At this time, in the auction house, Manager Gu and Duan Jiacheng, who were already excited to the extreme, were preparing to celebrate, when a big man in black quickly ran in.

"Manager Gu, Deacon Duan, there is a gentleman driving a sports car outside, he seems to have come to find that foreigner!" said the man in black quickly.


?" "Huh?"


two were stunned for a moment, and then very surprised.

Manager Gu's doubtful eyes suddenly looked at Duan Jiacheng.

"Manager Gu, don't I say that I reported to you, Hamandan also knows some local rich second-generation people!

"Go, take a look, see which one dares to spread wild in front of Qiyin!" Manager

Gu also nodded when he heard this, and then said domineeringly and walked outside.


"That's the way it is!"

At this time, Hamandan also finished talking about the specific story of the matter.

Gu Chen then set his eyes on the antique porcelain that Hamandan bought for a huge amount of money, a porcelain cup.

It is a palm-sized porcelain cup with a white color, with a peony and a stone on the outer wall, and two chickens and three chicks on the ground.

He didn't pay attention to these, so he didn't know what era of porcelain it was, but with his eyes, he found that the scene on the outer wall of this cup was very tough, without the slightest vivid feeling, and it was not right at first glance.

After all, antiques purchased for more than 200 million will definitely not be ordinary products.

At this time, a group of people walked out of the gate again.

Gu Chen looked very calm, he naturally saw Duan Jiacheng last night, but he didn't have any expression, after all, he knew before that this guy was definitely not a good person.

However, Duan Jiacheng was stunned for a moment, and then explained to Manager Gu next to him in a low voice, and immediately Manager Gu looked over.

The gaze was very cold.

"Are you a friend of Hamandan?"

"Manager of the Huahai Department at the Lower Seven Tone Auction, Gu Jinhui!"

Manager Gu was very arrogant.

In his opinion, as long as he reported his identity, Gu Chen would definitely show a surprised expression.

But it's a pity that he was disappointed, and Gu Chen still had no waves.

"Since you are a friend of this Mr. Hamandan, you should also know the rules of our industry, so please tell him well, don't mess around here!

"Oh, is the Seven Tone Auction House very powerful?" asked Gu Chen with disdain after hearing this.

"Hmm?" As

soon as Gu Chen's words fell, Manager Gu and Duan Jiacheng were stunned, and they immediately looked at each other, which second stunned man did he meet

, or was this guy pretending to be stupid?

But both of them thought the second, after all,

as long as they were powerful people, they had basically heard of their seven-tone name.

"Mr. Gu, sometimes words come out of your mouth!" Manager Gu said gloomyly.

"Yes, I don't think Qiyin is very good, and he would even use such inferior means to seize money!" said Gu Chen with great disdain.

"You!" Manager

Gu's face suddenly dripped with water.

"Dare to damage the reputation of Qiyin, Mr. Gu, I don't care what your origin is, I just want to tell you that no one can save you this time!" Manager Gu said suddenly.

"Haha, I would rather see where your Qiyin comes from!" Gu Chen asked very lazily with his right hand in his pocket at this time.

Gu Chen's gesture directly angered Manager Gu, as well as Duan Jiacheng next to him, who even looked at Gu Chen with the eyes of a fool.

At this time, when the black-clothed man outside wanted to step forward, another car came.

Everyone stopped moving again and looked away.

This time it was a BBA, and it didn't take long for it to stop and a young man came down.

It was Gan Le, who rushed over from home, that he saw a group of big men in black surrounding Gu Chen, and he was immediately startled and ran directly over.

"What are you doing?" yelled suddenly.

"This gentleman, please don't meddle in our Qiyin's affairs?" Manager Gu immediately reminded coldly.

"I am the general manager of the Gan Group!" Gan

Le knew that there were many people on the other side, and as soon as he spoke, he mentioned his identity.

"Well, Ganyuan's Gan?"

Hearing this, Manager Gu's face changed slightly, and then asked.

Although he did not pay attention to Huahai's circle, he was naturally impressed by Gan Yuan, who had come to their auction.


about the Gan family, if you are planning to use the Gan family to protect you, then you are thinking wrong!" Manager

Gu then looked at Gu Chen, and the other party's confidence came from the Gan family, and immediately said with disdain.

Although the Gan family has strong energy in Huahai, they are not afraid of the seven tones, not to mention that this time Gu Chen did not put the seven tones in his eyes, that is, it was transmitted to the headquarters, and the Gan family was offended when they were offended.

Gan Le's face changed suddenly, he didn't expect that Qiyin didn't give him the face of the Gan family at all, although he had long known that Qiyin was very mysterious.

However, he quickly reacted normally, and immediately looked at Manager Gu as if looking at a dead person, although their Gan family could not offend Qiyin, but someone offended him!

He believed that Brother Gu was definitely not something that Qiyin could offend.

Now that Qiyin offended Brother Gu, and was still so arrogant, he suddenly wanted to look like a fool.

"The kid of the Gan family, I advise you to think clearly, whether you want to go through this muddy water, I think you are also very clear about the fate of those who offend our seven tones!" Manager Gu looked at Gan Le at this time and continued.

After all, he was also a little afraid of this matter, and he didn't want to make a big deal out of it, so he wanted to give the Gan family a chance to let him leave.

After all, although the Gan family can't compare with the seven tones, if there is a big trouble, then the headquarters will definitely send someone over, although the Gan family can't eat and go around at that time, but once the matter falls, he will be finished.

"Haha, I've always heard that the seven tones have a deep background, and this time I want to see if it's true!" said Gan Le with disdain.

"Good, good!" Manager

Gu was instantly stunned, and then said three times in a row.

So I was ready to take out my mobile phone directly and make a call to go out.

"Hey, it's me

!" "Manager Gu?" "Yes

!" "Hello, what's the matter?"


There are three troublemakers on my side!" Manager

Gu looked at Gu Chen and several people as if looking at a dead person, and then said.

"Well, anyone else dares to make trouble in Qiyin?" At

this time, somewhere in Huahai's compound, a middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and then did not react.

"Yes, there is the

Gan family!" "

The Gan family?" The

middle-aged man frowned when he heard this, no wonder he dared to make trouble in Qiyin, it turned out to be the Gan family, and it was a little troublesome now.

After all, the Gan family is developing rapidly now, and

the most important thing is that the kid from the Gan family actually caught Mr. Gu's line,

which is the most headache.

So he just wants to ask the other party something, if it's a trivial matter, forget it, after all, he just uses each other with Qiyin, but he doesn't want to make enemies in vain, the previous discipline commission is still pensioning!

But after thinking about it, that manager Gu will definitely not calculate like this, aren't there still two people

, then take those two to start, so that since he will not offend Mr. Gu behind the Gan family,

he also has an explanation for Qiyin.

"Who are the other two?" he asked calmly.

"There is also a foreigner!"

the unit manager naturally did not know the

psychological activities of the middle-aged man.

"What about the other one?" the

middle-aged man's heart suddenly relaxed, foreigner?

Gu Chen, yes, this Gu Chen, this person I want you to treat him well for me! He simply doesn't put our seven tones in his eyes, it's really too arrogant!" Manager

Gu immediately gritted his teeth when he said Gu Chen.

He didn't care at all that Gu Chen was around.

However, the middle-aged man was directly stunned when he heard the word Gu Chen.

The depths of his mind were like thunder on the ground, and he was dizzy, and the whole person sat directly on the chair.

As for the latter words, he did not listen to any of them.

"This Gu Chen is a bastard, you must treat him well for me!" The

middle-aged man who came back to his senses heard that the other party was still scolding there, and he immediately calmed down quickly.

His current idea is to quickly break off with the seven tones, and quickly demarcate the boundary with the seven tones.

He didn't expect that Manager Gu was so powerful, he actually provoked that Mr. Gu, and he was still cursing here, and he suddenly felt his scalp numb.

"Manager Gu!"

his mind rushed, and he immediately interrupted the other party's words.

"Manager Gu, our cooperation ends here, and it has nothing to do with you Qiyin in the future, so don't look for me for everything!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone, and then deleted all the connections related to Qiyin.

Manager Gu listened to the beep coming from the mobile phone with a confused look.


he came back to his senses and was furious: "What kind of thing! I wipe!" Suddenly

he was also full of hatred for this guy, and he made up his mind to report this guy's behavior to the headquarters, but he had to solve Gu Chen's affairs first.

At this time, the middle-aged man on the other side began to suffer again after clearing up the records, feeling unsafe, and his heart was very anxious, and suddenly he thought of something.

"Yes, now that everyone still doesn't know that Qiyin is going to deal with Mr. Gu, can I use this opportunity to brush my sense of existence in front of Mr. Gu?" the middle-aged man's eyes suddenly lit up and he muttered.

"Yes, that's it!"

and then he called directly and went straight to the Seven Tone Auction House.

As for the question of which is stronger between Mr. Gu and Qiyin, he has no doubt that he must choose that legendary Mr. Gu!

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