At this time, Eaton suddenly became serious when he heard this. After thinking about it, he understood who the other party was talking about.

"The prince said that there is a man named Gu Chen from the East?" "

Yes, it is that Mr. Gu!" said Rashid directly when he heard this.

"Well, Mr. Gu?"

Eaton suddenly shook his heart when he heard this.

He didn't expect that Gu Chen still knew this prince, and his status in this prince's heart was not low.

After all, he knew that this prince was arrogant, and not everyone could enter his eyes, let alone call him sir.

"Yes, Eton, I didn't expect you to have a conflict, so I'm here to make peace for you!

"That Mr. Gu, I think you should have also understood, but he is not an ordinary person, why not turn the fight into a jade!

Eaton was silent when he heard this, he naturally knew that the other party said very clearly, but this matter was not what he thought, it was impossible to turn the conflict into a victory, after all, the conflict of interests was not easy to solve.

But since this prince personally came to persuade peace, he could not help but give face.

"Prince, this matter is not something that can be clearly explained in a few words, I will not reconcile with that Gu Chen so easily!" he said with a wry smile.

After all, that Gu Chen could be said to have snatched meat from his hand.


Rashid's face sank when he heard this, he said so and Eaton refused, that is, not to give him face.

If Mr. Gu knew later, wouldn't that face be thrown into the Sahara Desert?

"Your Excellency, I know your kindness, and I also know the purpose of that Gu Chen looking for you,

so be it!

After all, Rashid can be said to control his throat, although recently they DuPont is mastering the oil raw material channel from other places, but the current effect is very little, so naturally they dare not offend the other party.

"It's okay!"

Rashid's face softened when he heard this, and after thinking about it, he agreed.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to completely offend Eton for Gu Chen.

After hanging up the phone, Eaton's face suddenly sank, and then showed a playful smile.

"Interesting, Gu Chen, I didn't expect you to know Prince Rashid! But

this is interesting!" Then he directly ordered people to tell Mecalon that the character was gone.

As Hunter expected, he naturally did not offend Gu Chen for some star, but because Gu Chen's Shenzhou electric car touched their interests, he wanted to give Gu Chen a warning!

Not long after he lay down after a day's casting of the main character, he received a phone call and received a notification that the Eaton boy had given up the role of the heroine.

Hearing this news, Mecalon was even more stunned for a long time, and he didn't know when the other party hung up the phone.

Then he showed a complicated expression, it seemed that he was still underestimating that Mr. Gu.


At this time, Gu Chen had received news from Rashid, saying that it was over.

Ling Gu Chen also relaxed, although this matter has passed for the time being, it is not over, the next thing is to prepare to deal with the other party.

Unexpectedly, the speed of that prince was quite well-informed.

After a while, his phone rang again.

It was really shocked after Mecalon, he wanted to inform Gu Chen of the news, and he also wanted to deal with it.

"Hey, Mr. Mecalon!"

asked Gu Chen with a smile.

He naturally would not spill his anger on him, and he still had a good impression of the other party before.

"I'm here to congratulate Mr. Gu!" Mei

Karon's inner pressure became even greater after hearing Gu Chen's voice, and then he tried to suppress his heart and smiled and congratulated.

"Hmm!" Gu

Chen thought secretly,

it seemed that the other party also knew.

"No one can grab the role of Miss Han anymore!" said Mecalon quickly.

"I already know this, I still have to thank Mr. Mecalon for his help!" Gu Chen thanked with a smile.

"Mr. Gu is polite, I didn't help much, all this is Mr. Gu.

Mecalon quickly waved his hand at this time, and then hung up the phone after a few more congratulations.

Then Gu Chen didn't do anything, he was dealing with affairs all day, he planned to finish everything, and then go out on May Day to have fun.

After work, he wanted to go home and suddenly remembered that he was going to have dinner with Hamandan, and suddenly a phone call called him to pick him up.

He's not far from here anyway.

Half an hour later, the car stopped smoothly next to Gu Chen.

"Gu Chen, get in the car!" Foreign

characteristic Mandarin came out from inside the car, obviously Hamandan's foot-skimming Mandarin, and he was obviously very happy to see Gu Chen.

Gu Chen suddenly smiled, opened the car door directly, and sat up with a butt.

"Where to?" asked Hamandan, turning his head.

"Find a place to eat!" said Gu Chen with a smile.

He didn't say the place, and with the foodie nature of this guy, he definitely knew that the restaurant in that place was delicious.

"Good!" When

Hamandan heard this, he suddenly stepped on the accelerator, rushed away like a sharp arrow off the string, and quickly disappeared on the street of the new district.

The car is a good car, but unfortunately, in this rush hour, the supercar that the two sit on is not as good as the fast electric car on the side of the road, shuttling through the street quickly.

"Gu Chen, the traffic in Huahai is really infuriating, I am often blocked on the road!" said Hamandan helplessly.

In our country, at this time, you will be stuck in traffic in any urban area!" Gu Chen chuckled, and then explained.

"It's still good for our country

!" "That's a small number of you!"

Gu Chen glanced at the proud Hamandan and poked it directly.

"That's better than here!" Hamandan disagreed.

"Are you as happy and safe as our country?" said Gu Chen lightly.


Hamandan said in a pause.

The two spent time in traffic jams.

After a while, he left the street.

Hamandan's technique was still quite good, and he saw the timing all the way to the left and right, and soon reached a deep alley.

"Let's go, Gu Chen, I'll take you to a good place, make sure you haven't been here, the taste here is very good!

"Is it!" Gu

Chen was also quite curious when he heard this, a foreigner could find this place.

So I followed.

After going down, Gu Chen looked around and found that this seemed to be an old town.

Suddenly his brows furrowed, but he didn't particularly care.

Although there are mixed fish and dragons here, but he is not a vegetarian, it is no exaggeration to say that now he can beat three or four strong men one by one, after all, his physical fitness has been transformed to reach the current limit of human beings.

If he learns some sanda martial arts, and then undergoes systematic training, he can definitely kill the king in seconds!"

"Hamandan, you haven't encountered trouble before coming here?" Gu Chen asked after looking at Hamandan who got into it.

He had heard it here, and he had heard several colleagues say it before when delivering food.

It's a place where outsiders and locals mingle, shabby and crowded, all kinds of people, and at night it's a paradise for those who walk on the edge of the law and frantically test the tightrope.

Although this alley is opposite the old town.

"No, what's the trouble?" said Hamandan when he heard this, turning around very strangely.

"It's nothing, this is not a good place, you will come less in the future!" Gu

Chen waved his hand when he heard this, and instructed.

After all, if something happens to this Lord here, it will be a big barley, and it will be absolutely political and diplomatic!

What Middle Eastern prince was actually killed in the first city of China?

"Don't worry!" Hamandan

came to Gu Chen's ear and whispered a few words, and Gu Chen instantly understood.

Then there was no more speech, and the alley was full of mottled charm,

as if isolated from the sci-fi city outside.

Suddenly, the line of sight in front of me widened, and there were gradually more pedestrians on the road, and there were many shops, restaurants, supermarkets, and other shops on both sides.

"How is it?"

Hamandan looked at the surprised Gu Chen a little proudly.

"I didn't expect there to be such a street here!" Gu

Chen was a little surprised.

Let's go, the store is still in front, I heard that it is a store that is hundreds of years old, usually many people!"

After walking for about hundreds of meters, at an intersection there is a quaint, atmospheric, and elegant façade.

There were also three ethereal and handsome, powerful big characters

on it, "Piaoxiang Lou!" Gu

Chen read out.

"Good, it!"

Hamandan walked straight in.

Everything inside is ancient things, nothing is a modern product, and the layout of the restaurant in ancient times is similar.

The first floor is full of several tables with chairs, square tables and benches.

Next to the door on the left is the cash register.

The waiters inside are all costumed as costumes.

When I first came, I thought I was filming!" explains Hamandan with a laugh.

"Two guest officers, please inside!" then a junior came over and asked with a smile.

Gu Chen looked at it, there was still a little towel on his shoulder, it was simply a complete ancient little two, which made him very surprised, if he woke up and appeared here, he would definitely think that he had crossed over!

The second floor is similar to the downstairs, but the view is more empty, and you can see the scene on the first floor.

Go to a railing and sit down.

Hamandan kept picking up the menu on the table, a lot of things in the store, and then Xiao Er left directly.

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