At this time, Gu Chen was looking at the other people around, and found that they were all young men or women, all dressed brightly, and the clothes on their bodies were not ordinary brands, simply put, they were either rich or expensive.

It seems that the people who come here are not bad money, but why this hotel is located here is strange to Gu Chen.

After all, this is close to the old city, the least economically developed area, but it is really strange to see that the consumption here is not low.

Doesn't it feel like you're a thousand years ago!" whispered Hamandan.

"Isn't consumption cheap here!" asked Gu Chen.

"Uh-huh, it cost me nearly ten thousand when I came last time!"

replied Hamandan with a nod.

"Why is this shop here?" "

I don't know, anyway, there are many places to eat here, almost all of them are rich second generation!" Hearing

this, Gu Chen nodded, and he stopped thinking about it, after all, he only came here to eat.

"What were you looking for my brother Wang for before?" "

Ask him for a favor!"

"Uh-huh!" Then

Hamandan asked, directly changing the subject, and talked about the fun things he had encountered during this time.

After that, the meals were quickly served.

"Try it!" said Hamandan quickly.

There is a sense of anticipation that needs to be praised.

Gu Chen picked up a meatball in front of him and put it in his mouth, and suddenly his taste buds seemed to be sublimated.

"Not bad!" Gu Chen's eyes lit up and praised.

Then the two did not talk and ate all the time.

While the two were eating, people kept coming in, and soon the restaurant was filled.

Among them, two or three young men also walked up to the second floor, the three were talking in a low voice, and when they came up, they looked around, and suddenly a tall man in the middle found Gu Chen here, to be precise, he looked at Hamandan.

Then several people walked directly over.

"Mr. Hamandan, we meet again!" Gu

Chen suddenly noticed the figure next to him out of the corner of his eye, and when he looked up, he heard the tall man in the middle speaking fluent English.

"Duan Jiacheng, why are you here?"

At this time, Hamandan also heard the voice, and then said suspiciously.

I didn't expect to meet Mr. Hamandan again, what a fate!"

Gu Chen frowned, how many people knew each other

, so he looked at Hamandan and signaled with his eyes who this was

, at this time, the tall man naturally noticed Gu Chen, and took the lead in asking: "Hello this gentleman, I am Duan Jiacheng, a friend of Hamandan!" Gu

Chen nodded,

indicating that he knew.

This action immediately provoked the dissatisfaction of the two younger brothers next to the tall man, and he was stopped by the tall man when he was about to step forward.

Gu Chen looked at them so indifferently and did not express anything, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

All this provoked a gloomy flash in the tall man's eyes, he hadn't been ignored like this for a long time!"

"Gu Chen, he is a person I met at an auction before. At this time, Hamandan quickly explained.

"That's right, I'm a deacon at the Seven Tone Auction, Mr. Gu can also participate if he is interested!" Duan Jiacheng's expression suddenly changed at this time, and he said boldly.

At the same time, he also put a business card on the table.

Gu Chen looked at it, a purple business card about the same size as an ID card, it was very well made.

"If Mr. Hamandan is interested in that porcelain, he can participate in tomorrow night's auction, and I promise that he will not disappoint you!" "

Of course, this gentleman can also participate if he is interested, there will be more than one piece of porcelain, and there will be many fine products!" Duan Jiacheng first said to Hamandan, and then invited Gu Chen.

After all, for this foreigner he has investigated, very rich.

And Gu Chen's words should also be very rich, his eyes are very vicious, and he knows that the fabric on Gu Chen's body is very expensive, and he is definitely not an ordinary person.

Hamandan nodded, and Gu Chen was still expressionless and without waves.

"Well, I won't disturb the dining

!" Then Duan Jiacheng smiled slightly and left.

The two little brothers beside him glared fiercely, and Gu Chen snorted coldly, and left directly.

Gu Chen did not put these in his eyes.

"When do you still like to participate in auctions?" asked Gu Chen suspiciously after a few people left.

"I brought it by a friend before, and I found that the auction items inside were very good-looking, so I was interested. Hamandan explained.

Gu Chen shook his head and didn't care, after all, he hadn't heard of this seven tones, and he didn't pay attention to it.

"Okay, I'm going to go to the sea on May Day, do you want to go?" and then invited.


Hamandan was intrigued when he heard it.

My family is a little small, so I plan to invite some friends!" Gu Chen explained when he heard this.

Remember to call me then!"

agreed Hamandan.

At this time, the time is gradually entering eight o'clock, the outside is already dark, and the colorful lights in the distance form a light exhibition, competing with the three or two street lights here.

After Gu Chen and the two of them finished eating, they walked out along the alley before they came.

The alley was very dark, only some distant reflections were here, and the two quickly walked outside.

Along the way, I also met some three or two men who did not look serious, and their flamboyant dress and wanton walking posture all showed that these people were social gangsters, commonly known as the slipper.

However, perhaps Gu Chen and the two of them were one meter and eight meters tall, plus they had a special and powerful aura on their bodies, so the two were able to pass through the long dark alley unimpeded.

However, the people who live here are so worried and afraid every day, and Gu Chen frowns a little.

Although he had long known that there were many grievances in the world, he did not expect that there would be such a place in the super metropolis of Huahai.

In a mood he went out of the alley.

Colorful street lamps shone on the two of them, leaving a long shadow, and the cars whizzing on the street, and the low groans of passers-by walking and talking from time to time, all showed that it was like two worlds.

Get back to the car.

"Gu Chen, I'll send you back!" said Hamandan as he started the car at this time.

"Hmm!" Gu

Chen was a little uneasy, and then echoed and stopped speaking.

Suddenly, through the right-hand window, he saw a neighborhood just across the road from the old town, clean, comfortable, full of people, and full of life.

Suddenly a little understood, and then there was no words all the way, and soon arrived at Tomson Yipin.

"Okay, let's go here, pay attention to safety!" Gu

Chen waved his hand back to his senses, and then turned and left.

The night was fleeting.

Today is the day before the May Day holiday, whether it is the company's employees or pedestrians on the road, they are full of a cheerful mood.

Students have no intention of studying, and migrant workers have no intention of working, but today's Gu Chen is particularly busy.

Not only did he make decisions on some major matters of the major groups, but the important thing was that he was now formulating a plan for Shenzhou to march into the Americas, and although Mei Jiale was charging in front, he was a marshal who sat in the rear and took care of everything.

I don't know how long it took, and he also had a long document on his computer, full of various plans and risks.

After checking it, it was sent to Mei Jiale, it is worth saying that today is the day Mei Jiale rushed to the United States, not only did he also bring a large number of people, but at least one-third of the elite of Shenzhou.

After all, the opponent is the other party of the car of the whole meter, especially the DuPont consortium, which is a famous snake.

Suddenly, his office door rang.

Gu Chen looked up and saw that an unexpected person walked in.

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