Although he does not understand the antiques industry, he also knows some common sense things.

Antiques, also known as antiques, are cultural relics left over from ancient times, and are regarded as the epitome of human civilization and history, so this line is a mixture of fish and dragons.

Especially now the genuine antiques can be said to be worth thousands of gold, and huge interests are born, and naturally there will be a group of people who are interested.

Coupled with the fact that there are very few genuine products in the world, and the demand in the market exceeds the demand, the technology of counterfeiting naturally appears in the eyes of the world.

For the problems Hamandan encountered, he immediately thought of stealing the day.

The first time you showed it to you, it was genuine, but after you paid, at a certain moment it was convenient to replace the real thing directly, and what you got was a fake that others had prepared for a long time, and as for the fact that you found it afterwards, it was useless.

Because there is an unwritten rule in this line that money and goods are clear.

Unlike other industries that can be returned if you buy fakes, in the antiques industry, you can only break your teeth and swallow in the stomach, no wonder others, can only say that your own vision has problems, commonly known as eye-punching.

After all, antiques have complex artistic value and collection value, and the preferences in the eyes of each person are different, and the value is difficult to estimate.

The auction wasn't over when I paid, so it took a while!" said Hamandan affirmatively.

"Eh?" Gu

Chen didn't know what to say when he heard this, and you dared to buy it directly if you didn't understand anything.

"How much did it cost?"

at this time,

Gu Chen could only ask speechlessly.

"More than forty million!" "


Gu Chen was stunned, he didn't expect that guy to spend so much money!

"It's dollars!" Suddenly

Hamandan was afraid that Gu

Chen would scold him for not being stupid enough, and added.

"Hmm?" Gu

Chen was stunned suddenly, just spent it like this? More than two hundred million?

He is now unable to spit on this guy, no wonder people in China like to pit foreigners so much, it turns out that here, it is really stupid people with a lot of money.

"Wait, I'll come right away!" Gu

Chen said and asked for an address before hanging up the phone.

The crowd is looking at themselves.

"That guy from Hamandan called!"

Gu Chen explained.

"What is it that he is looking for you so late, I see how surprised you were just now?" asked Gu Mu with a smile.

"That guy was pitted by an auction house, now call me and tell me to help!" replied Gu Chen.

A foreigner in Hamandan will definitely be killed by others!" Gu Mu said with great concern when she heard this.

She naturally has a good impression of Hamandan.

"Well, I'll go right away!" Then

Gu Chen directly took the car keys and left directly.

On the way, he also called Gan Le.

After all, he was not clear at all about the seven tones, so he naturally inquired about the other party.

"Hey, Brother Gu?" The

phone was quickly connected, and a long-lost voice came out.

Gu Chen was obviously pleasantly surprised to hear the voice.

"Well, Xiao Le, do you know the Seven Tone Auction House?" asked Gu Chen directly without talking nonsense.

"Seven Tone Auction House?" Gan

Ledon was surprised when he heard this.

"You know?" Gu

Chen heard the words.

"Brother Gu, I have dealt with this seven-tone auction house before, but I don't know very well, I heard that their origin is amazing, the background is very strong, whether it is black and white, they all have people, what's wrong?

"They pit Hamandan for 300 million!"

said Gu Chen.

"What?" Gan

Le was stunned when he heard this, and he didn't react all of a sudden.

Even if he heard it, Gu Chen couldn't lie to him.

"Brother Gu, it can't be a mistake, right, I've also been to this seven-tone auction house, they can't do this, right?"

Gu Chen did not comment.

"Brother Gu, then I'll come over right away!"

"Well, yes!" Then

Gu Chen hung up the phone.

Go straight to Hamandan.

At this time, a high-end commercial area in the west of the city, the innermost ancient building.

The exterior decoration is very strong and classical.

At this time, in a hall inside, the atmosphere dropped directly to the freezing point.

There were several men in black around, a foreigner and several men in suits in the middle, middle-aged people and young people, and there was a Gu Chen who also knew.

"Mr. Hamandan, since you have entered this industry, you should also know about the two things of money and goods, and besides, this cup is obviously the same before, you just don't want it, you have to find a good excuse, right?"

This person was Duan Jiacheng, who Gu Chen also knew.

"Hmph, I said that as long as the previous one, you dare to deceive me like this, I will not let you go!" Hamandan suddenly snorted coldly and said coldly directly.

"Mr. Hamandan, you can eat indiscriminately, but you really can't talk indiscriminately!"

At this time, Jiacheng heard Hamandan so ignorant, and his face suddenly sank.

Then the atmosphere cooled down again.

Duan Jiacheng looked at the middle-aged man next to him.

"Manager Gu, what should I do now?" asked in a low voice.

"Anyway, he has already bought it, directly blast him out, anyway, you said that he has no background in China, just a lot of money!"

Manager Gu suddenly showed a gloomy look.


"Don't worry, after this time, that cup will be for the two of us! What do you want then? Do you think about the future life? Every day fragrant car beauty! Where is it better than this life arrangement!" Manager

Gu suddenly showed a longing gaze, tempting Duan Jiacheng.

Duan Jiacheng heard Manager Gu's voice at this time, as if hypnosis, his mind automatically appeared that he lived in a luxury villa in the future, every day there was a woman of his dreams to serve him, travel is a luxury car, everywhere is the center of everyone, it is simply the pinnacle of life.

"Good!" Duan

Jiacheng's face suddenly turned cold, Hamandan's background he investigated, and found that it was a rich man abroad, who admired Huaxia very much, so he settled here.

Every day is to eat, drink and have fun, and I know some rich second generation with little power, with the influence of Qiyin, naturally I am not afraid of what waves the other party will make.

"Since Mr. Hamandan doesn't cooperate, then we can't be blamed!" Suddenly

Jiacheng said directly to Hamandan, and then motioned for the subordinates on both sides to directly take each other out.

"Duan Jiacheng, what do you want to do, I tell you, this matter is not over, I will not let you go!" Hamandan

was immediately taken out by two black-clothed men, and he couldn't break free, so he hurriedly scolded in English.

Unfortunately, few people can understand it.

"By the way, there is still that cup, don't forget to return it to him!" Manager Gu reminded when he saw a cup next to him.

In the end, Hamandan was kicked out of the auction house, and he immediately glared at the two big men.

However, the other party was unmoved.

At this time, his bodyguard in the shadows also walked out quickly, directly guarding against the big man in front.

"Take them down for me!" ordered the angry Hamandan directly.

Suddenly, the bodyguard directly raised his hand and put down the two big men with a thunderous momentum, which immediately aroused the vigilance of the black-clothed big men at the door, and they surrounded one after another.

At this time, two bright headlights and the sound of the sports car's engine were also heard in the distance.

Everyone immediately blocked the bright light with their arms.

Then he stopped by the flower pond, and a man in casual clothes came down, very handsome, it was Gu Chen.

At this time, he naturally saw the big man in black surrounding three men, one of whom was Hamandan.

At this time, a group of black-clothed men couldn't tell whether the coming person was friend or foe, and they didn't dare to act rashly for a while, after all, ordinary people can't afford to drive supercars.

"Gu Chen, you're finally here!" Before

Gu Chen could speak, Hamandan's surprised voice came out.

"Why did the fight start?" Gu Chen nodded when he heard this, he glanced at the two big men on the ground and asked.

The big man in black saw that Gu Chen knew Hamandan's face suddenly changed slightly, and soon a person ran inside, Gu Chen naturally saw it, did not block it, and guessed that he knew to report the letter.

Gu Chen walked directly to Hamandan's side.

"What's going on?" asked Gu Chen.

Then Hamandan explained everything in detail, nothing more than to say it in more detail before.

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