"Mr. Gu!" The

crisp sound of the floor, accompanied by a smart shout, came from the mouth of a tall woman.

"Hmm, Manager Willow.

Gu Chen nodded a little surprised, and then said with a smile.

The person who came was Liu Ying, the general manager of Huatian Five-Star Hotel Chain.


Mr. Gu, I am reporting to you this time

!" Liu

Ying reported with a smile: "At present, the chain hotels for the establishment of Huatian Hotels in various provinces and cities have all been completed, and the personnel and various measures are ready, so I want to officially open on May Day, and by the way, take this opportunity to make a name." Hearing

this, Gu Chen also thought about it, the hotel he decided on a few years ago has finally been built!"

"Have all kinds of security measures been solved?" asked Gu Chen.

"All of them have passed!" said Liu Ying.

Tomorrow is May Day, is it too late for publicity?"

Gu Chen nodded, and then asked with some hesitation.

This year's May Day holiday is officially stipulated for five days, so it can be expected that people who go out to play must be very popular, and all kinds of hotels are in short supply in the past, so there is no need to worry at all!" Liu Ying explained meticulously.

"Eh!" Gu

Chen snorted, he felt that Manager Liu was insinuating that he was telling him the holiday date, but he was quickly attracted by her findings, nodded, and agreed with her point of view very much.

After all, now that China's economy is becoming more and more developed, people's life happiness index is also rising sharply, deposits, wallets are gradually sufficient, and more and more people go out to play.

Therefore, the general holidays are full of scenic spots, and the major hotels and guesthouses are also unoccupied in the past, and the demand is directly in short supply.

"Good, but the advertising is also essential, you should immediately vigorously publicize it in the local government, work together online and offline, and strive to make a name for yourself as soon as possible!


Liu Ying nodded when she heard this, indicating that she knew.

"By the way, since May Day has opened, will the employees in the major hotels be dissatisfied?" suddenly Gu Chen thought of something and looked at Manager Liu and asked.

Generally speaking, there is no holiday in our service industry, but in order to reflect the spirit of our enterprise, we will arrange leave, and the salary is three times during May Day, so the employees are not dissatisfied. Liu Ying hurriedly reported.

"That's good, this matter will be left to Manager Liu's responsibility!" Gu

Chen directly waved his hand when he heard this, and directly delegated power to the other party, not only to recognize the other party's ability, but more importantly, to hope that Wuyi would not disturb him!

After all, which worker didn't want the boss to give more power to himself?

She didn't know that Gu Chen was given to her because she was troublesome, she was just a tool person.

In the evening, her cousin Xu Shishi also came to Gu's house.

Father Gu also came back directly, needless to say, naturally it was dark again, and it was also more spiritual.

The family sat at the table.

"Sleep, do you want to work on May Day?"

at this time, Gu's mother suddenly asked Xiang Han Yumian.

Although he was a little inexplicable, but he had only known each other for less than a day, he liked this girl, and directly regarded it as his own daughter.

"There are several announcements!" answered Han Yumian quickly.

Seeing everyone looking at her, she suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

She doesn't know why, she is a star outside, I don't know how many scenes she has experienced, even if she has been watched by thousands of people, but she does not have this mood now, she is very flustered.

"May Day doesn't rest either?" Gu's

mother was naturally unhappy when she heard this.

"Auntie, sleep work is special, naturally it is different, just like when we rest, they are generally very busy, and when we go to work, they are sometimes idle!" At this time, Chu Xinyi next to Han Yumian suddenly explained with a smile.

"This way!" Gu's

mother was a little disappointed when she heard this, originally according to the plan, she wanted to play neatly as a family.

"Auntie, but sleep is very special, if Brother Chen goes to say something, then sleep will be idle. Chu Xinyi continued with a smile.

In private, especially in front of Gu's mother, she generally called Gu Chen Brother Dust's.

"Eh?" Gu

Chen had eaten well, but suddenly heard his name and was stunned, raised his head and looked at a few people in puzzlement.

"Huh?" Mother

Gu's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she immediately looked at her son.

"Mom, what's wrong?" asked Gu Chen with a strong desire for survival.

"I heard that Mianmian Wuyi has to go to work, you go and talk about it, let her have a good rest on Wuyi!"

"Eh?" Gu

Chen was stunned when he heard this, and then glanced at Han Yumian, who lowered his head and said nothing, and Chu Xinyi on the side looked at himself with a smile.

"This... I said it's useless, right?" asked Gu Chen puzzled.

After all, Huayi Entertainment, where Han Yumian is located, is not his own, plus he can't call Jiang Shao for such a trivial matter.

He remembered that only the hottest stars will be very busy, only unpopular stars will be very leisurely, generally his cheap sister should be very hot!

"What's useless, I also told you, this matter will be left to you, sleep on May Day must also rest!" Gu Mu suddenly glared at Gu Chen, and said directly and forcefully.

Without giving Gu Chen the slightest chance to refuse.

The corner of Gu Chen's mouth twitched when he heard this, and he was silent after shouting in a low voice, obviously agreeing with

Gu's father next to him and Xu Shishi next to Gu's

mother, who was gloating.

Chu Xinyi and Han Yumian sat together, opposite Gu Chen and Gu's father, and Gu's mother naturally sat with Xu Shishi.

"Xinyi, are your parents at home on May Day?" then Gu's mother asked again.

"My mom should have a holiday, but my dad won't, he can't come home several times a year!" said Chu Xinyi honestly when she heard this.

"This way!"

Gu's mother was a little regretful, she originally wanted to invite Xinyi's parents to dinner again.

And they are all future mothers, naturally they meet and understand more.

"Then you can ask your mother to come out and play at sea, just relax, how about it?" asked quickly.

"This, I don't know!"

"Then you persuade your mother well, or I will ask Gu Chen to persuade?"

Chu Xinyi instantly blushed a little when she heard this.

"Auntie, don't worry, I'll try to call my mother out!" Then

Gu's mother let Chu Xinyi go, and then turned to deal with Xu Shishi.

"Poetry!" "

Ah? Uncle.... Aunt?" Xu

Shishi's face froze suddenly, and she was suddenly reduced to a party when she came to see the play.

"You're almost a year after graduation, haven't you met any suitable boyfriend?" asked Gu's mother with a smile, like a wolf grandmother.

"Aunt, I'm not in a hurry.

Xu Shishi cried and couldn't answer.

Gu Chen and the others naturally watched the play from a high height.

Time passed in everyone's warmth, and suddenly Gu Chen's mobile phone rang.

Suddenly everyone looked over, Gu Chen quickly took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Hamandan.

Directly picked up in front of everyone.

"Hey, Hamandan, is there something going on so late?" asked Gu Chen with a smile.

"Gu... Gu Chen, I'm in trouble!" Unexpectedly

, Hamandan's anxious tone came out.

Gu Chen suddenly frowned.

"I liked it at the Seven Tone Auction, and I saw a national treasure porcelain!

"But the other party did not agree, saying that what to buy and leave, the money and goods were clear, and directly did not admit it." Gu Chen, I kind of understood, this is pit me!"

Hamandan quickly said the matter.

Gu Chen was surprised after listening to it.

Seven-tone auction? I didn't expect Hamandan to really go.

At that time, I saw that the group of people was not an ordinary person, so I didn't bother, but I didn't expect Hamandan to go anyway, and he was in big trouble.

"After you paid until you got something, did that porcelain ever leave your sight?" asked Gu Chen suddenly.

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