that he helped Gu Chen, then his end would definitely be very miserable, Gu Chen would not be able to save himself no matter how big the force was, unless the Mellon consortium was eradicated, but this idea can be thought of.

He is born in a consortium, naturally knows how terrifying the power held by these consortiums is, to put it bluntly, they will still exist when the United States is gone!

"Wait! There is no rush in this matter, I will solve it! Gu Chen naturally didn't know what the other party thought and said.


Mecalon was stunned, although from his professional point of view, Han Yumian played the role of "Dragon Girl" very perfectly, but Eaton Gongzi's request could not be refused, and he did not think that this Mr. Gu could get this role again.

For the rumors of Eton's son, he is still very clear, the rumors are like golden words, what he says is what he says, it is impossible to change, and he hates anyone to change.

If a good guy had been born in ancient centuries, he would definitely be a proper king.

"I'll take care of this! Mr. Mecalon doesn't need to announce it first! Gu Chen said again.

Naturally, this matter could not be publicized, otherwise his Zhixia company would be destroyed.

"This: Well, since Mr. Gu said it, then I will hide the news for the time being. Mecalon

was a little hesitant when he heard this, but he had a little debt to Gu Chen before, gritted his teeth and directly agreed.

After all, he didn't want to offend Mr. Gu either.

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